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OpenAI giới thiệu Sora, một hệ thống AI tạo ra các video chân thực dựa trên lời nhắc văn bản Theo BlockBeats, vào ngày 16 tháng 2, OpenAI đã công bố một hệ thống trí tuệ nhân tạo mới có thể tạo ra các video chân thực dựa trên lời nhắc bằng văn bản của người dùng, khiến nó trở thành công ty mới nhất áp dụng công nghệ video tổng quát. Trong một bài đăng trên blog hôm thứ Năm, công ty tuyên bố rằng hệ thống AI, có tên Sora, có thể nhanh chóng tạo ra các video dài tối đa một phút, bao gồm “các cảnh phức tạp với nhiều nhân vật, các loại hành động cụ thể và chi tiết chính xác về chủ đề và bối cảnh”. Giám đốc điều hành OpenAI Sam Altman cho biết công cụ này ban đầu sẽ được cung cấp cho một số lượng người sáng tạo hạn chế. OpenAI cũng đã cấp quyền truy cập cho nhóm chuyên gia chịu trách nhiệm đánh giá độ an toàn của Sora trước khi kết hợp nó vào các sản phẩm của công ty. Là một phần trong quá trình chuẩn bị ra mắt sản phẩm, OpenAI đang phát triển các công cụ giúp phát hiện xem video có phải do Sora tạo ra hay không. #Write2Earn #OpenAI
OpenAI giới thiệu Sora, một hệ thống AI tạo ra các video chân thực dựa trên lời nhắc văn bản

Theo BlockBeats, vào ngày 16 tháng 2, OpenAI đã công bố một hệ thống trí tuệ nhân tạo mới có thể tạo ra các video chân thực dựa trên lời nhắc bằng văn bản của người dùng, khiến nó trở thành công ty mới nhất áp dụng công nghệ video tổng quát.

Trong một bài đăng trên blog hôm thứ Năm, công ty tuyên bố rằng hệ thống AI, có tên Sora, có thể nhanh chóng tạo ra các video dài tối đa một phút, bao gồm “các cảnh phức tạp với nhiều nhân vật, các loại hành động cụ thể và chi tiết chính xác về chủ đề và bối cảnh”. Giám đốc điều hành OpenAI Sam Altman cho biết công cụ này ban đầu sẽ được cung cấp cho một số lượng người sáng tạo hạn chế.

OpenAI cũng đã cấp quyền truy cập cho nhóm chuyên gia chịu trách nhiệm đánh giá độ an toàn của Sora trước khi kết hợp nó vào các sản phẩm của công ty. Là một phần trong quá trình chuẩn bị ra mắt sản phẩm, OpenAI đang phát triển các công cụ giúp phát hiện xem video có phải do Sora tạo ra hay không.

#Write2Earn #OpenAI
PNL trong 7 ngày
ROI trong 7 ngày
Tỷ lệ thắng
The head of OpenAI was suddenly firedSam Altman, the head of OpenAI and one of the authors of ChatGPT was fired.Wow!On Friday, the board of the company met and decided that it was no longer possible to trust the manager, and he should be immediately fired. That was done.OpenAI investors, among them Microsoft is the largest one, received the news without enthusiasm and called the board’s decision "madness". Board in the best conspiracy traditions refused to comment.Altman’s dismissal was perhaps the most discussed issue in the world this weekend. Usually executives of large companies are dismissed by this way in cinema-thrillers only, in real life, corporate ethics suggests some other approaches. Consequently, it can be assumed that the reason for the dismissal was extremely serious.I was expecting the real reason for the dismissal will be disclosed in this weekend, but it didn’t happen, so the intrigue persists.Now the term "Artificial Intelligence" is firmly in use. I think it is still too early to talk about AI, it is still a neural network. The neural network learns by browsing an almost infinite number of Internet pages. And that worries me tremendously.Imagine a child being raised ONLY on information from the Internet. He listens to bloggers' advice, follows abuse on social networks... Do you have any idea how traumatic the child would get and how morally distorted he is.Today, the neural network performs technical functions and, at least, does not yet express an opinion. So far, this is not an opinion based on beliefs, but a compilation of information collected from different sources. But what will happen tomorrow?Amid apocalyptic speculation about the imminent replacement of humanity with artificial intelligence, Altman’s dismissal is ominous. I’m looking forward to some clarification.#SamAltman #OpenAI #ArtificialIntelligence

The head of OpenAI was suddenly fired

Sam Altman, the head of OpenAI and one of the authors of ChatGPT was fired.Wow!On Friday, the board of the company met and decided that it was no longer possible to trust the manager, and he should be immediately fired. That was done.OpenAI investors, among them Microsoft is the largest one, received the news without enthusiasm and called the board’s decision "madness". Board in the best conspiracy traditions refused to comment.Altman’s dismissal was perhaps the most discussed issue in the world this weekend. Usually executives of large companies are dismissed by this way in cinema-thrillers only, in real life, corporate ethics suggests some other approaches. Consequently, it can be assumed that the reason for the dismissal was extremely serious.I was expecting the real reason for the dismissal will be disclosed in this weekend, but it didn’t happen, so the intrigue persists.Now the term "Artificial Intelligence" is firmly in use. I think it is still too early to talk about AI, it is still a neural network. The neural network learns by browsing an almost infinite number of Internet pages. And that worries me tremendously.Imagine a child being raised ONLY on information from the Internet. He listens to bloggers' advice, follows abuse on social networks... Do you have any idea how traumatic the child would get and how morally distorted he is.Today, the neural network performs technical functions and, at least, does not yet express an opinion. So far, this is not an opinion based on beliefs, but a compilation of information collected from different sources. But what will happen tomorrow?Amid apocalyptic speculation about the imminent replacement of humanity with artificial intelligence, Altman’s dismissal is ominous. I’m looking forward to some clarification.#SamAltman #OpenAI #ArtificialIntelligence
Google has introduced a new AI. What can we expect? Google has introduced a new AI. What can we expect?Google introduced the new artificial intelligence Gemini, which is estimated to surpass the GPT-4 and even, in some areas, the humans. Strong move after, frankly, the first a rather unsuccessful attempt by Google, several years developing AI Bard.The announcement sounds quite loud, indeed, it should be recognized that Gemini surpasses the GPT-4 in 17 out of 18 benchmarks. However, most of the leadership is few percent, so it is too early to talk about total leadership.To be fair, the new AI from Google is able to work well with video, in which it certainly surpasses the competitor from OpenAI. I don’t think the GPT-4 will allow them to keep such an advantage for a long time, so we have to see an interesting competition.Moreover, there is no doubt that following Google and OpenAI, the interesting developments will be presented by other big players, and the progress of AI will accelerate dramatically.We will have to see how the technological way will change. So far, no one can say whether these changes will be positive or negative. We’ll know it when we see it.Such rapid development raises concerns about the threats that the inhuman intellect can pose to humanity. Perhaps it is premature to be so concerned. I can hardly imagine how GPT-4 or Gemini will seize power over the world, but this is what will happen if they are entrusted with managing functions, it is difficult to say.Obviously, in the future, technical arrangements will be needed to limit the ambitions of future AI’s.It’s still interesting to live in an era when fantasy blockbuster stories become reality. I’d like to see the world of “Star Wars” and “Star Trek”... who knows, at this rate of progress, anything is possible.#GoogleAI #GeminiAI #GPT4 #OpenAI #Competition

Google has introduced a new AI. What can we expect?

Google has introduced a new AI. What can we expect?Google introduced the new artificial intelligence Gemini, which is estimated to surpass the GPT-4 and even, in some areas, the humans. Strong move after, frankly, the first a rather unsuccessful attempt by Google, several years developing AI Bard.The announcement sounds quite loud, indeed, it should be recognized that Gemini surpasses the GPT-4 in 17 out of 18 benchmarks. However, most of the leadership is few percent, so it is too early to talk about total leadership.To be fair, the new AI from Google is able to work well with video, in which it certainly surpasses the competitor from OpenAI. I don’t think the GPT-4 will allow them to keep such an advantage for a long time, so we have to see an interesting competition.Moreover, there is no doubt that following Google and OpenAI, the interesting developments will be presented by other big players, and the progress of AI will accelerate dramatically.We will have to see how the technological way will change. So far, no one can say whether these changes will be positive or negative. We’ll know it when we see it.Such rapid development raises concerns about the threats that the inhuman intellect can pose to humanity. Perhaps it is premature to be so concerned. I can hardly imagine how GPT-4 or Gemini will seize power over the world, but this is what will happen if they are entrusted with managing functions, it is difficult to say.Obviously, in the future, technical arrangements will be needed to limit the ambitions of future AI’s.It’s still interesting to live in an era when fantasy blockbuster stories become reality. I’d like to see the world of “Star Wars” and “Star Trek”... who knows, at this rate of progress, anything is possible.#GoogleAI #GeminiAI #GPT4 #OpenAI #Competition
🔥 Elon Musk khởi kiện OpenAI và CEO Altman! 🔸 CEO Tesla Elon Musk đã đâm đơn kiện OpenAI & CEO Sam Altman lên Tòa án Thượng thẩm San Francisco. 🔸 Musk cho biết trong đơn kiện rằng Altman và OpenAI đã vi phạm thỏa thuận khi công ty nghiên cứu trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) ban đầu được thành lập để phát triển công nghệ mang lại lợi ích cho nhân loại hơn là lợi nhuận. 🔸 Musk tuyên bố rằng mối quan hệ gần đây của OpenAI với Microsoft đã đe dọa đến các cam kết công khai ban đầu của công ty. 🔸 Musk cho rằng OpenAI dường như đã trở thành một "công ty mã nguồn đóng" của Microsoft chứ không phải là một tổ chức trí tuệ nhân tạo mã nguồn mở (open-source) dành cho cộng đồng. 🔸 Đơn kiện nêu rõ: "Dưới hội đồng quản trị mới, công ty không chỉ phát triển mà còn thực sự hoàn thiện AGI để tối đa hóa lợi nhuận của Microsoft thay vì mang lại lợi ích cho nhân loại." #ai #elonmusk #OpenAI #Tesla $WLD
🔥 Elon Musk khởi kiện OpenAI và CEO Altman!

🔸 CEO Tesla Elon Musk đã đâm đơn kiện OpenAI & CEO Sam Altman lên Tòa án Thượng thẩm San Francisco.

🔸 Musk cho biết trong đơn kiện rằng Altman và OpenAI đã vi phạm thỏa thuận khi công ty nghiên cứu trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) ban đầu được thành lập để phát triển công nghệ mang lại lợi ích cho nhân loại hơn là lợi nhuận.

🔸 Musk tuyên bố rằng mối quan hệ gần đây của OpenAI với Microsoft đã đe dọa đến các cam kết công khai ban đầu của công ty.

🔸 Musk cho rằng OpenAI dường như đã trở thành một "công ty mã nguồn đóng" của Microsoft chứ không phải là một tổ chức trí tuệ nhân tạo mã nguồn mở (open-source) dành cho cộng đồng.

🔸 Đơn kiện nêu rõ: "Dưới hội đồng quản trị mới, công ty không chỉ phát triển mà còn thực sự hoàn thiện AGI để tối đa hóa lợi nhuận của Microsoft thay vì mang lại lợi ích cho nhân loại."

#ai #elonmusk #OpenAI #Tesla $WLD
Sam Altman now works for MicrosoftSam Altman was not long unemployed.A few days after his dismissal from the head of OpenAI position, he headed the AI direction in Microsoft.It was a quick move.Sam is certainly one of the most charismatic personalities in the IT industry. It would be strange if his career developed as a standard. His dismissal was a perfect example of a corporate thriller: a board of directors suddenly gathered and swept Altman away. The explanation of the loss of trust was not convincing, or at least not enough.The sudden layoff caused an avalanche of comments and understandable outrage among investors.And it was really understandable. Microsoft has provided billions of investments, including, given the personality of the head of OpenAI, who suddenly became an ex-head.It is difficult to say what the relationship between Microsoft and OpenAI will be after this case, but it is possible to say for sure that Altman will not lack funds.The unresolved question remains: why Altman was fired? What did he do to disappoint OpenAI and at the same time to satisfy Microsoft?I wonder how important it is to have a proper manager and a developer. You can gather cool teams, however, very much depends on the leader, and not always this role can be learned. It is a talent!On the other hand, the caase of Altman’s dismissal and instant employment proves that AI cannot replace talented managers. At least not yet.#SamAltman #Microsoft #OpenAI

Sam Altman now works for Microsoft

Sam Altman was not long unemployed.A few days after his dismissal from the head of OpenAI position, he headed the AI direction in Microsoft.It was a quick move.Sam is certainly one of the most charismatic personalities in the IT industry. It would be strange if his career developed as a standard. His dismissal was a perfect example of a corporate thriller: a board of directors suddenly gathered and swept Altman away. The explanation of the loss of trust was not convincing, or at least not enough.The sudden layoff caused an avalanche of comments and understandable outrage among investors.And it was really understandable. Microsoft has provided billions of investments, including, given the personality of the head of OpenAI, who suddenly became an ex-head.It is difficult to say what the relationship between Microsoft and OpenAI will be after this case, but it is possible to say for sure that Altman will not lack funds.The unresolved question remains: why Altman was fired? What did he do to disappoint OpenAI and at the same time to satisfy Microsoft?I wonder how important it is to have a proper manager and a developer. You can gather cool teams, however, very much depends on the leader, and not always this role can be learned. It is a talent!On the other hand, the caase of Altman’s dismissal and instant employment proves that AI cannot replace talented managers. At least not yet.#SamAltman #Microsoft #OpenAI
#Coinbase CEO Encourages #OpenAI Talent Exodus Amid Removal of CEO Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase exchange, has reacted to the board of directors’ decision at OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, regarding relieving Sam Altman from his CEO responsibilities.  In a recent tweet, Armstrong expressed deep concern over the development, hinting at a possible “EA, decel, and AI safety coup” unfolding at OpenAI. According to Armstrong, such could have devastating consequences.  In this context, he argued the OpenAI board has tampered with $80 billion of value and dismantled what he describes as a shining star of American capitalism. Given the weight of the event, Armstrong predicts potential legal repercussions as investors may pursue legal action against OpenAI. Notably, following the sacking of Altman from OpenAI, Greg Brockman, a co-founder and president at OpenAI, resigned from his role in the firm. Therefore, Armstrong has encouraged every talented employee at OpenAI to consider leaving the organization.  In particular, he asked them to similarly resign and join the recently ousted CEO and president Brockman in their new venture, provided they establish one. Armstrong advises skipping the “woke non-profit board,” ejecting decels/EAs, maintaining founder control, avoiding nonsensical regulation, and focusing on accelerating progress.  Furthermore, the Coinbase CEO stressed the importance of building something positive for the world without succumbing to external pressures or feeling guilty about it. Besides, the tweet highlighted Armstrong’s belief that the kind of “decel” thinking present at OpenAI, reminiscent of what he believes destroyed value at Google, poses a significant risk. Notably, the OpenAI board of directors removed Altman from his position on Friday due to allegations of inconsistencies and opaque communication. They assert a loss of confidence in his leadership abilities at OpenAI.
#Coinbase CEO Encourages #OpenAI Talent Exodus Amid Removal of CEO

Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase exchange, has reacted to the board of directors’ decision at OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, regarding relieving Sam Altman from his CEO responsibilities. 
In a recent tweet, Armstrong expressed deep concern over the development, hinting at a possible “EA, decel, and AI safety coup” unfolding at OpenAI. According to Armstrong, such could have devastating consequences. 
In this context, he argued the OpenAI board has tampered with $80 billion of value and dismantled what he describes as a shining star of American capitalism. Given the weight of the event, Armstrong predicts potential legal repercussions as investors may pursue legal action against OpenAI.

Notably, following the sacking of Altman from OpenAI, Greg Brockman, a co-founder and president at OpenAI, resigned from his role in the firm. Therefore, Armstrong has encouraged every talented employee at OpenAI to consider leaving the organization. 
In particular, he asked them to similarly resign and join the recently ousted CEO and president Brockman in their new venture, provided they establish one. Armstrong advises skipping the “woke non-profit board,” ejecting decels/EAs, maintaining founder control, avoiding nonsensical regulation, and focusing on accelerating progress. 
Furthermore, the Coinbase CEO stressed the importance of building something positive for the world without succumbing to external pressures or feeling guilty about it. Besides, the tweet highlighted Armstrong’s belief that the kind of “decel” thinking present at OpenAI, reminiscent of what he believes destroyed value at Google, poses a significant risk.
Notably, the OpenAI board of directors removed Altman from his position on Friday due to allegations of inconsistencies and opaque communication. They assert a loss of confidence in his leadership abilities at OpenAI.
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