Кожен бичачий ринок часто супроводжується подією чорного лебедя. Такі як 94, 312, 519, я сподіваюся, що 805 цього місяця може стати можливістю почати новий бичачий ринок. З настанням сезону «Золотої дев’ятки та Срібної десятки», можливо, бичачий ринок дійсно на шляху.
Спостерігаючи за відскоком за останні два дні, такі валюти мають характеристики швидкого відскоку та високого зростання. Настав час зосередитися на ворожінні ~ #加密市场反弹 #牛市到来
важкий! Конференція Трампа оприлюднила заяву про те, що біткойн ось-ось досягне нових висот. Чи продовжить падіння Ethereum? 3 альткоїни мають великий потенціал, перш ніж стати бичачим
BTC досяг піку в 70 000 у травні та червні. У липні було зроблено кілька спроб досягти 70 000, але вони завжди блокувалися тиском у 68 500. До липня залишилося всього кілька днів. Чи зможе BTC подолати тиск і знову досягти 70 000? Якщо ви хочете зробити прорив, є два ключових фактори в останніх новинах: Трамп виступить з промовою на конференції Bitcoin 2024 о 3:00 28 липня. Дані про подальші чисті надходження BTC ETF і ETH ETF.
Якщо ці два фактори зможуть ефективно стимулювати ринок, очікується, що BTC подолає тиск у 68 500 і досягне 70 000. Якщо стимулу немає, ринок може знову впасти приблизно до 66 000-65 500, чекаючи, поки наступний стимул знову досягне цілі 70 000.
Цього тижня буде три ключових даних, і ринок не буде спокійним. Найважливішими будуть дані про безробіття та заробітну плату в несільськогосподарському секторі за п’ятницю. Крім того, очікується, що дані про інфляцію PCE, які будуть опубліковані о 20:30 у четвер, впадуть, що є позитивним сигналом. Я з оптимізмом дивлюся на загальні вибори і з нетерпінням чекаю, що нове керівництво розпочне політику економічного стимулювання. Незалежно від того, хто переможе, я можу прийняти це, але я сподіваюся, що Трамп зможе виграти красиво, щоб валютне коло могло започаткувати великий бичачий ринок!
LUCE 1. Релігія - це МЕМИ, МЕМИ - це релігія! 2. Перший релігійний супер-МЕМ, тобто святі річні об'єкти, раз на 25 років, унікальні 3. У світі більше 1 мільярда віруючих, і ЗМІ різних країн продовжують бомбардувати їх, що має ефект на вищому рівні. 4. Завдяки безперервним повідомленням основних засобів масової інформації, MEME і валютне коло вийдуть з кола і матимуть більше ніж 1 мільярд віруючих . 5. Основою MEME є спілкування, розповідь і трафік.
Currently, there are two key points of concern: 1. When Bitcoin rises to around £71,800, it may quickly retreat to £68,000 and oscillate around that price for a while. During this time, altcoins usually follow suit and decline, leading to further drops in price due to capital outflow, which may cause losses for contract users and psychologically unstable spot users. Bitcoin is expected to experience wide fluctuations at high levels, with a potential push towards £73,000 by the end of November or December. 2. If Bitcoin peaks at £71,800 and then pulls back below £70,000 and begins to oscillate, it may prompt a rise in meme coin altcoins. Afterwards, various sectors will take turns rising, with capital gradually withdrawing, and the market may experience unusual volatility before the election.
Overall, I remain optimistic about Bitcoin's future, but the market will go through multiple liquidations and contract liquidity issues. We need to seize the opportunity and buy decisively.
Give the babies a dose of reassurance, Currently a 4-hour double bottom structure, pay attention to around 0.0...947, Observe whether it stabilizes; if it does, consider entering. If it breaks through, it’s a world of opportunities! Right now, the worst-case scenario is a large range of fluctuations. So be cautious~
Today the market has risen to 69000, investing is about going with the flow. Although the market has rebounded, many people still have insufficient positions, and there's no need to panic about altcoins, just wait for the sentiment to improve. In the past few weeks, my analysis has consistently aligned with market trends. Unlike many vague analyses, I clearly pointed out that the 65000 level would hold, even though there were a few brief dips, it did not break. The recent market feels like a dream; analysis is one thing, but the actual movement is surprising. The drop in altcoins has been severe, but this is considered normal in the crypto space. My analysis from January to March had already predicted the subsequent crash, but when the real market came, the decline was still shocking. Fortunately, I don't trade contracts; otherwise, I would have gone to zero several times by now. #BTC走势预测
1. Speculative Mindset: Many cryptocurrency traders view digital currencies as a tool for quick wealth, focusing on short-term fluctuations and frequently trading in hopes of making a profit. 2. Gambling Mindset: Some investors behave like gamblers, going all-in without a rational assessment of market risks, overly relying on luck and hoping for a single trade to lead to riches. 3. Overconfidence Mindset: Investors who initially profit or believe they understand the market often overestimate their judgment, increasing their investments, which could result in significant losses. 4. Fear and Greed Mindset: Greed takes over when prices rise, making traders reluctant to sell; fear drives them to hastily sell when prices fall, fearing larger losses. 5. Herd Mentality: Blindly following others or online information to invest, lacking independent analysis, simply going with the flow into the market. Reflect on experiences, achieve stable profits, rather than pursuing quick wealth. #年底牛还熊? #加密货币市场持续震荡
FTX Compensation Unveiled: £3.2 Billion Returns to Crypto, Will FTT Become the 'Hyped Currency'?
The FTX compensation drama is set to unfold, expected to kick off in the first quarter of 2025. Out of £14.4 billion to £16.3 billion in claims, £3.9 billion has already been intercepted by credit funds, making a return to the market nearly impossible. Of the remaining claims, 30% belong to insiders and unverifiable entities, leaving little chance for compensation. It is estimated that out of £8 billion, £3.2 billion will return to the crypto market, but the reconstruction of FTX seems almost impossible. While launching a new platform token is easy, enabling it is difficult. FTT may become a 'ghost coin' in the future, with only speculative value remaining!
The market continues to revolve around meme coins, with active on-chain trading. However, during FOMO, investors need to formulate strategies, such as exiting once they double their investment, to exit quickly; otherwise, it's best to participate with caution. Since October 21, Bitcoin has found support near 65,000 twice. Despite the market experiencing shocks from USDT and Middle Eastern liquidity news, it quickly digested these impacts and rebounded by 4 AM.
From the weekly and daily charts, the overall market is showing an upward trend. Regardless of the outcome of the US elections, the market will rise, just at varying magnitudes. Short-term volatility is hard to avoid, so it's recommended for everyone to hold onto spot investments for the long term. From the 4-hour chart, it is still in a phase of oscillation and adjustment, with no breakout signals yet. As previously mentioned, if there is a breakout, it should happen instantaneously and not be prolonged.
According to Angrybot data, various AI concept meme coins have experienced significant corrections today. GOAT once dropped by 15%, with a market cap falling to $560 million, but has now rebounded to around $610 million. The drop for GNON is even more severe, now expanded to 68%, with a market cap falling below $10 million, currently at $9.2 million. In contrast, AI concept meme coins on the Base chain have performed strongly. Luna by Virtuals ($Luna) has reached a market cap of $240 million, rising 50% in the past 24 hours and 2023% in the past 7 days. Meanwhile, Virtual Protocol ($VIRTUAL) has a market cap of $208 million, with a 23% increase in the past 24 hours. #加密货币市场持续震荡 #牛市赛道是那条?
There are predictions that Bitcoin prices may break $100,000 in the coming months. Reasons for the market optimism include: 1. The US presidential election will be held in two weeks, and a Trump victory would be a significant boost for cryptocurrencies. 2. On-chain indicators are looking positive, with TVL, trading volume, and active addresses for Base and Solana all on the rise. 3. Stripe's acquisition of the stablecoin payment platform Bridge may have been underestimated by the market as a long-term positive. 4. A new realm of AI and Memes is emerging, which could become the 'NFT' of retail trading. 5. Market sentiment is warming up, and a hopeful atmosphere is returning.
Key events in the cryptocurrency world that you cannot miss:
1. Money Flow: Smart money is starting to flee risk assets and shift towards safe assets, influenced by the US presidential election and the Federal Reserve's interest rate outlook. As of the week ending October 23, US money market funds attracted a net inflow of $29.98 billion, while higher-risk equity funds saw a net outflow of $2.54 billion, ending a three-week buying trend. 2. Non-Farm Payroll Data Release: US non-farm payroll data for October will be released next Friday, a key piece of data before the Federal Reserve's November meeting, which could affect rate cut decisions; the market may initially experience a 'leakage trend'. 3. Federal Reserve's Silent Period: The Federal Reserve will enter its silent period next week, and it is expected to release important news through the 'New Federal Reserve Communications Agency'. 4. China Stimulus Measures: China is expected to announce stimulus measures after the Federal Reserve's decision, and prior to that, insiders may leak information that could impact the market. 5. US Election: Despite tight polling, the betting market has increased the probability of a Trump victory, and there remains room for adjustment in the market's pricing of tariff risks. #加密货币市场持续震荡 #战火将如何牵动加密市场? #美国大选前行情观察
Великий наближається! Вирішальний момент обрання Трампа, мережа Sol знову гаряче обговорюється! Секрет проекту PumpFun розкрито, новий виток стрімкого зростання може ось-ось вибухнути!
Поточна структура обсягів і цін, а також часовий тренд досить схожі на ті, що були в 2023 році, і зараз вони перебувають у другій хвилі LPS (остання точка підтримки). Ключовий діапазон становить 620-628. Якщо відбувається поступове падіння нижче, функція підтримки в цій позиції може вийти з ладу, і структура розвернеться до спадного тренду. З точки зору часу зворотна реакція LPS у 2024 році тривала 11 днів, що подібно до 12-денної реакції у 2023 році. Рух основних сил наразі невизначений, тому ми продовжимо чекати та дивитися. Наступний критичний момент часу може припасти на 4 листопада (очікується, що весь цикл відновлення триватиме 30 днів, і очікується подальший розвиток ринку на початку листопада).
Waking up to see the Xiaomi SU7 owner involved in a hit-and-run incident! Young people can be a bit impulsive! I wonder if XCC regretted it at the last moment! Just saying, the collision performance of the Xiaomi SU7 is indeed quite good [thumbs up]
1. Trend Following: In trend-following trades, the stop-loss point should be set far from the purchase price to avoid being mistakenly stopped out due to short-term fluctuations. Typically, the distance between the stop-loss price and the purchase price should be greater than 5%. 2. Counter-Trend Trading: When speculating against the trend, the stop-loss point should be set close to the purchase price to mitigate systemic risk. Usually, the distance between the stop-loss price and the purchase price is 2% to 4%. 3. Breaking Trend Line Stop-Loss: When the stock price effectively breaks below the upward trend line, a stop-loss should be executed immediately. 4. Breaking Moving Average Stop-Loss: Implement a stop-loss when the stock price falls below the short-term moving average (such as the 5-day or 10-day moving average). 5. Risk Tolerance: Set an appropriate stop-loss point based on personal capital and psychological tolerance, but generally should not exceed 10%. 6. Based on Stock Characteristics: For highly active stocks, set a farther stop-loss point; for stable stocks, set a closer one. 7. In Bull Markets: There is no need to discuss stop-losses; hold medium-term positions and fully participate. 8. In Bear Markets: In a cash position, stop-losses are meaningless.
Grass AirDrop is Coming! The first round of the Grass airdrop will begin on October 28, 2024, at 21:30 Beijing time. According to the Grass Foundation, this GRASS Airdrop One will become one of the most widely distributed airdrops in history, marking an important milestone in building the first user-owned internet map.
Dramatic as $SHAR, but there are still PVP players making money by taking risks in the fire 🤪 Address Hxcys...dwNNa, when the market value of SHAR reached £530,000, built a position of 11.4 million tokens at a cost of 40 SOL (approximately £6,728), with a unit price of only $0.000592. Half an hour later, he decisively cashed out, ultimately making a profit of £237,000, with a return rate as high as 3531%. I wonder if he will feel scared after seeing the subsequent RUG 🤣
AI Meme essentially represents a new concept, gaining popularity, but is largely controlled by big capital behind the scenes, essentially just a rebranded capital coin. To claim it embodies the entertainment and critical spirit of Memes is sheer self-deception; it lacks the characteristics of a true Meme. However, as long as the hype can generate profit, there will be followers. Just days ago, people dismissed these coins, but once they started to rise, investors flocked in. Recently, a bunch of new coins have emerged, cashing in on the AI trend. Currently, capital has shifted to on-chain, and if the liquidity of altcoins in the secondary market is insufficient, they will really struggle to perform.