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На горизонті звалище #BTC ? Уряд США переміщує конфіскований 1 мільярд доларів #Bitcoin з #SilkRoad на #Coinbase
На горизонті звалище #BTC ? Уряд США переміщує конфіскований 1 мільярд доларів #Bitcoin з #SilkRoad на #Coinbase
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#IOTA надає рішення для входу з використанням самостійної суверенної ідентифікації для бортових користувачів у додатках#Web2і #Web3
#IOTA надає рішення для входу з використанням самостійної суверенної ідентифікації для бортових користувачів у додатках#Web2і #Web3

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Регулятори США реагують на крах банку#Silvergate– Чи не відключить уряд #криптоіндустрію від банківської системи? звіт
Регулятори США реагують на крах банку#Silvergate– Чи не відключить уряд #криптоіндустрію від банківської системи? звіт
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#IOTA 2,0 ​​дюйма ближче, і SMR буде розміщено на цій біржі вартістю мільярд доларів сьогодні – чи ціна різко зросте?
#IOTA 2,0 ​​дюйма ближче, і SMR буде розміщено на цій біржі вартістю мільярд доларів сьогодні – чи ціна різко зросте?
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EOS представляє цю нову дорожню карту перед квітневим запуском EVM для завоювання мільярдного ринку – ЗвітEOS Network Foundation керує планами щодо оновлення механізму консенсусу, системи віртуальної машини Ethereum (EVM), а також загальної оновленої стратегії зростання. EVM відіграватимуть центральну роль у майбутніх планах EOS не лише з технічної точки зору, але й з точки зору бізнесу. Блокчейн EOS знову прагне відзначитися в блокчейні та крипто-просторі як свої плани щодо свого другого інінгу на ринку. Ще в 2017 році EOS залучила 4 мільярди доларів у рамках первинної пропозиції монет (ICO), що викликало багато фанфар.

EOS представляє цю нову дорожню карту перед квітневим запуском EVM для завоювання мільярдного ринку – Звіт

EOS Network Foundation керує планами щодо оновлення механізму консенсусу, системи віртуальної машини Ethereum (EVM), а також загальної оновленої стратегії зростання.

EVM відіграватимуть центральну роль у майбутніх планах EOS не лише з технічної точки зору, але й з точки зору бізнесу.

Блокчейн EOS знову прагне відзначитися в блокчейні та крипто-просторі як свої плани щодо свого другого інінгу на ринку. Ще в 2017 році EOS залучила 4 мільярди доларів у рамках первинної пропозиції монет (ICO), що викликало багато фанфар.
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Юрист Ripple у позові SEC: Рішення може бути винесено сьогодні та спричинить значний рух ціни на XRP Адвокат Джон Е. Дітон очікує рішення у справі SEC і Ripple сьогодні ввечері або через кілька тижнів. Він також вважає, що нещодавнє рішення суду є величезною перемогою для власників XRP. Позов Ripple Labs і Комісії з цінних паперів і бірж США підходить до завершення після того, як суддя Аналіса Торрес оприлюднила своє рішення щодо клопотання обох сторін про виключення свідчень експертів. Про це повідомив у твіттері прокурор Джеймс К. Філан, опублікувавши копію постанови судді. У своїй ухвалі про клопотання Дауберта суддя відхилив і частково задовольнив клопотання обох сторін.

Юрист Ripple у позові SEC: Рішення може бути винесено сьогодні та спричинить значний рух ціни на XRP

Адвокат Джон Е. Дітон очікує рішення у справі SEC і Ripple сьогодні ввечері або через кілька тижнів.

Він також вважає, що нещодавнє рішення суду є величезною перемогою для власників XRP.

Позов Ripple Labs і Комісії з цінних паперів і бірж США підходить до завершення після того, як суддя Аналіса Торрес оприлюднила своє рішення щодо клопотання обох сторін про виключення свідчень експертів. Про це повідомив у твіттері прокурор Джеймс К. Філан, опублікувавши копію постанови судді. У своїй ухвалі про клопотання Дауберта суддя відхилив і частково задовольнив клопотання обох сторін.
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Stellar Lumens: Центральний банк Бразилії запускає XLM-блокчейн CBDC для мільйонів людейЗа допомогою пілотного випробування Digital Real уряд Бразилії хоче повторити успіх своєї системи миттєвих платежів Pix. Бразильський центральний банк проводить пілотне тестування блокчейну Stellar, оскільки він має високу функціональність і призначений для масового впровадження на підприємствах. Кожна велика економіка в усьому світі прагне запустити власну цифрову валюту центрального банку (CBDC), а латиноамериканська країна Бразилія є останньою, хто проводить пілотний проект CBDC. Відповідно до останнього звіту Reuters, центральний банк Бразилії офіційно запустив пілот для свого експериментального CBDC.

Stellar Lumens: Центральний банк Бразилії запускає XLM-блокчейн CBDC для мільйонів людей

За допомогою пілотного випробування Digital Real уряд Бразилії хоче повторити успіх своєї системи миттєвих платежів Pix.

Бразильський центральний банк проводить пілотне тестування блокчейну Stellar, оскільки він має високу функціональність і призначений для масового впровадження на підприємствах.

Кожна велика економіка в усьому світі прагне запустити власну цифрову валюту центрального банку (CBDC), а латиноамериканська країна Бразилія є останньою, хто проводить пілотний проект CBDC. Відповідно до останнього звіту Reuters, центральний банк Бразилії офіційно запустив пілот для свого експериментального CBDC.
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#Stellar Lumens: Центральний банк Бразилії запускає#CBDCна основі #XLM-блокчейну для мільйонів людей – Звіт
#Stellar Lumens: Центральний банк Бразилії запускає#CBDCна основі #XLM-блокчейну для мільйонів людей – Звіт

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З’єднайте веб-сервіси Amazon із Meta та Google Cloud через Chainlink – величезний потенціалChainlink детально розповідає, як функція Chainlink може служити розробникам. Користувачі можуть підключатися до Meta, Amazon Web Services (AWS) та інших платформ за допомогою функції Chainlink. ChainLink розкрив різні випадки використання функції Chainlink, оскільки розробники готуються до використання нової платформи. Chainlink нещодавно запустив платформу під назвою «Chainlink Functions», яка є безсерверною платформою самообслуговування. Використовуючи платформу, розробники можуть підключати свої децентралізовані програми (dApps) або смарт-контракти до будь-якого API Web 2.0.

З’єднайте веб-сервіси Amazon із Meta та Google Cloud через Chainlink – величезний потенціал

Chainlink детально розповідає, як функція Chainlink може служити розробникам.

Користувачі можуть підключатися до Meta, Amazon Web Services (AWS) та інших платформ за допомогою функції Chainlink.

ChainLink розкрив різні випадки використання функції Chainlink, оскільки розробники готуються до використання нової платформи.

Chainlink нещодавно запустив платформу під назвою «Chainlink Functions», яка є безсерверною платформою самообслуговування. Використовуючи платформу, розробники можуть підключати свої децентралізовані програми (dApps) або смарт-контракти до будь-якого API Web 2.0.
Connect Amazon Web Services with #Meta and Google Cloud through #Chainlink - Massive potential and real world usecases
Connect Amazon Web Services with #Meta and Google Cloud through #Chainlink - Massive potential and real world usecases
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Великий криптобанк Silvergate у біді. Чи біткойн і крипторинок у великій небезпеці? звітУ судовому процесі Silvergate Bank і його генеральний директор Алан Лейн були звинувачені в пособництві та підбурюванні до шахрайської схеми, організованої SBF. Нещодавно Coinbase оголосила, що більше не буде співпрацювати з банком у комерційному плані. Нещодавно повідомлялося, що відділ шахрайства Міністерства юстиції Сполучених Штатів розслідує криптобанк Silvergate щодо розміщення облікових записів, пов’язаних із розвалом імперії FTX. Генерального директора FTX Сема Бенкмана-Фріда звинувачують у шахрайстві з банківськими переказами та цінними паперами та відмиванні грошей. В окремому позові банк Silvergate і його генеральний директор Алан Лейн були звинувачені в пособництві та підбурюванні до шахрайської схеми, організованої SBF.

Великий криптобанк Silvergate у біді. Чи біткойн і крипторинок у великій небезпеці? звіт

У судовому процесі Silvergate Bank і його генеральний директор Алан Лейн були звинувачені в пособництві та підбурюванні до шахрайської схеми, організованої SBF.

Нещодавно Coinbase оголосила, що більше не буде співпрацювати з банком у комерційному плані.

Нещодавно повідомлялося, що відділ шахрайства Міністерства юстиції Сполучених Штатів розслідує криптобанк Silvergate щодо розміщення облікових записів, пов’язаних із розвалом імперії FTX. Генерального директора FTX Сема Бенкмана-Фріда звинувачують у шахрайстві з банківськими переказами та цінними паперами та відмиванні грошей. В окремому позові банк Silvergate і його генеральний директор Алан Лейн були звинувачені в пособництві та підбурюванні до шахрайської схеми, організованої SBF.
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Головний #crypto банк #Silvergate має проблеми, які останнім часом, здається, трапляються часто. Останнім є судовий процес. Чи #Bitcoin і криптовалюта #market у великій небезпеці?
Головний #crypto банк #Silvergate має проблеми, які останнім часом, здається, трапляються часто. Останнім є судовий процес. Чи #Bitcoin і криптовалюта #market у великій небезпеці?
Polygon scores new partnership in billion-$-marketPolygon and Mercy Corps will work together to push the benefits of blockchain solutions in underserved communities. The two players plan to fund blockchain pilots, conduct a series of hackathons, and run a blockchain bootcamp roadshow to spread awareness. On Thursday, March 2, Polygon Labs, the parent firm behind Polygon blockchain, has undertaken a new initiative to accelerate the use of blockchain-based solutions for low-income individuals, the underserved, and communities in the emerging market. To accomplish this mission, Polygon Labs has joined hands with Mercy Corps Ventures (MCV), the impact-investing arm of the global development organization Mercy Corps. Over the last eight years, Merch Corps Ventures have been investing in solutions that help underserved groups become part of the formal global economy. So far, they have supported more than 41 early-stage ventures in scaling and raising more than $335 million in follow-on capital. Although there’s been a lot of talks over the benefits of blockchain and Web3 solutions, they haven’t really translated into something fruitful for the underbanked populations in emerging markets. Also, solutions that exist in reality lack the measure outcomes such that one can build a business case. Polygon Labs is proud to team up with @MCSocialVenture, the impact investing arm of @mercycorps, to pilot real world use cases by providing #Web3 tools, resources, and solutions to emerging markets, to empower underserved communities.  More: — Polygon (@0xPolygon) March 3, 2023 Follow us for the latest crypto news! Mercy Corps Ventures have been actively piloting several Web3 solutions in order to responsibly test, de-risk, and build the evidence base for promising, cutting-edge innovation. All these solutions leverage Web3 for exploring nascent areas of their thesis. They are also using Web3 to build resilience for underserved individuals and communities. The Three Major Pillars of Partnership The partnership of Mercy Corps Ventures (MCV) with Polygon Labs will have three major pillars: Funding blockchain pilots to enable access to the financial system for the underserved and excluded communities. The two players will work to provide tailor-made blockchain solutions to the 1.4 billion population that’s underbanked. This will ultimately enable an inclusive and equitable global financial system. MCV and Polygon Labs will conduct a series of blockchain hackathons with developers thereby serving emerging market users in order to increase awareness and education about how blockchain solutions can help solve local challenges. The third pillar is running a blockchain bootcamp roadshow in all those markets where Mercy Caps has a presence. These efforts will help in providing “educational and informational sessions for local educational institutions, NGOs, and other organizations looking to improve operations through blockchain technology”. In order to drive global financial inclusion, MCV launched the Crypto for Good Fund II last month. They will be conducting a series of pilots thereby building up evidence to prove the scalability of blockchain-based solutions and their impact on emerging markets. During the first phase of the fund launch last year, MCV has already received over 200 applications from more than 50 countries worldwide. Applications for the second round are already up until March 31st.

Polygon scores new partnership in billion-$-market

Polygon and Mercy Corps will work together to push the benefits of blockchain solutions in underserved communities.

The two players plan to fund blockchain pilots, conduct a series of hackathons, and run a blockchain bootcamp roadshow to spread awareness.

On Thursday, March 2, Polygon Labs, the parent firm behind Polygon blockchain, has undertaken a new initiative to accelerate the use of blockchain-based solutions for low-income individuals, the underserved, and communities in the emerging market.

To accomplish this mission, Polygon Labs has joined hands with Mercy Corps Ventures (MCV), the impact-investing arm of the global development organization Mercy Corps. Over the last eight years, Merch Corps Ventures have been investing in solutions that help underserved groups become part of the formal global economy. So far, they have supported more than 41 early-stage ventures in scaling and raising more than $335 million in follow-on capital.

Although there’s been a lot of talks over the benefits of blockchain and Web3 solutions, they haven’t really translated into something fruitful for the underbanked populations in emerging markets. Also, solutions that exist in reality lack the measure outcomes such that one can build a business case.

Polygon Labs is proud to team up with @MCSocialVenture, the impact investing arm of @mercycorps, to pilot real world use cases by providing #Web3 tools, resources, and solutions to emerging markets, to empower underserved communities.


— Polygon (@0xPolygon) March 3, 2023

Follow us for the latest crypto news!

Mercy Corps Ventures have been actively piloting several Web3 solutions in order to responsibly test, de-risk, and build the evidence base for promising, cutting-edge innovation. All these solutions leverage Web3 for exploring nascent areas of their thesis. They are also using Web3 to build resilience for underserved individuals and communities.

The Three Major Pillars of Partnership

The partnership of Mercy Corps Ventures (MCV) with Polygon Labs will have three major pillars:

Funding blockchain pilots to enable access to the financial system for the underserved and excluded communities. The two players will work to provide tailor-made blockchain solutions to the 1.4 billion population that’s underbanked. This will ultimately enable an inclusive and equitable global financial system.

MCV and Polygon Labs will conduct a series of blockchain hackathons with developers thereby serving emerging market users in order to increase awareness and education about how blockchain solutions can help solve local challenges.

The third pillar is running a blockchain bootcamp roadshow in all those markets where Mercy Caps has a presence. These efforts will help in providing “educational and informational sessions for local educational institutions, NGOs, and other organizations looking to improve operations through blockchain technology”.

In order to drive global financial inclusion, MCV launched the Crypto for Good Fund II last month. They will be conducting a series of pilots thereby building up evidence to prove the scalability of blockchain-based solutions and their impact on emerging markets. During the first phase of the fund launch last year, MCV has already received over 200 applications from more than 50 countries worldwide. Applications for the second round are already up until March 31st.
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#Polygon оцінює нове партнерство для фінансування #blockchain пілотів, стимулювання кліматичних заходів і надання безпечних ідентифікаційних рішень на мільярдному ринку
#Polygon оцінює нове партнерство для фінансування #blockchain пілотів, стимулювання кліматичних заходів і надання безпечних ідентифікаційних рішень на мільярдному ринку
Bullish: Billion-$-company Fidelity starts Bitcoin and crypto platform despite regulatory unclarity Leading U.S. based investment firm Fidelity is planning to launch Fidelity Crypto, an investment arm solely dedicated to digital currencies.  Fidelity Crypto will serve 36 states in the country, and will be made available to only U.S. citizens.  Despite industry leaders raising concerns about the cryptocurrency regulatory policies in the United States, some leading firms are iterating confidence in the market, by taking steps to launch Crypto-related ventures. Most recently, the top U.S. based investment firm Fidelity investments, has hinted that it will roll out an investment arm dedicated to digital currencies. Dubbed “Fidelity Crypto, the platform is designed to focus on cryptocurrency investments. Prominent Cryptocurrency analyst Peter Brandt took to Twitter to update the crypto-twitter community on Fidelity’s move. The analyst shared a screenshot highlighting a section of the company’s official website that read “Fidelity Crypto is coming soon.” On the homepage, a section highlights “Crypto decoded”, an initiative designed to help newbies interested in their services to understand the concept of digital currencies. Customers will not be charged for commission Fidelity appears to be calling for early birds to make their way into the platform and gain an early access list to trade digital currencies. Although there was no mention of any other digital asset for trading, except the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin, and the second largest crypto Ethereum. The platform will also be integrated into the Fidelity mobile app once it launches. The website reads. Get on the early-access list to trade bitcoin and ethereum. Start with the names you know, invest with a name you can trust. Plus, get education that takes the code talk out of crypto. It was also noted that Fidelity Digital Assets is behind Fidelity Crypto, as it provides services for the platform. It is also worth mentioning that Fidelity Crypto is limited to only a select few states in the United States. The services will be made available in Alabama, New York, and Washington, along with 33 other states in the country. At present, the platform is restricting participation to only U.S. citizens. Fidelity Crypto is also offering a mouth-watering incentive to prospective customers, revealing that trading Bitcoin and Ethereum will attract zero commissions. You will not be charged a commission on bitcoin or ether (“crypto”) trades placed through Fidelity Crypto. Fidelity Digital Assets will collect a spread (assessed at no more than 1%) calculated as the difference between the price at which you buy or sell crypto in your Fidelity Crypto account and the price at which Fidelity Digital Assets fills your order. Fidelity explained, adding that the spread will be reflected in a customer’s execution price. While fees are subject to change, Fidelity digital assets say it might not charge a spread.

Bullish: Billion-$-company Fidelity starts Bitcoin and crypto platform despite regulatory unclarity

Leading U.S. based investment firm Fidelity is planning to launch Fidelity Crypto, an investment arm solely dedicated to digital currencies. 

Fidelity Crypto will serve 36 states in the country, and will be made available to only U.S. citizens. 

Despite industry leaders raising concerns about the cryptocurrency regulatory policies in the United States, some leading firms are iterating confidence in the market, by taking steps to launch Crypto-related ventures.

Most recently, the top U.S. based investment firm Fidelity investments, has hinted that it will roll out an investment arm dedicated to digital currencies. Dubbed “Fidelity Crypto, the platform is designed to focus on cryptocurrency investments.

Prominent Cryptocurrency analyst Peter Brandt took to Twitter to update the crypto-twitter community on Fidelity’s move. The analyst shared a screenshot highlighting a section of the company’s official website that read “Fidelity Crypto is coming soon.”

On the homepage, a section highlights “Crypto decoded”, an initiative designed to help newbies interested in their services to understand the concept of digital currencies.

Customers will not be charged for commission

Fidelity appears to be calling for early birds to make their way into the platform and gain an early access list to trade digital currencies. Although there was no mention of any other digital asset for trading, except the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin, and the second largest crypto Ethereum. The platform will also be integrated into the Fidelity mobile app once it launches. The website reads.

Get on the early-access list to trade bitcoin and ethereum. Start with the names you know, invest with a name you can trust. Plus, get education that takes the code talk out of crypto.

It was also noted that Fidelity Digital Assets is behind Fidelity Crypto, as it provides services for the platform. It is also worth mentioning that Fidelity Crypto is limited to only a select few states in the United States.

The services will be made available in Alabama, New York, and Washington, along with 33 other states in the country. At present, the platform is restricting participation to only U.S. citizens.

Fidelity Crypto is also offering a mouth-watering incentive to prospective customers, revealing that trading Bitcoin and Ethereum will attract zero commissions.

You will not be charged a commission on bitcoin or ether (“crypto”) trades placed through Fidelity Crypto. Fidelity Digital Assets will collect a spread (assessed at no more than 1%) calculated as the difference between the price at which you buy or sell crypto in your Fidelity Crypto account and the price at which Fidelity Digital Assets fills your order.

Fidelity explained, adding that the spread will be reflected in a customer’s execution price. While fees are subject to change, Fidelity digital assets say it might not charge a spread.
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Підвищення: мільярдна компанія Fidelity запускає платформу#Bitcoinі #crypto, незважаючи на нормативну неясність - Звіт
Підвищення: мільярдна компанія Fidelity запускає платформу#Bitcoinі #crypto, незважаючи на нормативну неясність - Звіт
Polygon to release identity platform of the future ahead of zkEVM launch – Can MATIC hit $10? Projects including Blockchain Lock, Bloock, Clique, Collab.Land, DePay, Fractal ID, Grail, and Kaleido are currently building with the Polygon ID.   According to the announcement, DAO can be able to verify membership without the need to disclose their identity. The scaling upgrade from the Ethereum layer 2 solutions provider Polygon – the zero-knowledge Ethereum scaling machine (zkEVM) was recently confirmed to be launched on March 27. As the crypto community is getting ready for this occasion, Polygon has launched a web3 identity service, Polygon ID in a bid to solve the problems of digital trust. According to the announcement, Polygon ID would enable applications built on blockchain technology to validate users without putting personal data at risk. Also, businesses leveraging these services would have fewer problems in user data management.  It means greater control over their own identity and discretion in how they use their data to answer questions from institutions and private organizations. Polygon ID enables developers to accomplish what previously has not been possible online: enabling trust and verification while delivering a user-friendly experience and maintaining the veil of privacy. The official announcement also mentions some projects currently building with the Polygon ID. These include Blockchain Lock, Bloock, Clique, Collab.Land, DePay, Fractal ID, Grail, Kaleido, etc. The previous version of the Polygon ID tooling has already been used by some third-party builders and thousands of users at hackathons.  Some use cases of the Polygon ID Its ability to enable developers to build self-sovereign, decentralized and private identity solutions makes it unique in the blockchain industry. Last March, it was announced that Polygon ID is now available under an open-source license to the public. It also stated that it was fully serviced. This means anyone can become an issuer using the Polygon ID infrastructure stack. The updated version offers developers building for end users the option to allow users to prove that they are humans without disclosing personal information. Additionally, users can have the option for a ‘passwordless’ login to avoid falling prey to hackers. Developers can take advantage of the zero-knowledge technology within their compliance processes without putting user privacy in danger.  The public release adds four new tools to the Polygon ID Toolset: Verifier SDK (for verifiers), Issuer Node (for issuers), Wallet SDK (for wallet builders), and Wallet App (for devs and end users). This helps developers integrate decentralized identity into their applications while also being Web3 native. All of these tools are made available under the open source AGPL license. The announcement further mentions some use cases for polygon ID developers. According to them, DAO can be able to verify membership without the need to disclose their identity. In addition, the ID provides an identity layer for e-commerce customers to enable payment security and reduce the cost of storing customer payment data.  Follow us for the latest crypto news! A spokesperson of the project confirmed: Polygon ID enables compliance for both web2 and web3 industries which strengthens the regulatory framework through KYC/AML checks. The reusability and self-sovereignty of credentials also reduce the cost, time, and complexity of user onboarding and user verification. MATIC price still in bearish mode The announcement has had a minimal impact on the price of MATIC as the asset is 12 percent down in the last seven days with a current price of $1.2. However, this, coupled with the launch of zkEVM in late March could send the price to $10 depending on the investors’ response. 

Polygon to release identity platform of the future ahead of zkEVM launch – Can MATIC hit $10?

Projects including Blockchain Lock, Bloock, Clique, Collab.Land, DePay, Fractal ID, Grail, and Kaleido are currently building with the Polygon ID. 

 According to the announcement, DAO can be able to verify membership without the need to disclose their identity.

The scaling upgrade from the Ethereum layer 2 solutions provider Polygon – the zero-knowledge Ethereum scaling machine (zkEVM) was recently confirmed to be launched on March 27. As the crypto community is getting ready for this occasion, Polygon has launched a web3 identity service, Polygon ID in a bid to solve the problems of digital trust. According to the announcement, Polygon ID would enable applications built on blockchain technology to validate users without putting personal data at risk. Also, businesses leveraging these services would have fewer problems in user data management. 

It means greater control over their own identity and discretion in how they use their data to answer questions from institutions and private organizations. Polygon ID enables developers to accomplish what previously has not been possible online: enabling trust and verification while delivering a user-friendly experience and maintaining the veil of privacy.

The official announcement also mentions some projects currently building with the Polygon ID. These include Blockchain Lock, Bloock, Clique, Collab.Land, DePay, Fractal ID, Grail, Kaleido, etc. The previous version of the Polygon ID tooling has already been used by some third-party builders and thousands of users at hackathons. 

Some use cases of the Polygon ID

Its ability to enable developers to build self-sovereign, decentralized and private identity solutions makes it unique in the blockchain industry. Last March, it was announced that Polygon ID is now available under an open-source license to the public. It also stated that it was fully serviced. This means anyone can become an issuer using the Polygon ID infrastructure stack. The updated version offers developers building for end users the option to allow users to prove that they are humans without disclosing personal information. Additionally, users can have the option for a ‘passwordless’ login to avoid falling prey to hackers. Developers can take advantage of the zero-knowledge technology within their compliance processes without putting user privacy in danger. 

The public release adds four new tools to the Polygon ID Toolset: Verifier SDK (for verifiers), Issuer Node (for issuers), Wallet SDK (for wallet builders), and Wallet App (for devs and end users). This helps developers integrate decentralized identity into their applications while also being Web3 native. All of these tools are made available under the open source AGPL license.

The announcement further mentions some use cases for polygon ID developers. According to them, DAO can be able to verify membership without the need to disclose their identity. In addition, the ID provides an identity layer for e-commerce customers to enable payment security and reduce the cost of storing customer payment data. 

Follow us for the latest crypto news!

A spokesperson of the project confirmed:

Polygon ID enables compliance for both web2 and web3 industries which strengthens the regulatory framework through KYC/AML checks.

The reusability and self-sovereignty of credentials also reduce the cost, time, and complexity of user onboarding and user verification.

MATIC price still in bearish mode

The announcement has had a minimal impact on the price of MATIC as the asset is 12 percent down in the last seven days with a current price of $1.2. However, this, coupled with the launch of zkEVM in late March could send the price to $10 depending on the investors’ response. 
#Polygon to release identity platform of the future ahead of zkEVM launch – Can #MATIC hit $10?  
#Polygon to release identity platform of the future ahead of zkEVM launch – Can #MATIC hit $10?  

Victims of 850,000 #Bitcoin hack to receive money back – Will a massive sell wall dump the #BTC price to $10,000? Report
Victims of 850,000 #Bitcoin hack to receive money back – Will a massive sell wall dump the #BTC price to $10,000? Report
#Bitcoin to hold steady at $24,000 as #Ethereum faces 25% correction to $1,400 in March – ReportBitcoin whale activity has dropped considerably in recent times showing a lack of confidence among big investors. As the Ethereum Shanghai upgrade comes closer, experts predict a sell-off further as liquidity increases. ETH technical chart shows the possibility of another 25 percent correction. After a strong start to the year 2023, the world’s largest cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC) has been consolidating in line with the broader cryptocurrency market. Over the last week, Bitcoin (BTC) has been facing strong selling pressure and is down by 4 percent on the weekly charts. As of press time, BTC is trading 1.45 percent down at a price of $23,456 and a market cap of $456 billion. The current macro indicators such as rising inflation have been weighing down on Bitcoin and the overall crypto market. Several market analysts expect the Federal Reserve to continue to increase interest rates going ahead leading to the possibility of an economic recession in the US. Well, if such a scenario pans out, risk-ON assets like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will be the most impacted. After its recent surge, Bitcoin has failed to move past $25,000 levels facing stiff resistance. Mike Mcglone, the senior commodity strategist at Bloomberg writes: “Don’t fight the #Fed” was the dominant headwind for markets in 2022, and remains so in 1Q. Bitcoin $25,000 resistance may prove significant for all risk assets. As the macro headwinds remain strong, McGlone explains that the trajectory shall remain downwards. On the other hand, the total number of Bitcoin whale addresses has continued to drop. On-chain data provider Santiment reports: The amount of existing whale #Bitcoin addresses are continuing to sink, with 2,011 existing compared to 2,266 that existed one year ago today. 2,489 was the #AllTimeHigh set on February 8th, where prices jumped +70% in the following 10 weeks. Alike Bitcoin, Ethereum shows signs of weakness The world’s second-largest cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH) has been moving more or less in trajectory with Bitcoin. Ethereum has also faced selling pressure over the last week and is currently trading at $1,645 levels with a market cap of $201 billion. The Ethereum developers are now gearing up for the launch of the Shanghai upgrade ahead of this month. This is one of the most important network upgrades as it will unlock the staked ETH for withdrawal by investors. Some market analysts believe that this could put additional selling pressure on ETH as liquidity increases. However, on-chain data provider CryptoQuant has a contrarian view of this. It notes: We believe there will be little selling pressure for ETH when staking withdrawals become available after the Shanghai upgrade. This is based on our analysis of the profit and loss of staked ETH. Two factors support the argument: 60% of staked ETH is at a loss, and the largest staking pool’s depositors are also at a loss.

#Bitcoin to hold steady at $24,000 as #Ethereum faces 25% correction to $1,400 in March – Report

Bitcoin whale activity has dropped considerably in recent times showing a lack of confidence among big investors.

As the Ethereum Shanghai upgrade comes closer, experts predict a sell-off further as liquidity increases. ETH technical chart shows the possibility of another 25 percent correction.

After a strong start to the year 2023, the world’s largest cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC) has been consolidating in line with the broader cryptocurrency market. Over the last week, Bitcoin (BTC) has been facing strong selling pressure and is down by 4 percent on the weekly charts.

As of press time, BTC is trading 1.45 percent down at a price of $23,456 and a market cap of $456 billion. The current macro indicators such as rising inflation have been weighing down on Bitcoin and the overall crypto market.

Several market analysts expect the Federal Reserve to continue to increase interest rates going ahead leading to the possibility of an economic recession in the US. Well, if such a scenario pans out, risk-ON assets like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will be the most impacted.

After its recent surge, Bitcoin has failed to move past $25,000 levels facing stiff resistance. Mike Mcglone, the senior commodity strategist at Bloomberg writes:

“Don’t fight the #Fed” was the dominant headwind for markets in 2022, and remains so in 1Q. Bitcoin $25,000 resistance may prove significant for all risk assets.

As the macro headwinds remain strong, McGlone explains that the trajectory shall remain downwards. On the other hand, the total number of Bitcoin whale addresses has continued to drop. On-chain data provider Santiment reports:

The amount of existing whale #Bitcoin addresses are continuing to sink, with 2,011 existing compared to 2,266 that existed one year ago today. 2,489 was the #AllTimeHigh set on February 8th, where prices jumped +70% in the following 10 weeks.

Alike Bitcoin, Ethereum shows signs of weakness

The world’s second-largest cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH) has been moving more or less in trajectory with Bitcoin. Ethereum has also faced selling pressure over the last week and is currently trading at $1,645 levels with a market cap of $201 billion.

The Ethereum developers are now gearing up for the launch of the Shanghai upgrade ahead of this month. This is one of the most important network upgrades as it will unlock the staked ETH for withdrawal by investors. Some market analysts believe that this could put additional selling pressure on ETH as liquidity increases. However, on-chain data provider CryptoQuant has a contrarian view of this. It notes:

We believe there will be little selling pressure for ETH when staking withdrawals become available after the Shanghai upgrade. This is based on our analysis of the profit and loss of staked ETH. Two factors support the argument: 60% of staked ETH is at a loss, and the largest staking pool’s depositors are also at a loss.

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