Можеш погуглити, скільки грошей у світі, а потім використати логіку?
Bitcoin Author
Слухайте: 10 мільйонів Сатоші еквівалентні 0.1 Біткоїна. Коли БІТКОІН досягне 1 мільйона доларів за кожен, 0.1 буде коштувати 100,000 доларів 😱
Наразі: 0.1 Біткоїна коштує близько 9,400 доларів, але це не триватиме вічно. Тож дозвольте запитати: чому ви не купуєте Біткоїн щодня, щотижня або навіть під час падінь на ринку за середньою вартістю долара (DCA)?
Замість того, щоб дозволити своїм заощадженням лежати без діла, зобов'яжіться регулярно купувати Біткоїн на суму від 1 до 25 доларів протягом наступних 8 років. Послідовність - це ключ.
Ваша мета? Накопичити 0.1 Біткоїна для себе та для кожної з ваших дітей. До 2034 року, якщо Біткоїн досягне 1 мільйона, ви та ваші діти будете тримати по 100,000 доларів вартості Біткоїна.
Це простий план, але він вимагає дій та дисципліни. Не будьте занадто впертими, щоб слідувати цим вказівкам - це може змінити ваше фінансове майбутнє.
Chapter 1 Fundamentals About how Telegram airdrops did everything, when Ton started for it was needed human resources and the company did BIG advertising campaigns. They started Telegram airdrops because meme coins and shitcoins worked before; they created “NOT coin” after their game. People who sold it at the start stayed with regret, asking why they sold it when it grew. 5% who held onto it got a good drop and were a little happy.
Chapter 2 Creating community After NOT coin, the company was looking for people with experience similar to financial pyramids because the company has foundations but still didn’t have many people needed for traffic in this structure. When they found those people, it was the start of games like Hamster, where they don’t promise anything but YouTubers and other content creators shout this is bigger than NOT coin, and a community was created.
About how Telegram airdrops did everything, when Ton started for it was needed human resources and the company did BIG advertising campaigns. They started Telegram airdrops because meme coins and shitcoins worked before; they created “NOT coin” after their game. People who sold it at the start stayed with regret, asking why they sold it when it grew. 5% who held onto it got a good drop and were a little happy.
Chapter 2 Creating community
After NOT coin, the company was looking for people with experience similar to financial pyramids because the company has foundations but still didn’t have many people needed for traffic in this structure. When they found those people, it was the start of games like Hamster, where they don’t promise anything but YouTubers and other content creators shout this is bigger than NOT coin, and a community was created.
Chapter 3 Proof of Work
Hey guys, let’s drop everyone some Dogs meme for nothing at a decent price!! For what, Carl? For future Deiv ))) fish loves food.
Wanted to make more but I thought I was wasting time for nothing and the ocean is big, and I don’t have time for myself, not to mention some fish. Thanks for reading
Making this post because I hope someone will listen and stop getting involved in financial pyramids like meme coins and coins without fundamental futures. I hope I don’t need to explain here what a financial pyramid is, and people who don’t know will Google it, because if they don’t Google it, that means they will either lose money or make money when someone else loses, and in the end lose everything. Let’s start with the favourite SOLANA when no one knew about it; the price rose up and up after noise on YouTube and everywhere about it growing over 10x. People looked and bought, the price then dumped, and every analysis said it was a little dump after the pump, and people you have a discount, and people again blindly bought it, and the price dumped to the lowest, and the noise stopped about it (not to mention Solana fraud projects like Snickers and other rubbish). Those who did not sell it after the long term just made a £5 profit from one coin because they sold it when it was profitable because they were in the red for too long. Those who bought it when no one was speaking about it, congratulations, you are in the 0.0001% of people. Great story, but now they have recovered and built a fundamental ecosystem because they know how financial pyramids work and jumped from it by rebuilding. I wanted to make a larger post, but I hope again people will understand the last words and what I’m talking about, with Pepe, Shib, Doge, and other name coins without anything behind— I mean the use of something— you will in the end lose everything because they may rise in price once or even twice, but in one day the pyramid will crash. Because when money made from thin air stops going to the owner, they will create a new pyramid, and in this situation, the money are the people who are buying air. My recommendation is to watch or read how real coins and cryptocurrencies work and how the market works and stop buying air with some blind belief that you will get rich someday because this market is not about that; it’s only about hard work and the will to take profit. Thanks for reading this. P.S. All the time I see posts about this rubbish and see people who believe. LAST time, I hope people will try to work on themselves and stop playing air drops on Telegram $SOL $NOT
Я поясню, чому всі плачуть, я входив у гру протягом 2 місяців, майже кожен день 1-2 рази по 1 хвилині, щоб лише оновити карти [60 днів х 2 хвилини = 120 хвилин = 2 години 14$ = 7 $ за годину, все виглядає не так вже й погано, але я пожертвував 0,5 тонни+ газу і маємо 14 - 3 = 11₴/2 = 5,5 $ за годину = 1 тонна за годину. Імперія X робила помилки, даючи обіцянки в грі та після зміни токенноміки (раніше було, що кожен, хто зробив пожертву, отримає мінімум 90 000 балів, і це змінило все не в кращу сторону, але все одно не все так погано, все одно за щось платять) #airdrop #XEmpire #scam $TON