BENQI is a Decentralized Finance protocol on Avalanche that gives users the ability to stake AVAX and unlock liquidity on their assets. Try it today at
Дякуємо за наше партнерство з @GlueNet, ви можете отримати $sAVAX безпосередньо через GLUE хаб, отримуючи прибуток, зберігаючи ваші активи ліквідними.🌊🌊🌊
Ставте, заробляйте та залишайтеся гнучкими - все в одному безшовному досвіді.
У вас ще є час, щоб взяти участь у кросчейн-каруселі цього тижня — просто перехресний своп на $sAVAX на Avalanche з @_WOOFi до понеділка, 4 листопада, 00:00 UTC.
Співзасновник @born2hodl щойно оприлюднив кілька основних майбутніх оновлень платформи та протоколу, включаючи Ignite9000, оновлений інтерфейс користувача, покращений UX із міжланцюжковими свопами та багато іншого.🔽
Using BENQI's Isolated Markets for your £COQ, £QI, and £JOE offers several strategic advantages for maximizing your returns, mitigating risks, and enhancing your portfolio's flexibility- let's dive in:
1. Risk Segregation and Control Isolated markets provide risk segregation by ensuring that each asset's borrowing or lending activity remains independent from others. This means that if one token in your portfolio experiences significant volatility, the risk doesn't spill over to the rest of your holdings.
2. Enhanced Capital Efficiency Isolated markets allow you to tailor the leverage and exposure for each asset more precisely. You can take advantage of higher borrowing limits or optimized collateral factors based on individual market conditions. This flexibility can help you maximize returns from your holdings, whether you're using them for staking, lending, or yield farming.
3. Flexible and Strategic Borrowing In isolated markets, you can borrow against specific assets without jeopardizing the liquidity of other tokens in your portfolio. This provides more precise control over your borrowing strategies, allowing you to optimize liquidity for different DeFi protocols or trading strategies.
4. Maximized Yield Potential By using BENQI’s isolated markets, you can take advantage of higher yields and rewards tailored for each asset.
5. Security and Transparency Isolated markets provide enhanced security and transparency. Since each pool is separated, BENQI’s smart contracts offer a more straightforward and secure way to audit individual market performance, reducing systemic risk and improving the platform's overall stability.
6. Tailored Liquidity Provision Isolated markets are especially useful because they allow you to provide or borrow liquidity for less liquid or volatile tokens without affecting your portfolio at large.
Optimize your risk management, increase your yield potential, and enhance capital efficiency across your portfolio with BENQI Isolated Markets.🔽
Останній день Avalanche Summit LATAM знаменує собою нову захоплюючу главу для нас у BENQI-
Співзасновник @born2hodl нещодавно оприлюднив наступний етап нашого протоколу IGNITE — Ignite9000.🔺🔥
Незабаром будь-хто зможе зробити ставку $QI і запустити Avalanche Validator, розкривши потенціал отримання ще більше винагород, підтримуючи безпеку мережі.
Ignite9000 розширить можливості спільноти та виведе розгортання @avax L1 на наступний рівень, слідкуйте за оновленнями!