Binance Square
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Трамп обирає крипто-дружнього сенатора Дж. Д. Венса кандидатом у віце-президенти
Колишній президент Дональд Трамп оголосив, що обрав своїм кандидатом у віце-президенти сенатора Дж. Д. Венса (штат Огайо), який підтримує криптовалюту.

Відповідно до його останньої федеральної фінансової інформації, Венс, венчурний капіталіст, який став політиком, володіє біткойнами на суму від 100 001 до 250 001 доларів.

Об’єднаний фронт Трампа та Венса щодо криптовалюти

На початку цього року позиція колишнього президента Трампа щодо криптовалют змінилася зі скептицизму на підтримку. У травні його команда почала приймати внески в різних криптовалютах через Coinbase. Під час своєї кампанії він також активно виступав з галуззю, обіцяючи підтримку.
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Binance Announcement
Навчайтеся та заробляйте: пройдіть курси та вікторини, щоб заробити W нагороди! (04.07.2024)
Це загальне оголошення. Згадані тут продукти та послуги можуть бути недоступні у вашому регіоні.
Колеги Binancians,
Binance з радістю повідомляє, що незабаром ми запустимо наступний раунд «Binance Learn & Earn», де користувачі зможуть отримати знання про блокчейн і отримати криптовалютні винагороди, пройшовши курси та вікторини.
Період діяльності: 2024-07-04 09:00 (UTC) до 2024-07-18 09:00 (UTC)
Усі підтверджені користувачі матимуть право брати участь у цьому раунді «Binance Learn & Earn», щоб отримати заздалегідь визначену суму W за принципом «першим прийшов, першим обслужений».
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Binance Academy
Нагородний пул у розмірі 7 BNB для бонусної місії «Навчись і заробляй» було повністю використано!

Однак 70 $BNB для динамічного та нового пулу винагород все ще триває. Винагороди за це будуть розподілені після кампанії.

Продовжуйте дізнаватися про #Binance з нами 👇
Binance Square Official
Опублікуйте свою подорож#BinanceTournamentна Binance Square і змагайтеся за 5000 USDT!
Приєднуйтесь до Futures Grand Tournament, щоб позмагатися за призовий фонд у 3 мільйони доларів США. Поділившись своїм турнірним досвідом на Binance Square, ви маєте шанс виграти ЕКСКЛЮЗИВНИЙ призовий фонд у 5000 USDT.
Період діяльності: 2024-6-13 00:00 до 2024-7-14 23:59 (UTC)

Як виграти?
Створіть оригінальний вміст, пов’язаний з #BinanceTournament на Binance Square, і додайте «#BinanceTournament » у свій вміст.
Переконайтеся, що у вашому вмісті принаймні 200 символів і щонайменше три взаємодії (наприклад, емодзі, коментарі, публікації чи цитати).
Переклад link. #ShareToWinn link.
Crypto Web3 Today
Shiba Inu: важливе сповіщення Telegram для власників SHIB, ось причина.

Спільноту Shiba Inu закликають бути обережними після важливого попередження про збільшення кількості шахрайства в Telegram.

Шахраї видають себе за офіційні облікові записи екосистеми Shiba Inu у Twitter у Telegram, зокрема ті, що стосуються Shibarium і Treat, намагаючись ввести в оману користувачів.

Шахраї використовують популярність екосистеми Shiba Inu, створюючи підроблені облікові записи Telegram, які імітують офіційні облікові записи Shiba Inu X (Twitter).

Ці шахрайські облікові записи мають ідентичні назви офіційних облікових записів Shiba Inu X і призначені для того, щоб ввести користувачів в оману, щоб вони повірили, що вони беруть участь у законних проектах Shiba Inu, таким чином завойовуючи їхню довіру та потенційно викрадаючи їхні активи.

У цьому світлі Shibarmy Scam Alerts або @susbarium, обліковий запис X, призначений для викриття шахрайства, випустив попередження про безпеку для спільноти Shiba Inu, щоб остерігатися фальшивих облікових записів Telegram, оскільки шахраї видають себе за офіційні облікові записи екосистеми Shiba Inu.

Відповідно до облікового запису X, орієнтованого на Shiba Inu, чай Shiba Inu керує обліковими записами @Shibariumnet і @Treatsforshib на X. Історія в Telegram інша, оскільки цими обліковими записами керують шахраї.

Спільноту Shiba Inu закликають залишатися пильними та обережними під час взаємодії з обліковими записами Telegram. Вони повинні завжди перевіряти особи, а також будь-які оголошення чи пропозиції на офіційному веб-сайті Shiba Inu та облікових записах X. Вони також ніколи не повинні розголошувати особисту інформацію, особисті ключі чи фрази гаманця нікому, хто нібито представляє шиба-іну. Це тому, що офіційні представники ніколи не запитуватимуть таку конфіденційну інформацію.

Як повідомлялося, команда Shiba Inu не проводить роздачу жетонів, а також не планує роздачу в найближчому майбутньому; тому спільноту SHIB закликають скептично ставитися до таких заяв.

Загалом, головне повідомлення полягає в тому, щоб залишатися в безпеці, ніколи не натискати на підозрілі посилання та утримуватися від надання нікому ключів гаманця чи особистої інформації.
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Процитований контент видалено
Mastering Crypto
Як використовувати Binance, щоб заробляти гроші: короткий посібник 🗝

Click Here To Collect Your USDT

Щоб заробити на Binance, ви можете дослідити кілька варіантів:

1. **Торгівля**: купуйте дешево та продавайте дорого за допомогою спотової торгівлі або маржинальної торгівлі. Використовуйте технічний аналіз і тенденції ринку, щоб приймати обґрунтовані рішення.

2. **Staking**: заблокуйте свої криптовалюти в Binance Staking, щоб з часом отримувати винагороди. Різні монети пропонують різну прибутковість ставок.

3. **Заощадження**: використовуйте Binance Savings, що включає гнучкі заощадження та заблоковані заощадження, щоб заробляти відсотки на свої неактивні активи.

4. **Подвійне інвестування**: беріть участь у продуктах подвійного інвестування, які дозволяють вам вкладати активи з більшою прибутковістю з можливістю конвертації в іншу криптовалюту.

5. **Launchpool**: Ставте Binance Coin (BNB), Binance USD (BUSD) або інші токени для створення нових монет, перерахованих на Binance Launchpool.

6. **Манінг ліквідності**: забезпечте ліквідність у Binance Liquid Swap, щоб отримати комісію за транзакції та винагороду.

7. **Реферальна програма**: заробляйте комісійні, залучаючи нових користувачів до Binance. Ви отримуєте відсоток від їхніх торгових зборів.

8. **Аірдропи та рекламні акції**: беріть участь у різноманітних розіграшах, акціях і змаганнях, які проводить Binance, щоб отримати додаткові можливості для заробітку.

Диверсифікувавши свої стратегії між цими варіантами, ви можете максимізувати свої потенційні прибутки на Binance.


🫂Пам’ятайте: для того, щоб надати вам найкращі інвестиційні статті, потрібно докласти багато наполегливої ​​праці. Ваші щедрі поради посилять нашу місію та допоможуть нам працювати ще більше для вас, щоб надавати найкращі інвестиційні поради.

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Launchpool #Megadrop
Binance Square Official
Share to Win is back with BIGGER rewards where verified users may participate to unlock over 100 USDT in rewards. 

Activity Period: 2024-05-23 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-06-06 09:00 (UTC)

Activity 1: Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get up to 100 USDT in Crypto Red Packet

You and a friend can unlock up to 2USDT in red packet when your friend clicks into any Square content links that you share!

Enjoy BIGGER rewards when you send it to a friend new to Binance!

Activity 2: New Users Exclusive - Sign up With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn extra up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards

1. Open any ten unique Binance Square links while being logged in to your Binance account.

2. Complete a trade of at least $100 equivalent on Spot, Futures, Margin, Options, or Convert.

This Activity may not be available in your region. 
The rewards for both Activities are distributed on a first come, first-served basis, with limited redemptions available.
BPUPDCFBB6 is the code... Its 0.1 usdt per person for 50 people..first come first served#red packet
BPUPDCFBB6 is the code... Its 0.1 usdt per person for 50 people..first come first served#red packet
New updates out
New updates out
Binance Square Official
Binance Square Feature Update – April 15, 2024
Hi Binancians,
We're excited to announce that Binance Square's newest updates are now live in app version 2.81. For a smoother and more efficient browsing experience, we recommend updating your app. Here is a breakdown of our latest features:
Automatic Coin DetectionOur system will instantly identify and link mentioned coins to their trading pages, enhancing content clarity and navigation. There are two scenarios:Manually Mentioned Coins: Whenever you include relevant coins in your text using the coins icon, they will be automatically linked to their trading pages.Automatic Detection: Our system proactively detects mentioned coins in your content and links them to their trading pages.Trending Topics Stay updated with Trending Topics! This feature allows users to explore the latest industry trends, share insights, and stay informed on market movements, all while staying connected to the community’s pulse.One-Click access to ongoing Launchpad (Launchpool)Whenever creators share content about ongoing farming Launchpad or Launchpool projects, our system will automatically detect it and place a coin icon underneath. Clicking this icon redirects users directly to the Launchpad or Launchpool page, providing a seamless navigation experience.
Stay Updated with All Things Binance Square
Follow the official Binance Square account to keep up with the latest news, features, and updates, and ensure you never miss important information.
Your opinion matters to us! If there's a product or feature you want to see implemented on Binance Square, don't hesitate to let us know. Submit your ideas through our customer support, and together, we'll work towards making Binance Square even better. Thank you for being a part of our community!
Hey guys please claim code BPXY2WL5YK .thanks
Hey guys please claim code BPXY2WL5YK .thanks
Процитований контент видалено
It was a cafe where I was using a messenger that time. I heard about Digital currency. A future Currency. that Time I had $12 in my pocket. I was about to buy BTC but transaction was not successful and As I was not serious to buy because people were saying it's a joke and scam. I was buying it only for Fun.
The "what ifs" of life! It's fascinating to think about how things could have turned out differently. If I had invested that $12 in Bitcoin in 2010, it would be worth a staggering amount today!

To put it into perspective, in 2010, the price of Bitcoin was around $0.0008 per coin. With $12, I could have bought approximately 15,000 Bitcoins. Today, with Bitcoin's price around $65000, my investment would be worth around $975,000,000!

It's understandable that I had doubts back then, given the skepticism and uncertainty surrounding Bitcoin at the time. But it's a great lesson in the power of taking risks and believing in innovative ideas.

Remember, hindsight is always 20/20, and it's essential to focus on the present and future. Who knows what other opportunities await you? Keep exploring, learning, and staying open to new possibilities!
#BinanceSquarelinks $ETH $MATIC this one is for the guys struggling to move coins on erc20 network. Try polygon bridge
#BinanceSquarelinks $ETH $MATIC this one is for the guys struggling to move coins on erc20 network. Try polygon bridge
Binance Academy
How to Use the Polygon Bridge?

The Polygon Bridge allows users to quickly transfer ERC tokens and NFTs to the Polygon sidechain. There are primarily two bridges on Polygon, the Proof of Stake (PoS) Bridge and the Plasma Bridge. Both can bridge assets from Ethereum to Polygon (and vice versa), but they adopt different security methods.

The PoS Bridge uses the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm to secure its network. It supports the transfer of Ether (ETH) and most ERC tokens. It’s the recommended option for most users.

The Plasma Bridge is for devs that need increased security. It uses the Ethereum Plasma scaling solution and supports the transfer of MATIC, ETH, ERC-20, and ERC-721 tokens.


With the number of blockchains rising in the crypto space, sharing data and tokens between different networks has been challenging. Some projects are tackling this problem by building bridges between networks to facilitate asset transfers.

The Polygon Bridge is designed to increase interoperability between the Polygon and Ethereum blockchains. With a compatible cryptocurrency wallet, users can easily transfer tokens back and forth.

What is the Polygon Bridge?

Polygon is a framework for creating Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks and scaling solutions. It aims to enrich the Ethereum ecosystem by providing tools to build scalable decentralized applications (DApps) and increase Ethereum's transaction throughput with lower fees. Some popular Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms have already been deployed on Polygon, such as Aave, Curve, and SushiSwap.

To interact with DApps and tools on Polygon, you need to transfer your assets to the Polygon network. This is where the Polygon Bridge comes in. The Polygon Bridge is a trustless cross-chain transaction channel between Polygon and Ethereum. It allows users to transfer ERC tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to the Polygon sidechain, all through the use of smart contracts.

How does the Polygon Bridge work?

The Polygon Bridge uses a dual-consensus architecture to optimize for speed and decentralization. It also supports arbitrary state transitions on sidechains, which are compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Cross-chain token transfers can be achieved instantly without third-party risks or market liquidity limitations.

When bridging tokens across the Polygon Bridge, there won't be any changes to the circulating supply of the token. Tokens that leave the Ethereum network are locked, and the same number of tokens will be minted on the Polygon network as pegged tokens on a 1:1 basis. When bridging the tokens back to Ethereum, the pegged tokens on Polygon will be burned, and those on Ethereum will be unlocked during the process.

There are two types of bridge on Polygon for asset transfer, the Proof of Stake (PoS) Bridge and the Plasma Bridge. The PoS Bridge, as the name suggests, adopts the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm to secure its network. Deposits on the PoS Bridge are completed almost instantly, but withdrawals may take a while to confirm. The PoS Bridge supports the transfer of ether (ETH) and most ERC tokens.

On the other hand, the Plasma Bridge supports the transfer of Polygon's native token MATIC and certain Ethereum tokens (ETH, ERC-20, and ERC-721). It uses the Ethereum Plasma scaling solution to offer increased security. Please refer to the official documentation for more technical details.

How to bridge tokens from Ethereum to Polygon via the PoS Bridge?

To bridge tokens from Ethereum to Polygon, you need a compatible cryptocurrency wallet, such as MetaMask. If you don't have a MetaMask wallet, follow the steps in this tutorial to create one. You'll also need to download and install the MetaMask browser extension.

1. Log in to the Polygon Web Wallet by clicking [Polygon Bridge].

2. Next, you need to connect your crypto wallet. In this example, we will use Metamask.

3. You'll be asked to sign a message to connect your MetaMask wallet to your Polygon wallet. This signature won't cost any fees. Double-check the URL to make sure you are on the correct website and click [Sign] to proceed.

4. You should be redirected to the Polygon Bridge interface. If not, click [Bridge] on the left menu bar.

5. To send your tokens from the Ethereum mainnet to Polygon, go to the [Deposit] tab. Click on the token name to choose the token to bridge. In this example, we'll use ether (ETH). Enter the amount and click [Transfer].

6. Read the important notes and click [Continue] when you are ready.

7. You'll also see the estimated gas fee for this transaction. If you are ok with the gas costs, click [Continue] to proceed.

8. Review your transaction details, including the token amount and the estimated transaction fee, before clicking [Continue].

Note that the PoS bridge is secured by validators. If you decide to move funds back to the Ethereum network, it can take up to 3 hours.

9. You'll then be prompted to sign and approve the transfer in your MetaMask wallet. Check if the details are correct and click [Confirm].

10. Once confirmed, wait for the tokens to arrive in your Polygon wallet. You may click [View on Etherscan] to check the transaction status.

How to bridge tokens from Polygon to Ethereum via the PoS Bridge?

You can also use the Polygon Bridge to transfer tokens from Polygon to Ethereum. Similarly, you'll need a compatible crypto wallet, such as MetaMask.

As mentioned, there are two bridges on the Polygon network: the Plasma Bridge and the PoS Bridge. The withdrawal time varies depending on which Polygon Bridge you're using. The PoS Bridge withdrawal usually takes from 45 minutes to 3 hours, while the Plasma Bridge can take up to 7 days.

Let's see how to transfer from Polygon to Ethereum via the PoS Bridge. 

1. Click [Withdrawal] on the [Bridge] interface. Choose the tokens you want to transfer to the Ethereum network.

2. You'll probably notice there's a [SWITCH BRIDGE] button next to [Transfer Mode]. The platform will automatically select the compatible bridge for your transfer based on the token you choose.

The PoS Bridge is recommended for transferring tokens from Polygon to Ethereum. It supports the transfer of Ether (ETH) and other Ethereum tokens, including ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155, and more.

3. After selecting the token, enter the amount you want to send and click [Transfer].

4. Read the important notes and click [Continue] when you are ready.

5. You'll also see the [Transfer Overview] pop-up with the estimated gas fee for this transaction. If you are ok with the gas costs, click [Continue] to proceed.

6. You can review your transaction details, including the token amount, the bridge you're using, and the estimated gas fee before you click [Continue].

7. You need to sign and approve the transfer in your MetaMask wallet. Check if the details are correct and click [Confirm].

 Once confirmed, wait for the tokens to arrive in your Polygon wallet. You may click [View on Etherscan] to check the transaction status.

8. Next, you’ll see the transfer progress. Your withdrawal will be initiated on the network, and the PoS validators will verify your transaction. It might take up to 3 hours to complete, but there is no action required from you.

9. Once your transaction is validated, you need to claim the tokens to your MetaMask wallet. Click [Continue], and you can see the assets when the withdrawal is complete.

How to bridge tokens from Polygon to Ethereum via the Plasma Bridge? 

If you wish to transfer MATIC or other Polygon tokens to Ethereum, you can do it via the Plasma Bridge. Note that the Plasma Bridge only supports the transfer of ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, which include ETH and MATIC.

In this example, we'll transfer MATIC tokens from Polygon to Ethereum using MetaMask. By default, the MetaMask wallet is only connected to the Ethereum mainnet. You need to add the Polygon network to your wallet before you can view your MATIC and start the process.

Step 1: Adding Polygon to MetaMask

There are two methods to add the Polygon network to your MetaMask wallet. The default method is to add it manually (see How to Add Polygon to MetaMask). However, you can also use the Polygon Wallet interface to quickly add Polygon to the network list of your MetaMask.

1. To do so, click the [Switch to Polygon] button on the top. Make sure that you've already connected your MetaMask wallet.

2. You'll see a pop-up from your MetaMask extension with the Polygon network details. Click [Approve].

3. Done. The Polygon network has been added to your MetaMask. Now, you need to switch your MetaMask from the Ethereum Mainnet to the Polygon network. You can do so by clicking [Switch network].

4. You can now see MATIC in your MetaMask wallet.

Step 2: Bridging MATIC to Ethereum using MetaMask

1. Go to the [Bridge] interface and click [Withdrawal]. Choose [Matic Token] from the token list, enter the amount and click [Transfer].

The system will automatically select [Plasma Bridge] for the transfer mode.

2. Read the important notes and click [Continue] when you are ready.

3. You'll also see the estimated gas fee for this transaction. If you are ok with the gas costs, click [Continue] to proceed. 

4. Review your transaction details before clicking [Continue].

5. A MetaMask pop-up will appear for you to confirm the transaction. Click [Confirm], and you'll see the transfer in progress.

You need to manually confirm three transactions for a Plasma Bridge transfer. The first one is to initiate your withdrawal from the Polygon wallet, which could take up to 3 hours.

6. Once the checkpoint arrives, it means that your transaction is validated on the Ethereum blockchain. You need to confirm a second transaction to start the challenge period. This is a measure to offer increased security for withdrawal transactions.

7. After the challenge period, all you need to do is click [Continue] to send the MATIC tokens to your MetaMask wallet.

Closing thoughts

The interoperability of the Polygon Bridge enables users to transfer their assets between Ethereum and Polygon blockchains. The Polygon Bridge offers an alternative to users looking to experience different DeFi platforms and DApps available on the Polygon network.
Binance Square Official
Only 4 more days for you to win a share of 35,000 USDT in rewards!

Activity 1: Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get Up to 5 USDT in Crypto Red Packet

Tip: Users may unlock Crypto Red Packets containing greater rewards by ensuring that their friends sign up with Binance after opening the Binance Square link(s) sent

Activity 2: New Users Only - Sign Up With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn Up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards

1. Click into any ten unique Binance Square links while being logged in to your Binance accounts.

2. Complete a trade of at least $100 equivalent on Spot, Futures, Margin, Options or Convert.

Unlock your crypto red packets now
Binance Square Official
Predict the price of BTC at 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0) to win up to $10000 of SATS token rewards!
To mark this milestone of Bitcoin Halving, all verified users can complete specific tasks on Binance Square during the Activity Period, and qualify for up to $10,000 of SATS token voucher reward.  Activity Period: 2024-03-04 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-14 09:00 (UTC)All KYC-verified Binance users who log into their Binance accounts and complete the following tasks during the Activity Period will qualify for the $10,000 of SATS reward. Tasks: Comment your prediction for the price of BTC on 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0)  on this post. Share this post on your social media and #HalvingHorizonsThe user with the closest prediction will win $5000. If more than one user shares the same prediction, you’ll share the price pool. AndIf you correctly guessed the price and signed up for a Binance account during the activity period through the shared link of this post or the Binance Square referral link, you can unlock a share of extra $2000 price poolAndIf you correctly guessed the price and completed at least 10 trades during the activity period, you will unlock a share of the extra $3000 price poolEach user can only submit 1 entry. Terms & ConditionsThis activity may not be available in your region. Eligible users must be logged in to their verified Binance accounts whilst completing tasks during the Activity Period in order to qualify.The $10,000 of SATS token voucher rewards pool will be divided equally among all qualified users.Winners will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > Square Assistant. Voucher rewards will be distributed within 21 working days after the activity ends. Users may check their voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. The validity period for the voucher is set at seven days from the day of distribution. Learn how to redeem a voucher.Illegally bulk registered accounts or sub-accounts shall not be eligible to participate or receive any rewards. Binance reserves the right to cancel a user’s eligibility in this activity if the account is involved in any behavior that breaches the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines or Binance Square Community Platform Terms and Conditions.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.Additional promotion terms and conditions can be accessed here.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise. 
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Let's see
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