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ark留意一下,看情况横盘后至少还会涨一波。 #ark
ark又冲顶了你觉得这次会不会突破? 我也说说我的看法,这次冲顶4小时线比之前空间更大,要么2次冲顶就一泄千里,但是这个币又在昨晚12点走出扭转之势,按技术面来看突破的可能性比较大,当然也不排除庄诱多割韭菜的嫌疑,比如突然不拉了。 #ark

情绪退潮结束后,btc率先发起的进攻遇到较强阻力砸回下来,预示着本轮大周期的btc将进入震荡区域,日线反包创新高将成为卖点。本轮反弹的核心在loom,反弹的高度和成交额都很不错,表面资金对“观察”板块的认可远未到顶。继续等待市场整体情绪反转,核心标的:amb ark $LOOM $AMB #ark
情绪退潮结束后,btc率先发起的进攻遇到较强阻力砸回下来,预示着本轮大周期的btc将进入震荡区域,日线反包创新高将成为卖点。本轮反弹的核心在loom,反弹的高度和成交额都很不错,表面资金对“观察”板块的认可远未到顶。继续等待市场整体情绪反转,核心标的:amb ark
$LOOM $AMB #ark
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 $250 billion asset manager founder Ric Edelman says financial advisors are waiting for spot #Bitcoin  ETF approval to provide #BTC  to clients. The commencement of a bull market is undoubtedly tied to the successful approval of the US Bitcoin spot ETF. ARKB, positioned as the first Bitcoin spot ETF code expected to pass the future scrutiny of the US SEC, is poised to garner significant community enthusiasm, holding profound significance. As a noteworthy project within the BRC20 community, ARKB is destined to be a dark horse capturing community attention. If you missed out on sats, don't let BRC20's ARKB slip through your fingers. On January 10th next year, within the fourth round decision period, SEC approval for ARKB is certain, as the adage goes, "third time's a charm"; a fourth delay or rejection is implausible. ARK has disclosed a 0.8% annual fee, becoming the first issuer to publicly reveal such details, showcasing their unwavering determination. These views are for reference only; investment decisions should be approached with caution! #etf #BTC #ARKB #ark #BRC20 $BTC $BNB $XRP
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 $250 billion asset manager founder Ric Edelman says financial advisors are waiting for spot #Bitcoin  ETF approval to provide #BTC  to clients.

The commencement of a bull market is undoubtedly tied to the successful approval of the US Bitcoin spot ETF. ARKB, positioned as the first Bitcoin spot ETF code expected to pass the future scrutiny of the US SEC, is poised to garner significant community enthusiasm, holding profound significance. As a noteworthy project within the BRC20 community, ARKB is destined to be a dark horse capturing community attention. If you missed out on sats, don't let BRC20's ARKB slip through your fingers. On January 10th next year, within the fourth round decision period, SEC approval for ARKB is certain, as the adage goes, "third time's a charm"; a fourth delay or rejection is implausible. ARK has disclosed a 0.8% annual fee, becoming the first issuer to publicly reveal such details, showcasing their unwavering determination. These views are for reference only; investment decisions should be approached with caution!
#etf #BTC #ARKB #ark #BRC20
正如预期的那样,SEC 对#ark 方舟投资 比特币现货ETF的申请延期了。
正如预期的那样,SEC 对#ark 方舟投资 比特币现货ETF的申请延期了。
ETF showdown! 🥊 Blackrock, Ark, and Grayscale in talks with the SEC! 🚀🪙 Who will make the crypto ETF dream come true? ARKB is a BRC-20 token project, with no affiliation with Ark Invest / 21 Shares. This is to make a clear statement.The commencement of a bull market is undoubtedly attributed to the successful approval of the US Bitcoin spot ETF. As one of the Bitcoin spot ETF codes expected to pass the scrutiny of the US SEC, ARKB, the ETF project led by Cathie Wood, is destined to receive widespread community acclaim, carrying profound significance. BRC20's ARKB is an excellent counterpart, guaranteed to be a dark horse project capturing the community's attention. If you missed out on sats, don't let ARKB's opportunity slip away. By January 10, 2024, within the SEC's fourth decision period, ARKB is set to gain approval, as it's inconceivable for it to face a fourth delay or rejection. ARK's #Bitcoin spot ETF has disclosed an annual fee of 0.80%, establishing itself as the first issuer to publicly disclose such fees. This ETF will be listed and traded on the Chicago Exchange CBOE. Views are for reference only; exercise caution in your investments! Wondering where to buy and trade ARKB? A quick Google search for ARKB will lead you to a trading market page among the top results. The community website has opted for the popular domain suffix "io," prefixed with "arkb."ARK 21Shares Spot #Bitcoin  ETF has been listed on the DTCC under ticker ARKB All these communities are growing by the day, we are still at the start of the bull market. If the Bitcoin ETFs get approved on January the 10th, or before that date... I expect a massively bullish March! Maybe the best March ever on record, and the underlying and emerging Bitcoin network will be at the heart of the action! 🔥🔥🔥 #etf #arkb #ark #sats $ETC #etcs $SOL $BNB
ETF showdown! 🥊 Blackrock, Ark, and Grayscale in talks with the SEC! 🚀🪙 Who will make the crypto ETF dream come true?

ARKB is a BRC-20 token project, with no affiliation with Ark Invest / 21 Shares. This is to make a clear statement.The commencement of a bull market is undoubtedly attributed to the successful approval of the US Bitcoin spot ETF. As one of the Bitcoin spot ETF codes expected to pass the scrutiny of the US SEC, ARKB, the ETF project led by Cathie Wood, is destined to receive widespread community acclaim, carrying profound significance. BRC20's ARKB is an excellent counterpart, guaranteed to be a dark horse project capturing the community's attention. If you missed out on sats, don't let ARKB's opportunity slip away. By January 10, 2024, within the SEC's fourth decision period, ARKB is set to gain approval, as it's inconceivable for it to face a fourth delay or rejection. ARK's #Bitcoin spot ETF has disclosed an annual fee of 0.80%, establishing itself as the first issuer to publicly disclose such fees. This ETF will be listed and traded on the Chicago Exchange CBOE. Views are for reference only; exercise caution in your investments! Wondering where to buy and trade ARKB? A quick Google search for ARKB will lead you to a trading market page among the top results. The community website has opted for the popular domain suffix "io," prefixed with "arkb."ARK 21Shares Spot #Bitcoin  ETF has been listed on the DTCC under ticker ARKB

All these communities are growing by the day, we are still at the start of the bull market. If the Bitcoin ETFs get approved on January the 10th, or before that date... I expect a massively bullish March! Maybe the best March ever on record, and the underlying and emerging Bitcoin network will be at the heart of the action! 🔥🔥🔥
#etf #arkb #ark #sats $ETC #etcs $SOL $BNB
BREAKING: Ark and 21Shares are going for 0.25% fee + *NO FEE* for the first six months or until $1 billion in assets for the Spot $BTC ETF! 突发新闻:Ark 和 21Shares 将在前六个月收取 0.25% 的费用 + *无费用*,或者直至现货$BTC ETF 的资产达到 10 亿美元! #BTC #etf #ark #Launchpool #arkb $BTC
BREAKING: Ark and 21Shares are going for 0.25% fee + *NO FEE* for the first six months or until $1 billion in assets for the Spot $BTC ETF!

突发新闻:Ark 和 21Shares 将在前六个月收取 0.25% 的费用 + *无费用*,或者直至现货$BTC ETF 的资产达到 10 亿美元!
#BTC #etf #ark #Launchpool #arkb $BTC
#ark USDT 做多(买入) RR:4 杠杆:20倍 输入:0.607 - 0.596 获利了结👇 1️⃣ 0.619 2️⃣ 0.633 3️⃣ 0.651 4️⃣ 0.669 止损:0.592
#ark USDT
输入:0.607 - 0.596
1️⃣ 0.619
2️⃣ 0.633
3️⃣ 0.651
4️⃣ 0.669
ARK涨了三天了,费率还没有负!请问朋友们你们都开的什么单!#lastpass #ark
ARK涨了三天了,费率还没有负!请问朋友们你们都开的什么单!#lastpass #ark
最近密码确实在外面发的不多 有很多在Q群里说了忘记在外面发了😂 尽量不要太频繁,刚刚看了下#ark 也还不错,闲高勿追 可以当个彩票博反弹,轻仓即可,不建议合约!


尽量不要太频繁,刚刚看了下#ark 也还不错,闲高勿追

关于我对韩国火爆币种的理解 大家应该都知道跟着韩国火爆币种走更容易暴富 但是,切记 只要该币种小时线出现大阴线或斜街起来挺直的大阴线,后面的走势就叫套人波段(做多做空都套) 至少当天内不要入场。 没有出现大阴线的话一般还会涨。 #polyx #ark #gas #LOOM


#polyx #ark #gas #LOOM
lsk 这波跟上节奏的至少吃50%了,别拿太久。 至于饼,你们懂,就那样了,让他继续一动不动。 山寨研究:manta 、 ark 、sui 、lsk #MANTA #ark #sui #lsk
lsk 这波跟上节奏的至少吃50%了,别拿太久。

山寨研究:manta 、 ark 、sui 、lsk

#MANTA #ark #sui #lsk
它彻底不动了,从几百振变成200以内了。 你说咋开?我觉得至少等到395-405两个边缘多空好点。 山寨观察:manta 、ark 、lsk 、ace …… #MANTA #ark #lsk

山寨观察:manta 、ark 、lsk 、ace ……

#MANTA #ark #lsk
根据链上数据可以看出,近24h尾号XgQT的地址从币安提取了426w个ark,该地址在10天前还从币安提取了110w个ark,目前该地址的ark持币量达到了674w个,为第五大ark持币地址。#ark #ARK
根据链上数据可以看出,近24h尾号XgQT的地址从币安提取了426w个ark,该地址在10天前还从币安提取了110w个ark,目前该地址的ark持币量达到了674w个,为第五大ark持币地址。#ark #ARK
🤔Ark Invest本周已累计减持价值超1亿美元Coinbase股票 100X社群:ARK减持coinbase没什么问题,减持BTC时候务必小心!机构都不是傻子,很会逃顶。 3 月 7 日,Cathie Wood 旗下 Ark Invest 本周已减持价值超 1 亿美元 Coinbase 股票,其中: · 3 月 4 日减持 134,749 股 Coinbase 股票 COIN,按当前价格计算价值超 3000 万美元; · 3 月 5 日减持 110,896 股 Coinbase 股票 COIN,按当前价格计算价值约 2403 万美元; · 3 月 6 日减持 204,469 股 Coinbase 股票 COIN,按当前价格计算价值超 4800 万美元。 #ark #coinbase #热门话题 $BTC
🤔Ark Invest本周已累计减持价值超1亿美元Coinbase股票


3 月 7 日,Cathie Wood 旗下 Ark Invest 本周已减持价值超 1 亿美元 Coinbase 股票,其中: · 3 月 4 日减持 134,749 股 Coinbase 股票 COIN,按当前价格计算价值超 3000 万美元; · 3 月 5 日减持 110,896 股 Coinbase 股票 COIN,按当前价格计算价值约 2403 万美元; · 3 月 6 日减持 204,469 股 Coinbase 股票 COIN,按当前价格计算价值超 4800 万美元。

#ark #coinbase #热门话题 $BTC