Binance Live
X Spaces AMA Recap: Wise Crypto 𝙭 Cleo Tech
2023-10-27 08:10
Mr. Jason Sibley - CEO of Cleo Tech, attended an AMA session organised by Wise Crypto on Oct 20, 2023. Cleo digitizes social and environmental impact by turning good deeds into unique digital assets. At Cleo, we’re working towards more great things beyond our marketing for good initiative. In support of our roadmap, we’ve set up an Advisory Board of sustainability experts to help us research and select the projects we want to support. Cleo’s platform for good deeds is powered by the $CLEO token. While deposits from individuals, purchases of digital collectibles or invoiced payments for marketing campaigns are processed in local fiat currency (GBP/USD/EUR), all transactions within the system are settled through the $CLEO token. If you missed it and want to know the highlights of the program, here is the AMA Recap.
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