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Passionate trader seeking profit opportunities in crypto markets. Expertise in technical analysis, risk management, and diversified portfolio strategies.
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jo🚨 Сповіщення про список 🚨 $ICE @ice_blockchain потрапляє в список виключно на #OKX! ▶️ Депозити: ВІДКРИТО 🟢 📈 Спотова торгівля: 10:00 19 січня (UTC) #Iceлідирує в технології tap-to-mine, об’єднуючи мільйони людей у ​​своїй спільноті, щоб створити міст web2-to-web3, формуючи майбутнє, де мільярди плавно переходять в епоху web3. 🔗 Оновіть свою адресу $ICE з біржі OKX і не сплачуйте жодних зборів за газ. (Якщо ви не можете знайти $ICE, скористайтеся $BNB з біржі OKX) 👉 Контрактна адреса BSC: 0xc335df7c25b72eec661d5aa32a7c2b7b2a1d1874 🪙Процес розповсюдження Щоб забезпечити чесний і справедливий процес розповсюдження, ми окреслили конкретні вимоги до користувачів, щоб отримати монети ICE. Щоб мати право на роздачу монет Ice, користувачі повинні відповідати таким критеріям: Мінімальний баланс: користувачі повинні підтримувати мінімальний баланс 1000 льоду, доступних на їхніх облікових записах. Перевірка KYC: перевірка KYC на етапі №1 і KYC на етапі №2 є обов’язковою. Адреса BNB Smart Chain: користувачі повинні встановити адресу BNB Smart Chain (BSC) у своїх облікових записах. Активний сеанс майнінгу: користувачі повинні мати активний сеанс майнінгу, щоб брати участь у розповсюдженні. Крижані монети, що розповсюджуються, обмежуватимуться тими монетами, на які не було зроблено попередні ставки, а також монетами, отриманими через рефералів, які також відповідають критеріям прийнятності, згаданим вище. Розповсюдження BNB Smart Chain відбуватиметься щомісяця до запуску основної мережі, забезпечуючи стабільні винагороди для нашої лояльної спільноти. ☑️Реферальний код: raaz.01 (будь ласка, скористайтеся цим кодом, якщо ви вважаєте цю публікацію корисною) Важливі дати Щоб тримати вас в курсі, ось ще раз ключові дати: Перша роздача запланована на 17 січня 2024 року. Початок спотової торгівлі 19 січня 2024 року о 10:00 UTC. 🚨 Ми наполегливо рекомендуємо користувачам пов’язувати свої адреси BNB Smart Chain з біржі OKX зі своїми обліковими записами, щоб забезпечити безперебійні транзакції та уникнути непотрібних комісій за газ #ICEMINING #blockchaininnovation #ICEDecentralized
jo🚨 Сповіщення про список 🚨

потрапляє в список виключно на #OKX!

▶️ Депозити: ВІДКРИТО 🟢
📈 Спотова торгівля: 10:00 19 січня (UTC)
#Iceлідирує в технології tap-to-mine, об’єднуючи мільйони людей у ​​своїй спільноті, щоб створити міст web2-to-web3, формуючи майбутнє, де мільярди плавно переходять в епоху web3.

🔗 Оновіть свою адресу $ICE з біржі OKX і не сплачуйте жодних зборів за газ. (Якщо ви не можете знайти $ICE, скористайтеся $BNB з біржі OKX)

👉 Контрактна адреса BSC: 0xc335df7c25b72eec661d5aa32a7c2b7b2a1d1874

🪙Процес розповсюдження
Щоб забезпечити чесний і справедливий процес розповсюдження, ми окреслили конкретні вимоги до користувачів, щоб отримати монети ICE. Щоб мати право на роздачу монет Ice, користувачі повинні відповідати таким критеріям:

Мінімальний баланс: користувачі повинні підтримувати мінімальний баланс 1000 льоду, доступних на їхніх облікових записах.
Перевірка KYC: перевірка KYC на етапі №1 і KYC на етапі №2 є обов’язковою.
Адреса BNB Smart Chain: користувачі повинні встановити адресу BNB Smart Chain (BSC) у своїх облікових записах.
Активний сеанс майнінгу: користувачі повинні мати активний сеанс майнінгу, щоб брати участь у розповсюдженні.
Крижані монети, що розповсюджуються, обмежуватимуться тими монетами, на які не було зроблено попередні ставки, а також монетами, отриманими через рефералів, які також відповідають критеріям прийнятності, згаданим вище. Розповсюдження BNB Smart Chain відбуватиметься щомісяця до запуску основної мережі, забезпечуючи стабільні винагороди для нашої лояльної спільноти.

☑️Реферальний код: raaz.01 (будь ласка, скористайтеся цим кодом, якщо ви вважаєте цю публікацію корисною)

Важливі дати
Щоб тримати вас в курсі, ось ще раз ключові дати:

Перша роздача запланована на 17 січня 2024 року.
Початок спотової торгівлі 19 січня 2024 року о 10:00 UTC.
🚨 Ми наполегливо рекомендуємо користувачам пов’язувати свої адреси BNB Smart Chain з біржі OKX зі своїми обліковими записами, щоб забезпечити безперебійні транзакції та уникнути непотрібних комісій за газ
#ICEMINING #blockchaininnovation #ICEDecentralized
🎉Missed out on the💰 $5000 XAI Airdrop? Don't Miss This Big Opportunity Now Unlock the potential to earn $5,000 to 💰$10,000 in the next 3 months with this guide. Discover a significant mining project by joining today and mining daily on your mobile phone. This app is poised to generate substantial profits in the upcoming months. Follow these steps to get started: 1. Go to the Play Store or App Store and download the ❄️ICE Mining App. 2. Open the app and create your account. 3. Input the secret premium code to receive $100 worth of Ice Coins as a reward. Use Refer Code: raaz.01 Start mining daily and watch your earnings grow significantly. Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles. Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice. #IceNetwork #ICEDecentralized #ice_coin
🎉Missed out on the💰 $5000 XAI Airdrop? Don't Miss This Big Opportunity Now

Unlock the potential to earn $5,000 to 💰$10,000 in the next 3 months with this guide.

Discover a significant mining project by joining today and mining daily on your mobile phone.

This app is poised to generate substantial profits in the upcoming months.

Follow these steps to get started:

1. Go to the Play Store or App Store and download the ❄️ICE Mining App.

2. Open the app and create your account.

3. Input the secret premium code to receive $100 worth of Ice Coins as a reward.

Use Refer Code: raaz.01

Start mining daily and watch your earnings grow significantly.

Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles. Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.
#IceNetwork #ICEDecentralized #ice_coin
❄️ICE NETWORK Ice is the newest digital currency that you can mine for free using your INTRODUCTION:-The❄️ Ice Open Network (ION) is a revolutionary blockchain initiative designed to address the challenges of centralization and introduce solutions to the data privacy and ownership issues that are pervasive in today's digital environment. Everything that we develop at Ice is open source & controlled by the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). What is❄️ Ice and how does it work? ☃️Ice is a new digital currency that you can mine (or earn) from any mobile device. 💰Ice network is based on a community of trust delivered by a growing number of users who want to prove that digital currencies retain value and can be used in various use cases. HOW TO 💰EARNED❄️ ICE?? 🎉To start earning Ice, you need to check in every 24 hours by tapping the Ice button to begin your daily mining session. Mining together with your friends can boost the mining (earning) rate for you and your team. For each friend that checks in at the same time as you, you both receive a 25% bonus on your mining (earning) rate. The base mining (earning) rate starts from 16 Ice/h and is reduced by half (goes through a halving event) when it reaches the first milestone. Read more about halving. ☑️ What is the total supply of Ice coins? The total supply of the Ice coins is based on multiple factors like total registered users, online miners, halving events, and bonuses and thus it cannot be known for the moment until Phase 1 does. not end. Many people already joined and getting coins day by day, don't miss this opportunity. Download it from PLAYSTORE☑️ and fill up the Invitation code and start the journey of Revolution. RESEARCH and ANALYSIS and been done by me, Good project, Good Roadmap THANKS😊 for SHOWING INTEREST FRIENDS My invitation code :- raaz.01 🎉🎉💰(Use code to get coins and mining rate mining) #ICEMINING #ICEDecentralized #ice_network #ice_coin
❄️ICE NETWORK Ice is the newest digital currency that you can mine for free using your

INTRODUCTION:-The❄️ Ice Open Network (ION) is a revolutionary blockchain initiative designed to address the challenges of centralization and introduce solutions to the data privacy and ownership issues that are pervasive in today's digital environment.

Everything that we develop at Ice is open source & controlled by the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

What is❄️ Ice and how does it work?

☃️Ice is a new digital currency that you can mine (or earn) from any mobile device.

💰Ice network is based on a community of trust delivered by a growing number of users who want to prove that digital currencies retain value and can be used in various use cases.

🎉To start earning Ice, you need to check in every 24 hours by tapping the Ice button to begin your daily mining session.

Mining together with your friends can boost the mining (earning) rate for you and your team.

For each friend that checks in at the same time as you, you both receive a 25% bonus on your mining (earning) rate.

The base mining (earning) rate starts from 16 Ice/h and is reduced by half (goes through a halving event) when it reaches the first milestone. Read more about halving.

☑️ What is the total supply of Ice coins?

The total supply of the Ice coins is based on multiple factors like total registered users, online miners, halving events, and bonuses and thus it cannot be known for the moment until Phase 1 does. not end.

Many people already joined and getting coins day by day, don't miss this opportunity.

Download it from PLAYSTORE☑️ and fill up the Invitation code and start the journey of Revolution.

RESEARCH and ANALYSIS and been done by me, Good project, Good Roadmap


My invitation code :- raaz.01

🎉🎉💰(Use code to get coins and mining rate mining)
#ICEMINING #ICEDecentralized #ice_network #ice_coin
Переглянути оригінал
У відповідь на величезну кількість відгуків від нашої відданої спільноти команда Ice стратегічно вирішила перейти від Ethereum до BNB Smart Chain для розповсюдження монет Ice. Ця зміна узгоджується з уподобаннями, висловленими членами нашої спільноти, які активно підтримують цю зміну. Ми віримо, що цей крок покращить загальний досвід і доступність розповсюдження Ice, ще більше посиливши залучення та участь нашої спільноти. Для користувачів OKX Wallet, Metamask або Trust Wallet ваша наявна адреса також сумісна з BNB Smart Chain. Ви можете оновити свою адресу BNB Smart Chain через мобільний додаток Ice, якщо бажаєте її змінити. План розподілу BNB Smart Chain Розподіл BNB Smart Chain відбуватиметься щомісяця, а баланс монет Ice рівномірно розподілятиметься протягом місяців, що залишилися до запуску нашої основної мережі. Наприклад, якщо у вас є 9000 монет льоду, а роздача почнеться в січні, ви отримаєте початкову роздачу 900 монет льоду, а в наступні місяці будуть розподілені повторно. Код РЕФЕРА: raaz.01 #IceNetwork #ICEMINING #ICEDecentralized #IceKYC #ice_coin
У відповідь на величезну кількість відгуків від нашої відданої спільноти команда Ice стратегічно вирішила перейти від Ethereum до BNB Smart Chain для розповсюдження монет Ice. Ця зміна узгоджується з уподобаннями, висловленими членами нашої спільноти, які активно підтримують цю зміну.

Ми віримо, що цей крок покращить загальний досвід і доступність розповсюдження Ice, ще більше посиливши залучення та участь нашої спільноти.

Для користувачів OKX Wallet, Metamask або Trust Wallet ваша наявна адреса також сумісна з BNB Smart Chain. Ви можете оновити свою адресу BNB Smart Chain через мобільний додаток Ice, якщо бажаєте її змінити. План розподілу BNB Smart Chain

Розподіл BNB Smart Chain відбуватиметься щомісяця, а баланс монет Ice рівномірно розподілятиметься протягом місяців, що залишилися до запуску нашої основної мережі. Наприклад, якщо у вас є 9000 монет льоду, а роздача почнеться в січні, ви отримаєте початкову роздачу 900 монет льоду, а в наступні місяці будуть розподілені повторно.
Код РЕФЕРА: raaz.01
#IceNetwork #ICEMINING #ICEDecentralized #IceKYC #ice_coin
Missed out on the $5000 XAI Airdrop? Don't Miss This Big Opportunity Now Unlock the potential to earn $5,000 to $10,000 in the next 3 months with this guide. Discover a significant mining project by joining today and mining daily on your mobile phone. This app is poised to generate substantial profits in the upcoming months. Follow these steps to get started: 1. Go to the Play Store or App Store and download the ICE Mining App. 2. Open the app and create your account. 3. Input the secret premium code to receive $100 worth of Ice Coins as a reward. Use Refer Code: raaz.01 Start mining daily and watch your earnings grow significantly. Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles. Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice. #ICEDecentralized #ice_network
Missed out on the $5000 XAI Airdrop? Don't Miss This Big Opportunity Now

Unlock the potential to earn $5,000 to $10,000 in the next 3 months with this guide.

Discover a significant mining project by joining today and mining daily on your mobile phone.

This app is poised to generate substantial profits in the upcoming months.

Follow these steps to get started:

1. Go to the Play Store or App Store and download the ICE Mining App.

2. Open the app and create your account.

3. Input the secret premium code to receive $100 worth of Ice Coins as a reward.

Use Refer Code: raaz.01

Start mining daily and watch your earnings grow significantly.

Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles. Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.
#ICEDecentralized #ice_network
Переглянути оригінал
#referal raaz.01
#ICEMINING #blockchaininnovation
#LUNC crypto price is facing strong bearish pressure on the daily technical chart. It is trading below the 20 and 50-day EMAs. The crypto has failed to break above its key resistance levels near the EMAs in the past few months, despite several attempts by bulls. The crypto is currently trading near $0.000120753, with a marginal gain of 3.80% in the intraday session. The crypto has a potential upside target of $0.000192703, but it needs to overcome the bearish momentum and surge above the 200-day EMA. The crypto has a support level of $0.000106906, which could prevent further downside. #LUNC price prediction suggests that the crypto is in the firm grip of the bears. The technical indicators favor the bears, projecting a pessimistic perspective for the buyers. RSI and stochastic RSI oscillators are moving near the overbought zone whereas the major EMA lines act as barrier points for LUNC price. The company’s performance could have been better throughout the year. It returned -12.87% in the year-to-date period, and 47.17% over the last six months, -44.45% last month, and 14.09% last week. This shows a persistent bearish trend that has not reversed yet. Technical Analysis of #LUNC Crypto Price in 1-D Time Frame Lunch Source: LUNC.1D.USD by TradingView LUNC crypto (USTC:LUNC) is trading under the 50 and 200-day daily moving averages (DMAs), which are not upholding the price trend. The current value of RSI is 40.35 points. The 14 SMA is above the median line at 44.41 points which indicates that the #LUNC cryptois bearish. The MACD line is below the signal line heading downward. A bearish crossover is observed in the MACD indicator which signals more bearishness for the LUNC cryptoprice. #Rk_traders
#LUNC crypto price is facing strong bearish pressure on the daily technical chart. It is trading below the 20 and 50-day EMAs. The crypto has failed to break above its key resistance levels near the EMAs in the past few months, despite several attempts by bulls.

The crypto is currently trading near $0.000120753, with a marginal gain of 3.80% in the intraday session. The crypto has a potential upside target of $0.000192703, but it needs to overcome the bearish momentum and surge above the 200-day EMA. The crypto has a support level of $0.000106906, which could prevent further downside.

#LUNC price prediction suggests that the crypto is in the firm grip of the bears. The technical indicators favor the bears, projecting a pessimistic perspective for the buyers. RSI and stochastic RSI oscillators are moving near the overbought zone whereas the major EMA lines act as barrier points for LUNC price.
The company’s performance could have been better throughout the year. It returned -12.87% in the year-to-date period, and 47.17% over the last six months, -44.45% last month, and 14.09% last week. This shows a persistent bearish trend that has not reversed yet.
Technical Analysis of #LUNC Crypto Price in 1-D Time Frame
Source: LUNC.1D.USD by TradingView
LUNC crypto (USTC:LUNC) is trading under the 50 and 200-day daily moving averages (DMAs), which are not upholding the price trend.

The current value of RSI is 40.35 points. The 14 SMA is above the median line at 44.41 points which indicates that the #LUNC cryptois bearish.

The MACD line is below the signal line heading downward. A bearish crossover is observed in the MACD indicator which signals more bearishness for the LUNC cryptoprice.
Trading Analysis The risk gauge rank for #1000SATS shows the token is currently a low risk investment. Traders focused on risk assessment will find the gauge most useful for avoiding (or adding) risky investments.#1000SATS has traded -2.56% lower over the past 24 hours to its current price of $0.000674605. This shift has occurred while volume is below its average level and the token's market capitalization has fallen. The cryptocurrency now has a market capitalization of $1,416,671,151.96 while $103,425,371.86 worth of the token has traded over the last 24 hours. The price change in relation to the degree of volume and market cap changes gives #SATS a low risk rating. #ANALYSIS #BTC #Rk_traders
Trading Analysis
The risk gauge rank for #1000SATS shows the token is currently a low risk investment. Traders focused on risk assessment will find the gauge most useful for avoiding (or adding) risky investments.#1000SATS has traded -2.56% lower over the past 24 hours to its current price of $0.000674605. This shift has occurred while volume is below its average level and the token's market capitalization has fallen. The cryptocurrency now has a market capitalization of $1,416,671,151.96 while $103,425,371.86 worth of the token has traded over the last 24 hours. The price change in relation to the degree of volume and market cap changes gives #SATS a low risk rating.
Hope everyone is good let me share some special news about terra classic with all of you. Terra Classic (LUNC) Community Beats Terra (LUNA) Terra (LUNC) prices rallied over 300% in the last two months after Binance and other crypto exchanges listed new pairs. LUNC hit a hit of $0.000275, supported by massive trading volumes. The price currently trades near $0.000150. Upcoming Developments on Terra Classic:- Both projects have made many efforts to revive the chain including inter-blockchain communication (IBC), governance-approved chain upgrades, and staking and token burns. However, among the two Cosmos-based chains, Terra Classic has performed better than Terra despite a lack of dedicated developers and funds. Terra and Do Kwon’s partial loss to the US SEC may have further repercussions for the Terra (LUNA) community. The Court ruled that LUNA and MIR tokens are securities. Meanwhile, the Terra Classic community is looking to bring back utility and revive tokens through a number of projects coming on the chain, renewed staking and burn narrative, and USTC repeg discussion with crypto exchanges, especially Binance. #Terra.Luna.Classic #LUNC/USDT. #BTC!💰 #TerraPower
Hope everyone is good let me share some special news about terra classic with all of you.
Terra Classic (LUNC) Community Beats Terra (LUNA)

Terra (LUNC) prices rallied over 300% in the last two months after Binance and other crypto exchanges listed new pairs. LUNC hit a hit of $0.000275, supported by massive trading volumes. The price currently trades near $0.000150.

Upcoming Developments on Terra Classic:-
Both projects have made many efforts to revive the chain including inter-blockchain communication (IBC), governance-approved chain upgrades, and staking and token burns. However, among the two Cosmos-based chains, Terra Classic has performed better than Terra despite a lack of dedicated developers and funds.

Terra and Do Kwon’s partial loss to the US SEC may have further repercussions for the Terra (LUNA) community. The Court ruled that LUNA and MIR tokens are securities.

Meanwhile, the Terra Classic community is looking to bring back utility and revive tokens through a number of projects coming on the chain, renewed staking and burn narrative, and USTC repeg discussion with crypto exchanges, especially Binance.
#Terra.Luna.Classic #LUNC/USDT. #BTC!💰 #TerraPower
Bitcoin ETF Countdown: Top 7 cryptos to Buy Before the Boom Most cryptos will benefit from the approval of a Bitcoin ETF Bitcoin (BTC-USD): The markets are gearing up for ETF approval, and Bitcoin will benefit substantially. Ethereum (ETH-USD): Ethereum has a real ability to return to its 2021 price levels. Cardano (ADA-USD): Cardano will continue to challenge Ethereum and garner significant developer interest. Keep reading for information about more cryptos that will benefit from a Bitcoin ETF! #BTC #ETH #ADAUpdate
Bitcoin ETF Countdown: Top 7 cryptos to Buy Before the Boom
Most cryptos will benefit from the approval of a Bitcoin ETF
Bitcoin (BTC-USD): The markets are gearing up for ETF approval, and Bitcoin will benefit substantially.

Ethereum (ETH-USD): Ethereum has a real ability to return to its 2021 price levels.

Cardano (ADA-USD): Cardano will continue to challenge Ethereum and garner significant developer interest.

Keep reading for information about more cryptos that will benefit from a Bitcoin ETF!
#BTC #ETH #ADAUpdate
Terra Luna Classic Ecosystem Tokens Under Pressure:- Terra Luna Classic ecosystem tokens are trading under selling pressure and slowly giving up all gains of the Binance-led LUNC and USTC prices rally during early December. An upside momentum in the broader crypto market will only bring a recovery in LUNC and USTC prices. LUNC price jumped 4% in the past 24 hours, with the price currently trading at $0.000149. The 24-hour low and high are $0.000146 and $0.000158, respectively. However, trading volume has increased by 18% in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, USTC price trades at $0.0341, also up over 2% in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour low and high are $0.033 and $0.035, respectively. #lunc #Terra.Luna.Classic #Terra.cryptocurrency
Terra Luna Classic Ecosystem Tokens Under Pressure:-

Terra Luna Classic ecosystem tokens are trading under selling pressure and slowly giving up all gains of the Binance-led LUNC and USTC prices rally during early December. An upside momentum in the broader crypto market will only bring a recovery in LUNC and USTC prices.
LUNC price jumped 4% in the past 24 hours, with the price currently trading at $0.000149. The 24-hour low and high are $0.000146 and $0.000158, respectively. However, trading volume has increased by 18% in the last 24 hours.
Meanwhile, USTC price trades at $0.0341, also up over 2% in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour low and high are $0.033 and $0.035, respectively.
#lunc #Terra.Luna.Classic #Terra.cryptocurrency
scan this picture in the binance QR Code scanner on the top of your home screen to win amazing prizes 💲💵💰💰
scan this picture in the binance QR Code scanner on the top of your home screen to win amazing prizes 💲💵💰💰
Scan the code to win your new year wishes
Scan the code to win your new year wishes
scan the QR Code to win amazing prize with my red packet
scan the QR Code to win amazing prize with my red packet
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