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Серія Ultimate Crypto Guide: Частина 1 – Розуміння основ криптовалютиЛаскаво просимо у світ криптовалют Криптовалюта – це модне слово, яке викликало хвилю у фінансовому світі. Незалежно від того, чи ви новачок, чи хочете поглибити своє розуміння, цей посібник допоможе вам зорієнтуватися в криптоландшафті. Почнемо з основ. Що таке криптовалюта? Криптовалюта — це цифрова або віртуальна форма валюти, яка використовує криптографію для безпеки. На відміну від традиційних валют, що випускаються урядами, криптовалюти працюють у децентралізованих мережах на основі технології блокчейн. Ця децентралізація є однією з ключових особливостей, яка робить криптовалюту унікальною.

Серія Ultimate Crypto Guide: Частина 1 – Розуміння основ криптовалюти

Ласкаво просимо у світ криптовалют
Криптовалюта – це модне слово, яке викликало хвилю у фінансовому світі. Незалежно від того, чи ви новачок, чи хочете поглибити своє розуміння, цей посібник допоможе вам зорієнтуватися в криптоландшафті. Почнемо з основ.
Що таке криптовалюта?
Криптовалюта — це цифрова або віртуальна форма валюти, яка використовує криптографію для безпеки. На відміну від традиційних валют, що випускаються урядами, криптовалюти працюють у децентралізованих мережах на основі технології блокчейн. Ця децентралізація є однією з ключових особливостей, яка робить криптовалюту унікальною.
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Основи криптографії 101: повний посібник для початківцівОснови криптографії 101: повний посібник для початківців Вступ до технології блокчейн Ласкаво просимо до захоплюючого світу блокчейну та криптовалюти! Якщо ви новачок у цьому, не хвилюйтеся. Цей посібник допоможе вам зрозуміти основи технології блокчейн і як вона працює для живлення криптовалют. Що таке блокчейн? Подумайте про блокчейн як про цифрову книгу, схожу на блокнот, але замість того, щоб підтримувати її одна людина, її обслуговують численні комп’ютери по всьому світу. Цей особливий вид бази даних децентралізований і безпечний. Ось що вам потрібно знати:

Основи криптографії 101: повний посібник для початківців

Основи криптографії 101: повний посібник для початківців
Вступ до технології блокчейн
Ласкаво просимо до захоплюючого світу блокчейну та криптовалюти! Якщо ви новачок у цьому, не хвилюйтеся. Цей посібник допоможе вам зрозуміти основи технології блокчейн і як вона працює для живлення криптовалют.
Що таке блокчейн?
Подумайте про блокчейн як про цифрову книгу, схожу на блокнот, але замість того, щоб підтримувати її одна людина, її обслуговують численні комп’ютери по всьому світу. Цей особливий вид бази даних децентралізований і безпечний. Ось що вам потрібно знати:
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Прогноз ціни на біткойн: чого очікувати далі на тлі сильного тиску спотових продажів?
Біткойн продовжує спостерігати спотовий продаж
Публікація, опублікована криптовалютним аналітиком під назвою CrediBULL Crypto, підкреслює існування сильного тиску продажів на спотовому ринку біткойнів.

Постійне розвантаження BTC на спотовому ринку зазвичай призводить до зниження ціни BTC, що є небажаною тенденцією на ринку, який очікує сильного зростання.

Пост також вказує на наявність ознак поглинання на нижчих цінових рівнях.

Вищезазначену тенденцію можна вважати дещо сприятливою, оскільки вона відкриває можливість для стабілізації. Можливе різке зростання ціни біткойна попереду
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dario guerra
Біткойн демонструє значний імпульс падіння 📉💲
Минулого разу біткойн досяг 70 тис., а зараз він досяг 50 тис. Очікується, що він знизиться.
Якщо це станеться, це буде чудова можливість реінвестувати в btc, оскільки він має сильну ринкову капіталізацію🤑
Celebrando el Séptimo Aniversario de Binance con Richard Teng | Celebrating Binance's 7th AnniversarResumen del AMA con Richard Teng | Highlights from Richard Teng's AMA El 16 de julio de 2024, el CEO de Binance, Richard Teng, se reunió con la comunidad en X Spaces para celebrar el séptimo aniversario de Binance y hablar sobre el futuro de la plataforma. Aquí tienes un resumen fácil de entender de los puntos clave que abordó. On July 16, 2024, Binance CEO Richard Teng met with the community on X Spaces to celebrate Binance's 7th anniversary and discuss the platform's future. Here's an easy-to-understand summary of the key points he addressed. El Viaje Hasta Ahora | The Journey So Far Del Escepticismo a la Adopción Masiva | From Skepticism to Mainstream Adoption:** Desde 2017, Binance ha pasado de ser visto como una moda pasajera a ser una plataforma reconocida con la aprobación de ETFs de criptomonedas en varios países. Since 2017, Binance has gone from being seen as a passing fad to becoming a recognized platform with cryptocurrency ETFs gaining approval in several countries. Compromiso con los Usuarios | Commitment to Users: Binance sigue mejorando sus productos, asegurando el cumplimiento y protegiendo a los usuarios, trabajando estrechamente con reguladores globales. Binance continues to improve its products, ensure compliance, and protect users by working closely with global regulators. Desafíos y Oportunidades | Challenges and Opportunities Desafíos del Pasado | Past Challenges: El escepticismo inicial y mantener una plataforma 24/7 fueron grandes desafíos. Initial skepticism and maintaining a 24/7 platform were significant challenges. **Oportunidades Futuras | Future Opportunities:** Binance invertirá en tecnología y educación para apoyar la innovación en Web3 y AI, colaborando con reguladores. Binance will invest in technology and education to support innovation in Web3 and AI, collaborating with regulators. Expansión y Seguridad | Expansion and Security Nuevos Mercados | New Markets: Binance planea expandirse en el sudeste asiático, con interés especial en Malasia y Filipinas. Binance plans to expand in Southeast Asia, with a special focus on Malaysia and the Philippines. Seguridad del Usuario | User Security: Binance se enfoca en prevenir estafas y asegurar la seguridad de los fondos de los usuarios. Binance focuses on preventing scams and ensuring the security of user funds. Compromiso Regional y Comunidad | Regional Focus and Community Comunidad Árabe | Arabic Community: Binance está comprometido en apoyar a las comunidades jóvenes y tecnológicamente avanzadas en el mundo árabe. Binance is committed to supporting young and tech-savvy communities in the Arab world. Nuevas Funciones | New Features: Actualizaciones recientes incluyen Binance Square, billetera Web3 y funciones mejoradas de copy trading. Recent updates include Binance Square, Web3 wallet, and improved copy trading functions. Mensaje Final | Final Message Richard Teng agradeció a la comunidad por su apoyo durante los últimos siete años y reafirmó el compromiso de Binance de seguir innovando y mejorando. Richard Teng thanked the community for their support over the past seven years and reaffirmed Binance's commitment to continue innovating and improving. #Binance #CryptoCommunity #BinanceAnniversary #Write2Earn!

Celebrando el Séptimo Aniversario de Binance con Richard Teng | Celebrating Binance's 7th Anniversar

Resumen del AMA con Richard Teng | Highlights from Richard Teng's AMA
El 16 de julio de 2024, el CEO de Binance, Richard Teng, se reunió con la comunidad en X Spaces para celebrar el séptimo aniversario de Binance y hablar sobre el futuro de la plataforma. Aquí tienes un resumen fácil de entender de los puntos clave que abordó.
On July 16, 2024, Binance CEO Richard Teng met with the community on X Spaces to celebrate Binance's 7th anniversary and discuss the platform's future. Here's an easy-to-understand summary of the key points he addressed.
El Viaje Hasta Ahora | The Journey So Far
Del Escepticismo a la Adopción Masiva | From Skepticism to Mainstream Adoption:**
Desde 2017, Binance ha pasado de ser visto como una moda pasajera a ser una plataforma reconocida con la aprobación de ETFs de criptomonedas en varios países.
Since 2017, Binance has gone from being seen as a passing fad to becoming a recognized platform with cryptocurrency ETFs gaining approval in several countries.
Compromiso con los Usuarios | Commitment to Users:
Binance sigue mejorando sus productos, asegurando el cumplimiento y protegiendo a los usuarios, trabajando estrechamente con reguladores globales.
Binance continues to improve its products, ensure compliance, and protect users by working closely with global regulators.

Desafíos y Oportunidades | Challenges and Opportunities
Desafíos del Pasado | Past Challenges:
El escepticismo inicial y mantener una plataforma 24/7 fueron grandes desafíos.
Initial skepticism and maintaining a 24/7 platform were significant challenges.
**Oportunidades Futuras | Future Opportunities:**
Binance invertirá en tecnología y educación para apoyar la innovación en Web3 y AI, colaborando con reguladores.
Binance will invest in technology and education to support innovation in Web3 and AI, collaborating with regulators.
Expansión y Seguridad | Expansion and Security
Nuevos Mercados | New Markets:
Binance planea expandirse en el sudeste asiático, con interés especial en Malasia y Filipinas.
Binance plans to expand in Southeast Asia, with a special focus on Malaysia and the Philippines.
Seguridad del Usuario | User Security:
Binance se enfoca en prevenir estafas y asegurar la seguridad de los fondos de los usuarios.
Binance focuses on preventing scams and ensuring the security of user funds.
Compromiso Regional y Comunidad | Regional Focus and Community
Comunidad Árabe | Arabic Community:
Binance está comprometido en apoyar a las comunidades jóvenes y tecnológicamente avanzadas en el mundo árabe.
Binance is committed to supporting young and tech-savvy communities in the Arab world.
Nuevas Funciones | New Features:
Actualizaciones recientes incluyen Binance Square, billetera Web3 y funciones mejoradas de copy trading.
Recent updates include Binance Square, Web3 wallet, and improved copy trading functions.
Mensaje Final | Final Message
Richard Teng agradeció a la comunidad por su apoyo durante los últimos siete años y reafirmó el compromiso de Binance de seguir innovando y mejorando.
Richard Teng thanked the community for their support over the past seven years and reaffirmed Binance's commitment to continue innovating and improving.
#Binance #CryptoCommunity #BinanceAnniversary #Write2Earn!
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Fusionist BN
Розблокуйте $20 000 у вигляді токенів із Binance Square!

Виконуйте прості завдання в новому Центрі роздач, щоб заробити свою частку в 10 000 доларів США в ACE та 10 000 доларів США в жетонах LISTA.
Діяльність триває з 2024-07-11 09:00 (UTC) до 2024-07-30 09:00 (UTC).

Не пропустіть >>
AltCoins Alchemist
🚨 Увага Crypto Masters 🚨
Технічний аналіз $SOL /USDT: ключові ідеї та торгові дані

Поточна ціна та продуктивність
Поточна ціна SOL/USDT становить 151,41 дол. США, демонструючи вражаюче зростання на +4,57% за останні 24 години. Цей сплеск підкреслює сильний ринковий інтерес і потенційний бичачий імпульс у просторі блокчейну рівня 1.
Ціновий діапазон і обсяг
- 24-годинний максимум: $152,18
- 24-годинний мінімум: $143,43
- 24-годинний обсяг (SOL): 2,92 МБ
- Обсяг за 24 години (USDT): $429,62 млн
Значний обсяг торгів вказує на потужну ринкову активність і ліквідність, важливі для трейдерів та інвесторів.
Ковзні середні
- MA (7): $150,11
- MA (25): $146,66
- MA (99): $141,16
Ці ковзні середні підкреслюють поточну цінову тенденцію, причому короткострокова МА перевищує довгострокову МА, що вказує на позитивну тенденцію.
Глибина ціни та рівні опору
- Миттєвий опір: $152,84
- Поточний опір: $152,18
- Рівні підтримки:
- 151,41 дол
- 148,04 дол
- 143,24 дол
- 139,10 доларів США
- 138,44 дол
Розуміння цих рівнів може допомогти трейдерам визначити потенційні точки входу та виходу.
#Megadrop #BinanceTournament #ETHETFsApproved #Write2Earn! #SOFR_Spike
Follow Share & Like for your Only Airdrop!
Follow Share & Like for your Only Airdrop!
Процитований контент видалено
Crypto Makki
Smart Money Strategy Basics
The Smart Money concept means using large capital information to make decisions about the purchase and sale of assets. Large players in the market, such as Central Banks, market makers and exchanges, use their large capital and unique algorithms to set prices for certain levels, achieving their goals and objectives. The analytical work of professional traders is not to use complex indicators, but to recognize traces of smart money in the market using Price Action and Smart Money analysis.

The goal of this course is – to teach you a simple basic trading model based on the concept of Smart Money so that you cease to be liquidity

Who are Smart Money Traders?
Smart Money is a major market participant, such as banks and financial funds, which have a lot of capital and use unique algorithms, to deliver prices to certain levels in accordance with their goals and objectives. The goal for the Smart Money trader is to follow the major players using the markers that they leave in their warrants and market applications. Thus, traders can use these tracks to make decisions about their own market positions.


First of all, you need to monitor past events on the market, as large participants leave open positions that must be closed, and they must go a certain way. To continue the price movement, banks and foundations perform a certain algorithm of actions that guarantees their success and profit.


Smart money can eliminate not only retail traders, but also other banks and funds that are less experienced. Some large companies can also act stupidly, controlling large sums of money and earning profit from the commissions of their customers and investors.

If everyone starts using the Smart Money concept, then it will not stop working?
Even if all market participants use this approach, manipulation will continue and prices will be tested to close open positions. Smart capital cannot do without it. The concept of smart money is an approach that is used for profitable trading. While money is circulating on the market, the Smart Money concept will work
Benefits of Smart Money
Smart Money is one of the strategies that relies on following major players in the market, such as banks and financial funds. These participants have significant capital and use unique algorithms to achieve their goals and objectives.
One of the benefits of Smart Money is that it allows traders to use information that is not available to the general public. Thus, traders can benefit by following major players in the market who know more than ordinary traders.
In addition, Smart Money Strategy helps to avoid mistakes that other traders often make, such as emotional reactions in the market or too frequent trading. This strategy also allows traders to improve their market position and earn more money.
In general, Smart Money provides traders with the opportunity to use unique information and avoid typical errors, which can improve their market results. However, as with any other strategy, success depends on many factors, including market knowledge, trading skills, and proper risk management.
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Solana: From a Garage Startup to One of the Largest Blockchains

I researched an interview with $SOL CEO Daniel Albert

The info I found was shocking...

Here is the past and the future of Solana Foundation
Why did Daniel join Solana?

He has been following the cryptocurrency industry since 2017

He joined Solana full-time in 2019

All the co-founders of Solana and most of the early developers, we all came from Qualcomm
Qualcomm is a large technology company; they manufacture chips for mobile phones and mobile networks
Daniel didn't join SOL immediately when he was invited because of his work in Antarctica
But later in 2019, he eventually agreed and entered SOL with 10-12 other people

What was Solana in 2019?

They had a small office in San Francisco, but they worked in Greg's basement during that 1st summer of 2019

TX processing and the super-fast consensus that SOL is famous for were already functioning

Firstly they just play with stuff in Greg's house

Then they took it to a data center, installed them in a rack, and this was the 1st physical installation of SOL validators

About parallel execution of TXs

This is the main reason for the high TPS

SOL's consensus mechanism is very different from many EVM-compatible networks

The parallel execution engine allows Sol's environment, which actually processes your tx, to scale with the hardware
When performing tasks in parallel, it simply applies more cores and achieves greater parallelism over time
As long as people use the internet, and Intel, AMD, and Nvidia fight, chips will get faster, and data transfer speeds will increase Solana will always get faster

How meme coins affect the Solana ecosystem?
Overall, meme tokens are a healthy phenomenon
Firstly, they are fun. Solana is simple, fast, and cheap
Secondly, meme tokens create fertile ground for experiments, just like NFTs did
#SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceTurns7 #VanEck_SOL_ETFS
🐋Inversor Ballena Gasta 4.44 BTC en 19 NFT 'Quantum Cats' El mercado de los NFT de Bitcoin ha sido testigo de un movimiento importante. El 6 de julio, un inversor ballena invirtió 4.44 BTC, aproximadamente 251,000 USD, para adquirir 19 NFT 'Quantum Cats'. Este suceso, reportado por BlockBeats, subraya el creciente interés y el valor significativo que los grandes inversores están depositando en estos activos digitales. Los 'Quantum Cats', una colección lanzada por Taproot Wizards, se han destacado por su originalidad y la reconocida reputación de sus creadores en el ámbito de los NFT de Bitcoin. Esta compra no solo pone de manifiesto elinterés creciente, sino también el fuerte compromiso financiero de los inversores hacia esta nueva clase de activos. Con el mercado de los NFT de Bitcoin en constante crecimiento y transformación, transacciones como esta demuestran que no se trata de una moda pasajera. Estos activos digitales están ganando terreno y valor en el mundo de las criptomonedas, y es probable que veamos más inversiones de gran escala en un futuro cercano. #btc #cryptolearn #SOFR_Spike write2earn #btc #cryptolearn #write2earn $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
🐋Inversor Ballena Gasta 4.44 BTC en 19 NFT 'Quantum Cats'
El mercado de los NFT de Bitcoin ha sido testigo de un movimiento importante. El 6 de julio, un inversor ballena invirtió 4.44 BTC,
aproximadamente 251,000 USD, para adquirir 19 NFT 'Quantum Cats'. Este suceso, reportado por BlockBeats, subraya el creciente interés y el valor significativo que los grandes inversores están depositando en estos activos digitales.
Los 'Quantum Cats', una colección lanzada por Taproot Wizards, se han destacado por su originalidad y la reconocida reputación de sus creadores en el ámbito de los NFT de Bitcoin. Esta compra no solo pone de manifiesto elinterés creciente, sino también el fuerte compromiso financiero de los inversores hacia esta nueva clase de activos.
Con el mercado de los NFT de Bitcoin en constante crecimiento y transformación, transacciones como esta demuestran que no se trata de una moda pasajera. Estos activos digitales están ganando terreno y valor en el mundo de las criptomonedas, y es probable que veamos más inversiones de gran escala en un futuro cercano.
#btc #cryptolearn #SOFR_Spike write2earn
#btc #cryptolearn #write2earn $BTC
Fundamentos de Criptomonedas 101: Guía Completa para Principiantes*Introducción a la Tecnología Blockchain ¡Bienvenido al emocionante mundo de la blockchain y las criptomonedas! Si eres nuevo en esto, no te preocupes. Esta guía te ayudará a entender los conceptos básicos de la tecnología blockchain y cómo funciona para impulsar las criptomonedas. ¿Qué es Blockchain? Piensa en blockchain como un libro de contabilidad digital, similar a un cuaderno, pero en lugar de ser mantenido por una sola persona, es mantenido por numerosas computadoras alrededor del mundo. Este tipo especial de base de datos es descentralizado y seguro. Aquí tienes lo que necesitas saber: - Descentralizado: No está controlado por una sola persona u organización. En su lugar, una red de computadoras, llamadas nodos, lo mantiene. - Libro de Contabilidad Digital: Registra transacciones de una manera que todos pueden ver pero no pueden alterar una vez escritas. ¿Cómo Funciona Blockchain? Vamos a desglosarlo paso a paso: - Bloques: Imagina cada bloque como una página en un libro de contabilidad digital. Cada bloque contiene información sobre transacciones. - Hashing: El hashing es como una huella digital para los datos en cada bloque. Transforma los datos en una cadena única de caracteres. Si cambia alguna información, el hash también cambia. - Encadenamiento: Cada bloque contiene el hash del bloque anterior, vinculándolos en una cadena. Esto hace que sea extremadamente difícil alterar cualquier bloque sin cambiar todos los bloques subsecuentes. El Papel del Hashing El hashing es crucial para la seguridad de blockchain. Aquí está el porqué: - Funciones Hash: Toman una entrada (como datos de transacciones) y producen una cadena de caracteres de tamaño fijo. Incluso un pequeño cambio en la entrada cambia drásticamente la salida. - Resistencia a Colisiones: Es casi imposible encontrar dos entradas diferentes que produzcan el mismo hash. - Función Unidireccional: No se puede retroceder la entrada a partir del hash, lo que lo hace seguro. Descentralización en Blockchain La descentralización significa que ninguna entidad única tiene control sobre toda la blockchain. Esto tiene varios beneficios: - Seguridad: Es más difícil que un punto único de falla o ataque interrumpa la red. - Transparencia: Todos pueden ver los mismos datos, promoviendo la confianza. - Inmutabilidad: Una vez que los datos están registrados, no se pueden cambiar, asegurando un registro permanente y confiable. Blockchain y Criptomonedas La tecnología blockchain es la columna vertebral de criptomonedas como Bitcoin y Ethereum. Estas monedas digitales usan blockchain para garantizar transacciones seguras y transparentes sin necesidad de una autoridad central como un banco. Cómo Funcionan las Transacciones en Blockchain Aquí tienes una versión simplificada de cómo funciona una transacción en blockchain: - Inicio: Un usuario inicia una transacción (por ejemplo, enviar Bitcoin a otra persona). - Difusión: La transacción se difunde a una red de nodos. - Validación: Los nodos validan la transacción utilizando mecanismos de consenso (reglas que ayudan a los nodos a ponerse de acuerdo sobre la validez de la transacción). - Formación del Bloque: Las transacciones validadas se agrupan en un bloque. - Adición a la Cadena: El nuevo bloque se añade a la blockchain, haciendo que la transacción sea parte del registro permanente. Mecanismos de Consenso Los mecanismos de consenso aseguran que todos los nodos en la red estén de acuerdo sobre el estado de la blockchain. Aquí están los más comunes: - Proof of Work (PoW): Los mineros compiten para resolver problemas matemáticos complejos. El primero en resolverlo añade un nuevo bloque a la blockchain y es recompensado con criptomonedas. Este proceso requiere un poder computacional significativo. - Proof of Stake (PoS): Los validadores son elegidos para crear nuevos bloques en función de la cantidad de monedas que tienen y están dispuestos a "apostar" como garantía. Este método es más eficiente en energía que PoW. Otros Mecanismos de Consenso Hay otros tipos de mecanismos de consenso, tales como: - Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS): Los poseedores de tokens eligen un grupo más pequeño de validadores para crear nuevos bloques. - Proof of Authority (PoA): Los validadores son elegidos en función de su reputación o identidad en lugar de la cantidad de criptomonedas que poseen. Beneficios de Blockchain La tecnología blockchain ofrece numerosas ventajas: - Descentralización: Reduce el riesgo de control centralizado y puntos únicos de falla. - Transparencia: Las transacciones son visibles para todos los participantes, lo que facilita la verificación. - Inmutabilidad: Una vez registradas, las transacciones no se pueden alterar, asegurando un registro permanente. - Eficiencia: Reduce la necesidad de intermediarios, acelerando las transacciones. - Menores Tarifas: Menos intermediarios significan menores costos de transacción. - Sin Confianza: Los participantes pueden transaccionar sin necesidad de confiar en una autoridad central. Tipos de Redes Blockchain Diferentes tipos de redes blockchain son adecuados para diferentes propósitos: - Blockchain Pública: Abierta para todos. Ejemplos incluyen Bitcoin y Ethereum. - Blockchain Privada: Acceso restringido, generalmente dentro de una sola organización, para propósitos internos. - Blockchain de Consorcio: Controlada por un grupo de organizaciones, útil para la colaboración entre partes de confianza. Usos de Blockchain La tecnología blockchain tiene aplicaciones más allá de las criptomonedas: - Identidad Digital: Creando identidades digitales seguras e inviolables. - Votación: Asegurando procesos de votación seguros y transparentes. - Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro: Rastreando productos desde el origen hasta el consumidor. - Contratos Inteligentes: Contratos autoejecutables con los términos directamente escritos en código. Conclusión Blockchain es una tecnología revolucionaria que ofrece una manera segura, transparente y descentralizada de registrar transacciones. Tiene el potencial de transformar industrias al fomentar la confianza y la eficiencia. Ya sea que estés interesado en criptomonedas, identidad digital o contratos inteligentes, blockchain abre un mundo de posibilidades. Al entender estos conceptos básicos, estás bien encaminado para explorar el fascinante mundo de la blockchain y las criptomonedas. ¡Feliz aprendizaje! #Write2Earn! #BinanceLearn #cryptoschool #cryptovice $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)

Fundamentos de Criptomonedas 101: Guía Completa para Principiantes*

Introducción a la Tecnología Blockchain
¡Bienvenido al emocionante mundo de la blockchain y las criptomonedas! Si eres nuevo en esto, no te preocupes. Esta guía te ayudará a entender los conceptos básicos de la tecnología blockchain y cómo funciona para impulsar las criptomonedas.

¿Qué es Blockchain?
Piensa en blockchain como un libro de contabilidad digital, similar a un cuaderno, pero en lugar de ser mantenido por una sola persona, es mantenido por numerosas computadoras alrededor del mundo. Este tipo especial de base de datos es descentralizado y seguro. Aquí tienes lo que necesitas saber:
- Descentralizado: No está controlado por una sola persona u organización. En su lugar, una red de computadoras, llamadas nodos, lo mantiene.
- Libro de Contabilidad Digital: Registra transacciones de una manera que todos pueden ver pero no pueden alterar una vez escritas.

¿Cómo Funciona Blockchain?
Vamos a desglosarlo paso a paso:
- Bloques: Imagina cada bloque como una página en un libro de contabilidad digital. Cada bloque contiene información sobre transacciones.
- Hashing: El hashing es como una huella digital para los datos en cada bloque. Transforma los datos en una cadena única de caracteres. Si cambia alguna información, el hash también cambia.
- Encadenamiento: Cada bloque contiene el hash del bloque anterior, vinculándolos en una cadena. Esto hace que sea extremadamente difícil alterar cualquier bloque sin cambiar todos los bloques subsecuentes.

El Papel del Hashing
El hashing es crucial para la seguridad de blockchain. Aquí está el porqué:
- Funciones Hash: Toman una entrada (como datos de transacciones) y producen una cadena de caracteres de tamaño fijo. Incluso un pequeño cambio en la entrada cambia drásticamente la salida.
- Resistencia a Colisiones: Es casi imposible encontrar dos entradas diferentes que produzcan el mismo hash.
- Función Unidireccional: No se puede retroceder la entrada a partir del hash, lo que lo hace seguro.

Descentralización en Blockchain
La descentralización significa que ninguna entidad única tiene control sobre toda la blockchain. Esto tiene varios beneficios:
- Seguridad: Es más difícil que un punto único de falla o ataque interrumpa la red.
- Transparencia: Todos pueden ver los mismos datos, promoviendo la confianza.
- Inmutabilidad: Una vez que los datos están registrados, no se pueden cambiar, asegurando un registro permanente y confiable.

Blockchain y Criptomonedas
La tecnología blockchain es la columna vertebral de criptomonedas como Bitcoin y Ethereum. Estas monedas digitales usan blockchain para garantizar transacciones seguras y transparentes sin necesidad de una autoridad central como un banco.

Cómo Funcionan las Transacciones en Blockchain
Aquí tienes una versión simplificada de cómo funciona una transacción en blockchain:
- Inicio: Un usuario inicia una transacción (por ejemplo, enviar Bitcoin a otra persona).
- Difusión: La transacción se difunde a una red de nodos.
- Validación: Los nodos validan la transacción utilizando mecanismos de consenso (reglas que ayudan a los nodos a ponerse de acuerdo sobre la validez de la transacción).
- Formación del Bloque: Las transacciones validadas se agrupan en un bloque.
- Adición a la Cadena: El nuevo bloque se añade a la blockchain, haciendo que la transacción sea parte del registro permanente.

Mecanismos de Consenso
Los mecanismos de consenso aseguran que todos los nodos en la red estén de acuerdo sobre el estado de la blockchain. Aquí están los más comunes:
- Proof of Work (PoW): Los mineros compiten para resolver problemas matemáticos complejos. El primero en resolverlo añade un nuevo bloque a la blockchain y es recompensado con criptomonedas. Este proceso requiere un poder computacional significativo.
- Proof of Stake (PoS): Los validadores son elegidos para crear nuevos bloques en función de la cantidad de monedas que tienen y están dispuestos a "apostar" como garantía. Este método es más eficiente en energía que PoW.

Otros Mecanismos de Consenso
Hay otros tipos de mecanismos de consenso, tales como:
- Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS): Los poseedores de tokens eligen un grupo más pequeño de validadores para crear nuevos bloques.
- Proof of Authority (PoA): Los validadores son elegidos en función de su reputación o identidad en lugar de la cantidad de criptomonedas que poseen.

Beneficios de Blockchain
La tecnología blockchain ofrece numerosas ventajas:
- Descentralización: Reduce el riesgo de control centralizado y puntos únicos de falla.
- Transparencia: Las transacciones son visibles para todos los participantes, lo que facilita la verificación.
- Inmutabilidad: Una vez registradas, las transacciones no se pueden alterar, asegurando un registro permanente.
- Eficiencia: Reduce la necesidad de intermediarios, acelerando las transacciones.
- Menores Tarifas: Menos intermediarios significan menores costos de transacción.
- Sin Confianza: Los participantes pueden transaccionar sin necesidad de confiar en una autoridad central.

Tipos de Redes Blockchain
Diferentes tipos de redes blockchain son adecuados para diferentes propósitos:
- Blockchain Pública: Abierta para todos. Ejemplos incluyen Bitcoin y Ethereum.
- Blockchain Privada: Acceso restringido, generalmente dentro de una sola organización, para propósitos internos.
- Blockchain de Consorcio: Controlada por un grupo de organizaciones, útil para la colaboración entre partes de confianza.

Usos de Blockchain
La tecnología blockchain tiene aplicaciones más allá de las criptomonedas:
- Identidad Digital: Creando identidades digitales seguras e inviolables.
- Votación: Asegurando procesos de votación seguros y transparentes.
- Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro: Rastreando productos desde el origen hasta el consumidor.
- Contratos Inteligentes: Contratos autoejecutables con los términos directamente escritos en código.

Blockchain es una tecnología revolucionaria que ofrece una manera segura, transparente y descentralizada de registrar transacciones. Tiene el potencial de transformar industrias al fomentar la confianza y la eficiencia. Ya sea que estés interesado en criptomonedas, identidad digital o contratos inteligentes, blockchain abre un mundo de posibilidades.
Al entender estos conceptos básicos, estás bien encaminado para explorar el fascinante mundo de la blockchain y las criptomonedas. ¡Feliz aprendizaje!
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Cloud Mining Crypto in a Few Easy StepsDiscover the simplest way to start mining cryptocurrency with Cloud Miner! Whether you're a seasoned trader or a complete beginner, our platform makes crypto mining accessible and profitable in just a few steps. 1. Sign Up: Register with StormGain using my referral link: [Referral Link] ( As a bonus, you'll receive 9 USDT credited to your Cloud Miner account upon registration. 2. Start Mining: Begin mining free Bitcoin every four hours. Our user-friendly interface allows you to initiate mining with a single click, no technical expertise required. 3. Earn and Withdraw: Accumulate Bitcoin effortlessly. Plus, when you withdraw funds, I receive 15% of the funds withdrawn from Cloud Miner, adding to the benefits of your efforts. 4.Refer Friends: Share your own referral link with friends and earn 15% of their withdrawn funds too! They will also get 9 USDT just for signing up. Additional Benefits for My Referrals: By joining StormGain through my referral link, you'll also gain exclusive access to my Telegram channel. Here, I share invaluable resources such as: - Crypto Gems: Discover promising cryptocurrencies with high potential. - Free NFTs: Get access to unique digital art and collectibles. - Strategies: Learn effective strategies to navigate and succeed in the world of cryptocurrency. Become Part of Our Team: For every affiliate joining through my referral, you'll be part of a supportive and collaborative team. Our community is dedicated to working together, sharing experiences, and providing mutual support. In a world often plagued by scams and deception, having a reliable team offers the certainty and confidence you need. The journey in crypto can be challenging, but with the shared knowledge and assistance from fellow affiliates, it becomes much easier and more secure. Unlock Advanced Knowledge As you gain more experience, you'll unlock access to not only crypto mining but also invaluable knowledge in digital assets. Learn about AI integration, brand development, marketing tips, and most importantly, mindfulness, visualization, and belief. This comprehensive 360-degree learning approach ensures you grow in all aspects, enabling you to thrive in the digital world. Minimum Earnings with Minimal Effort: Even with minimal effort and no need to know about trading, you can achieve the following earnings: - Daily Income: 0.0000108 BTC (approximately 0.66 USDT) - Weekly Income: 0.0000756 BTC (approximately 4.63 USDT) - Monthly Income: 0.000324 BTC (approximately 19.85 USDT) [Minimum Earnings **Fidelity Program**: By participating in our fidelity program, you can enjoy various benefits based on your trading volume: - **Standard**: Start with 2% annual staking yield, 0.095% exchange commission, and x1 mining speed. - **Gold**: Deposit 150,000 USDT to enjoy 10% annual staking yield, 0.085% exchange commission, and x2 mining speed. - **Platinum**: Deposit 750,000 USDT to unlock 11% annual staking yield, 0.08% exchange commission, and x6 mining speed. - **Diamond**: Deposit 2,500,000 USDT to get 12% annual staking yield, 0.075% exchange commission, and x20 mining speed. - **VIP 1**: Deposit 7,500,000 USDT for the highest benefits with 17% annual staking yield, 0.07% exchange commission, and x30 mining speed. **Take Action Now**: If this hasn’t convinced you to embark on this new journey, I invite you to watch this short video that shows just how easy it is to get started. The only thing left for you to do is take action now and begin your path to success. Join the revolution in cryptocurrency mining with Cloud Miner. Sign up today and watch your crypto assets grow with minimal effort. Start mining, earn rewards, and maximize your earnings with every referral. Plus, benefit from expert insights, free resources, and a supportive community to make your crypto journey easier and more rewarding. Happy mining! #BTC #StormGain #Write2Earn! #Cloudmining #CryptoTradingGuide

Cloud Mining Crypto in a Few Easy Steps

Discover the simplest way to start mining cryptocurrency with Cloud Miner! Whether you're a seasoned trader or a complete beginner, our platform makes crypto mining accessible and profitable in just a few steps.
1. Sign Up: Register with StormGain using my referral link: [Referral Link]

As a bonus, you'll receive 9 USDT credited to your Cloud Miner account upon registration.
2. Start Mining: Begin mining free Bitcoin every four hours. Our user-friendly interface allows you to initiate mining with a single click, no technical expertise required.
3. Earn and Withdraw: Accumulate Bitcoin effortlessly. Plus, when you withdraw funds, I receive 15% of the funds withdrawn from Cloud Miner, adding to the benefits of your efforts.
4.Refer Friends: Share your own referral link with friends and earn 15% of their withdrawn funds too! They will also get 9 USDT just for signing up.

Additional Benefits for My Referrals:
By joining StormGain through my referral link, you'll also gain exclusive access to my Telegram channel. Here, I share invaluable resources such as:
- Crypto Gems: Discover promising cryptocurrencies with high potential.
- Free NFTs: Get access to unique digital art and collectibles.
- Strategies: Learn effective strategies to navigate and succeed in the world of cryptocurrency.
Become Part of Our Team:
For every affiliate joining through my referral, you'll be part of a supportive and collaborative team. Our community is dedicated to working together, sharing experiences, and providing mutual support. In a world often plagued by scams and deception, having a reliable team offers the certainty and confidence you need. The journey in crypto can be challenging, but with the shared knowledge and assistance from fellow affiliates, it becomes much easier and more secure.
Unlock Advanced Knowledge
As you gain more experience, you'll unlock access to not only crypto mining but also invaluable knowledge in digital assets. Learn about AI integration, brand development, marketing tips, and most importantly, mindfulness, visualization, and belief. This comprehensive 360-degree learning approach ensures you grow in all aspects, enabling you to thrive in the digital world.
Minimum Earnings with Minimal Effort:
Even with minimal effort and no need to know about trading, you can achieve the following earnings:
- Daily Income: 0.0000108 BTC (approximately 0.66 USDT)
- Weekly Income: 0.0000756 BTC (approximately 4.63 USDT)
- Monthly Income: 0.000324 BTC (approximately 19.85 USDT)
[Minimum Earnings

**Fidelity Program**:
By participating in our fidelity program, you can enjoy various benefits based on your trading volume:
- **Standard**: Start with 2% annual staking yield, 0.095% exchange commission, and x1 mining speed.
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- **VIP 1**: Deposit 7,500,000 USDT for the highest benefits with 17% annual staking yield, 0.07% exchange commission, and x30 mining speed.
**Take Action Now**:
If this hasn’t convinced you to embark on this new journey, I invite you to watch this short video that shows just how easy it is to get started. The only thing left for you to do is take action now and begin your path to success.
Join the revolution in cryptocurrency mining with Cloud Miner. Sign up today and watch your crypto assets grow with minimal effort. Start mining, earn rewards, and maximize your earnings with every referral. Plus, benefit from expert insights, free resources, and a supportive community to make your crypto journey easier and more rewarding. Happy mining! #BTC #StormGain #Write2Earn! #Cloudmining #CryptoTradingGuide
Brief Guide to Smart ContractsWhat are Smart Contracts? Smart contracts are self-executing digital agreements stored on blockchains like Ethereum. They automate and enforce contract terms without needing intermediaries, offering: Transparency: All parties can view the contract terms and transactions.Security: Cryptographic security ensures tamper-proof agreements.Decentralization: Operate on decentralized networks, reducing central control.Efficiency: Automate processes, reducing time and costs associated with traditional contracts. How Do Smart Contracts Work? Creation and Deployment Written in Code: Smart contracts are coded using blockchain-compatible languages such as Solidity.Deployment: Once written, they are deployed onto blockchain networks like Ethereum, becoming active parts of the blockchain. Code and Conditions Defined Terms: The contract’s code specifies the terms, rules, and conditions of the agreement.Automatic Execution: The contract executes automatically when predefined conditions are met. Contract Invocation User Interaction: Users interact with smart contracts through applications or DApps (decentralized applications).Specified Actions: Users provide inputs or actions, such as payments or transfers, which the contract then processes. Validation and Execution Validation: Blockchain nodes validate transactions using consensus mechanisms.Execution: Once validated, the contract executes according to its code. Immutable Record Recorded on Blockchain: All transaction details are stored on the blockchain.Tamper-Resistant: These entries are transparent and cannot be altered. Finality Irreversible Transactions: Once executed, transactions are final and irreversible, ensuring integrity and security. Use Cases of Smart Contracts Financial Transactions: Enable secure payments and manage complex financial agreements.Decentralized Applications (DApps): Power DeFi platforms, NFT marketplaces, and gaming applications.Insurance: Automate claims processing and payouts.Supply Chain Management: Enhance tracking, transparency, and reduce fraud.Intellectual Property: Use NFTs for digital asset management.Voting Systems: Ensure secure and transparent elections. Disadvantages of Smart Contracts Dependency on External Data: Rely on oracles for external information.Code Vulnerabilities: Susceptible to bugs and security risks.Scalability Issues: Challenges in handling high demand.Immutability: Difficult to update once deployed. How Smart Contract Problems Are Solved Bug Bounty Programs: Encourage finding and fixing bugs.Security Audits: Regularly review code for vulnerabilities.Development Tools: Use advanced tools and frameworks for better development.Standardization: Efforts to ensure interoperability and standard practices. Bitcoin and Smart Contracts Basic Support: Bitcoin supports simple smart contracts via its scripting language.Limited Functionality: Less capable than platforms like Ethereum for complex contracts.Lightning Network: Supports advanced functionalities and smart contracts on Bitcoin. Conclusion Smart contracts have revolutionary potential for streamlining processes across various industries. While challenges exist, ongoing developments aim to enhance their security and functionality. Short Quiz on Smart Contracts What is a smart contract?A digital agreement on a blockchain that self-executes.Name one benefit of using smart contracts.Increased transparency and security.Which programming language is commonly used to write smart contracts on Ethereum?Solidity.What role do oracles play in smart contract operations?They provide external data to smart contracts.Can Bitcoin support smart contracts?Yes, but with more limited functionalities compared to Ethereum. Adding NFTs to Smart Contracts NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and Smart Contracts: Unique Digital Assets: NFTs are unique digital assets stored on blockchains using smart contracts.Define Ownership: Smart contracts define ownership and licensing terms.Automate Transactions: Facilitate the buying, selling, and transferring of NFTs.Examples: Include digital art, collectibles, and virtual items in gaming. $BTC $ETH #Write2Earn! #AirdropGuide #nft

Brief Guide to Smart Contracts

What are Smart Contracts?
Smart contracts are self-executing digital agreements stored on blockchains like Ethereum. They automate and enforce contract terms without needing intermediaries, offering:
Transparency: All parties can view the contract terms and transactions.Security: Cryptographic security ensures tamper-proof agreements.Decentralization: Operate on decentralized networks, reducing central control.Efficiency: Automate processes, reducing time and costs associated with traditional contracts.
How Do Smart Contracts Work?
Creation and Deployment
Written in Code: Smart contracts are coded using blockchain-compatible languages such as Solidity.Deployment: Once written, they are deployed onto blockchain networks like Ethereum, becoming active parts of the blockchain.
Code and Conditions
Defined Terms: The contract’s code specifies the terms, rules, and conditions of the agreement.Automatic Execution: The contract executes automatically when predefined conditions are met.
Contract Invocation
User Interaction: Users interact with smart contracts through applications or DApps (decentralized applications).Specified Actions: Users provide inputs or actions, such as payments or transfers, which the contract then processes.
Validation and Execution
Validation: Blockchain nodes validate transactions using consensus mechanisms.Execution: Once validated, the contract executes according to its code.
Immutable Record
Recorded on Blockchain: All transaction details are stored on the blockchain.Tamper-Resistant: These entries are transparent and cannot be altered.
Irreversible Transactions: Once executed, transactions are final and irreversible, ensuring integrity and security.
Use Cases of Smart Contracts
Financial Transactions: Enable secure payments and manage complex financial agreements.Decentralized Applications (DApps): Power DeFi platforms, NFT marketplaces, and gaming applications.Insurance: Automate claims processing and payouts.Supply Chain Management: Enhance tracking, transparency, and reduce fraud.Intellectual Property: Use NFTs for digital asset management.Voting Systems: Ensure secure and transparent elections.
Disadvantages of Smart Contracts
Dependency on External Data: Rely on oracles for external information.Code Vulnerabilities: Susceptible to bugs and security risks.Scalability Issues: Challenges in handling high demand.Immutability: Difficult to update once deployed.
How Smart Contract Problems Are Solved
Bug Bounty Programs: Encourage finding and fixing bugs.Security Audits: Regularly review code for vulnerabilities.Development Tools: Use advanced tools and frameworks for better development.Standardization: Efforts to ensure interoperability and standard practices.
Bitcoin and Smart Contracts
Basic Support: Bitcoin supports simple smart contracts via its scripting language.Limited Functionality: Less capable than platforms like Ethereum for complex contracts.Lightning Network: Supports advanced functionalities and smart contracts on Bitcoin.
Smart contracts have revolutionary potential for streamlining processes across various industries. While challenges exist, ongoing developments aim to enhance their security and functionality.
Short Quiz on Smart Contracts
What is a smart contract?A digital agreement on a blockchain that self-executes.Name one benefit of using smart contracts.Increased transparency and security.Which programming language is commonly used to write smart contracts on Ethereum?Solidity.What role do oracles play in smart contract operations?They provide external data to smart contracts.Can Bitcoin support smart contracts?Yes, but with more limited functionalities compared to Ethereum.
Adding NFTs to Smart Contracts

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and Smart Contracts:
Unique Digital Assets: NFTs are unique digital assets stored on blockchains using smart contracts.Define Ownership: Smart contracts define ownership and licensing terms.Automate Transactions: Facilitate the buying, selling, and transferring of NFTs.Examples: Include digital art, collectibles, and virtual items in gaming.
$BTC $ETH #Write2Earn! #AirdropGuide #nft
What Is Decentralization? Decentralization refers to the distribution of power, control, and decision-making across a network or system instead of a single organization or individual. Decentralization is characterized by the distribution of responsibility and authority among multiple participants instead of a single entity making all the decisions. In centralized systems, there is usually a central authority or organization that has complete control over the system. This central authority makes all the important decisions and has the power to enforce rules and regulations. Decentralization, on the other hand, aims to distribute decision-making power and control to a broader network of participants. This can be achieved by using technogies like blockchain, where multiple computers (nod es) called nodes participate in the validation and verification of transactions and maintain a shared ledger. In a decentralized system, no single entity has complete control, and decisions are made through consensus among the participants. Decentralization has several benefits, including increased security, censorship resistance, and resilience against single points of failure. It also promotes transparency and trust by allowing anyone to verify and audit the system's operations. It's important to note that decentralization is a spectrum, and different systems may have varying degrees of decentralization. Some systems may be partially decentralized, while others may strive for complete decentralization #CryptoTradingGuide #Write2Earn! $BTC
What Is Decentralization?

Decentralization refers to the distribution of power, control, and decision-making across a network or system instead of a single organization or individual. Decentralization is characterized by the distribution of responsibility and authority among multiple participants instead of a single entity making all the decisions.
In centralized systems, there is usually a central authority or organization that has complete control over the system. This central authority makes all the important decisions and has the power to enforce rules and regulations.
Decentralization, on the other hand, aims to distribute decision-making power and control to a broader network of participants. This can be achieved by using technogies like blockchain, where multiple computers (nod
es) called nodes participate in the validation and verification of transactions and maintain a shared ledger. In a decentralized system, no single entity has complete control, and decisions are made through consensus among the participants.

Decentralization has several benefits, including increased security, censorship resistance, and resilience against single points of failure. It also promotes transparency and trust by allowing anyone to verify and audit the system's operations.

It's important to note that decentralization is a spectrum, and different systems may have varying degrees of decentralization. Some systems may be partially decentralized, while others may strive for complete decentralization

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Join the Binance Futures Affiliate Program and Earn Big!Hey Crypto Enthusiasts! 🌟 If you're not a Binance Futures affiliate yet, you're missing out on an incredible opportunity to earn substantial rewards! Here's everything you need to know about the Binance Futures Affiliate Bonus Program. 🚀 What's the Deal? By joining the Binance Futures Affiliate Program, you can earn a 30% commission on trading fees and give your referrals a 10% discount. Plus, you can earn up to 72,000 USDT in bonuses based on the trading fees your referrals generate over a month. 💼 How Does It Work? It’s super simple! All Binance Futures affiliates are automatically eligible for this bonus program. The bonuses are based on the monthly trading fees paid by your referrals. For instance, if your referrals generate 15,000 USDT in trading fees in a month, you’ll get a 1,500 USDT bonus on top of your regular commission. 📈 Bonus Structure The bonuses are calculated based on the thresholds of the trading fees your referrals pay each month. Here’s a quick example: If your referrals generate 150,000 USDT in trading fees in April, you’ll earn a 15,000 USDT bonus! 📋 Rules You Need to Know 1. Eligibility: All Binance Futures affiliates qualify by default. 2. Bonus Distribution: Bonuses are paid in USDT to your Binance Spot account before the 15th of each month. EEA users will receive their bonus in BNB due to regulations. 3. VIP Levels: Only fees from VIP 0-3 referrals count towards the bonus. 4. Commission Period: Referral commissions last for 12 months but can extend for three more months if you qualify for the monthly bonus. 5. Compliance: No self-invites through multiple accounts. Violations result in cancellation of bonuses and commissions. 📌 Steps to Become an Affiliate 1. Apply: [Sign up here! [Referal Crypto Vice]( 2. Get Approved: Wait for approval. 3. Invite Friends: Share your referral link and give them a 10% discount. 4. Earn: Start earning a 30% commission on their trading fees. 🔍 Requirements to Apply - Individuals: Must have 5,000+ followers on social media. - Crypto Communities: 500+ members. - Businesses: Userbase of 2,000+, 5,000+ daily visits on market analysis platforms, or an industry media platform. ⚠️ Important Notes - Affiliates must refer at least three new futures traders in the past three months to qualify for the bonus. - Ensure your referrals are from regions where Binance Futures trading is not restricted. Why Wait? Join Now and Maximize Your Earnings! Start your journey as a Binance Futures affiliate today and leverage your network to earn big. Apply now and start inviting your friends to benefit from the best trading experience on Binance Futures! [[Click Here to Apply]]( Additional Resources - [Binance Futures Referral Dashboard]( - [How to Customize Your Binance Futures Referral Code]( - [Full Details of the Binance Futures Referral Program]( Disclaimer: Binance Futures products are restricted in certain countries and to certain users. Please review the terms and conditions and risk warnings before participating. --- Follow me for more updates and crypto tips! 🚀 #Crypto #Binance #AffiliateMarketing #Trading #CryptoCommunity #writetoearn #FutureTarding $BTC $USDC

Join the Binance Futures Affiliate Program and Earn Big!

Hey Crypto Enthusiasts! 🌟
If you're not a Binance Futures affiliate yet, you're missing out on an incredible opportunity to earn substantial rewards! Here's everything you need to know about the Binance Futures Affiliate Bonus Program.
🚀 What's the Deal?
By joining the Binance Futures Affiliate Program, you can earn a 30% commission on trading fees and give your referrals a 10% discount. Plus, you can earn up to 72,000 USDT in bonuses based on the trading fees your referrals generate over a month.
💼 How Does It Work?
It’s super simple! All Binance Futures affiliates are automatically eligible for this bonus program. The bonuses are based on the monthly trading fees paid by your referrals. For instance, if your referrals generate 15,000 USDT in trading fees in a month, you’ll get a 1,500 USDT bonus on top of your regular commission.
📈 Bonus Structure
The bonuses are calculated based on the thresholds of the trading fees your referrals pay each month. Here’s a quick example: If your referrals generate 150,000 USDT in trading fees in April, you’ll earn a 15,000 USDT bonus!
📋 Rules You Need to Know
1. Eligibility: All Binance Futures affiliates qualify by default.
2. Bonus Distribution: Bonuses are paid in USDT to your Binance Spot account before the 15th of each month. EEA users will receive their bonus in BNB due to regulations.
3. VIP Levels: Only fees from VIP 0-3 referrals count towards the bonus.
4. Commission Period: Referral commissions last for 12 months but can extend for three more months if you qualify for the monthly bonus.
5. Compliance: No self-invites through multiple accounts. Violations result in cancellation of bonuses and commissions.
📌 Steps to Become an Affiliate
1. Apply: [Sign up here! Referal Crypto Vice
2. Get Approved: Wait for approval.
3. Invite Friends: Share your referral link and give them a 10% discount.
4. Earn: Start earning a 30% commission on their trading fees.
🔍 Requirements to Apply
- Individuals: Must have 5,000+ followers on social media.
- Crypto Communities: 500+ members.
- Businesses: Userbase of 2,000+, 5,000+ daily visits on market analysis platforms, or an industry media platform.
⚠️ Important Notes
- Affiliates must refer at least three new futures traders in the past three months to qualify for the bonus.
- Ensure your referrals are from regions where Binance Futures trading is not restricted.
Why Wait? Join Now and Maximize Your Earnings!
Start your journey as a Binance Futures affiliate today and leverage your network to earn big. Apply now and start inviting your friends to benefit from the best trading experience on Binance Futures!
[Click Here to Apply] Additional Resources
- [Binance Futures Referral Dashboard](
- [How to Customize Your Binance Futures Referral Code](
- [Full Details of the Binance Futures Referral Program](
Disclaimer: Binance Futures products are restricted in certain countries and to certain users. Please review the terms and conditions and risk warnings before participating.
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