Fet досягне $3?👇 FET/USDT, він показує сильний бичачий пробій з спадної трендової лінії, підтверджений хорошим обсягом. Пробій сигналізує про потенціал подальшого зростання, і ціль $3 виглядає досяжною, хоча це буде залежати від ширших умов ринку та імпульсу. --- Аналіз: 1. Пробій трендової лінії: Ціна пробилася вище спадної трендової лінії, що вказує на розворот від низхідного тренду. Обсяг, що супроводжує пробій, зміцнює ймовірність продовження. 2. Рівні опору:
Fetch.ai (FET) і SingularityNET (AGIX) працюють у сфері штучного інтелекту та блокчейну, і потенційний союз або співпраця між ними може створити захоплюючу синергію. Ось що може принести таке партнерство: 1. Комбінована експертиза ШІ: - Fetch.ai зосереджується на автономних агентах і децентралізованому машинному навчанні з додатками в таких сферах, як «розумні міста», управління ланцюгами поставок і мобільність. - SingularityNET — це децентралізована платформа для послуг штучного інтелекту, що дозволяє будь-кому створювати, ділитися та монетизувати штучний інтелект у великих масштабах.
Це 10 найкращих криптовалют штучного інтелекту за розробкою
Santiment назвав мережу Oasis Network (ROSE) найкращою криптовалютою ШІ за розробкою.
Незважаючи на зростання цін на 80% за останній місяць, Альянс штучного суперінтелекту (FET) не потрапив до списку.
Таблиця лідерів
Криптовалюти зі штучним інтелектом (ШІ) останнім часом були досить модними через зростання цін на багато токенів, що займають цю нішу. Платформа криптоаналітики Santiment нещодавно склала рейтинг 10 найкращих таких активів з точки зору щомісячної активності розробки, і в наступних рядках ми представимо результати.
«Наразі Fetch.ai є одним із найпотужніших проектів ШІ на ринку криптовалют».
Сильні сторони Fetch.ai:
Зосередьтеся на додатках реального світу: Fetch.ai прагне використовувати штучний інтелект для практичних цілей, як-от оптимізація DeFi і ланцюжків поставок. Відкрита платформа: їхня платформа дозволяє розробникам створювати програми на основі ШІ. Значне зростання: ціна FET значно зросла за останній рік. Однак у крипто-ШІ є й інші сильні суперники. Важливо враховувати й інші фактори:
Партнерство та впровадження: наскільки широко технологія Fetch.ai використовується в реальних проектах? Команда та розробка: чи є у Fetch.ai сильна команда з підтвердженою репутацією? Конкуренція: що роблять інші криптопроекти, орієнтовані на ШІ?
Прогноз цін Альянсу штучного суперінтелекту на сьогодні, 14 вересня – Технічна інформація FET...
Після того, як ціна досягла мінімуму в 1,33 долара, прогнози Альянсу штучного суперінтелекту показують, що FET може почати зростати, якщо ціна піде на північ.
Статистичні дані прогнозів Альянсу штучного суперінтелекту:
Ціна Artificial Superintelligence Alliance зараз – 1,36$
Ринкова капіталізація Альянсу штучного суперінтелекту – 3,4 мільярда доларів
Обіговий запас Альянсу штучного суперінтелекту – 2,52 млрд
Загальна пропозиція Альянсу штучного суперінтелекту – 2,63 млрд
🚀 $FET готовий до вибухового зростання! 💥 Недавнє злиття AI з $FET , $OCEAN і $AGIX заклало основу для величезних здобутків. Просто подивіться на чисту цінову динаміку з моменту злиття – безперервні оновлення, послідовні оновлення та сильне відновлення FUD. 📈 Зараз ми на шляху до досягнення позначки в 10 доларів. Я не встановлюю правила, але діаграма показує, що корекція 0,618 тримається міцно, а наратив для проектів штучного інтелекту лише посилюється. Ключові цілі: ST: $5-$8 🏁LT: $10+ 🚀 Графік сигналізує про подальший висхідний рух – цілі розширення Фібоначчі вже в полі зору. Не пропустіть цей шанс осідлати хвилю разом зі мною – це може бути в 10 разів дорогоцінним каменем ще до того, як почнеться бичачий ринок! 🌊 Ви все ще осторонь чи готові надрукувати ці досягнення? 💸💪 💥Завжди інвестуйте відповідально, DYOR! #FET #ArtificialInteligence #CryptoGains #BullMarket📈 #BinanceTurns7 #ОКЕАН #АГІКС #Фібоначчі
🚀 $FET готовий до вибухового зростання! 💥 Недавнє злиття AI з $FET , $OCEAN і $AGIX заклало основу для величезних здобутків. Просто подивіться на чисту цінову динаміку з моменту злиття – безперервні оновлення, послідовні оновлення та сильне відновлення FUD. 📈 Зараз ми на шляху до досягнення позначки в 10 доларів. Я не встановлюю правила, але діаграма показує, що корекція 0,618 тримається міцно, а наратив для проектів штучного інтелекту лише посилюється. Ключові цілі: ST: $5-$8 🏁LT: $10+ 🚀 Графік сигналізує про подальший висхідний рух – цілі розширення Фібоначчі вже в полі зору. Не пропустіть цей шанс осідлати хвилю разом зі мною – це може бути в 10 разів дорогоцінним каменем ще до того, як почнеться бичачий ринок! 🌊 Ви все ще осторонь чи готові надрукувати ці досягнення? 💸💪 💥Завжди інвестуйте відповідально, DYOR! #FET #ArtificialInteligence #CryptoGains #BullMarket📈 #BinanceTurns7 #ОКЕАН #АГІКС #Фібоначчі
За прогнозами аналітиків, Fetch AI (FET) готовий до значного прориву на 162% у міру зростання імпульсу зростання
Fetch AI може зрости на 162% до 3,485 доларів США через зростання розбіжностей і прорив вище ключового опору.
Прорив вище рівня опору $1,2500 може спровокувати бичаче зростання, а невдача може призвести до подальшої консолідації.
Позитивні сигнали RSI та MACD вказують на потенційний висхідний імпульс, але потрібна обережність щодо можливого ведмежого кросовера.
За словами криптоаналітика JavonTM1, Fetch AI (FET) готовий до потенційного зростання на 162% у зв’язку з появою зростаючих тенденцій. Аналітик підкреслив, що токен може відновитися до 3,485 доларів США за рахунок численних бичачих розбіжностей і прориву останніх рівнів опору.
Fetch.ai (FET) — це децентралізована мережа машинного навчання, яка надає інструменти та інфраструктуру для створення відкритої децентралізованої цифрової економіки. Завдяки фокусу на штучному інтелекті (ШІ) і машинному навчанні Fetch.ai знаходиться на перетині двох галузей, що швидко розвиваються: технології блокчейн і ШІ. З огляду на його інноваційний підхід і потенційне застосування, майбутня ціна FET є темою, яка цікавить багатьох інвесторів. 👇👇👇 $FET Фактори, що впливають на майбутню ціну Fetch.ai 📊
We're seeing some exciting action with FET! The recent bounce off the $0.91 support level, combined with impressive trading volume, suggests that our $1.76 target might be on the horizon sooner than we think. 🌟
Historically, FET has delivered up to 11x gains in similar scenarios. With Bitcoin also showing bullish signs, this could be a thrilling ride. 📈
Stay tuned and keep an eye on the charts—big moves might just be around the corner! 💹🔍
Yapay Zeka Coin’leri 25 Milyar Dolarlık Değere Koşuyor: Hangi Altcoin’ler Öne Çıkıyor?
Kripto ve yapay zeka projeleri, piyasa dalgalanmalarına rağmen sağlam duruşlarını koruyarak 25 milyar dolarlık piyasa değerini aşma yolunda ilerliyor. CoinMarketCap’in araştırma lideri Alice Liu, bu sektördeki büyüme potansiyelinin yüksek olduğunu belirterek yapay zeka balonu endişelerini reddediyor. DL News’e göre, bu yıl sektöre 750 milyon dolarlık yatırım yapılmış durumda. Yapay zeka ve kripto piyasasının 2030 yılına kadar küresel ekonomiye 20 trilyon dolarlık katkıda bulunacağı öngörülüyor. Pantera Capital, 2030’a kadar AI-blokzinciri projelerine 200 milyon dolardan fazla yatırım yapmayı planlıyor. Bu, endüstrinin uzun vadeli büyüme potansiyelini vurguluyor. Son piyasa dalgalanmalarına rağmen, büyük yatırımcılar bu yenilikçi alana olan ilgilerini sürdürüyor. Ancak, çip üreticisi Nvidia’nın tetiklediği teknoloji hisselerindeki düşüşler, yapay zeka balonu korkularını yeniden gündeme getirdi. Nvidia'nın piyasa değeri 250 milyar dolar azaldı ve yatırımcı endişeleri arttı. Yine de, Liu yapay zeka ve kripto sektörünün hâlâ büyük bir büyüme potansiyeline sahip olduğunu ve bu piyasanın kısa vadeli aksaklıklardan çok daha geniş bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu savunuyor. Altcoin Piyasasında Son Durum NEAR Protocol (NEAR): NEAR Protocol’un fiyatı şu anda 3,79 dolar seviyelerinde ve 24 saatlik işlem hacmi 157,2 milyon dolar. Son 24 saatte yüzde 2,07 oranında bir düşüş yaşandı ve piyasa değeri 4,25 milyar dolara geriledi. Toplam dolaşımdaki NEAR coin sayısı 1,12 milyarda bulunuyor. Türev piyasasındaki işlem hacmi yüzde 35,37 oranında düşerken, açık pozisyonlar yüzde 0,66 oranında arttı. Binance ve OKX üzerindeki uzun/kısa oranları, trader’ların genel olarak uzun pozisyonları tercih ettiğini gösteriyor. Ancak, 24 saat içinde 99,46 bin dolarlık uzun pozisyonun likide edilmesi, uzun pozisyonların yüksek risk taşıdığını gösteriyor. En popüler işlem platformları arasında Binance, OKX, Bybit ve Bitfinex yer alıyor. Internet Computer (ICP):$ICP
Internet Computer (ICP), son 24 saatte yüzde 3,86 oranında bir düşüş yaşadı ve 7,33 dolardan işlem görüyor. Piyasa değeri 3,44 milyar dolar olan ICP'nin toplam dolaşımdaki miktarı 469,8 milyon coin. Türev piyasasında işlem hacmi yüzde 10,47 düşerken, açık pozisyonlar yüzde 2,55 azalarak 33,9 milyon dolara geriledi. Uzun/kısa oranları hafif bir yükseliş eğilimi gösteriyor. Binance'de uzun/kısa oranı 1,9542, OKX'te ise 1,58 olarak belirlendi. Bu durum, daha fazla trader’ın fiyat artışına yönelik pozisyon aldığını gösteriyor. Ancak, 28,5 bin dolarlık uzun pozisyon likide edilmiş, piyasanın volatilitesinin sürdüğü gözlemlenmiştir. Önde gelen işlem platformları arasında Binance, OKX, Bybit ve Bitfinex bulunuyor. Fetch.ai (FET):$FET
Fetch.ai (FET), son 24 saatte yüzde 4,27 oranında bir düşüşle 1,09 dolardan işlem görüyor. Piyasa değeri 2,73 milyar dolar olan FET’nin toplam dolaşımdaki miktarı 2,52 milyar coin. Türev piyasasında işlem hacmi yüzde 36,44 oranında düşerken, açık pozisyonlar yüzde 1,89 oranında azalmış durumda. Uzun/kısa oranı 0,9467 ile dengeli olsa da Binance üzerindeki trader’lar daha çok yükseliş eğiliminde. Ancak, 60,56 bin dolarlık uzun pozisyon ve 98,60 bin dolarlık kısa pozisyon likide edilmiş, bu da piyasadaki dalgalanmayı gözler önüne seriyor. Binance, OKX, Bybit ve Bitfinex, FET ticareti için önde gelen borsalar arasında dikkat çekiyor. Render Token (RNDR):$RENDER
Render Token (RNDR), son 24 saatte yüzde 2,45 oranında bir düşüşle 4,77 dolardan işlem görüyor. 50,7 milyon dolarlık işlem hacmi olan token, 1,87 milyar dolarlık piyasa değerine sahip. Dolaşımdaki RNDR coin sayısı ise 392,5 milyon olarak belirlenmiş. Türev piyasasında kısa pozisyonlar sıkışmış ve 2,48 bin dolarlık kısa pozisyonlar likide edilmiş. Ancak, ticaret hacmi, açık pozisyonlar ve uzun/kısa oranlar gibi temel verilerin eksikliği, piyasa duyarlılığına yönelik net bir tablo oluşturmayı zorlaştırıyor. Binance, OKX, Bybit ve Bitfinex, RNDR ticareti için başlıca borsalar arasında yer alıyor.
HEDİYE 10 DOLAR İÇİN LÜTFEN DİKKATLİ OKUYUNUZ. Dostlarım biliyorsunuz ki biz yayıncıların burada sizler için elimizden gelen her şeyi yapıyoruz. Yetkililerimizin bize sunmuş olduğu hizmet ve kolaylıkları sizlere aktarıyoruz. Ben elimden geldiğince hem Kripto para piyasasına hemde sizlere desteklerimi hiç çekmedim ve tam aksine daha çok destek vermek içinde çabalıyorum. BU 10 DOLARLIK HEDİYE KAMPANYASI BİNACE TARAFINDAN BANA ÖZEL OLARAK YAPILMIŞTIR BİR KAMPANYADIR. CANLI YARDIMLA GÖRÜŞEREK , BU KONUDA SÖYLEDİĞİM TEYİDİ ALABİLİRSİNİZ. BENİM ARACILIĞIMLA SİZLERE YAPILMIŞ 10 DOLARLIK KAMPANYADIR. Şimdi hediyenizi nasıl alacaksınız onu anlatacağım. Öncelikle , birinin referansıyla kayıt olmuş ve vadeli işlemleri aktif olarak kullanan Binance kullanıcıları ne yazık ki bu promosyondan faydalanamayacak. Peki kimler faydalanabilecek? Henüz vadeli işlemler kısmını aktif etmemiş dostlarımız , VADELİ İŞLEMLER işlem bölümünüzü aktif ederken , benim 88623008 referans kodumu girerek açtığınızda 10 dolar kazanacaksınız. DETAYLI ANLATIYORUM. Referanssız olarak binance üyeliği gerçekleştirmiş olan kardeşlerim iyi dinleyin lütfen ; Sırasıyla dediklerimi yaptığınızda 10 USDT alacaksınız. Uygulamanızdan Vadeli İşlemler Bölümüne girin ,Sonra gelen ekranda REFERANS KODU bölümüne , 88623008 kodunu girerek hesabınızı açın , Bu işlemi gerçekleştirip 1 MAYIS tarihine kadar 10 USDT ödülünü almak isteyen kardeşlerim alabilir. Sonrasında hesabınızı aktif ettikten sonra ilk vadeli işleminizi açmanız yeterlidir. 1 MAYIS tarihine kadar 200 USDT'lik bir işlem açan ilk 1.000 kardeşim 10 USDT ödülünü alacaktır. Yani şöyle bir taktik vereyim size ; 5 dolarlık işlemle 20x aç-kapa yapsanız bile ödüle hak kazanmış olacaksınız. Yalnız 1 Mayıstan sonra bu işlemi yapsanızda , ödülünüz gelmeyecektir. O yüzden 1 Mayısa kadar halledin. Hatta şuan hemen 5 saniyede halledin derim. Çok basit. Vadeli işlemlere gir , benim 88623008 referans kodumu gir ve hesabı aktif et. Sonrasında sadece toplamda 200 usdtlik işlemini aç ve 10 usdt ödülünü al. ÖDÜL NE ZAMAN GELECEK? 1O dolar ödülünüz , 1 Mayıs tarihinden itibaren , 30 içinde Binance uygulamanızın , ÖDÜL bölümüne gelecektir. Oradan Aktif ederek , vadeli işlemlerde 10 dolar yani 300 liradan fazla ödülünüzü kullanabilirsiniz. İhtiyacı olan arkadaşlarınız içinde , bu gönderiyi paylaşarak , arkadaşlarınızında faydalanmasını sağlayabilirsiniz. BU ARADA KARDEŞLERİM LÜTFEN BEĞENİLERİNİZİ EKSİK ETMEYİN. HER PAYLAŞIM SİZİN İÇİN. O YÜZDEN DESTEKLERİNİZİ ESİRGEMEYİN. HALA TAKİP ETMEYEN VARSADA TAKİPLERİNİZİ UNUTMAYINIZ. SAYGILARIMLA.
FET Coin: The Rising Star of Artificial Superintelligence Alliance
$FET Fetch.ai (FET) stands as a beacon of innovation in the rapidly evolving world of decentralized artificial intelligence. Designed to drive the economic internet, Fetch.ai seamlessly integrates machine learning, AI, and decentralized ledger technology to automate complex processes and create a dynamic ecosystem for autonomous agents. This ambitious project is uniquely positioned to thrive as the world increasingly embraces AI-driven solutions, making it a potentially lucrative investment for those looking toward the future. As of September 2, 2024, FET is trading at approximately $1.172, with a market capitalization of €2.7 billion. The token's impressive 366.12% growth over the past year underscores its strong market performance. With a circulating supply of 2.5 billion FET, which accounts for 96% of its total supply capped at 2.63 billion, FET's current market sentiment points to a consolidation phase. This phase sees the token trading within a range of $1.15 to $1.24, indicating a period of market indecision but also signaling potential for future growth as the global landscape evolves. Earlier in the year, FET demonstrated significant bullish momentum, peaking at an all-time high of $3.47 in March 2024. Despite subsequent corrections, the token continues to hold above key support levels. The daily chart suggests FET is currently in a consolidation phase, with resistance at $1.70 and support at $0.70. This pattern suggests an imminent breakout, particularly if the broader market sentiment shifts positively. When paired with BTC, FET shows a similar consolidation pattern, trading at 0.00002009 BTC with resistance at 0.00002395 BTC. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicators on the monthly chart suggest a neutral trend, which could pivot depending on external market influences. Global and Market Influences: AI Adoption: As global industries accelerate their adoption of AI technologies, platforms like Fetch.ai that offer decentralized AI-driven solutions are well-positioned for exponential growth. The ongoing development and deployment of AI agents across diverse sectors could significantly drive demand for FET tokens, enhancing their market value.Macro-Economic Factors: The possibility of a U.S. Federal Reserve interest rate cut, coupled with the uncertainties surrounding the upcoming U.S. elections, could introduce heightened volatility into the broader financial markets. Historically, such events have triggered fluctuations in cryptocurrency prices, influenced by shifts in investor sentiment and liquidity.Partnerships and Integrations: Fetch.ai's expanding ecosystem, bolstered by integrations within decentralized finance (DeFi) and strategic partnerships with key industry players, is likely to strengthen its utility and adoption. These developments could act as powerful catalysts for FET's price appreciation, making it a compelling investment opportunity. Navigating War, FED Rate Cuts, and U.S. Elections Effects: The current global landscape, marked by geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainty, presents both challenges and opportunities for investors. The ongoing conflicts and the potential for further FED rate cuts could lead to increased market volatility. Additionally, the U.S. presidential elections introduce another layer of unpredictability, with potential policy shifts that could impact financial markets globally. For investors in Fetch.ai, these factors underscore the importance of staying informed and agile. While the token's fundamentals remain strong, the broader market conditions will play a critical role in shaping its future trajectory. As such, FET represents not just a strategic investment in the AI-driven future but also a bet on navigating the complex interplay of global events that define our times.
🚀 Cryptocurrency Exit Strategy: How to Plan Your Moves 🚀
A solid exit strategy is key to maximizing gains and minimizing losses. Here’s how to effectively plan your moves:
🔑 Set Pre-Defined Goals - Price Targets: Sell portions of your holdings at predetermined price points (e.g., 25% at $10,000). - Profit Percentage: Lock in profits by selling once ROI targets (e.g., 100% or 200%) are achieved.
📊 Utilize Technical Indicators Moving Averages: Monitor trends using indicators like the 200-day moving average.
📈 Understand Market Phases - Bull Market: Set higher targets as prices rise. - Bear Market: Sell to cut losses or buy at lower prices.
🤖 Implement Automated Orders - Limit Orders: Automate sales at target prices. - Stop-Loss Orders: Protect investments by limiting losses.
💵 Apply Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) - Step-by-Step Selling: Gradually sell based on price increases to reduce emotional decisions.
🛡️ Consider Long-Term Holding (HODLing) - HODL Strategy: Hold established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin for long-term gains.
📅 Navigate Market Cycles - Bull & Bear Cycles: Monitor market phases for buying opportunities during downturns.
⚖️ Diversify Your Portfolio - Balanced Investment: Spread risk across various crypto assets to enhance returns.
💰 Take Profits and Reinvest
- Profit Realization: Reinvest gains into new opportunities to capitalize on emerging trends.
💵 Use Stablecoins for Passive Income - Convert and Earn: Use stablecoins to secure profits and earn interest on platforms offering up to 6% annually. 🚀 Dive into the Future of Blockchain with $G: #GravityAlphaMainnet 🚀
Gravity is revolutionizing blockchain with its pioneering Layer 1 omnichain smart contract platform, designed for seamless cross-chain interactions.
🔍 Benefits of Holding G: 🔒 Staking Rewards: Enhance network security and governance while earning exclusive rewards. 🗳️ Governance Rights: Participate in the G DAO for transparent and democratic decision-making. ⚡ Transaction Processing: Power all on-chain transactions with $G for a cost-effective experience. 💸 Utility in Payments: Use $G across multiple Galxe applications, boosting its value and integration.
🌟 Future Prospects for Gravity Chain 🚀 Cutting-Edge Architecture: Gravity’s scalable, efficient omnichain design is set to redefine blockchain. 🔗 Enhanced Interoperability: Facilitates the development of cross-chain applications with ease.
🚀 Galxe’s Evolution Powered by Gravity 🌐 Expanded Capabilities: Galxe’s integration with Gravity will drive dynamic and scalable solutions.
🤔 Your Thoughts? - How do you see $G shaping the future of blockchain? Share your insights and join the discussion on Gravity’s impact!
AI Hype Fades As Wall Street Questions NVIDIA Impressive Earnings
NVIDIA just dropped some insane numbers in their recent Q2 earnings report. Sales skyrocketed, profits doubled, and they outperformed everyone’s wildest expectations. But guess what? Their stock still took a hit. Why? Let’s break it down.
NVIDIA’s Earnings Were a Big Deal
NVIDIA’s Q2 report had everything. Sales surged by 122%, and profits went through the roof. Everyone was expecting them to crush it, and they did. But when NVIDIA’s stock fell by 7% after the report, it wasn’t because they messed up. Investors had just set the bar way too high. They were expecting NVIDIA to beat expectations like it’s nothing, but how long can any company keep doing that?
For investors, it wasn’t really about NVIDIA missing the mark. It’s more about the market adjusting its expectations. NVIDIA’s been on a crazy ride, becoming one of the biggest names in Big Tech, and people have gotten used to it. But now, with AI hype cooling off a bit, the stock market’s getting a bit more realistic.
Investors Are Waking Up to the AI Reality
AI was supposed to be the next big thing, right? And for a while, it was all about throwing money at anything AI-related, especially NVIDIA. They’ve been the biggest winner in the AI game, making the chips everyone needs. But now, investors are starting to ask the hard questions: Where’s the return on investment (ROI) for all this AI spending?
Big Tech’s been pouring billions into AI, but the results are, well, mixed. Sure, we’ve got cool stuff like ChatGPT and Google Gemini, but are they really changing the world? Investors are getting a little impatient. They want to see more than just hype; they want real, tangible returns.
Why NVIDIA Isn’t Just Another AI Hype
Despite the stock drop, NVIDIA isn’t just riding the AI wave. They’re the backbone of it. Even if AI cools down, NVIDIA’s got a solid foundation. They’ve been around, making high-demand chips long before AI became the buzzword of the decade. And they’ll be around long after. Their products power everything from AI chatbots to ad-targeting systems, and their data centers are a huge part of their revenue.
But there’s a potential twist. As much as Big Tech relies on NVIDIA’s chips, they’re all racing to build their own AI hardware. If they succeed, NVIDIA might face some serious competition from their biggest customers.
The Stock Market and Future of NVIDIA
The stock market isn’t freaking out about NVIDIA’s dip. In fact, it’s a sign that the market’s maturing when it comes to AI. NVIDIA might not have blown everyone away this time, but they’re still the leader of the pack. The market’s just catching up to the reality that no company can keep doubling forever, not even NVIDIA.
Investors are also starting to see that the AI trade isn’t the only game in town. The rest of the S&P 500 is growing, and small-cap stocks are looking promising. It’s not all about the big names anymore, and that’s good news for a more balanced market.
NVIDIA and AI Are Here to Stay
NVIDIA might’ve stumbled, but they’re far from down and out. AI’s still in its early days, and NVIDIA’s at the center of it all. The market’s just taking a breather, adjusting expectations, and getting ready for what’s next. Investors might be getting more cautious, but they’re not giving up on AI or NVIDIA. The future’s still bright for both, even if the ride isn’t as wild as it used to be.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a common term in everydays lingo, while blockchain, though often seen as distinct, is gaining prominence in the tech world, especially within the Finance space. Concepts like "AI Blockchain," "AI Crypto," and similar terms highlight the convergence of these two powerful technologies. Though distinct, AI and blockchain are increasingly being combined to drive innovation, complexity, and transformation across various industries.
The integration of AI and blockchain is creating a multi-layered ecosystem with the potential to revolutionize industries, enhance security, and improve efficiencies. Though both are different and polar opposite of each other. But, De-Centralisation of Artificial intelligence quite the right thing towards giving the authority to the people.
The Whole Decentralized AI ecosystem can be understood by breaking it down into three primary layers: the Application Layer, the Middleware Layer, and the Infrastructure Layer. Each of these layers consists of sub-layers that work together to enable the seamless creation and deployment of AI within blockchain frameworks. Let's Find out How These Actually Works...... TL;DR Application Layer: Users interact with AI-enhanced blockchain services in this layer. Examples include AI-powered finance, healthcare, education, and supply chain solutions.Middleware Layer: This layer connects applications to infrastructure. It provides services like AI training networks, oracles, and decentralized agents for seamless AI operations.Infrastructure Layer: The backbone of the ecosystem, this layer offers decentralized cloud computing, GPU rendering, and storage solutions for scalable, secure AI and blockchain operations.
💡Application Layer The Application Layer is the most tangible part of the ecosystem, where end-users interact with AI-enhanced blockchain services. It integrates AI with blockchain to create innovative applications, driving the evolution of user experiences across various domains.
User-Facing Applications: AI-Driven Financial Platforms: Beyond AI Trading Bots, platforms like Numerai leverage AI to manage decentralized hedge funds. Users can contribute models to predict stock market movements, and the best-performing models are used to inform real-world trading decisions. This democratizes access to sophisticated financial strategies and leverages collective intelligence.AI-Powered Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): DAOstack utilizes AI to optimize decision-making processes within DAOs, ensuring more efficient governance by predicting outcomes, suggesting actions, and automating routine decisions.Healthcare dApps: Doc.ai is a project that integrates AI with blockchain to offer personalized health insights. Patients can manage their health data securely, while AI analyzes patterns to provide tailored health recommendations.Education Platforms: SingularityNET and Aletheia AI have been pioneering in using AI within education by offering personalized learning experiences, where AI-driven tutors provide tailored guidance to students, enhancing learning outcomes through decentralized platforms.
Enterprise Solutions: AI-Powered Supply Chain: Morpheus.Network utilizes AI to streamline global supply chains. By combining blockchain's transparency with AI's predictive capabilities, it enhances logistics efficiency, predicts disruptions, and automates compliance with global trade regulations. AI-Enhanced Identity Verification: Civic and uPort integrate AI with blockchain to offer advanced identity verification solutions. AI analyzes user behavior to detect fraud, while blockchain ensures that personal data remains secure and under the control of the user.Smart City Solutions: MXC Foundation leverages AI and blockchain to optimize urban infrastructure, managing everything from energy consumption to traffic flow in real-time, thereby improving efficiency and reducing operational costs.
🏵️ Middleware Layer The Middleware Layer connects the user-facing applications with the underlying infrastructure, providing essential services that facilitate the seamless operation of AI on the blockchain. This layer ensures interoperability, scalability, and efficiency.
AI Training Networks: Decentralized AI training networks on blockchain combine the power of artificial intelligence with the security and transparency of blockchain technology. In this model, AI training data is distributed across multiple nodes on a blockchain network, ensuring data privacy, security, and preventing data centralization. Ocean Protocol: This protocol focuses on democratizing AI by providing a marketplace for data sharing. Data providers can monetize their datasets, and AI developers can access diverse, high-quality data for training their models, all while ensuring data privacy through blockchain.Cortex: A decentralized AI platform that allows developers to upload AI models onto the blockchain, where they can be accessed and utilized by dApps. This ensures that AI models are transparent, auditable, and tamper-proof. Bittensor: The case of a sublayer class for such an implementation can be seen with Bittensor. It's a decentralized machine learning network where participants are incentivized to put in their computational resources and datasets. This network is underlain by the TAO token economy that rewards contributors according to the value they add to model training. This democratized model of AI training is, in actuality, revolutionizing the process by which models are developed, making it possible even for small players to contribute and benefit from leading-edge AI research.
AI Agents and Autonomous Systems: In this sublayer, the focus is more on platforms that allow the creation and deployment of autonomous AI agents that are then able to execute tasks in an independent manner. These interact with other agents, users, and systems in the blockchain environment to create a self-sustaining AI-driven process ecosystem. SingularityNET: A decentralized marketplace for AI services where developers can offer their AI solutions to a global audience. SingularityNET’s AI agents can autonomously negotiate, interact, and execute services, facilitating a decentralized economy of AI services.iExec: This platform provides decentralized cloud computing resources specifically for AI applications, enabling developers to run their AI algorithms on a decentralized network, which enhances security and scalability while reducing costs. Fetch.AI: One class example of this sub-layer is Fetch.AI, which acts as a kind of decentralized middleware on top of which fully autonomous "agents" represent users in conducting operations. These agents are capable of negotiating and executing transactions, managing data, or optimizing processes, such as supply chain logistics or decentralized energy management. Fetch.AI is setting the foundations for a new era of decentralized automation where AI agents manage complicated tasks across a range of industries.
AI-Powered Oracles: Oracles are very important in bringing off-chain data on-chain. This sub-layer involves integrating AI into oracles to enhance the accuracy and reliability of the data which smart contracts depend on. Oraichain: Oraichain offers AI-powered Oracle services, providing advanced data inputs to smart contracts for dApps with more complex, dynamic interaction. It allows smart contracts that are nimble in data analytics or machine learning models behind contract execution to relate to events taking place in the real world. Chainlink: Beyond simple data feeds, Chainlink integrates AI to process and deliver complex data analytics to smart contracts. It can analyze large datasets, predict outcomes, and offer decision-making support to decentralized applications, enhancing their functionality. Augur: While primarily a prediction market, Augur uses AI to analyze historical data and predict future events, feeding these insights into decentralized prediction markets. The integration of AI ensures more accurate and reliable predictions.
⚡ Infrastructure Layer The Infrastructure Layer forms the backbone of the Crypto AI ecosystem, providing the essential computational power, storage, and networking required to support AI and blockchain operations. This layer ensures that the ecosystem is scalable, secure, and resilient.
Decentralized Cloud Computing: The sub-layer platforms behind this layer provide alternatives to centralized cloud services in order to keep everything decentralized. This gives scalability and flexible computing power to support AI workloads. They leverage otherwise idle resources in global data centers to create an elastic, more reliable, and cheaper cloud infrastructure. Akash Network: Akash is a decentralized cloud computing platform that shares unutilized computation resources by users, forming a marketplace for cloud services in a way that becomes more resilient, cost-effective, and secure than centralized providers. For AI developers, Akash offers a lot of computing power to train models or run complex algorithms, hence becoming a core component of the decentralized AI infrastructure. Ankr: Ankr offers a decentralized cloud infrastructure where users can deploy AI workloads. It provides a cost-effective alternative to traditional cloud services by leveraging underutilized resources in data centers globally, ensuring high availability and resilience.Dfinity: The Internet Computer by Dfinity aims to replace traditional IT infrastructure by providing a decentralized platform for running software and applications. For AI developers, this means deploying AI applications directly onto a decentralized internet, eliminating reliance on centralized cloud providers.
Distributed Computing Networks: This sublayer consists of platforms that perform computations on a global network of machines in such a manner that they offer the infrastructure required for large-scale workloads related to AI processing. Gensyn: The primary focus of Gensyn lies in decentralized infrastructure for AI workloads, providing a platform where users contribute their hardware resources to fuel AI training and inference tasks. A distributed approach can ensure the scalability of infrastructure and satisfy the demands of more complex AI applications. Hadron: This platform focuses on decentralized AI computation, where users can rent out idle computational power to AI developers. Hadron’s decentralized network is particularly suited for AI tasks that require massive parallel processing, such as training deep learning models. Hummingbot: An open-source project that allows users to create high-frequency trading bots on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Hummingbot uses distributed computing resources to execute complex AI-driven trading strategies in real-time.
Decentralized GPU Rendering: In the case of most AI tasks, especially those with integrated graphics, and in those cases with large-scale data processing, GPU rendering is key. Such platforms offer a decentralized access to GPU resources, meaning now it would be possible to perform heavy computation tasks that do not rely on centralized services. Render Network: The network concentrates on decentralized GPU rendering power, which is able to do AI tasks—to be exact, those executed in an intensely processing way—neural net training and 3D rendering. This enables the Render Network to leverage the world's largest pool of GPUs, offering an economic and scalable solution to AI developers while reducing the time to market for AI-driven products and services. DeepBrain Chain: A decentralized AI computing platform that integrates GPU computing power with blockchain technology. It provides AI developers with access to distributed GPU resources, reducing the cost of training AI models while ensuring data privacy. NKN (New Kind of Network): While primarily a decentralized data transmission network, NKN provides the underlying infrastructure to support distributed GPU rendering, enabling efficient AI model training and deployment across a decentralized network.
Decentralized Storage Solutions: The management of vast amounts of data that would both be generated by and processed in AI applications requires decentralized storage. It includes platforms in this sublayer, which ensure accessibility and security in providing storage solutions. Filecoin : Filecoin is a decentralized storage network where people can store and retrieve data. This provides a scalable, economically proven alternative to centralized solutions for the many times huge amounts of data required in AI applications. At best. At best, this sublayer would serve as an underpinning element to ensure data integrity and availability across AI-driven dApps and services. Arweave: This project offers a permanent, decentralized storage solution ideal for preserving the vast amounts of data generated by AI applications. Arweave ensures data immutability and availability, which is critical for the integrity of AI-driven applications. Storj: Another decentralized storage solution, Storj enables AI developers to store and retrieve large datasets across a distributed network securely. Storj’s decentralized nature ensures data redundancy and protection against single points of failure.
🟪 How Specific Layers Work Together? Data Generation and Storage: Data is the lifeblood of AI. The Infrastructure Layer’s decentralized storage solutions like Filecoin and Storj ensure that the vast amounts of data generated are securely stored, easily accessible, and immutable. This data is then fed into AI models housed on decentralized AI training networks like Ocean Protocol or Bittensor.AI Model Training and Deployment: The Middleware Layer, with platforms like iExec and Ankr, provides the necessary computational power to train AI models. These models can be decentralized using platforms like Cortex, where they become available for use by dApps. Execution and Interaction: Once trained, these AI models are deployed within the Application Layer, where user-facing applications like ChainGPT and Numerai utilize them to deliver personalized services, perform financial analysis, or enhance security through AI-driven fraud detection.Real-Time Data Processing: Oracles in the Middleware Layer, like Oraichain and Chainlink, feed real-time, AI-processed data to smart contracts, enabling dynamic and responsive decentralized applications.Autonomous Systems Management: AI agents from platforms like Fetch.AI operate autonomously, interacting with other agents and systems across the blockchain ecosystem to execute tasks, optimize processes, and manage decentralized operations without human intervention.
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