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ATLANTIS-Depth of crypto world
The cryptocurrency is like an underwater world. There are whales and shrimps, hunters and victims. Who you will be, only you can decide. 🔱@Aj_poseidon
Увесь контент
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🔥 Tether для запуску стейблкойну, прив’язаного до дирхаму ОАЕ Алессандро Гіорі, старший менеджер зі стратегічного партнерства в Tether, оголосив на заході TON Gateway в Дубаї про майбутній запуск стейблкойна з дирхамами на блокчейні TON. ✅ Щоб підтримати цю ініціативу, Tether співпрацює з компаніями Phoenix Group та Green Acorn Investments, розташованими в ОАЕ. 👉 Новий стейблкойн буде підтримуватися активами ОАЕ для забезпечення стабільності та безпеки. Ця ініціатива підкреслює експансію Tether на ринок Близького Сходу, узгоджуючись із баченням ОАЕ стати глобальним центром цифрових активів і технології блокчейн. #BTC☀ #USDTfree #TetherUSD
🔥 Tether для запуску стейблкойну, прив’язаного до дирхаму ОАЕ

Алессандро Гіорі, старший менеджер зі стратегічного партнерства в Tether, оголосив на заході TON Gateway в Дубаї про майбутній запуск стейблкойна з дирхамами на блокчейні TON.

✅ Щоб підтримати цю ініціативу, Tether співпрацює з компаніями Phoenix Group та Green Acorn Investments, розташованими в ОАЕ.

👉 Новий стейблкойн буде підтримуватися активами ОАЕ для забезпечення стабільності та безпеки.

Ця ініціатива підкреслює експансію Tether на ринок Близького Сходу, узгоджуючись із баченням ОАЕ стати глобальним центром цифрових активів і технології блокчейн.
#BTC☀ #USDTfree #TetherUSD
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🤑 Як купити квартиру за $22 Знайомтеся з Крістофером Кохом. У 2009 році він купив 5000 BTC за 22 долари. 👉 Через чотири роки він продав їх, щоб купити квартиру за 100 000 доларів. Але якби він почекав, сьогодні його монети коштували б 355 мільйонів доларів. #BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗
🤑 Як купити квартиру за $22

Знайомтеся з Крістофером Кохом. У 2009 році він купив 5000 BTC за 22 долари.

👉 Через чотири роки він продав їх, щоб купити квартиру за 100 000 доларів.

Але якби він почекав, сьогодні його монети коштували б 355 мільйонів доларів.
#BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗
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⚠️ Anthony Scaramucci: If you think you missed the chance to buy Bitcoin, you haven’t The founder of SkyBridge Capital assured investors that it’s still not too late to invest in Bitcoin, despite its recent rise to £72,000. 💯 He emphasized that the asset is still in its early growth stages, with volatility being part of its maturation rather than a sign of a peak value. SkyBridge Capital continues to support Bitcoin as a long-term savings instrument, and Scaramucci actively advocates for regulation that promotes trust and stability in the crypto market. #BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗ #TelegramCEO
⚠️ Anthony Scaramucci: If you think you missed the chance to buy Bitcoin, you haven’t

The founder of SkyBridge Capital assured investors that it’s still not too late to invest in Bitcoin, despite its recent rise to £72,000.

💯 He emphasized that the asset is still in its early growth stages, with volatility being part of its maturation rather than a sign of a peak value.

SkyBridge Capital continues to support Bitcoin as a long-term savings instrument, and Scaramucci actively advocates for regulation that promotes trust and stability in the crypto market.
#BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗ #TelegramCEO
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⚡️ Another sensation? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity may be revealed on 31 October The PR firm London Live announced that Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity will be revealed on 31 October, the 15th anniversary of the Bitcoin whitepaper’s release. 📌 According to the company, Nakamoto plans to reveal his name and publish a comprehensive report on the creation of Bitcoin, although the details of his true identity remain unclear, raising doubts about the event’s legitimacy. If his identity is indeed revealed, this event could have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency market, as Nakamoto’s anonymity has always been considered part of Bitcoin's decentralized spirit. #BTC☀ #Nakamoto #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC
⚡️ Another sensation? Satoshi Nakamoto's identity may be revealed on 31 October

The PR firm London Live announced that Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity will be revealed on 31 October, the 15th anniversary of the Bitcoin whitepaper’s release.

📌 According to the company, Nakamoto plans to reveal his name and publish a comprehensive report on the creation of Bitcoin, although the details of his true identity remain unclear, raising doubts about the event’s legitimacy.

If his identity is indeed revealed, this event could have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency market, as Nakamoto’s anonymity has always been considered part of Bitcoin's decentralized spirit.
#BTC☀ #Nakamoto #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC
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🏴‍☠️ Atlanteans, Bitcoin has broken through the 72k mark, and I congratulate us all on that! Now I see several possible scenarios, I think it's worth updating the analytics: One of them is the continuation of the growth of £BTC, which will ultimately lead to the renewal of the ATH (historical maximum) and the beginning of a large-scale bull run. 🗺 But, if we look at the liquidity chart for £BTC, I have highlighted two liquidity levels below, so there is a possibility that we can get a small correction in the near future. The liquidity levels below are located at £64,800 & £61,605 - again, we need to take this scenario into account than blindly believe only in growth. With $ETH 🏴‍☠️ the situation is a little different, we have entered a problem area that has been removing liquidity behind it. Now this zone holds the price, so it is important to watch the reaction and react as it unfolds. Below are several targets, the movement towards which I expect to see in the near future. The first target is £2,440, the second is £2,310. If we look at the market as a whole over the last 3 months, we see a clear picture that the market is getting closer and closer to that long-awaited Bull-run! 👑 In any case, we are now watching the reaction of the whales and we will act according to their actions! #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH
🏴‍☠️ Atlanteans, Bitcoin has broken through the 72k mark, and I congratulate us all on that!

Now I see several possible scenarios, I think it's worth updating the analytics:

One of them is the continuation of the growth of £BTC, which will ultimately lead to the renewal of the ATH (historical maximum) and the beginning of a large-scale bull run.

🗺 But, if we look at the liquidity chart for £BTC, I have highlighted two liquidity levels below, so there is a possibility that we can get a small correction in the near future. The liquidity levels below are located at £64,800 & £61,605 - again, we need to take this scenario into account than blindly believe only in growth.

With $ETH 🏴‍☠️ the situation is a little different, we have entered a problem area that has been removing liquidity behind it. Now this zone holds the price, so it is important to watch the reaction and react as it unfolds.

Below are several targets, the movement towards which I expect to see in the near future. The first target is £2,440, the second is £2,310.

If we look at the market as a whole over the last 3 months, we see a clear picture that the market is getting closer and closer to that long-awaited Bull-run!

👑 In any case, we are now watching the reaction of the whales and we will act according to their actions!
#BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC
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🪙 Analysts expect Bitcoin to reach £100,000 as early as January 📈 Bitcoin’s price could rise to £100,000 by January 2025, according to analysts from 10x Research. The growth factors mentioned include: ➡️ "black hole effect"; ➡️ increasing demand among institutional investors; ➡️ Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. elections. #BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️ #MoonPrime #donaldtrump
🪙 Analysts expect Bitcoin to reach £100,000 as early as January

📈 Bitcoin’s price could rise to £100,000 by January 2025, according to analysts from 10x Research.

The growth factors mentioned include:

➡️ "black hole effect";

➡️ increasing demand among institutional investors;

➡️ Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. elections.
#BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️ #MoonPrime #donaldtrump
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⚡️ Уряд Бутану переказує BTC на суму 66 мільйонів доларів на Binance Передача Бутаном своїх BTC на криптовалютну біржу Binance викликала активні дискусії в криптоспільноті, оскільки ціна активу перевищила 71 000 доларів. 👉 Це рішення про частковий продаж BTC збіглося з підйомом ринку і, на думку аналітиків, могло бути спробою забезпечити прибуток на тлі зростання. Незважаючи на продаж, Бутан продовжує тримати біткойн на суму додаткових 886 мільйонів доларів. #BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗
⚡️ Уряд Бутану переказує BTC на суму 66 мільйонів доларів на Binance

Передача Бутаном своїх BTC на криптовалютну біржу Binance викликала активні дискусії в криптоспільноті, оскільки ціна активу перевищила 71 000 доларів.

👉 Це рішення про частковий продаж BTC збіглося з підйомом ринку і, на думку аналітиків, могло бути спробою забезпечити прибуток на тлі зростання.

Незважаючи на продаж, Бутан продовжує тримати біткойн на суму додаткових 886 мільйонів доларів.
#BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗
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💪 ВанЕк прогнозує, що біткойн досягне 3 мільйонів доларів до 2050 року Дослідження цифрових активів, проведене VanEck, показало, що до 2050 року ціна біткойна може досягти 3 мільйонів доларів за умови, що він стане глобальним резервним активом із 2% часткою в резервах центрального банку. 🌏 Метью Сігел з VanEck зазначає, що геополітичні зміни можуть прискорити його прийняття та посилити його роль у світовій торгівлі. Крім того, майбутні президентські вибори в США можуть стати каталізатором для зростання біткойнів, особливо якщо кандидати, які підтримують криптовалюти, вийдуть на перший план. #BTC☀ #vaneck
💪 ВанЕк прогнозує, що біткойн досягне 3 мільйонів доларів до 2050 року

Дослідження цифрових активів, проведене VanEck, показало, що до 2050 року ціна біткойна може досягти 3 мільйонів доларів за умови, що він стане глобальним резервним активом із 2% часткою в резервах центрального банку.

🌏 Метью Сігел з VanEck зазначає, що геополітичні зміни можуть прискорити його прийняття та посилити його роль у світовій торгівлі.

Крім того, майбутні президентські вибори в США можуть стати каталізатором для зростання біткойнів, особливо якщо кандидати, які підтримують криптовалюти, вийдуть на перший план.
#BTC☀ #vaneck
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😡 Інсайдери відмовилися від токена GNON 📉 Ціна токена Numogram (GNON) різко впала на 95% після того, як великі власники, включаючи провідного розробника, відомого як lumpenspace, «скинули» свої токени вартістю понад 600 000 доларів. ✅ Після запуску 20 жовтня ціна токена досягла $0,17. Однак з якоїсь причини кити GNON вирішили позбутися цього, в результаті чого ціна GNON, згідно з CoinGecko, зараз впала до 0,0082 долара. ✅ Розглядається кілька версій щодо інциденту, включно з «тяганням килимка». #gnon #scamriskwarning #rugpullalert #CryptoNewss
😡 Інсайдери відмовилися від токена GNON

📉 Ціна токена Numogram (GNON) різко впала на 95% після того, як великі власники, включаючи провідного розробника, відомого як lumpenspace, «скинули» свої токени вартістю понад 600 000 доларів.

✅ Після запуску 20 жовтня ціна токена досягла $0,17. Однак з якоїсь причини кити GNON вирішили позбутися цього, в результаті чого ціна GNON, згідно з CoinGecko, зараз впала до 0,0082 долара.

✅ Розглядається кілька версій щодо інциденту, включно з «тяганням килимка».
#gnon #scamriskwarning #rugpullalert #CryptoNewss
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🔥 Ali Martinez predicts a 25% Dogecoin rally this week Dogecoin rose by 4.5%, reaching £0.1443, with a market capitalization of £21.1 billion, and showed a 14.55% increase over the past month. 🚀 Renowned crypto expert Ali Martinez identified a bullish “flag and pole” pattern, suggesting further growth of 25% if the key resistance level of £0.1443 is broken. Investors are closely watching Dogecoin’s movement, as a successful breakout could push the price to £0.18. #doge⚡ #ScrollOnBinance #DogecoinCommunity
🔥 Ali Martinez predicts a 25% Dogecoin rally this week

Dogecoin rose by 4.5%, reaching £0.1443, with a market capitalization of £21.1 billion, and showed a 14.55% increase over the past month.

🚀 Renowned crypto expert Ali Martinez identified a bullish “flag and pole” pattern, suggesting further growth of 25% if the key resistance level of £0.1443 is broken.

Investors are closely watching Dogecoin’s movement, as a successful breakout could push the price to £0.18.
#doge⚡ #ScrollOnBinance #DogecoinCommunity
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✅ Expert explains why Trump’s victory would be a bearish factor for meme coins Omid Malekan, a finance professor at Columbia University, stated that Trump’s victory in the U.S. elections could reduce the appeal of meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, leading to a bearish trend. 👉 “Meme coins thrive on economic populism and anti-establishment sentiments, but Trump’s return to power could shift the political focus, redirecting investor energy toward political activity,” he explained. Malekan noted that increased regulation in the U.S. could shift attention toward more useful crypto projects, exacerbating the downturn in the meme coin market. #VitalikButerin #TrumpCryptoSupport #MemeWatch2024
✅ Expert explains why Trump’s victory would be a bearish factor for meme coins

Omid Malekan, a finance professor at Columbia University, stated that Trump’s victory in the U.S. elections could reduce the appeal of meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, leading to a bearish trend.

👉 “Meme coins thrive on economic populism and anti-establishment sentiments, but Trump’s return to power could shift the political focus, redirecting investor energy toward political activity,” he explained.

Malekan noted that increased regulation in the U.S. could shift attention toward more useful crypto projects, exacerbating the downturn in the meme coin market.
#VitalikButerin #TrumpCryptoSupport #MemeWatch2024
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Atlanteans! ⚓️ Detailed analysis of $SOL as ordered. 🏴‍☠️ SOLANA is a highly functional open-source project that relies on the permissionless nature of blockchain technology to provide solutions for decentralised finance DeFi. Based on my experience, I can say the following - $SOL has been buried more than once and told that it is an unreliable meaningless blockchain that freezes after every third transaction. In response to this, we have always seen large breakthroughs in the price of £SOL, which has repeatedly brought income to me and many other whales. I threw you a detailed analysis of the coin chart yesterday, relevant - 🏴‍☠️ In fact, we see that Big Players love this coin, constantly investing tens of millions of pounds. 🧭 Conclusion: £SOLANA is a blockchain that will definitely please us on this bull, I personally keep it in my portfolio and I advise you to do the same. #solonapumping #SolanaUSTD $SOL
Atlanteans! ⚓️ Detailed analysis of $SOL as ordered.

🏴‍☠️ SOLANA is a highly functional open-source project that relies on the permissionless nature of blockchain technology to provide solutions for decentralised finance DeFi.

Based on my experience, I can say the following -
$SOL has been buried more than once and told that it is an unreliable meaningless blockchain that freezes after every third transaction.

In response to this, we have always seen large breakthroughs in the price of £SOL, which has repeatedly brought income to me and many other whales.

I threw you a detailed analysis of the coin chart yesterday, relevant -

🏴‍☠️ In fact, we see that Big Players love this coin, constantly investing tens of millions of pounds.

🧭 Conclusion: £SOLANA is a blockchain that will definitely please us on this bull, I personally keep it in my portfolio and I advise you to do the same.
#solonapumping #SolanaUSTD $SOL
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🧬 Arkham Adds Solana Blockchain Tracking Arkham Intelligence has expanded its transaction analysis and monitoring capabilities to include the Solana blockchain. 💻 Users can now search for specific addresses and receive notifications about fund movements. This expansion of Arkham’s functionality is likely related to the recent surge of interest in meme tokens on the Solana blockchain. #solonapumping #SolanaStrong #arkham
🧬 Arkham Adds Solana Blockchain Tracking

Arkham Intelligence has expanded its transaction analysis and monitoring capabilities to include the Solana blockchain.

💻 Users can now search for specific addresses and receive notifications about fund movements.

This expansion of Arkham’s functionality is likely related to the recent surge of interest in meme tokens on the Solana blockchain.
#solonapumping #SolanaStrong #arkham
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🟠 50 BTC purchased in 2010 for £2 sold for £3.4 million 🚀 According to blockchain tracker Whale Alert, on Friday, a cryptocurrency holder who bought bitcoins more than 14 years ago sold them, realizing a 169,358,650% profit. 50 BTC, purchased in 2010 for £2, turned into £3,387,175. ✅ On the same day, an even larger bitcoin holder, inactive for more than twelve years, moved 400 BTC worth over £27 million to an exchange. ✅ The day before, a whale who "woke up" after 13 years sold 150 BTC for more than £10 million with a profit of 394,933%. #WhalesBuying #BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗
🟠 50 BTC purchased in 2010 for £2 sold for £3.4 million

🚀 According to blockchain tracker Whale Alert, on Friday, a cryptocurrency holder who bought bitcoins more than 14 years ago sold them, realizing a 169,358,650% profit.

50 BTC, purchased in 2010 for £2, turned into £3,387,175.

✅ On the same day, an even larger bitcoin holder, inactive for more than twelve years, moved 400 BTC worth over £27 million to an exchange.

✅ The day before, a whale who "woke up" after 13 years sold 150 BTC for more than £10 million with a profit of 394,933%.
#WhalesBuying #BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗
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Some say that $SOL still has a long way to go, others say that £SOLANA has already shown its worth, but the Whales are silently gaining ground ahead of the bull run! This coin always attracts the attention of major players, one of the whales has bought $SOL for £26.2 million in the last 3 days. 🗺 Analysis of the $SOL chart: We are moving in an ascending structure, and below us we can see that the price is removing liquidity. Now, having entered the zone of interest, we received the first reaction, I am waiting for growth higher. The first target for a small fixation will be the level of £190, after which I will wait for growth above £200. ⚓️ The mentality of the Whales is to always swim against the current, which allows them to stay afloat. If the whales are buying an asset for tens of millions, while the general mass is saying that Solana is finished, this should say something. ⚔️ Also, an equally important point is that $SOL does not react at all to the corrections of £BTC, continuing its upward movement, and this does not stop whales from pouring in large sums, it would seem, at the peak. Offer from Poseidon - I can do a detailed analysis of the project and the success of $SOL for you, if you are interested, give reactions 🐳🐳🐳 #SolanaUSTD $SOL
Some say that $SOL still has a long way to go, others say that £SOLANA has already shown its worth, but the Whales are silently gaining ground ahead of the bull run!

This coin always attracts the attention of major players, one of the whales has bought $SOL for £26.2 million in the last 3 days.

🗺 Analysis of the $SOL chart:
We are moving in an ascending structure, and below us we can see that the price is removing liquidity.

Now, having entered the zone of interest, we received the first reaction, I am waiting for growth higher.

The first target for a small fixation will be the level of £190, after which I will wait for growth above £200.

⚓️ The mentality of the Whales is to always swim against the current, which allows them to stay afloat. If the whales are buying an asset for tens of millions, while the general mass is saying that Solana is finished, this should say something.

⚔️ Also, an equally important point is that $SOL does not react at all to the corrections of £BTC, continuing its upward movement, and this does not stop whales from pouring in large sums, it would seem, at the peak.

Offer from Poseidon - I can do a detailed analysis of the project and the success of $SOL for you, if you are interested, give reactions 🐳🐳🐳
#SolanaUSTD $SOL
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⚡️ The chances of a Bank of England rate cut at the November 6-7 meeting stand at 95.1% This week, stock markets were unsettled by the rapid rise in yields, causing expectations of a significant 50 bps Bank of England rate cut to collapse. 👀 Investors now anticipate a more modest cut of just 25 bps. If no critical events occur, this is how things are expected to unfold. We are watching how this will affect the crypto market. #ScrollOnBinance #PowellAtJacksonHole #CryptoPreUSElection
⚡️ The chances of a Bank of England rate cut at the November 6-7 meeting stand at 95.1%

This week, stock markets were unsettled by the rapid rise in yields, causing expectations of a significant 50 bps Bank of England rate cut to collapse.

👀 Investors now anticipate a more modest cut of just 25 bps.

If no critical events occur, this is how things are expected to unfold. We are watching how this will affect the crypto market.
#ScrollOnBinance #PowellAtJacksonHole #CryptoPreUSElection
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👏 Emory University becomes the first university to invest in a bitcoin ETF This 188-year-old institution became the first higher education institution to invest in a spot bitcoin ETF, acquiring over £15 million in assets through the Grayscale Bitcoin Mini Trust. 💪 While Emory was the first to report ownership of an ETF, other universities, such as Harvard and Yale, have been investing directly in bitcoin through exchanges, including Coinbase, since 2019. Emory University's investments represent 23% of the university’s portfolio, valued at £66 million. #emory #UniversityCrypto #cryptomarktemoves
👏 Emory University becomes the first university to invest in a bitcoin ETF

This 188-year-old institution became the first higher education institution to invest in a spot bitcoin ETF, acquiring over £15 million in assets through the Grayscale Bitcoin Mini Trust.

💪 While Emory was the first to report ownership of an ETF, other universities, such as Harvard and Yale, have been investing directly in bitcoin through exchanges, including Coinbase, since 2019.

Emory University's investments represent 23% of the university’s portfolio, valued at £66 million.
#emory #UniversityCrypto #cryptomarktemoves
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⚡️ James Fickel lost £55 million trading BTC/ETH The crypto trader lost £55 million after conducting high-risk BTC/ETH trades using borrowed assets through Aave. 😢 After asset liquidation, Fickel still owes 980 WBTC, valued at £132 million. His experience highlights the risks of using borrowed funds and the dangers of overexposure in volatile markets. #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #AAVEUSDT⚡️⚡️ #JamesFickel #CryptoPreUSElection
⚡️ James Fickel lost £55 million trading BTC/ETH

The crypto trader lost £55 million after conducting high-risk BTC/ETH trades using borrowed assets through Aave.

😢 After asset liquidation, Fickel still owes 980 WBTC, valued at £132 million.

His experience highlights the risks of using borrowed funds and the dangers of overexposure in volatile markets.
#BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #AAVEUSDT⚡️⚡️ #JamesFickel #CryptoPreUSElection
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📉 Рынок снижается После новостей об атаке Израиля на Иран рынок начал быстро падать. 📉 Биткойн по $66,700, Эфириум по $2,450. Рыночная капитализация упала почти на 3% за ночь. #BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗
📉 Рынок снижается

После новостей об атаке Израиля на Иран рынок начал быстро падать.

📉 Биткойн по $66,700, Эфириум по $2,450.

Рыночная капитализация упала почти на 3% за ночь.
#BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗
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🇬🇧 A monument has been erected in the UK in honor of Satoshi Nakamoto The statue represents the essence of mystery and innovation of Bitcoin's creator. #SatoshiAirdrop #Nakamoto
🇬🇧 A monument has been erected in the UK in honor of Satoshi Nakamoto

The statue represents the essence of mystery and innovation of Bitcoin's creator.
#SatoshiAirdrop #Nakamoto
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