Сьогодні в мене є кілька питань щодо бота для майнінгу TON в Telegram Tonvex, якщо якась хороша душа допоможе мені з цим, я буду вдячний.
1. Чи є цей бот (проект) справжнім, чи це просто шахрайський проект, щоб обдурити людей?
2. Чи маєте ви якийсь досвід щодо цього проекту?
3. Як ви можете бачити, я отримую хорошу кількість TON тут, зараз кажуть, що для активації винагород я маю заплатити 3 TON. Чи маєте ви подібний досвід?
4. Що, на вашу думку, я маю зробити в цьому випадку?
Примітка: Я іноді стаю жертвою шахрайства через свій поганий вибір дій у неперевірених проектах. Тому я хочу мати достатню кількість надійних причин для оплати.
Людям, які обережно ставляться до цього проекту, дивіться мій перший коментар. І пам'ятайте, перед тим як робити щось дурне, будьте пильні, інакше ви можете стати жертвою шахрайства. #TON
First I will say this is all from my personal experience so it may vary from others.
1. Airdrop criteria: X empire forces people to pay 0.5 TON to be eligible for the airdrop; they call it "TON Connection." Whoever hasn't done that doesn't get coins regardless of their game position.
2. X coin price: its initial price was so low that people who paid 0.5 TON, which means almost £2.50 or £3, didn't get back what they invested. As you can see, I received 19800 X coins, which have a market value of no more than £1.50. Can you imagine how much they ripped off from people's money? I don't need to talk about their waste of time.
3. X airdrop X holder option: They give two options for people: either they will take their coins in exchange or an On-Chain drop option. Whoever chooses the exchange option gets their coins, but those who choose the on-chain option have to pay 0.00879 TON to collect the coins. That is not the issue here; the problem is—I tried multiple times to transfer my hard-earned coins to the web3 option which I connected earlier. Every time, it deducted 0.00879 TON from my wallet but didn't send the coins to my wallet. I tried almost four times until my wallet balance went lower than the gas fee, and every time it failed without giving me any reason. Now it says I don't have enough balance to pay the gas fee. My question is, if you don't give me the coins, why do you take my TON multiple times from my wallet?
4. Support option: They have some kind of so-called support option. When I went there, I saw some pre-answered questions which I didn't need to know, but it's good for others who may need them. However, there were no other contact options to discuss. You can't talk about your unique problem or its solution. You can't email them or message them on Telegram or other channels. Why is that? You take people's money; you should have the responsibility to discuss things with them if they face problems.
As you can see, it still shows in the game to claim, so I can say it is a game to scam people. I think they should face trial for their crime.
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