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$BTC 跌出了上涨趋势,现在不正是入市的时候吗? 我的投资欲望就这样缓慢而稳定 1.做传统积累 2.提取您研究过并信任的一部分DCA币收入。 定期购买:增加也购买 当价格下跌时买入更多,因为如果你相信的话,长期持有会比你买入时增加更多 3、在设定的止盈水平止盈,让资金再次增加参与。 4、将利润和结构转移到其他投资渠道。 5. 每 4 年重复一次循环! 在这种缓慢的投资风格下,我决定不能跟随丰富的赌注来改变头寸(比如投资模因币),而是尽量减少资金损失率并提高盈利能力。最重要的是,睡得更好☺️ 我还是DCA加$SOL 和$BNB ✨ #hotTrends #solana2024
$BTC 跌出了上涨趋势,现在不正是入市的时候吗?




5. 每 4 年重复一次循环!



#hotTrends #solana2024
Solana 系统上的 Slerf meme 导致投资者在一小时内损失了 775,000 美元! 基于 Solana 的 SLERF meme 令人非常失望,投资者损失了 77.5 万美元。 尽管名为 SLERF 的 meme 代币已经推出,但参与预售的投资者目前无法购买。 Lookonchain 在其帖子中表示,一名陷入 FOMO 的投资者使用 5,004 SOL 以最高价格 1.32 美元购买了 SLERF。 第一次购买后,价格开始下降。投资者额外花费了 2,500 SOL(517,000 美元)以 0.8 美元的价格购买了 650,330 SLERF。 然而,随着价格持续下跌,投资者惊慌失措,纷纷抛售SLERF。结果,投资者在一小时内损失了 77.5 万美元。 #memecoin‬⁩ #solana2024 #meme #SOLANAAAA
Solana 系统上的 Slerf meme 导致投资者在一小时内损失了 775,000 美元!

基于 Solana 的 SLERF meme 令人非常失望,投资者损失了 77.5 万美元。
尽管名为 SLERF 的 meme 代币已经推出,但参与预售的投资者目前无法购买。
Lookonchain 在其帖子中表示,一名陷入 FOMO 的投资者使用 5,004 SOL 以最高价格 1.32 美元购买了 SLERF。
第一次购买后,价格开始下降。投资者额外花费了 2,500 SOL(517,000 美元)以 0.8 美元的价格购买了 650,330 SLERF。
然而,随着价格持续下跌,投资者惊慌失措,纷纷抛售SLERF。结果,投资者在一小时内损失了 77.5 万美元。
#memecoin‬⁩ #solana2024 #meme #SOLANAAAA
SOLANA 2024 由 #Kodcityhunter 第 2 部分 总体而言,2024 年的 SOL 市场很可能是繁荣的一年: 以下是 SOL 2024 价格上涨的一些具体原因: 1.可扩展性: Solana 每秒能够处理数千笔交易,这使其成为 DeFi 和 NFT 应用程序的有吸引力的选择。这种可扩展性可以帮助 Solana 吸引更多的应用程序开发人员和用户,从而导致代币价格上涨。 Solana 是当今最具扩展性的区块链平台之一。这使得它对于需要快速高效的交易处理的 DeFi 和 NFT 应用程序开发人员来说是一个有吸引力的选择。如果 2024 年 DeFi 和 NFT 应用继续增长,对 SOL 的需求也会增加。 2. DeFi 和 NFT 应用的增长: DeFi 和 NFT 是两个快速发展的领域,Solana 是这些应用程序的热门区块链平台。 DeFi 和 NFT 应用的增长可能有助于推动对 SOL 的需求。 Solana 是一个流行的 DeFi 和 NFT 应用区块链平台。这意味着 SOL 是 DeFi 和 NFT 投资者的重要资产。如果 2024 年 DeFi 和 NFT 继续增长,对 SOL 的需求也会增加。 3. Solana基金会的发展活动: Solana 基金会是开发 Solana 的组织,正在积极致力于开发该平台。这些活动可以帮助 Solana 与其他区块链平台(例如以太坊和 Avalanche)相比更具竞争力。 Solana 基金会正在积极开发 Solana,包括提高可扩展性、安全性和兼容性。这些活动可以帮助 Solana 与其他区块链平台相比更具竞争力,并导致代币价格上涨。 但也需要注意的是,SOL市场是一个波动性很大的市场,预测仅供参考。 关注我,更新客观市场资讯! #Kodcityhunter #Solana. #sol #solana2024
SOLANA 2024 由 #Kodcityhunter 第 2 部分

总体而言,2024 年的 SOL 市场很可能是繁荣的一年:
以下是 SOL 2024 价格上涨的一些具体原因:


Solana 每秒能够处理数千笔交易,这使其成为 DeFi 和 NFT 应用程序的有吸引力的选择。这种可扩展性可以帮助 Solana 吸引更多的应用程序开发人员和用户,从而导致代币价格上涨。

Solana 是当今最具扩展性的区块链平台之一。这使得它对于需要快速高效的交易处理的 DeFi 和 NFT 应用程序开发人员来说是一个有吸引力的选择。如果 2024 年 DeFi 和 NFT 应用继续增长,对 SOL 的需求也会增加。

2. DeFi 和 NFT 应用的增长:

DeFi 和 NFT 是两个快速发展的领域,Solana 是这些应用程序的热门区块链平台。 DeFi 和 NFT 应用的增长可能有助于推动对 SOL 的需求。

Solana 是一个流行的 DeFi 和 NFT 应用区块链平台。这意味着 SOL 是 DeFi 和 NFT 投资者的重要资产。如果 2024 年 DeFi 和 NFT 继续增长,对 SOL 的需求也会增加。

3. Solana基金会的发展活动:

Solana 基金会是开发 Solana 的组织,正在积极致力于开发该平台。这些活动可以帮助 Solana 与其他区块链平台(例如以太坊和 Avalanche)相比更具竞争力。

Solana 基金会正在积极开发 Solana,包括提高可扩展性、安全性和兼容性。这些活动可以帮助 Solana 与其他区块链平台相比更具竞争力,并导致代币价格上涨。


#Kodcityhunter #Solana. #sol #solana2024
Solana 系统上的 Slerf meme 导致投资者在一小时内损失了 775,000 美元! 基于 Solana 的 SLERF meme 令人非常失望,投资者损失了 77.5 万美元。 尽管名为 SLERF 的 meme 代币已经推出,但参与预售的投资者目前无法购买。 Lookonchain 在其帖子中表示,一名陷入 FOMO 的投资者使用 5,004 SOL 以最高价格 1.32 美元购买了 SLERF。 第一次购买后,价格开始下降。投资者额外花费了 2,500 SOL(517,000 美元)以 0.8 美元的价格购买了 650,330 SLERF。 然而,随着价格持续下跌,投资者惊慌失措,纷纷抛售SLERF。结果,投资者在一小时内损失了 77.5 万美元。 #memecoin‬⁩  #solana2024  #memecoin‬⁩  #SOLANAAAA
Solana 系统上的 Slerf meme 导致投资者在一小时内损失了 775,000 美元!

基于 Solana 的 SLERF meme 令人非常失望,投资者损失了 77.5 万美元。
尽管名为 SLERF 的 meme 代币已经推出,但参与预售的投资者目前无法购买。
Lookonchain 在其帖子中表示,一名陷入 FOMO 的投资者使用 5,004 SOL 以最高价格 1.32 美元购买了 SLERF。
第一次购买后,价格开始下降。投资者额外花费了 2,500 SOL(517,000 美元)以 0.8 美元的价格购买了 650,330 SLERF。
然而,随着价格持续下跌,投资者惊慌失措,纷纷抛售SLERF。结果,投资者在一小时内损失了 77.5 万美元。
#memecoin‬⁩  #solana2024  #memecoin‬⁩  #SOLANAAAA
SOLANA 2024 by #Kodcityhunter 第 1 部分 - 2024 年 SOL 恢复 有多种因素可能导致 #SOL 恢复,包括: 1.可扩展性: Solana 每秒能够处理数千笔交易,这使其成为 DeFi 和 NFT 应用程序的有吸引力的选择。这种可扩展性可以帮助 Solana 吸引更多的应用程序开发人员和用户,从而导致代币价格上涨。 2. DeFi 和 NFT 应用的增长: DeFi 和 NFT 是两个快速发展的领域,Solana 是这些应用程序的热门区块链平台。 DeFi 和 NFT 应用的增长可能有助于推动对 SOL 的需求。 3. Solana 基金会开发活动:Solana 基金会是开发 Solana 的组织,正在积极致力于开发该平台。这些活动可以帮助 Solana 与其他区块链平台(例如以太坊和 Avalanche)相比更具竞争力。 然而,SOL市场仍然存在许多潜在风险,包括: 1. 法律风险:一些国家仍在加强对加密货币的监管。这可能会对 SOL 市场产生负面影响。 2. 技术风险:Solana 是一项新技术,仍然存在潜在的技术风险,例如安全漏洞。 预计2024年SOL价格可能达到250美元或更高。不过,也有其他因素表明SOL市场尚未走出低迷,SOL价格可能会继续下跌。 永远记住,市场有很大的波动,所有的分析和预测仅供参考,明智的决定下注! 我们不对您的任何投资决定负责! 关注我,更新客观市场资讯!下一篇文章 SOLANA 2024 第 2 部分 #Kodcityhunter #Solana #solana2024
SOLANA 2024 by #Kodcityhunter 第 1 部分 - 2024 年 SOL 恢复
有多种因素可能导致 #SOL 恢复,包括:

Solana 每秒能够处理数千笔交易,这使其成为 DeFi 和 NFT 应用程序的有吸引力的选择。这种可扩展性可以帮助 Solana 吸引更多的应用程序开发人员和用户,从而导致代币价格上涨。

2. DeFi 和 NFT 应用的增长:
DeFi 和 NFT 是两个快速发展的领域,Solana 是这些应用程序的热门区块链平台。 DeFi 和 NFT 应用的增长可能有助于推动对 SOL 的需求。

3. Solana 基金会开发活动:Solana 基金会是开发 Solana 的组织,正在积极致力于开发该平台。这些活动可以帮助 Solana 与其他区块链平台(例如以太坊和 Avalanche)相比更具竞争力。

1. 法律风险:一些国家仍在加强对加密货币的监管。这可能会对 SOL 市场产生负面影响。
2. 技术风险:Solana 是一项新技术,仍然存在潜在的技术风险,例如安全漏洞。


关注我,更新客观市场资讯!下一篇文章 SOLANA 2024 第 2 部分 #Kodcityhunter #Solana #solana2024
《Solana》在 Google 搜索量和价值方面都达到了 ATH,目前已突破 200 美元的门槛 像这样创建Fomo全局,但是与Solana相关的大多数关键字大约是$BOME 🤓 🫣 Fomo 但要警惕: - 你可以贪婪,因为 Fomo 市场很糟糕,即使 $BTC 崩溃,市场变红,但 $SOL 仍然神奇地飞。 - 但是很少有人知道BOME fomo,看着这个社区的Cap我怕我会失去灵魂所以我就跟随而不进入 - 宏观充满了坏消息,但指数都在上涨,你有充分的保证金,如果突破,你不知道会发生什么。 等待反弹,目前跌了10%,再跌20%我再去市场 #hotTrends #solana2024 #BOME
《Solana》在 Google 搜索量和价值方面都达到了 ATH,目前已突破 200 美元的门槛
像这样创建Fomo全局,但是与Solana相关的大多数关键字大约是$BOME 🤓
🫣 Fomo 但要警惕:
- 你可以贪婪,因为 Fomo 市场很糟糕,即使 $BTC 崩溃,市场变红,但 $SOL 仍然神奇地飞。
- 但是很少有人知道BOME fomo,看着这个社区的Cap我怕我会失去灵魂所以我就跟随而不进入
- 宏观充满了坏消息,但指数都在上涨,你有充分的保证金,如果突破,你不知道会发生什么。
#hotTrends #solana2024 #BOME
A Look Ahead to 2024: Solana's Plan and Important Price PointsInnovation, developer engagement, and network scalability are the primary focuses of the plan that was just presented by the Solana Foundation for the year 2024. According to the foundation's statement, "2024 is the year of Solana," with a particular emphasis on the significant milestones that were accomplished and the strategic objectives that were set for the year. "Solana Foundation's State of Developer Ecosystem Report" notes an increase in developer engagement, with over "2,500 active developers committing to open source repositories." Additionally, the report emphasizes an amazing improvement in developer retention, which rose "from 31% to over 50% throughout the previous year." The study included more information about the development of Solana's infrastructure, which achieved a significant level of maturity in 2023 with the implementation of "program frameworks for Rust, Python, and more," in addition to "software development kits (SDKs) available for 10 languages, laying a solid foundation for diverse decentralized application development." The unique GameShift API developed by Solana Labs has been a game-changer. It is a piece of "app-specific tooling" that was created to transform the gaming market on Solana's blockchain. The growth story of the network is supported by on-chain data that was supplied by Messari. The data cites "a remarkable 102% quarter-over-quarter rise in average daily fee payers, amounting to 190,000." Additionally, the data cites "a 65% quarter-over-quarter increase in daily average non-voting transactions, reaching 40.7 million." Additionally, the roadmap reveals impending developments that are set to alter the potential of blockchain technology. To begin, Solana intends to provide "token extensions to enable tokenomics that are more complex and multifaceted." The second thing that will be a priority in 2024 is the introduction of Firedancer, which is a new independent validator client for the Solana blockchain that was designed by Jump Crypto. The goal is to overcome previous flaws in Solana's peer-to-peer interface, as well as to handle a greater number of concurrent transactions, boost network performance, resilience, and efficiency, and do all of these things simultaneously. Specifically, the month of October 2023 saw the launch of Firedancer on the testnet. Runtime v2, which will be developed by Solana Labs and will have the objective of "significantly enhancing the network's performance and developer experience," will be the third priority of the 2024 plan. It is a concurrent transaction processor that handles transactions that have stated data dependencies and explicit dynamic memory allocation. This runtime is responsible for managing transactions. Alterations are introduced that are coordinated by epochs, which in turn affects the behavior of the cluster. In addition, Solana Core has just announced that Runtime version 2 will include support for the Move programming language, which is a significant change. Further reading: Solana Is Positioned to Experience a Major Upside: Following the price breakout, the analyst forecasts a 47% increase. Messages sent out by the Solana Foundation via X reflect the organization's dedication to both innovation and community engagement: The fervent community that we have here in Solana is what makes the ecology that we have here so powerful. We are prepared to speed into the year 2024 and firmly establish Solana as the leading platform for blockchain development thanks to the constant support of the community. A quickening of pace is required. Let's keep progressing and make 2024 the year that Solana is celebrated. A Technical Analysis of the Solana Price Prediction for the Year 2024 Predictions for the year 2024 may be derived from a technical study of the price activity taking place on the weekly chart of the Solana/USD pair. Since the middle of November, the price movement of SOL has been contained inside a parallel uptrend channel, which is suggestive of a steady and persistent rising trajectory. The trajectory of the price movement has been directed by the parallel lines that indicate support and resistance. These lines have provided obvious levels for prospective buy and sell positions. When used from the swing high of about $262 to the swing low of $7.93, the Fibonacci retracement tool reveals critical levels that have the potential to function as barriers or support in the future. The level of 0.236, which is now at $69.59, is a retracement level that was previously acting as resistance but has now become support. The next major price objective for a weekly finish is 0.382 at $107.74, which has been challenged and is the level that has been tested. 0.5 at $138.57: This price level served as a solid support from the beginning of 2021 until the beginning of 2022, but it moved into the position of resistance in April of 2022. 0.618 at a price of $169.41: This level, which is sometimes referred to as the "golden ratio," is essential for determining whether or not a trend will continue. 0.786 at $213.30: If this level is broken, it may indicate that bullish momentum is increasing significantly. 1 at $269.22: The price discovery phase starts as soon as SOL achieves its all-time high on the stock market. Extended Fibonacci levels, such as 1.618 at $430.69 and 2.618 at $691.98, provide aspirational objectives in the event that the uptrend continues during the forecast period. In this case, the price goal would be considered very positive. The fact that the Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) for the 20, 50, 100, and 200 periods are all located below the current price has provided more evidence that the uptrend is going strong. Midway through the month of December, a 'golden cross' occurs when the 50-EMA crosses over the 100-EMA. This is a signal that is often considered to be bullish. Constructive patterns can be found in the trading volume, with more volume being seen on upswings. This is a good indicator that interest in SOL will continue to be maintained. Despite the fact that the momentum is moving in an upward direction, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is now located around 60, which indicates that there is still opportunity for expansion before reaching overbought conditions being reached. Taking into consideration the fact that the weekly chart exhibits a parallel upward channel, powerful Fibonacci levels, supportive moving averages, and healthy volume and RSI readings, the technical analysis offers a very hopeful picture of the price outlook for Solana in the year 2024. #sol #crypto2024 #solana2024 $SOL

A Look Ahead to 2024: Solana's Plan and Important Price Points

Innovation, developer engagement, and network scalability are the primary focuses of the plan that was just presented by the Solana Foundation for the year 2024. According to the foundation's statement, "2024 is the year of Solana," with a particular emphasis on the significant milestones that were accomplished and the strategic objectives that were set for the year.
"Solana Foundation's State of Developer Ecosystem Report" notes an increase in developer engagement, with over "2,500 active developers committing to open source repositories." Additionally, the report emphasizes an amazing improvement in developer retention, which rose "from 31% to over 50% throughout the previous year."
The study included more information about the development of Solana's infrastructure, which achieved a significant level of maturity in 2023 with the implementation of "program frameworks for Rust, Python, and more," in addition to "software development kits (SDKs) available for 10 languages, laying a solid foundation for diverse decentralized application development." The unique GameShift API developed by Solana Labs has been a game-changer. It is a piece of "app-specific tooling" that was created to transform the gaming market on Solana's blockchain.
The growth story of the network is supported by on-chain data that was supplied by Messari. The data cites "a remarkable 102% quarter-over-quarter rise in average daily fee payers, amounting to 190,000." Additionally, the data cites "a 65% quarter-over-quarter increase in daily average non-voting transactions, reaching 40.7 million."
Additionally, the roadmap reveals impending developments that are set to alter the potential of blockchain technology. To begin, Solana intends to provide "token extensions to enable tokenomics that are more complex and multifaceted."
The second thing that will be a priority in 2024 is the introduction of Firedancer, which is a new independent validator client for the Solana blockchain that was designed by Jump Crypto. The goal is to overcome previous flaws in Solana's peer-to-peer interface, as well as to handle a greater number of concurrent transactions, boost network performance, resilience, and efficiency, and do all of these things simultaneously. Specifically, the month of October 2023 saw the launch of Firedancer on the testnet.
Runtime v2, which will be developed by Solana Labs and will have the objective of "significantly enhancing the network's performance and developer experience," will be the third priority of the 2024 plan.
It is a concurrent transaction processor that handles transactions that have stated data dependencies and explicit dynamic memory allocation. This runtime is responsible for managing transactions. Alterations are introduced that are coordinated by epochs, which in turn affects the behavior of the cluster. In addition, Solana Core has just announced that Runtime version 2 will include support for the Move programming language, which is a significant change.
Further reading: Solana Is Positioned to Experience a Major Upside: Following the price breakout, the analyst forecasts a 47% increase.
Messages sent out by the Solana Foundation via X reflect the organization's dedication to both innovation and community engagement: The fervent community that we have here in Solana is what makes the ecology that we have here so powerful. We are prepared to speed into the year 2024 and firmly establish Solana as the leading platform for blockchain development thanks to the constant support of the community. A quickening of pace is required. Let's keep progressing and make 2024 the year that Solana is celebrated.
A Technical Analysis of the Solana Price Prediction for the Year 2024
Predictions for the year 2024 may be derived from a technical study of the price activity taking place on the weekly chart of the Solana/USD pair. Since the middle of November, the price movement of SOL has been contained inside a parallel uptrend channel, which is suggestive of a steady and persistent rising trajectory. The trajectory of the price movement has been directed by the parallel lines that indicate support and resistance. These lines have provided obvious levels for prospective buy and sell positions.
When used from the swing high of about $262 to the swing low of $7.93, the Fibonacci retracement tool reveals critical levels that have the potential to function as barriers or support in the future.
The level of 0.236, which is now at $69.59, is a retracement level that was previously acting as resistance but has now become support.
The next major price objective for a weekly finish is 0.382 at $107.74, which has been challenged and is the level that has been tested.

0.5 at $138.57: This price level served as a solid support from the beginning of 2021 until the beginning of 2022, but it moved into the position of resistance in April of 2022.
0.618 at a price of $169.41: This level, which is sometimes referred to as the "golden ratio," is essential for determining whether or not a trend will continue.
0.786 at $213.30: If this level is broken, it may indicate that bullish momentum is increasing significantly.
1 at $269.22: The price discovery phase starts as soon as SOL achieves its all-time high on the stock market.
Extended Fibonacci levels, such as 1.618 at $430.69 and 2.618 at $691.98, provide aspirational objectives in the event that the uptrend continues during the forecast period. In this case, the price goal would be considered very positive.
The fact that the Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) for the 20, 50, 100, and 200 periods are all located below the current price has provided more evidence that the uptrend is going strong. Midway through the month of December, a 'golden cross' occurs when the 50-EMA crosses over the 100-EMA. This is a signal that is often considered to be bullish.
Constructive patterns can be found in the trading volume, with more volume being seen on upswings. This is a good indicator that interest in SOL will continue to be maintained. Despite the fact that the momentum is moving in an upward direction, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is now located around 60, which indicates that there is still opportunity for expansion before reaching overbought conditions being reached.
Taking into consideration the fact that the weekly chart exhibits a parallel upward channel, powerful Fibonacci levels, supportive moving averages, and healthy volume and RSI readings, the technical analysis offers a very hopeful picture of the price outlook for Solana in the year 2024.
#sol #crypto2024 #solana2024 $SOL
🌊 **什么是加密货币中的 Bluechip? 在加密货币领域,**蓝筹**指的是成熟且信誉良好的数位资产,具有良好的稳定性和可靠性记录。这些加密项目因其强劲的基本面、广泛的市值和社区支持而受到广泛认可。 💼 **蓝筹加密货币的主要特点:** 1. **稳定性:** 与较新或鲜为人知的项目相比,蓝筹加密货币的波动性往往较小,这使得它们在市场波动期间成为更安全的投资。 2. **市场领导者:** 他们通常以大量的流动性和采用率主导市场,例如比特币(BTC)和以太坊(ETH)。 3. **长期潜力:** 这些资产随著时间的推移表现出弹性,使其成为长期投资者的有吸引力的选择。 蓝筹加密货币的例子包括比特币、以太坊、币安币 (BNB) 和卡尔达诺 (ADA)。投资蓝筹加密货币通常被视为在加密货币投资组合中建立坚实基础的策略。 #Bitcoin💸 #Ethereum #Solana2024 #BinanceCommunity @MacaxeiraQuantica
🌊 **什么是加密货币中的 Bluechip?


💼 **蓝筹加密货币的主要特点:**
1. **稳定性:** 与较新或鲜为人知的项目相比,蓝筹加密货币的波动性往往较小,这使得它们在市场波动期间成为更安全的投资。
2. **市场领导者:** 他们通常以大量的流动性和采用率主导市场,例如比特币(BTC)和以太坊(ETH)。
3. **长期潜力:** 这些资产随著时间的推移表现出弹性,使其成为长期投资者的有吸引力的选择。

蓝筹加密货币的例子包括比特币、以太坊、币安币 (BNB) 和卡尔达诺 (ADA)。投资蓝筹加密货币通常被视为在加密货币投资组合中建立坚实基础的策略。

#Bitcoin💸 #Ethereum #Solana2024 #BinanceCommunity

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