Binance Square
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Біткойн ETF реєструють статистику за шість днівНещодавно я стежив за крипто-ринком, і декілька найпопулярніших валют, зокрема <t-51/>#BTC☀ , <t-54/>#ETH і $BNB, продемонстрували сьогодні кілька відсотків зростання і #TON також приєдналися до цього зростання. Одним із способів підтримки позитивного статусу проектів є децентралізована мережа спільнот, яка стежить за новинними трендами кожного проекту, підтримує та обговорює проект разом із, звичайно, хорошими стимулами. Це найкраще працює з @DAOLabs входом Labs через його продуктивні платформи, які беруть участь у #SocialMining безумовно не фінансових консультаціях, а рішеннях з перевіреними записами в будь-який ринковий сезон.

Біткойн ETF реєструють статистику за шість днів

Нещодавно я стежив за крипто-ринком, і декілька найпопулярніших валют, зокрема <t-51/>#BTC☀ , <t-54/>#ETH і $BNB, продемонстрували сьогодні кілька відсотків зростання і #TON також приєдналися до цього зростання.
Одним із способів підтримки позитивного статусу проектів є децентралізована мережа спільнот, яка стежить за новинними трендами кожного проекту, підтримує та обговорює проект разом із, звичайно, хорошими стимулами. Це найкраще працює з @DAO Labs входом Labs через його продуктивні платформи, які беруть участь у #SocialMining безумовно не фінансових консультаціях, а рішеннях з перевіреними записами в будь-який ринковий сезон.
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Web3 Gaming Verse з чужими світамиСучасні ігри розвинулися від традиційних консолей до віртуальних інструментів тощо. І через <t-60/>#web3gaming ми побачили більше ігор із стимулами та цікавим метавсесвітом, які тримають гравців залежними від їхньої пристрасті до гострих відчуттів або пригод. Я грав у чимало ігор і не скажу, що я основний гравець, але завдяки <t-95/>#SocialMining я мав можливість дослідити кілька#Web3gamesі екосистемних моделей, доступних на < m-98/>. Один із них привернув мій інтерес – це Alien Worlds. Коротко зануримося в це.

Web3 Gaming Verse з чужими світами

Сучасні ігри розвинулися від традиційних консолей до віртуальних інструментів тощо. І через <t-60/>#web3gaming ми побачили більше ігор із стимулами та цікавим метавсесвітом, які тримають гравців залежними від їхньої пристрасті до гострих відчуттів або пригод.

Я грав у чимало ігор і не скажу, що я основний гравець, але завдяки <t-95/>#SocialMining я мав можливість дослідити кілька#Web3gamesі екосистемних моделей, доступних на < m-98/>. Один із них привернув мій інтерес – це Alien Worlds. Коротко зануримося в це.
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Аналіз звіту KAVA H1 2024 Everstake повідомляє про цікаві ключові ідеї та оновлення щодо кількох проектів і організацій, пов’язаних із його платформою на Cosmos Interchain, і частиною ключового проекту є <t-83/>#KAVA досягнення помітних успіхів і досягнень. Давайте подивимося на звіт Cosmos за перше півріччя 2024 року, зосередивши головну увагу на <t-49/>#KavaChain . Kava є одним із найкращих проектів DeFi із програмним протоколом, який використовує кілька криптовалют, щоб надати користувачам доступ до позичання та позичання активів. Статистика зростання:

Аналіз звіту KAVA H1 2024

Everstake повідомляє про цікаві ключові ідеї та оновлення щодо кількох проектів і організацій, пов’язаних із його платформою на Cosmos Interchain, і частиною ключового проекту є <t-83/>#KAVA досягнення помітних успіхів і досягнень.

Давайте подивимося на звіт Cosmos за перше півріччя 2024 року, зосередивши головну увагу на <t-49/>#KavaChain .
Kava є одним із найкращих проектів DeFi із програмним протоколом, який використовує кілька криптовалют, щоб надати користувачам доступ до позичання та позичання активів.

Статистика зростання:
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Richard Teng
г 🤝

Усім гарного тижня!
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Перехід до AggLayer – інтеграція має значення#MATIC✅ та інші продукти зробили екосистему Polygon найбільш затребуваною для партнерства та інтеграції, особливо з Aggregated Layer. Все це стає очевидним завдяки численним інтеграціям і партнерствам у криптопросторі, як і нещодавній список #TONonBinance . Багато хто знайомий з біткойном $BTC і тим, як він відкрив доступ до кількох проектів, включаючи знаменитий Ethereum $ETH на блокчейні для смарт-контрактів. Розробка не зупинилася на цьому, а збільшилася з появою Polygon ($MATIC) (незабаром буде POL), щоб полегшити потребу в масштабуванні Ethereum. Це в основному визначає процес народження міцніших і ефективніших ланцюжків і протоколів, як ми бачимо сьогодні.

Перехід до AggLayer – інтеграція має значення

#MATIC✅ та інші продукти зробили екосистему Polygon найбільш затребуваною для партнерства та інтеграції, особливо з Aggregated Layer.
Все це стає очевидним завдяки численним інтеграціям і партнерствам у криптопросторі, як і нещодавній список #TONonBinance . Багато хто знайомий з біткойном $BTC і тим, як він відкрив доступ до кількох проектів, включаючи знаменитий Ethereum $ETH на блокчейні для смарт-контрактів.
Розробка не зупинилася на цьому, а збільшилася з появою Polygon ($MATIC) (незабаром буде POL), щоб полегшити потребу в масштабуванні Ethereum. Це в основному визначає процес народження міцніших і ефективніших ланцюжків і протоколів, як ми бачимо сьогодні.
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DAO Labs
Останні новини: Binance розмістила TON!
Вітаю, криптотики!

Сьогодні для нас цікава новина

зараз у списку

! Новина про те

будуть розміщені на Binance з 8 серпня 2024 року, TON/BTC, TON/USDT, TON/FDUSD і TON/TRY будуть новими торговими парами. Користувачі зможуть виводити свої кошти, починаючи з 9 серпня. Вищі волатильності та ризики пов’язані із застосуванням початкового тегу, тому Binance перевіряє вікторину своїх користувачів кожні 90 днів, щоб переконатися, що вони розуміють ці ризики.То який вплив це має на ? Є багато ефектів, але найголовніше те, що вища вартість токенів і розширена торгова діяльність можуть здаватися більш вигідними для існуючих членів спільноти соціального майнінгу; вони можуть активно сприяти продуктивності в суспільстві. Такий динамізм викликає великий інтерес і хвилювання для таких спільнот, як наша.
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Децентралізований підхід Bluwhale AIДані користувачів були досить корисною інформацією, з якої користувалися технологічні гіганти web2, і тепер з web3 настає ера повної децентралізації, повертаючи користувачам такі необхідні переваги та стимули завдяки їхнім даним. Цей підхід дуже схожий на <t-68/>#ETHEREUM і <t-71/>#BNBToken і вплив наразі на платформи <t-74/>#SocialMining . Виникає питання, чи повинні користувачі отримувати більше від своїх даних? Bluwhale розробив свою платформу як основний спосіб для користувачів контролювати свої дані та щодня робити внесок у web3. Таким чином захищаючи інформацію користувачів від технічних гігантів, які накопичують дані користувачів на своїх платформах і отримують прибуток від отриманих даних без будь-якої компенсації відповідним користувачам.

Децентралізований підхід Bluwhale AI

Дані користувачів були досить корисною інформацією, з якої користувалися технологічні гіганти web2, і тепер з web3 настає ера повної децентралізації, повертаючи користувачам такі необхідні переваги та стимули завдяки їхнім даним. Цей підхід дуже схожий на <t-68/>#ETHEREUM і <t-71/>#BNBToken і вплив наразі на платформи <t-74/>#SocialMining . Виникає питання, чи повинні користувачі отримувати більше від своїх даних?

Bluwhale розробив свою платформу як основний спосіб для користувачів контролювати свої дані та щодня робити внесок у web3. Таким чином захищаючи інформацію користувачів від технічних гігантів, які накопичують дані користувачів на своїх платформах і отримують прибуток від отриманих даних без будь-якої компенсації відповідним користувачам.
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Незаперечний факт неймовірного результату #SocialMining і багато зароблених знань і валюти $USDC
Незаперечний факт неймовірного результату #SocialMining і багато зароблених знань і валюти $USDC
DAO Labs
Айншен Ям: збалансоване викладання природничих наук і соціальний пошук
Мені приємно представити вам Ейншен Ям, викладача природничого факультету середньої школи з країни сонця, що сходить, Філіппіни, який навчить нас, що таке напрям викладання, поєднаний із соціальним пошуком. Пригода Айншен у #DAOLabs ' #SocialMining почалася завдяки її колезі пані Карен, і відтоді вона справляє хвилю, балансуючи між двома своїми любовами: викладацькою діяльністю та криптовалютою в межах загального прибутку 101,42 доларів США!
Також помітно, наскільки Айншен є пунктуальною та як ефективно вона може добре розподіляти свій час відповідно до свого графіка. Вона виконує свої навчальні завдання, а коли закінчує, транскрибує в Social Mining, коли вона вільна. Ця мудра стратегія дозволяє їй отримати торт і з’їсти його – отримати гарний робочий одяг, не заперечуючи свій інтелект.
AI is now fitted to serve the decentralized community on MeromAI platform. Read more about this project on #WAXBlockchain
AI is now fitted to serve the decentralized community on MeromAI platform. Read more about this project on #WAXBlockchain
Децентралізована модель штучного інтелекту
Хоча всі зосереджені на $BTC та $ETH , я як ентузіаст @DAO Labs #SocialMining дивлюся на @WAX Blockchain та їх інтеграцію з #MeromAI #artificialintelligence це величезний крок вперед. чому Дозвольте мені порахувати шляхи.

MeromAI — це революційний децентралізований проект людини та ШІ
Ми всі знаємо, що блокчейн — це безпека та захист. За словами #KPMG , саме тому блокчейн допоможе у вирішенні проблем, які виникають через впровадження генеративних інструментів штучного інтелекту, особливо у захисті інформації. Ось чому KPMG називає блокчейн і штучний інтелект новою владною парою.
The Impact of AI on Decentralized Projects: A Paradigm Shift in Web3Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undeniably a transformative force in today's digital landscape. Its integration across various Web2 and Web3 infrastructures is enhancing efficiency and innovation. In the realm of Web3, AI is revolutionizing gaming, social finance, and more by creating dynamic, immersive experiences that seamlessly blend virtual and reality. The foundational cryptocurrencies, including #BTC☀ , #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 , and #BNBToken , were built on decentralized principles, paving the way for emerging projects like #MeromAI and #SocialMining to follow suit and create impactful decentralized platforms. Decentralizing and Democratizing AI MeromAI stands out as a pioneering AI platform powered by people and based on open-source models. It has the distinction of being the first AI platform to partner with the WAX community, launching the first AI project token on the WAX blockchain. This integration aligns with other successful projects on WAX, and its utility token, $WAXP, is tradable on #Binance, making WAX a suitable choice for MeromAI's endeavors. The core mission of MeromAI is to decentralize and democratize AI. By incentivizing users to help train AI models and provide computing power, MeromAI empowers individuals to earn $AIMR tokens. These AI models are designed to assist with various tasks, including work, shopping, and play, providing practical benefits in everyday life. Following in the footsteps of OpenAI's ChatGPT, which catalyzed numerous advancements since its launch in 2022, MeromAI introduced its decentralized solution in 2023, further advancing the accessibility and applicability of AI. Mission and Vision MeromAI's mission is rooted in creating a decentralized, human-powered, open-source AI platform. By crowdsourcing AI dataset curation with the participation of thousands, MeromAI aims to democratize AI and shift control from large corporations to the global community. Tokenomics of $AIMR Let's take a view at $AIMR tokenomics which was designed to foster a community-driven approach: - Incentivization: $AIMR tokens reward individuals for creating high-quality AI datasets. - Community-First Approach: The tokenomics align the global MeromAI community with its core contributors. - Fair Launch: $AIMR had no pre-mining, private sale, or ICO, ensuring a fair launch with low initial liquidity across multiple blockchains, allowing broad community participation. Social Mining Hubs and Their Role in Decentralization I think that MeromAI's community-centric approach is mirrored in other decentralized projects like Social Mining by @DAOLabs Since its introduction in 2021, Social Mining has incentivized individuals to govern and build DAO Labs' Social Mining community for any network of organizations. This model rewards users for quality contributions, maintaining a focus on decentralization and user empowerment. Both MeromAI and Social Mining involves the decentralized community on different grounds. While AI seems the option for MeromAI, the Social aspect of DAOLabs combs the other way through organic user contributions. Then again, the Social Mining tool is available to the top 100 crypto projects and currencies, offering sustainable rewards in stablecoins such as $USDT and $USDC. This incentivizes meaningful participation and contributes to the overall growth and stability of the decentralized ecosystem. I will conclude with this point, that the integration of AI in decentralized projects represents a significant evolution in the Web3 space. Platforms like MeromAI and Social Mining are not only advancing the capabilities of AI but are also fostering a more inclusive, community-driven approach to technology development. By decentralizing AI and incentivizing user participation, thereby paving the way for a more equitable and innovative digital future.

The Impact of AI on Decentralized Projects: A Paradigm Shift in Web3

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undeniably a transformative force in today's digital landscape. Its integration across various Web2 and Web3 infrastructures is enhancing efficiency and innovation. In the realm of Web3, AI is revolutionizing gaming, social finance, and more by creating dynamic, immersive experiences that seamlessly blend virtual and reality. The foundational cryptocurrencies, including #BTC☀ , #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 , and #BNBToken , were built on decentralized principles, paving the way for emerging projects like #MeromAI and #SocialMining to follow suit and create impactful decentralized platforms.

Decentralizing and Democratizing AI
MeromAI stands out as a pioneering AI platform powered by people and based on open-source models. It has the distinction of being the first AI platform to partner with the WAX community, launching the first AI project token on the WAX blockchain. This integration aligns with other successful projects on WAX, and its utility token, $WAXP, is tradable on #Binance, making WAX a suitable choice for MeromAI's endeavors.

The core mission of MeromAI is to decentralize and democratize AI. By incentivizing users to help train AI models and provide computing power, MeromAI empowers individuals to earn $AIMR tokens. These AI models are designed to assist with various tasks, including work, shopping, and play, providing practical benefits in everyday life.

Following in the footsteps of OpenAI's ChatGPT, which catalyzed numerous advancements since its launch in 2022, MeromAI introduced its decentralized solution in 2023, further advancing the accessibility and applicability of AI.

Mission and Vision
MeromAI's mission is rooted in creating a decentralized, human-powered, open-source AI platform. By crowdsourcing AI dataset curation with the participation of thousands, MeromAI aims to democratize AI and shift control from large corporations to the global community.

Tokenomics of $AIMR
Let's take a view at $AIMR tokenomics which was designed to foster a community-driven approach:
- Incentivization: $AIMR tokens reward individuals for creating high-quality AI datasets.
- Community-First Approach: The tokenomics align the global MeromAI community with its core contributors.
- Fair Launch: $AIMR had no pre-mining, private sale, or ICO, ensuring a fair launch with low initial liquidity across multiple blockchains, allowing broad community participation.

Social Mining Hubs and Their Role in Decentralization

I think that MeromAI's community-centric approach is mirrored in other decentralized projects like Social Mining by @DAO Labs Since its introduction in 2021, Social Mining has incentivized individuals to govern and build DAO Labs' Social Mining community for any network of organizations. This model rewards users for quality contributions, maintaining a focus on decentralization and user empowerment.
Both MeromAI and Social Mining involves the decentralized community on different grounds. While AI seems the option for MeromAI, the Social aspect of DAOLabs combs the other way through organic user contributions.
Then again, the Social Mining tool is available to the top 100 crypto projects and currencies, offering sustainable rewards in stablecoins such as $USDT and $USDC. This incentivizes meaningful participation and contributes to the overall growth and stability of the decentralized ecosystem.

I will conclude with this point, that the integration of AI in decentralized projects represents a significant evolution in the Web3 space. Platforms like MeromAI and Social Mining are not only advancing the capabilities of AI but are also fostering a more inclusive, community-driven approach to technology development. By decentralizing AI and incentivizing user participation, thereby paving the way for a more equitable and innovative digital future.
AI on WAX Blockchain definitely speaks volumes, have a read to find out more insights in the #CryptoNewsCommunity
AI on WAX Blockchain definitely speaks volumes, have a read to find out more insights in the #CryptoNewsCommunity
Блокчейн WAX змінює світ штучного інтелекту за допомогою MeromAI
@WAX Blockchain анонсувала MeromAI. Сподіваємось, цей проект також приверне увагу #Binance . Усі знають про $BTC , $ETH , #DOGE і $BNB , але в #Bitcoin світі існує велика потреба в таких інноваціях.
Що таке MeromAI?
MeromAI — це платформа штучного інтелекту (ШІ) з відкритим кодом, створена за рахунок людських внесків. Це перший проект ШІ, який працює з токеном на блокчейні WAX.

Особливості MeromAI:
Відкритий вихідний код: використовує моделі штучного інтелекту, які будь-хто може зробити свій внесок і розробити.
Well written and the national sec should pay attention to better implementation for regulations
Well written and the national sec should pay attention to better implementation for regulations
Senator Skelz
The Struggle for Sensible Crypto Policy in Nigeria
As a #Nigerian crypto enthusiast, I've got to say, this whole crypto situation in the country is a real head-scratcher. It feels like our government is trying to have its cake and eat it too – banning #crypto with one hand and taxing it with the other. This whole situation mentally affects folks like us who have a stable job on @DAO Labs #SocialMining space. Talk about mixed signals!

First off, let's talk about this new 7.5% VAT on crypto transactions. I mean, come on! We're already dealing with a shaky economy, and now they want to take a chunk out of every crypto move we make? It's like they're trying to squeeze water from a stone. And the timing? Right after all that drama with #Binance and those poor crypto firms and brands who got caught in the crossfire. It's enough to make you wonder if they're just making it up as they go along.
But here's the thing – I get that the government needs to regulate this space. We can't have a Wild West situation where anything goes. The problem is, they're going about it all wrong. You can't slap on taxes and harsh rules without first laying down a proper foundation. It's like trying to build a house starting with the roof!
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm actually excited about the idea of regulating $BTC

and #Ether as commodities. That's a step in the right direction. It shows that at least some people are starting to understand the unique nature of different cryptocurrencies. But we need more of this kind of nuanced thinking.
The new rules for VASPs (Virtual Asset Service Providers) are another mixed bag. On one hand, it's good that they're creating a framework. On the other, some of these requirements seem a bit over the top. Forcing companies to have local offices and CEOs living in Nigeria? That might just scare off international players who could bring valuable expertise to our market.

So, what's the solution? Well, if you ask me, we need a complete overhaul of our approach to crypto. Here's what I think needs to happen:
1.     Clear, consistent regulations: Let's decide once and for all if crypto is legal or not. This back-and-forth is killing innovation and confusing everyone.
2.     Gradual taxation: Instead of slapping on a hefty VAT right off the bat, how about we start small and gradually increase as the market matures?
3.     Collaborate with the crypto community: There are plenty of knowledgeable folks in Nigeria who understand both crypto and our local context. The government should be tapping into this expertise.
4.     Focus on education: Both for regulators and the public. Half the fear around crypto comes from not understanding it.
5.     Encourage innovation: Instead of just regulating, how about creating incentives for blockchain startups? We could become a tech hub for Africa!
6.     Protect investors without stifling growth: Yes, we need safeguards, but let's not make the barriers to entry so high that only the big players can participate.
7.     Consider the bigger economic picture: Crypto could be a tool for economic growth, remittances, and even stabilizing our currency. Let's not kill the golden goose before it's had a chance to lay any eggs.
Look, I love Nigeria, and I love crypto. I believe they can coexist and even thrive together. But for that to happen, we need smart, balanced regulations that protect people without crushing innovation. We need a government that sees crypto as an opportunity, not just a threat or a cash grab.
It's a tough balance, but I believe we can get there. We've got the brains, the hustle, and the potential. Now we just need the right approach. Let's hope the powers that be are listening, because the future of finance isn't waiting for anyone – and I, for one, don't want Nigeria to be left behind.


Well stated
Well stated
$ETH #ETF s are a significant milestone for the crypto market.
Understanding Solana ($SOL)Introduction to Solana: Solana is a cutting-edge open-source project leveraging blockchain technology to offer decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. Although the project started in 2017, the official launch took place in March 2020, spearheaded by the Solana Foundation based in Geneva, Switzerland. Solana has attracted many users globally and it caught my attention to put this article together. Having seen several projects also, through #SocialMining reaching greater heights, it becomes paramount that #Solana has the potential to scale higher through its decentralized community, and the likes of #DAOLabs plays a vital role in making such developments. Exploring Solana's Protocol: It has been well designed to enhance the creation of decentralized applications (DApps), Solana's protocol combines proof-of-history (PoH) with a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to boost scalability and efficiency. This innovative approach has established Solana as a significant player in the cryptocurrency sector, particularly for memecoins, with over a million tokens created on its platform in the past year alone. Founders: Solana was founded by Anatoly Yakovenko and Greg Fitzgerald, both of whom bring extensive professional experience to the project. Unique Features of Solana: Solana introduces the proof-of-history (PoH) consensus, an innovation by Anatoly Yakovenko that significantly enhances the protocol's scalability and usability. The blockchain is renowned for its rapid processing times, making it attractive to both individual and institutional users. Solana's hybrid consensus protocol dramatically reduces validation times for transactions and smart contracts, contributing to its growing popularity. A key promise of #Solana is to maintain low transaction costs without compromising on scalability and speed, making it suitable for a wide range of users from small-scale participants to large enterprises. As of September 2021, Solana is ranked seventh on #CoinMarketCap, reflecting its strong market presence. Network Security: Solana's network security is underpinned by its unique combination of proof-of-history (PoH) and proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms. Circulation and Distribution: The Solana Foundation has announced a total circulation of 489 million $SOL tokens, with approximately 260 million currently in the market. The distribution includes: - 16.23% Initial seed sale- 12.92% Founding sale- 12.79% Team members- 10.46% Solana Foundation The remaining tokens are allocated for public and private sales or are yet to be released. Purchasing SOL Tokens: Solana tokens ($SOL) are available on major exchanges, including: Binance, with the highest trading volume for SOL/USDTCoinbaseBilaxyHuobi Global These platforms facilitate extensive trading opportunities for $SOL tokens. What do you make of Solana?

Understanding Solana ($SOL)

Introduction to Solana:
Solana is a cutting-edge open-source project leveraging blockchain technology to offer decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. Although the project started in 2017, the official launch took place in March 2020, spearheaded by the Solana Foundation based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Solana has attracted many users globally and it caught my attention to put this article together. Having seen several projects also, through #SocialMining reaching greater heights, it becomes paramount that #Solana has the potential to scale higher through its decentralized community, and the likes of #DAOLabs plays a vital role in making such developments.

Exploring Solana's Protocol:
It has been well designed to enhance the creation of decentralized applications (DApps), Solana's protocol combines proof-of-history (PoH) with a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to boost scalability and efficiency. This innovative approach has established Solana as a significant player in the cryptocurrency sector, particularly for memecoins, with over a million tokens created on its platform in the past year alone.
Solana was founded by Anatoly Yakovenko and Greg Fitzgerald, both of whom bring extensive professional experience to the project.

Unique Features of Solana:
Solana introduces the proof-of-history (PoH) consensus, an innovation by Anatoly Yakovenko that significantly enhances the protocol's scalability and usability. The blockchain is renowned for its rapid processing times, making it attractive to both individual and institutional users. Solana's hybrid consensus protocol dramatically reduces validation times for transactions and smart contracts, contributing to its growing popularity.
A key promise of #Solana is to maintain low transaction costs without compromising on scalability and speed, making it suitable for a wide range of users from small-scale participants to large enterprises. As of September 2021, Solana is ranked seventh on #CoinMarketCap, reflecting its strong market presence.

Network Security:
Solana's network security is underpinned by its unique combination of proof-of-history (PoH) and proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms.
Circulation and Distribution:
The Solana Foundation has announced a total circulation of 489 million $SOL tokens, with approximately 260 million currently in the market. The distribution includes:
- 16.23% Initial seed sale- 12.92% Founding sale- 12.79% Team members- 10.46% Solana Foundation

The remaining tokens are allocated for public and private sales or are yet to be released.
Purchasing SOL Tokens:
Solana tokens ($SOL) are available on major exchanges, including:
Binance, with the highest trading volume for SOL/USDTCoinbaseBilaxyHuobi Global
These platforms facilitate extensive trading opportunities for $SOL tokens.

What do you make of Solana?
Kava Hub Community Strength Towards the Growth of Kava Ecosystem The landscape of blockchain and cryptocurrency is rich with innovative projects and solutions, each contributing to the evolution of decentralized technologies. Among these pioneering organizations is Kava - A decentralized blockchain platform that amalgamates the speed and interoperability of Cosmos with the development capabilities of Ethereum. Kava hosts a spectrum of dApps and protocols, including Kinetix and Hover, both fully supported by the robust Kava Hub Social Mining community. The decision to integrate Social Mining into the Kava ecosystem was rooted in its proven capacity to yield high-quality outcomes. Social Mining Founders has deep expertise in Finance and Marketing, having successfully propelled projects like Elrond (now Multiverse X), Avalanche, and NEM's Symbol through Social Mining. Exploring Social Mining: At its core, Social Mining is a data-driven platform that leverages user-provided information to organize and optimize community contributions. User Benefits on Kava HUB: - Monetize skills - Secure Staking The platform incentivizes original and engaging content creation, fostering a vibrant community across platforms like Telegram, Discord, and Reddit to support Kava's ecosystem. Kava HUB Impact on the Ecosystem: Kava HUB has emerged as a linchpin of support for the Kava ecosystem, evidenced by its contributions to prominent DeFi protocols like Curve, #Hover, #Kinetix, and #Beefy Finance. Notable achievements since October 2022 include: - 14.7 million views - 15.9k X posts - 247k reposts (with 29% originating from Kava Hub for all of Kava's Posts) - Growing community participation with 2861 registered HUB participants - 660k+ points earned Key Features of #Kava HUB: Kava HUB offers diverse roles tailored to users' skill sets, such as: - Marketing - Business Development - Content Writing - Social Media Influencing - Web Designing - Blockchain Enthusiasm - Graphic Designing - Content Translation - Strategic Partnership - Development #SocialMining #DAOLabs
Kava Hub Community Strength Towards the Growth of Kava Ecosystem

The landscape of blockchain and cryptocurrency is rich with innovative projects and solutions, each contributing to the evolution of decentralized technologies. Among these pioneering organizations is Kava - A decentralized blockchain platform that amalgamates the speed and interoperability of Cosmos with the development capabilities of Ethereum. Kava hosts a spectrum of dApps and protocols, including Kinetix and Hover, both fully supported by the robust Kava Hub Social Mining community.

The decision to integrate Social Mining into the Kava ecosystem was rooted in its proven capacity to yield high-quality outcomes. Social Mining Founders has deep expertise in Finance and Marketing, having successfully propelled projects like Elrond (now Multiverse X), Avalanche, and NEM's Symbol through Social Mining.

Exploring Social Mining:

At its core, Social Mining is a data-driven platform that leverages user-provided information to organize and optimize community contributions.

User Benefits on Kava HUB:
- Monetize skills
- Secure Staking

The platform incentivizes original and engaging content creation, fostering a vibrant community across platforms like Telegram, Discord, and Reddit to support Kava's ecosystem.

Kava HUB Impact on the Ecosystem:

Kava HUB has emerged as a linchpin of support for the Kava ecosystem, evidenced by its contributions to prominent DeFi protocols like Curve, #Hover, #Kinetix, and #Beefy Finance. Notable achievements since October 2022 include:
- 14.7 million views
- 15.9k X posts
- 247k reposts (with 29% originating from Kava Hub for all of Kava's Posts)
- Growing community participation with 2861 registered HUB participants
- 660k+ points earned

Key Features of #Kava HUB:

Kava HUB offers diverse roles tailored to users' skill sets, such as:
- Marketing
- Business Development
- Content Writing
- Social Media Influencing
- Web Designing
- Blockchain Enthusiasm
- Graphic Designing
- Content Translation
- Strategic Partnership
- Development

Introducing TCHub and Its Impact on the TON Ecosystem More Cryptocurrency projects are receiving global recognition, with several emerging after Bitcoin & Ethereum. Among these, Telegram stands out—a social platform emphasizing freedom of speech & information privacy, integrated with blockchain technology. This integration introduced The Open Network (TON), offering easy crypto access, rapid transactions, minimal fees, and using Telegram usernames as wallet addresses. Telegram & TON share a vision with DAOLabs, emphasizing the community's pivotal role in organizational success & development. TON Community - serves as the dedicated Social Mining Platform fostering TON ecosystem growth, community development, and engagement. It hosts numerous Social Miners globally, supporting the TON Ecosystem. Social Mining - is a Multi-chain community-building and governance ecosystem encompassing various components: - Social Mining SaaS - DAOLabs - DAOVERSE - Social Mining Governance The HUB incentivizes users through a rewards system for contributions & engagement across major platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and Reddit. Leveraging Social Mining via #DAOLabs, TCHUB has seen exponential growth, with it’s user base of active social miners growing by 25% every month thus far at the time of this post. TCHUB'S Impact: In just a few months (from December 2023 to April 2024), the TON Community's Social Mining efforts on platform X have yielded impressive results: - 6.69 Million Impressions - 365k Engagement - 11k Unique Tweets/Posts - 129k Retweets/Reposts - 160k Likes Key Features of TCHub: TCHub offers diverse roles including: - Marketing - Business Development - Content Writing - Social Media Influencing - Web Designing - Blockchain Enthusiasm - Graphic Designing - Content Translation - Strategic Partnership - Development Getting Started: 1. Account Creation: Register on TCHUB via Email, Google, or Twitter accounts. 2. Onboarding Survey 3. Profile Completion 4. Social Integration 5. Security 6. Engagement #SocialMining #DAOLabs #socialfi
Introducing TCHub and Its Impact on the TON Ecosystem

More Cryptocurrency projects are receiving global recognition, with several emerging after Bitcoin & Ethereum. Among these, Telegram stands out—a social platform emphasizing freedom of speech & information privacy, integrated with blockchain technology. This integration introduced The Open Network (TON), offering easy crypto access, rapid transactions, minimal fees, and using Telegram usernames as wallet addresses.

Telegram & TON share a vision with DAOLabs, emphasizing the community's pivotal role in organizational success & development.

TON Community - serves as the dedicated Social Mining Platform fostering TON ecosystem growth, community development, and engagement. It hosts numerous Social Miners globally, supporting the TON Ecosystem.

Social Mining - is a Multi-chain community-building and governance ecosystem encompassing various components:
- Social Mining SaaS
- DAOLabs
- Social Mining Governance

The HUB incentivizes users through a rewards system for contributions & engagement across major platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and Reddit. Leveraging Social Mining via #DAOLabs, TCHUB has seen exponential growth, with it’s user base of active social miners growing by 25% every month thus far at the time of this post.

TCHUB'S Impact:

In just a few months (from December 2023 to April 2024), the TON Community's Social Mining efforts on platform X have yielded impressive results:

- 6.69 Million Impressions
- 365k Engagement
- 11k Unique Tweets/Posts
- 129k Retweets/Reposts

Key Features of TCHub:

TCHub offers diverse roles including:
- Marketing
- Business Development
- Content Writing
- Social Media Influencing
- Web Designing
- Blockchain Enthusiasm
- Graphic Designing
- Content Translation
- Strategic Partnership
- Development

Getting Started:

1. Account Creation: Register on TCHUB via Email, Google, or Twitter accounts.
2. Onboarding Survey
3. Profile Completion
4. Social Integration
5. Security
6. Engagement

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