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How to Buy Crypto With BHD ATM Card on Binance?

How to Buy Crypto With BHD ATM Card on Binance?

2023-03-08 10:30
Last updated date: 19 April 2024
1. Log in to your Binance account and go to [Buy Crypto]. Select [BHD] as your currency. Then in the payment list, select [Buy with Bank Card] to use Benefit to make the payment.
2. Enter the amount you wish to spend or receive, and you will see the price and transaction fee. Then click [Continue].
3. Check the details of your order carefully and click [Confirm] within the specified time. After that, the price and crypto amount will be recalculated, you can click [Refresh] for the current market price. Please keep in mind that the execution price is subject to the actual completion time of the bank payment transfer.
4. You will then be directed to your selected bank’s website. Enter your account details. Please note that the account holder's name must match the one on your Binance account.
5. Once you finish the process on your bank page, click [View Wallet] to view your transaction details.