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Uniswap UNI падає на 16%, але свідчить про сильну стійкість і зростання ринкуОстанні зміни цін на Uniswap сколихнули крипторинок, що призвело до помітних коливань його рідного токена UNI. За останні 24 години Uniswap зазнав значного падіння на 16,81%, що відображає значний розпродаж на ринку. Незважаючи на падіння ціни, Uniswap зберігає свої сильні фундаментальні показники з реальною ринковою капіталізацією в 6 313 931 036 доларів США та наявністю 598 187 016 монет UNI в обігу. Однак значний обсяг торгів у 1 000 386 611 доларів США підкреслює поточну ринкову активність і ліквідність в екосистемі Uniswap.

Uniswap UNI падає на 16%, але свідчить про сильну стійкість і зростання ринку

Останні зміни цін на Uniswap сколихнули крипторинок, що призвело до помітних коливань його рідного токена UNI. За останні 24 години Uniswap зазнав значного падіння на 16,81%, що відображає значний розпродаж на ринку.
Незважаючи на падіння ціни, Uniswap зберігає свої сильні фундаментальні показники з реальною ринковою капіталізацією в 6 313 931 036 доларів США та наявністю 598 187 016 монет UNI в обігу. Однак значний обсяг торгів у 1 000 386 611 доларів США підкреслює поточну ринкову активність і ліквідність в екосистемі Uniswap.
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Крипторинок бачить значні підйоми на тлі обережного оптимізмуЗа останні 24 години криптовалютний ринок відзначався обережним оптимізмом: загальна ринкова капіталізація криптовалюти зросла до 1,99 трильйона доларів США, тобто на 0,96%. Біткойн, провідна криптовалюта, зріс на 1,21%, досягнувши ціни в 51 669 доларів США, тоді як Ethereum також продемонстрував стійкість зі зростанням на 0,8% до 2955 доларів США. Біткойн продовжує перевищувати 51 тисячу доларів на тлі ринкових коливань Біткойн продовжує стверджувати своє домінування на ринку криптовалют, з поточною часткою ринку 51,07%. Незважаючи на невелике падіння нижче позначки в $51 тис., його стійкість поблизу нижнього діапазону консолідації вказує на потенціал для відновлення.

Крипторинок бачить значні підйоми на тлі обережного оптимізму

За останні 24 години криптовалютний ринок відзначався обережним оптимізмом: загальна ринкова капіталізація криптовалюти зросла до 1,99 трильйона доларів США, тобто на 0,96%. Біткойн, провідна криптовалюта, зріс на 1,21%, досягнувши ціни в 51 669 доларів США, тоді як Ethereum також продемонстрував стійкість зі зростанням на 0,8% до 2955 доларів США.

Біткойн продовжує перевищувати 51 тисячу доларів на тлі ринкових коливань
Біткойн продовжує стверджувати своє домінування на ринку криптовалют, з поточною часткою ринку 51,07%. Незважаючи на невелике падіння нижче позначки в $51 тис., його стійкість поблизу нижнього діапазону консолідації вказує на потенціал для відновлення.
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Ціни Stacks (STX) зросли на 460% за 90 днів – що стоїть за цим зростанням?Станом на 1:00 за східним часом ціна Stacks торгувалась на рівні 2,54 долара США, знизившись на 3% за останні 24 години. Відповідно до даних CoinMarketCap, STX зріс на 460% з жовтня, а за останні 30 днів – на 85%. Обсяг торгів STX також зріс на 2600% за останні три місяці до 437,6 мільйонів доларів США 22 лютого. Вражаюча продуктивність Stacks змусила багатьох замислитися над тим, що є причиною висхідного тренду. Продуктивність біткойна сприяє зростанню ціни STX STX — це власний токен рішення для масштабування біткойн рівня 2 Stacks, яке спрямоване на підтримку основних функцій DeFi), подібних до тих, що є в інших екосистемах рівня 1, таких як Ethereum і Solana.

Ціни Stacks (STX) зросли на 460% за 90 днів – що стоїть за цим зростанням?

Станом на 1:00 за східним часом ціна Stacks торгувалась на рівні 2,54 долара США, знизившись на 3% за останні 24 години.
Відповідно до даних CoinMarketCap, STX зріс на 460% з жовтня, а за останні 30 днів – на 85%.
Обсяг торгів STX також зріс на 2600% за останні три місяці до 437,6 мільйонів доларів США 22 лютого.
Вражаюча продуктивність Stacks змусила багатьох замислитися над тим, що є причиною висхідного тренду.
Продуктивність біткойна сприяє зростанню ціни STX
STX — це власний токен рішення для масштабування біткойн рівня 2 Stacks, яке спрямоване на підтримку основних функцій DeFi), подібних до тих, що є в інших екосистемах рівня 1, таких як Ethereum і Solana.
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Роль криптострахування в зниженні ризиків для інвесторівЯк страхування криптовалюти зменшує ризики для інвесторів Цифрові активи, часто відомі як криптовалюта, все частіше набувають широкого визнання як засіб платежу та інвестицій. Однак децентралізовані та непередбачувані характеристики цих активів також пов’язані з особливим набором небезпек. З огляду на те, що біржі часто стають об’єктами шахрайства, що призводить до значних фінансових втрат, збереження грошей стало негайною та надзвичайно важливою необхідністю. Криптострахування має вирішальне значення для тих, хто інвестує в цифрові активи.

Роль криптострахування в зниженні ризиків для інвесторів

Як страхування криптовалюти зменшує ризики для інвесторів
Цифрові активи, часто відомі як криптовалюта, все частіше набувають широкого визнання як засіб платежу та інвестицій. Однак децентралізовані та непередбачувані характеристики цих активів також пов’язані з особливим набором небезпек.
З огляду на те, що біржі часто стають об’єктами шахрайства, що призводить до значних фінансових втрат, збереження грошей стало негайною та надзвичайно важливою необхідністю. Криптострахування має вирішальне значення для тих, хто інвестує в цифрові активи.
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Ціна XRP впала нижче 0,55 доларів США на тлі судових баталійТокен XRP Ripple сьогодні помітно впав, опустившись нижче критичної позначки в 0,55 долара США. Нещодавні події в судовому процесі між Комісією з цінних паперів і бірж (SEC) і Ripple у поєднанні з новим судовим оскарженням криптобіржі LEJILEX і Crypto Freedom Alliance of Texas (CFAT), створили нові невизначеності та створили нові можливості на ринку криптовалют. Позов Ripple проти SEC та LEJILEX Exchange Основним фактором, що вплинув на нещодавні зміни ціни XRP, є ескалація судової битви між Ripple і Комісією з цінних паперів і бірж США (SEC). По мірі того, як судовий процес просувається, з наближенням значних кінцевих термінів, включаючи 13 березня для подання SEC і 29 квітня для подання остаточних компенсацій, невизначеність нависає над передбачуваними інституційними продажами XRP Ripple.

Ціна XRP впала нижче 0,55 доларів США на тлі судових баталій

Токен XRP Ripple сьогодні помітно впав, опустившись нижче критичної позначки в 0,55 долара США. Нещодавні події в судовому процесі між Комісією з цінних паперів і бірж (SEC) і Ripple у поєднанні з новим судовим оскарженням криптобіржі LEJILEX і Crypto Freedom Alliance of Texas (CFAT), створили нові невизначеності та створили нові можливості на ринку криптовалют.
Позов Ripple проти SEC та LEJILEX Exchange
Основним фактором, що вплинув на нещодавні зміни ціни XRP, є ескалація судової битви між Ripple і Комісією з цінних паперів і бірж США (SEC). По мірі того, як судовий процес просувається, з наближенням значних кінцевих термінів, включаючи 13 березня для подання SEC і 29 квітня для подання остаточних компенсацій, невизначеність нависає над передбачуваними інституційними продажами XRP Ripple.
Crypto Airdrops to Invest in Feb 2024Unlocking Opportunities: Top Crypto Airdrops to Invest in February 2024 Cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors are constantly on the lookout for new avenues to expand their portfolios and capitalize on emerging trends in the digital asset space. One such avenue that has gained traction in recent years is crypto airdrops – the distribution of free tokens to users as a promotional strategy by blockchain projects. As we venture into February 2024, here are some of the top crypto airdrops worth considering for investment: 1. Smog  Embracing the meme culture and the vibrant ecosystem of Solana, Smog emerges as a promising crypto airdrop opportunity. This new Solana meme coin comes with substantial upside potential, offering investors a chance to participate in the burgeoning meme coin market while leveraging the scalability and efficiency of the Solana blockchain. 2., a popular cryptocurrency exchange, presents a unique opportunity for users to receive US$3,000 worth of free airdropped coins. As one of the leading exchanges in the crypto space, continues to innovate and engage its user base through lucrative airdrop campaigns, providing investors with valuable assets to diversify their holdings. 3. INIT Capital  Initiating a new era of decentralized finance (DeFi), INIT Capital offers users the opportunity to lend or borrow crypto assets and earn free INIT tokens in return. By participating in lending and borrowing activities, investors can harness the power of DeFi while accumulating INIT tokens as a reward for their contributions to the ecosystem. 4. Bluefin Bluefin introduces a novel decentralized trading platform built on the Sui Network, offering users a seamless and secure environment to trade digital assets. With its innovative approach to decentralized finance, Bluefin aims to revolutionize the way users engage with financial markets, providing them with greater autonomy and control over their assets. 5. Mode  Mode launches a massive 550 million MODE airdrop, rewarding users for bridging tokens and participating in the vibrant crypto ecosystem. As a pioneer in the blockchain space, Mode empowers users to earn points and unlock rewards by seamlessly bridging tokens across different networks, fostering interoperability and connectivity within the digital asset landscape. 6. Renzo  Renzo invites investors to become early adopters by staking ETH and earning Renzo points, paving the way for greater engagement and participation in the Renzo ecosystem. With its innovative staking mechanisms and robust rewards program, Renzo incentivizes users to contribute to the network while reaping the benefits of their participation. 7. B² Network  B² Network introduces scalability solutions for Bitcoin, offering users the opportunity to participate in its airdrop campaign and receive free tokens. With a focus on enhancing the scalability and efficiency of the Bitcoin network, B² Network aims to address key challenges facing the world’s leading cryptocurrency, paving the way for widespread adoption and utility. In conclusion, February 2024 presents a myriad of exciting opportunities for investors to capitalize on the burgeoning crypto landscape through lucrative airdrop campaigns. From meme coins to decentralized platforms and scalability solutions, these top crypto airdrops offer investors a chance to diversify their portfolios and unlock value in the ever-evolving world of digital assets. As always, investors are encouraged to conduct thorough research and exercise caution before participating in any investment opportunity in the crypto space. #crypto #airdrops #airdrop

Crypto Airdrops to Invest in Feb 2024

Unlocking Opportunities: Top Crypto Airdrops to Invest in February 2024
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors are constantly on the lookout for new avenues to expand their portfolios and capitalize on emerging trends in the digital asset space. One such avenue that has gained traction in recent years is crypto airdrops – the distribution of free tokens to users as a promotional strategy by blockchain projects. As we venture into February 2024, here are some of the top crypto airdrops worth considering for investment:
1. Smog 
Embracing the meme culture and the vibrant ecosystem of Solana, Smog emerges as a promising crypto airdrop opportunity. This new Solana meme coin comes with substantial upside potential, offering investors a chance to participate in the burgeoning meme coin market while leveraging the scalability and efficiency of the Solana blockchain.
2., a popular cryptocurrency exchange, presents a unique opportunity for users to receive US$3,000 worth of free airdropped coins. As one of the leading exchanges in the crypto space, continues to innovate and engage its user base through lucrative airdrop campaigns, providing investors with valuable assets to diversify their holdings.
3. INIT Capital 
Initiating a new era of decentralized finance (DeFi), INIT Capital offers users the opportunity to lend or borrow crypto assets and earn free INIT tokens in return. By participating in lending and borrowing activities, investors can harness the power of DeFi while accumulating INIT tokens as a reward for their contributions to the ecosystem.
4. Bluefin
Bluefin introduces a novel decentralized trading platform built on the Sui Network, offering users a seamless and secure environment to trade digital assets. With its innovative approach to decentralized finance, Bluefin aims to revolutionize the way users engage with financial markets, providing them with greater autonomy and control over their assets.
5. Mode 
Mode launches a massive 550 million MODE airdrop, rewarding users for bridging tokens and participating in the vibrant crypto ecosystem. As a pioneer in the blockchain space, Mode empowers users to earn points and unlock rewards by seamlessly bridging tokens across different networks, fostering interoperability and connectivity within the digital asset landscape.
6. Renzo 
Renzo invites investors to become early adopters by staking ETH and earning Renzo points, paving the way for greater engagement and participation in the Renzo ecosystem. With its innovative staking mechanisms and robust rewards program, Renzo incentivizes users to contribute to the network while reaping the benefits of their participation.
7. B² Network 
B² Network introduces scalability solutions for Bitcoin, offering users the opportunity to participate in its airdrop campaign and receive free tokens. With a focus on enhancing the scalability and efficiency of the Bitcoin network, B² Network aims to address key challenges facing the world’s leading cryptocurrency, paving the way for widespread adoption and utility.
In conclusion, February 2024 presents a myriad of exciting opportunities for investors to capitalize on the burgeoning crypto landscape through lucrative airdrop campaigns. From meme coins to decentralized platforms and scalability solutions, these top crypto airdrops offer investors a chance to diversify their portfolios and unlock value in the ever-evolving world of digital assets. As always, investors are encouraged to conduct thorough research and exercise caution before participating in any investment opportunity in the crypto space.
#crypto #airdrops #airdrop
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Binance видаляє з платформи шість криптопарBinance: шість криптопар вилучено для відповідності та розвитку ринку Binance, провідна криптовалютна біржа, нещодавно оголосила про своє рішення видалити шість криптовалютних пар із платформи. Цей крок відбувається на тлі триваючої консолідації в криптопросторі, що свідчить про перехід до більшої відповідності нормативним вимогам і посиленого захисту інвесторів. Давайте розглянемо причини такого рішення Binance та проаналізуємо наслідки цієї дії для ширшої екосистеми криптовалют. Довідкова інформація

Binance видаляє з платформи шість криптопар

Binance: шість криптопар вилучено для відповідності та розвитку ринку
Binance, провідна криптовалютна біржа, нещодавно оголосила про своє рішення видалити шість криптовалютних пар із платформи. Цей крок відбувається на тлі триваючої консолідації в криптопросторі, що свідчить про перехід до більшої відповідності нормативним вимогам і посиленого захисту інвесторів. Давайте розглянемо причини такого рішення Binance та проаналізуємо наслідки цієї дії для ширшої екосистеми криптовалют.
Довідкова інформація
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Fixed Float загрожує пограбування криптовалюти на 26 мільйонів доларівFixed Float, децентралізована криптобіржа, що спеціалізується на послугах змішування криптовалют, втратила понад 26 мільйонів доларів у біткойнах (BTC) та Ethereum (ETH). Інцидент став відомим після зламу криптовалюти, що призвело до втрати BTC та ETH на суму 26 мільйонів доларів. Відразу ж хакер почав відправляти вкрадену криптовалюту Ethereum, забираючи значну частину активів платформи. Крадіжка криптовалюти на Fixed Float забрала 409 BTC і 1728 ETH. Вартість усієї крадіжки склала 21,17 мільйона доларів (BTC) і 4,85 мільйона доларів (ETH). Згідно з повідомленнями, залишки ETH хакером було передано через Ethereum на біржу. Але команда поки не оприлюднила жодної інформації про втрачені кошти в біткойнах.

Fixed Float загрожує пограбування криптовалюти на 26 мільйонів доларів

Fixed Float, децентралізована криптобіржа, що спеціалізується на послугах змішування криптовалют, втратила понад 26 мільйонів доларів у біткойнах (BTC) та Ethereum (ETH). Інцидент став відомим після зламу криптовалюти, що призвело до втрати BTC та ETH на суму 26 мільйонів доларів. Відразу ж хакер почав відправляти вкрадену криптовалюту Ethereum, забираючи значну частину активів платформи.
Крадіжка криптовалюти на Fixed Float забрала 409 BTC і 1728 ETH. Вартість усієї крадіжки склала 21,17 мільйона доларів (BTC) і 4,85 мільйона доларів (ETH). Згідно з повідомленнями, залишки ETH хакером було передано через Ethereum на біржу. Але команда поки не оприлюднила жодної інформації про втрачені кошти в біткойнах.
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Біткойн зберігає 52 тисячі доларів, оскільки Ethereum планує досягти 3000 доларів, Solana зросла на 3,5%, WLD і FET злетіли на 41% і 9,2%Новини криптовалютного ринку: ціни на криптовалюту продовжують стрімко зростати, оскільки зростання біткоіну ​​зберігається. Найбільший смарт-контракт і помічник DeFi, Ethereum (ETH), також на шляху до 3000 доларів після більш ніж двох років на тлі масштабного оновлення мережі, запланованого на наступний місяць. Ринки альткойнів також користуються величезним припливом, і монети штучного інтелекту знову беруть лідерство. Worldcoin (WLD) виріс на 41% за останні 24 години на тлі зростаючого ажіотажу навколо моделі Sora для створення відео зі штучним інтелектом. Подібним чином інші криптопроекти, пов’язані зі штучним інтелектом, такі як Fetch.AI (FET), також працюють надзвичайно добре.

Біткойн зберігає 52 тисячі доларів, оскільки Ethereum планує досягти 3000 доларів, Solana зросла на 3,5%, WLD і FET злетіли на 41% і 9,2%

Новини криптовалютного ринку: ціни на криптовалюту продовжують стрімко зростати, оскільки зростання біткоіну ​​зберігається. Найбільший смарт-контракт і помічник DeFi, Ethereum (ETH), також на шляху до 3000 доларів після більш ніж двох років на тлі масштабного оновлення мережі, запланованого на наступний місяць.
Ринки альткойнів також користуються величезним припливом, і монети штучного інтелекту знову беруть лідерство. Worldcoin (WLD) виріс на 41% за останні 24 години на тлі зростаючого ажіотажу навколо моделі Sora для створення відео зі штучним інтелектом. Подібним чином інші криптопроекти, пов’язані зі штучним інтелектом, такі як Fetch.AI (FET), також працюють надзвичайно добре.
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Зростання стейблкойнів із штучним інтелектом: наскільки вони стабільні?Навігаційна стабільність: зростання стейблкойнів із штучним інтелектом у криптоландшафті Стайблкойни, створені для мінімізації волатильності, притаманної криптовалютам, стали свідками нової хвилі інновацій із появою стейблкойнів із підтримкою ШІ. Ці цифрові активи використовують алгоритми штучного інтелекту для підтримки стабільності, але залишаються сумніви щодо їх надійності. У цій статті ми заглибимося в зростання стейблкойнів із підтримкою штучного інтелекту, досліджуючи їхні механізми, переваги та критичне запитання: наскільки вони стабільні в динамічному ландшафті криптосфери?

Зростання стейблкойнів із штучним інтелектом: наскільки вони стабільні?

Навігаційна стабільність: зростання стейблкойнів із штучним інтелектом у криптоландшафті
Стайблкойни, створені для мінімізації волатильності, притаманної криптовалютам, стали свідками нової хвилі інновацій із появою стейблкойнів із підтримкою ШІ. Ці цифрові активи використовують алгоритми штучного інтелекту для підтримки стабільності, але залишаються сумніви щодо їх надійності. У цій статті ми заглибимося в зростання стейблкойнів із підтримкою штучного інтелекту, досліджуючи їхні механізми, переваги та критичне запитання: наскільки вони стабільні в динамічному ландшафті криптосфери?
DeFi Analytics: Tools and Platforms for Monitoring and AnalysisDecoding DeFi: Navigating the World of Decentralized Finance with Analytics Tools and Platforms The decentralized finance (DeFi) space has witnessed unprecedented growth, offering a new paradigm for financial services. With the surge in DeFi projects, the need for robust analytics tools and platforms has become crucial for users, investors, and developers. This article explores the landscape of DeFi analytics, highlighting essential tools and platforms that empower stakeholders to monitor and analyze the dynamic world of decentralized finance. Understanding DeFi Analytics: DeFi analytics involves the use of data analysis tools to gain insights into various aspects of decentralized finance, including liquidity provision, yield farming, token prices, and smart contract interactions. These analytics enable users to make informed decisions in the decentralized ecosystem. Token Price Tracking Platforms: Tools like CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, and DeBank provide real-time data on token prices, market capitalization, trading volumes, and price charts. Users can track the performance of DeFi tokens, assess historical trends, and make data-driven investment decisions. Liquidity Analysis Tools: Liquidity is a cornerstone of DeFi protocols. Platforms like and DEXTools offer insights into liquidity pools, trading volumes, and liquidity provider (LP) returns. Users can monitor the health of liquidity pools and identify potential opportunities for yield farming. Yield Farming Calculators: Yield farming involves providing liquidity to DeFi protocols in exchange for rewards. Yield farming calculators, such as and APY.Vision, help users estimate potential returns, assess risks, and optimize their strategies for maximizing yield in different liquidity pools. Smart Contract Auditing Platforms: Security is paramount in DeFi. Platforms like Certik and Quantstamp offer smart contract auditing services, providing users and developers with insights into the security vulnerabilities and risks associated with specific DeFi projects. DEX Aggregators: Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) play a crucial role in DeFi. DEX aggregators like 1inch and Matcha aggregate liquidity from multiple DEXs, offering users the best prices and optimal routes for token swaps. These tools enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness in decentralized trading. Portfolio Tracking Apps: Managing a diversified DeFi portfolio requires comprehensive tracking. Apps like Zerion and DeBank allow users to monitor their holdings, track transaction history, and analyze the overall performance of their DeFi investments in a user-friendly interface. On-Chain Data Explorers: Platforms like Etherscan and Dune Analytics provide on-chain data exploration, allowing users to delve into the details of blockchain transactions, smart contract interactions, and network activity. This granular data analysis aids in understanding the behavior and trends within the DeFi ecosystem. Governance Analytics Platforms: As governance becomes a central aspect of DeFi projects, analytics tools like DeFi Pulse and DeFi Watch offer insights into governance proposals, voting patterns, and token holder participation, enabling users to stay informed about project governance dynamics. Risk Management Platforms: DeFi involves inherent risks, and platforms like Deversifi and Nansen provide risk management tools. Users can assess the risk profiles of DeFi protocols, monitor potential vulnerabilities, and make informed decisions to mitigate risks in their decentralized finance activities. Conclusion: Navigating the decentralized finance landscape requires a keen understanding of analytics tools and platforms. From tracking token prices and liquidity pools to auditing smart contracts and managing portfolios, the diverse array of DeFi analytics tools empowers users to engage with confidence in this rapidly evolving and dynamic ecosystem. As DeFi continues to reshape the financial landscape, the importance of robust analytics cannot be overstated, offering a data-driven approach to decentralized financial decision-making. #DeFi

DeFi Analytics: Tools and Platforms for Monitoring and Analysis

Decoding DeFi: Navigating the World of Decentralized Finance with Analytics Tools and Platforms
The decentralized finance (DeFi) space has witnessed unprecedented growth, offering a new paradigm for financial services. With the surge in DeFi projects, the need for robust analytics tools and platforms has become crucial for users, investors, and developers. This article explores the landscape of DeFi analytics, highlighting essential tools and platforms that empower stakeholders to monitor and analyze the dynamic world of decentralized finance.
Understanding DeFi Analytics:
DeFi analytics involves the use of data analysis tools to gain insights into various aspects of decentralized finance, including liquidity provision, yield farming, token prices, and smart contract interactions. These analytics enable users to make informed decisions in the decentralized ecosystem.
Token Price Tracking Platforms:
Tools like CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, and DeBank provide real-time data on token prices, market capitalization, trading volumes, and price charts. Users can track the performance of DeFi tokens, assess historical trends, and make data-driven investment decisions.
Liquidity Analysis Tools:
Liquidity is a cornerstone of DeFi protocols. Platforms like and DEXTools offer insights into liquidity pools, trading volumes, and liquidity provider (LP) returns. Users can monitor the health of liquidity pools and identify potential opportunities for yield farming.
Yield Farming Calculators:
Yield farming involves providing liquidity to DeFi protocols in exchange for rewards. Yield farming calculators, such as and APY.Vision, help users estimate potential returns, assess risks, and optimize their strategies for maximizing yield in different liquidity pools.
Smart Contract Auditing Platforms:
Security is paramount in DeFi. Platforms like Certik and Quantstamp offer smart contract auditing services, providing users and developers with insights into the security vulnerabilities and risks associated with specific DeFi projects.
DEX Aggregators:
Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) play a crucial role in DeFi. DEX aggregators like 1inch and Matcha aggregate liquidity from multiple DEXs, offering users the best prices and optimal routes for token swaps. These tools enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness in decentralized trading.
Portfolio Tracking Apps:
Managing a diversified DeFi portfolio requires comprehensive tracking. Apps like Zerion and DeBank allow users to monitor their holdings, track transaction history, and analyze the overall performance of their DeFi investments in a user-friendly interface.
On-Chain Data Explorers:
Platforms like Etherscan and Dune Analytics provide on-chain data exploration, allowing users to delve into the details of blockchain transactions, smart contract interactions, and network activity. This granular data analysis aids in understanding the behavior and trends within the DeFi ecosystem.
Governance Analytics Platforms:
As governance becomes a central aspect of DeFi projects, analytics tools like DeFi Pulse and DeFi Watch offer insights into governance proposals, voting patterns, and token holder participation, enabling users to stay informed about project governance dynamics.
Risk Management Platforms:
DeFi involves inherent risks, and platforms like Deversifi and Nansen provide risk management tools. Users can assess the risk profiles of DeFi protocols, monitor potential vulnerabilities, and make informed decisions to mitigate risks in their decentralized finance activities.
Navigating the decentralized finance landscape requires a keen understanding of analytics tools and platforms. From tracking token prices and liquidity pools to auditing smart contracts and managing portfolios, the diverse array of DeFi analytics tools empowers users to engage with confidence in this rapidly evolving and dynamic ecosystem. As DeFi continues to reshape the financial landscape, the importance of robust analytics cannot be overstated, offering a data-driven approach to decentralized financial decision-making.
Promising Cryptocurrencies for Trading in 2024Here are the top cryptocurrencies for trading in February 2024 and boost your investment portfolio! In 2024, the world of cryptocurrency trading continues to captivate investors with its potential for high returns. As the market evolves, certain cryptocurrencies have emerged as promising options for traders. From the well-established Bitcoin and Ethereum to the innovative altcoins like Solana and Cardano, the landscape is diverse and dynamic. Let’s explore the top promising cryptocurrencies for trading in 2024 and their current prices. 1. Bitcoin (BTC) Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency, continues to dominate the market with a market cap of US$1 trillion. Known for its decentralization and transparency, Bitcoin has attracted both investors and users. However, critics have raised concerns about its energy-intensive proof-of-work consensus mechanism and scalability issues. Despite these challenges, Bitcoin remains a leading cryptocurrency and a key player in the digital asset space. 2. Ethereum (ETH) Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap at US$337.0 billion, was one of the first altcoins to challenge Bitcoin’s dominance. Launched in July 2015, Ethereum introduced smart contracts, which are code that runs decentralized applications (dApps). Ethereum completed its transition to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism in 2023, making it a greener investment than Bitcoin. 3. Binance Coin (BNB) Binance Coin, with a market cap of US$52.9 billion, is the cryptocurrency issued by Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges. Originally built on the Ethereum network, BNB has transitioned to Binance’s blockchain. It can be used for a wide range of transactions and applications, but its U.S. market share has declined following legal challenges from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. 4. Solana (SOL) Solana, launched in March 2020, has quickly risen to prominence with a market cap of US$50.6 billion. Its unique hybrid proof-of-stake and proof-of-history verification system makes it faster and cheaper than Ethereum. Despite experiencing network outages, Solana’s price has seen triple-digit gains in 2023, making it one of the best cryptocurrencies. 5. XRP (XRP) With XRP, Ripple hopes to provide a substitute for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) in the area of international payments. XRP got a significant boost in 2023 when a judge ruled that it is “not necessarily a security” in certain circumstances, potentially putting it outside the SEC’s jurisdiction. With a market cap of US$30.0 billion, XRP remains a cryptocurrency to watch in 2024. 6. Cardano (ADA) Cardano (ADA) has a market capitalization of US$21.1 billion. It is a decentralized proof-of-stake blockchain that launched in September 2017. Designed to be more efficient than Bitcoin and Ethereum, Cardano quickly gained credibility among crypto enthusiasts due to its founder, Charles Hoskinson, who is also a co-founder of Ethereum. 7. Avalanche (AVAX) Avalanche (AVAX) has a market capitalization of US$15.6 billion. Launched in September 2020, Avalanche positions itself as the fastest and most secure blockchain, learning from other projects’ experiences. It is a smart contract platform where decentralized applications (dApps) can be built, and it is compatible with Ethereum. AVAX, the native token of Avalanche, is used for transaction fees and governance. 8. Dogecoin (DOGE) Dogecoin (DOGE) boasts a market capitalization of US$12.3 billion. Initially created as a parody of Bitcoin in 2013, Dogecoin has gained traction as a legitimate investment due to its simplicity, high-profile supporters, and the online appeal of its Shiba Inu mascot. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, a Dogecoin investor, has influenced its price through social media, leading to volatility. 9. Chainlink (LINK) Chainlink (LINK) has a market capitalization of US$11.7 billion. Released in April 2021, Chainlink is a decentralized system of nodes that connects on-chain smart contracts to off-chain data and information. Smart contracts, which are digital contracts on the blockchain, can use Chainlink to access various APIs and perform custom computations with different data. 10. TRON (TRX) TRON (TRX) has a market capitalization of US$11.5 billion. Launched in August 2017, TRON aims to decentralize the internet using blockchain technology and dApps. With over 177 million accounts, TRON has the largest circulating supply of stablecoins. TRON’s network uses a delegated proof-of-stake verification system, and its native cryptocurrency is TRX. 2024 holds exciting prospects for cryptocurrency trading. With innovative technologies and evolving market trends, these are the best cryptocurrencies to invest in February 2024 they offer diverse opportunities for traders. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and seize the potential rewards in this ever-changing landscape of digital assets. #BTC #TRX #ETH #BNB

Promising Cryptocurrencies for Trading in 2024

Here are the top cryptocurrencies for trading in February 2024 and boost your investment portfolio!
In 2024, the world of cryptocurrency trading continues to captivate investors with its potential for high returns. As the market evolves, certain cryptocurrencies have emerged as promising options for traders. From the well-established Bitcoin and Ethereum to the innovative altcoins like Solana and Cardano, the landscape is diverse and dynamic. Let’s explore the top promising cryptocurrencies for trading in 2024 and their current prices.
1. Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency, continues to dominate the market with a market cap of US$1 trillion. Known for its decentralization and transparency, Bitcoin has attracted both investors and users. However, critics have raised concerns about its energy-intensive proof-of-work consensus mechanism and scalability issues. Despite these challenges, Bitcoin remains a leading cryptocurrency and a key player in the digital asset space.
2. Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap at US$337.0 billion, was one of the first altcoins to challenge Bitcoin’s dominance. Launched in July 2015, Ethereum introduced smart contracts, which are code that runs decentralized applications (dApps). Ethereum completed its transition to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism in 2023, making it a greener investment than Bitcoin.
3. Binance Coin (BNB)
Binance Coin, with a market cap of US$52.9 billion, is the cryptocurrency issued by Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges. Originally built on the Ethereum network, BNB has transitioned to Binance’s blockchain. It can be used for a wide range of transactions and applications, but its U.S. market share has declined following legal challenges from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
4. Solana (SOL)
Solana, launched in March 2020, has quickly risen to prominence with a market cap of US$50.6 billion. Its unique hybrid proof-of-stake and proof-of-history verification system makes it faster and cheaper than Ethereum. Despite experiencing network outages, Solana’s price has seen triple-digit gains in 2023, making it one of the best cryptocurrencies.
5. XRP (XRP)
With XRP, Ripple hopes to provide a substitute for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) in the area of international payments. XRP got a significant boost in 2023 when a judge ruled that it is “not necessarily a security” in certain circumstances, potentially putting it outside the SEC’s jurisdiction. With a market cap of US$30.0 billion, XRP remains a cryptocurrency to watch in 2024.
6. Cardano (ADA)
Cardano (ADA) has a market capitalization of US$21.1 billion. It is a decentralized proof-of-stake blockchain that launched in September 2017. Designed to be more efficient than Bitcoin and Ethereum, Cardano quickly gained credibility among crypto enthusiasts due to its founder, Charles Hoskinson, who is also a co-founder of Ethereum.
7. Avalanche (AVAX)
Avalanche (AVAX) has a market capitalization of US$15.6 billion. Launched in September 2020, Avalanche positions itself as the fastest and most secure blockchain, learning from other projects’ experiences. It is a smart contract platform where decentralized applications (dApps) can be built, and it is compatible with Ethereum. AVAX, the native token of Avalanche, is used for transaction fees and governance.
8. Dogecoin (DOGE)
Dogecoin (DOGE) boasts a market capitalization of US$12.3 billion. Initially created as a parody of Bitcoin in 2013, Dogecoin has gained traction as a legitimate investment due to its simplicity, high-profile supporters, and the online appeal of its Shiba Inu mascot. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, a Dogecoin investor, has influenced its price through social media, leading to volatility.
9. Chainlink (LINK)
Chainlink (LINK) has a market capitalization of US$11.7 billion. Released in April 2021, Chainlink is a decentralized system of nodes that connects on-chain smart contracts to off-chain data and information. Smart contracts, which are digital contracts on the blockchain, can use Chainlink to access various APIs and perform custom computations with different data.
10. TRON (TRX)
TRON (TRX) has a market capitalization of US$11.5 billion. Launched in August 2017, TRON aims to decentralize the internet using blockchain technology and dApps. With over 177 million accounts, TRON has the largest circulating supply of stablecoins. TRON’s network uses a delegated proof-of-stake verification system, and its native cryptocurrency is TRX.
2024 holds exciting prospects for cryptocurrency trading. With innovative technologies and evolving market trends, these are the best cryptocurrencies to invest in February 2024 they offer diverse opportunities for traders. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and seize the potential rewards in this ever-changing landscape of digital assets.
How to Create Your Own NFTS in 2024?Empowering creativity: A step-by-step guide to crafting your own NFTs in 2024 In 2024, the creation of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has evolved into more than just owning a digital token; it signifies owning a piece of the future. For creators, especially musicians pouring their passion into every note, the NFT development space becomes a personal record label, revolutionizing how they get paid and connect with fans. This article explores the magic of NFTs, the reasons to create them in 2024, and a step-by-step guide on how to make your own. The Magic of NFTs NFTs unlock ownership, foster connections, and empower creators to rewrite the rules of the game. For musicians, struggling to receive fair compensation, NFTs offer a transformative opportunity. By entering the NFT development space, artists can eliminate middlemen, allowing fans to directly support them and own a perpetual piece of their music. This shift creates a vibrant community where creativity meets value, and every note becomes a symphony of opportunity. Why Create NFT Tokens in 2024? In 2024, creating an NFT goes beyond owning a digital token; it’s owning a piece of the future. This process unlocks new value for creations, builds vibrant communities, and encourages experimentation with dynamic experiences. Creators are urged to embrace the uncertainty, navigate the tech landscape, and paint their masterpieces on the digital frontier. The future, in the realm of NFTs, is theirs to create one token at a time. How to Make an NFT in 2024 Step 1: Understand NFTs and Blockchain Take the time to grasp what NFTs are and the underlying technology, blockchain. NFTs, representing ownership of unique digital assets, leverage blockchain for transparency, immutability, and authenticity. Step 2: Choose a Blockchain Select the right blockchain for your NFTs. Ethereum is popular, but consider factors like transaction fees, environmental impact, and community support. Alternative blockchains like Binance Smart Chain, Flow, or Tezos are worth exploring. Step 3: Set Up a Wallet Choose a wallet compatible with your chosen blockchain. Wallets like MetaMask (for Ethereum) or Trust Wallet (for Binance Smart Chain) are widely used. Make sure your wallet contains the appropriate cryptocurrency funds. Step 4: Create or Prepare Digital Content The heart of an NFT is the digital content. Whether it’s art, music, videos, or virtual real estate, ensure it’s of high quality and has a clear value proposition. Step 5: Mint Your NFT Minting turns your digital content into an NFT. Use NFT marketplaces or platforms for minting. Connect your wallet, upload content, provide details, and set editions if applicable. Step 6: Set Royalties Consider setting royalties to earn a percentage on resale. This ensures creators benefit from the increasing value of their work even after the initial sale. Step 7: Confirm and Pay Gas Fees Review your NFT listing details and be ready to pay gas fees covering the computational costs of blockchain transactions. Step 8: List Your NFT for Sale Set sale parameters, including the initial price and auction type. Publicize your NFT listing to attract potential buyers. Step 9: Promote Your NFT Actively promote your NFT on social media, NFT communities, and through collaborations with other artists and influencers. Step 10: Manage Transactions and Ownership Keep track of transactions through your wallet, monitor transaction history, and understand how ownership is transferred to buyers. What is the cost associated with creating an NFT token? The cost to create an NFT token involves factors like the blockchain platform, smart contract development, token standards, storage, minting and gas fees, security measures, and marketplace integration. Costs can vary based on factors like platform choice, smart contract complexity, and security requirements. Consulting with blockchain developers or agencies for a tailored estimate is recommended. Conclusion: NFTs in 2024 are not just digital tokens; they are an avenue for creators to redefine their relationship with their audience. The process of creating NFTs opens doors to new opportunities, communities, and innovations. It’s a journey worth undertaking in a landscape where the future is shaped one NFT at a time. #NFT #NFTAdventure

How to Create Your Own NFTS in 2024?

Empowering creativity: A step-by-step guide to crafting your own NFTs in 2024
In 2024, the creation of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has evolved into more than just owning a digital token; it signifies owning a piece of the future. For creators, especially musicians pouring their passion into every note, the NFT development space becomes a personal record label, revolutionizing how they get paid and connect with fans. This article explores the magic of NFTs, the reasons to create them in 2024, and a step-by-step guide on how to make your own.
The Magic of NFTs
NFTs unlock ownership, foster connections, and empower creators to rewrite the rules of the game. For musicians, struggling to receive fair compensation, NFTs offer a transformative opportunity. By entering the NFT development space, artists can eliminate middlemen, allowing fans to directly support them and own a perpetual piece of their music. This shift creates a vibrant community where creativity meets value, and every note becomes a symphony of opportunity.
Why Create NFT Tokens in 2024?
In 2024, creating an NFT goes beyond owning a digital token; it’s owning a piece of the future. This process unlocks new value for creations, builds vibrant communities, and encourages experimentation with dynamic experiences. Creators are urged to embrace the uncertainty, navigate the tech landscape, and paint their masterpieces on the digital frontier. The future, in the realm of NFTs, is theirs to create one token at a time.
How to Make an NFT in 2024
Step 1: Understand NFTs and Blockchain
Take the time to grasp what NFTs are and the underlying technology, blockchain. NFTs, representing ownership of unique digital assets, leverage blockchain for transparency, immutability, and authenticity.
Step 2: Choose a Blockchain
Select the right blockchain for your NFTs. Ethereum is popular, but consider factors like transaction fees, environmental impact, and community support. Alternative blockchains like Binance Smart Chain, Flow, or Tezos are worth exploring.
Step 3: Set Up a Wallet
Choose a wallet compatible with your chosen blockchain. Wallets like MetaMask (for Ethereum) or Trust Wallet (for Binance Smart Chain) are widely used. Make sure your wallet contains the appropriate cryptocurrency funds.
Step 4: Create or Prepare Digital Content
The heart of an NFT is the digital content. Whether it’s art, music, videos, or virtual real estate, ensure it’s of high quality and has a clear value proposition.
Step 5: Mint Your NFT
Minting turns your digital content into an NFT. Use NFT marketplaces or platforms for minting. Connect your wallet, upload content, provide details, and set editions if applicable.
Step 6: Set Royalties
Consider setting royalties to earn a percentage on resale. This ensures creators benefit from the increasing value of their work even after the initial sale.
Step 7: Confirm and Pay Gas Fees
Review your NFT listing details and be ready to pay gas fees covering the computational costs of blockchain transactions.
Step 8: List Your NFT for Sale
Set sale parameters, including the initial price and auction type. Publicize your NFT listing to attract potential buyers.
Step 9: Promote Your NFT
Actively promote your NFT on social media, NFT communities, and through collaborations with other artists and influencers.
Step 10: Manage Transactions and Ownership
Keep track of transactions through your wallet, monitor transaction history, and understand how ownership is transferred to buyers.
What is the cost associated with creating an NFT token?
The cost to create an NFT token involves factors like the blockchain platform, smart contract development, token standards, storage, minting and gas fees, security measures, and marketplace integration. Costs can vary based on factors like platform choice, smart contract complexity, and security requirements. Consulting with blockchain developers or agencies for a tailored estimate is recommended.
NFTs in 2024 are not just digital tokens; they are an avenue for creators to redefine their relationship with their audience. The process of creating NFTs opens doors to new opportunities, communities, and innovations. It’s a journey worth undertaking in a landscape where the future is shaped one NFT at a time.
#NFT #NFTAdventure
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10 доступних криптовалют для інвестицій в ІндіїДоступні криптовалюти: вивчення інвестиційних можливостей у цифровій економіці Індії Останніми роками світ криптовалют вибухнув інноваціями та можливостями для інвестицій. Оскільки Індія, як і багато інших країн, приймає цифрову економіку, все більше інвесторів шукають доступні, але багатообіцяючі криптовалюти, щоб додати їх до своїх портфелів. Незалежно від того, чи ви досвідчений інвестор, чи просто занурюєтеся в криптовалютний ринок, ось 10 доступних криптовалют в Індії:

10 доступних криптовалют для інвестицій в Індії

Доступні криптовалюти: вивчення інвестиційних можливостей у цифровій економіці Індії
Останніми роками світ криптовалют вибухнув інноваціями та можливостями для інвестицій. Оскільки Індія, як і багато інших країн, приймає цифрову економіку, все більше інвесторів шукають доступні, але багатообіцяючі криптовалюти, щоб додати їх до своїх портфелів. Незалежно від того, чи ви досвідчений інвестор, чи просто занурюєтеся в криптовалютний ринок, ось 10 доступних криптовалют в Індії:
Crypto Price Today: Bitcoin Holds Ground at $52k; VET Up 23%Crypto Price Today: Bitcoin steadfastly holding its ground at $52,000 while VET experiences surge of 23% Crypto Price Today: In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, the latest trends and fluctuations in prices can have a significant impact on investors and enthusiasts alike. Today’s crypto landscape paints an intriguing picture, with Bitcoin steadfastly holding its ground at $52,000 while VET experiences a remarkable surge of 23%. Let’s delve into the details of these developments and what they mean for the broader cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin’s Resilience Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, continues to demonstrate resilience as it maintains its position around the $52,000 mark. After surpassing the significant milestone of $50,000, Bitcoin’s price has attracted renewed attention from investors who are optimistic about its future trajectory. Despite facing occasional volatility, Bitcoin’s stability in this price range indicates growing confidence in its long-term potential. The current price of Bitcoin stands at $52,278, reflecting a marginal increase of 0.02% over the past day, while the 24-hour trading volume has declined by 17.09% to $35,808,125,286. Source: CoinMarketCap Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Acknowledgment One of the most intriguing developments in the crypto sphere is the unexpected acknowledgment from Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren regarding Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. Despite her previous reservations about Bitcoin and its perceived negative implications, Senator Warren signed a certificate honoring Satoshi Nakamoto for creating a “truly inclusive financial system.” This gesture, marked by the flying of a ceremonial flag over the United States Capitol, underscores a shift in perception towards cryptocurrencies among mainstream figures. Market Analysis and Predictions With Bitcoin’s price hovering around $52,000, analysts and traders are closely monitoring key levels and indicators to gauge its future movements. Increased buying pressure could propel Bitcoin towards the $55,000 range, with further bullish momentum potentially driving it to $60,000. However, traders remain cautious, mindful of the potential for profit-taking and market corrections. In the event of a downturn, Bitcoin may find support levels around $44,300 to $46,760, presenting buying opportunities for discerning investors. Top Gainers in the Crypto Market Aside from Bitcoin, several altcoins have experienced notable gains, with VeChain (VET) emerging as the top performer with a remarkable surge of 23%. Other cryptocurrencies such as Arweave (AR), Ronin (RON), Sei (SEI), and Bitget Token (BGB) have also witnessed substantial price increases, reflecting the dynamic nature of the crypto market. As Bitcoin maintains its position at $52,000 and VET experiences significant gains, the cryptocurrency market continues to capture the attention of investors and observers worldwide. The acknowledgment from Senator Elizabeth Warren and the ongoing price fluctuations underscore the evolving dynamics within the crypto space. Whether Bitcoin’s price will continue its upward trajectory or encounter resistance remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the world of cryptocurrencies remains as dynamic and unpredictable as ever. In conclusion, the crypto price landscape offers a fascinating glimpse into the future of finance, with Bitcoin and altcoins shaping the narrative of a rapidly evolving digital economy. As investors navigate the complexities of this market, staying informed and adaptable will be key to capitalizing on emerging opportunities and trends. #bitcion #BTC #Bitcoin‬

Crypto Price Today: Bitcoin Holds Ground at $52k; VET Up 23%

Crypto Price Today: Bitcoin steadfastly holding its ground at $52,000 while VET experiences surge of 23%
Crypto Price Today: In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, the latest trends and fluctuations in prices can have a significant impact on investors and enthusiasts alike. Today’s crypto landscape paints an intriguing picture, with Bitcoin steadfastly holding its ground at $52,000 while VET experiences a remarkable surge of 23%. Let’s delve into the details of these developments and what they mean for the broader cryptocurrency market.
Bitcoin’s Resilience
Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, continues to demonstrate resilience as it maintains its position around the $52,000 mark. After surpassing the significant milestone of $50,000, Bitcoin’s price has attracted renewed attention from investors who are optimistic about its future trajectory. Despite facing occasional volatility, Bitcoin’s stability in this price range indicates growing confidence in its long-term potential.
The current price of Bitcoin stands at $52,278, reflecting a marginal increase of 0.02% over the past day, while the 24-hour trading volume has declined by 17.09% to $35,808,125,286.

Source: CoinMarketCap
Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Acknowledgment
One of the most intriguing developments in the crypto sphere is the unexpected acknowledgment from Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren regarding Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. Despite her previous reservations about Bitcoin and its perceived negative implications, Senator Warren signed a certificate honoring Satoshi Nakamoto for creating a “truly inclusive financial system.” This gesture, marked by the flying of a ceremonial flag over the United States Capitol, underscores a shift in perception towards cryptocurrencies among mainstream figures.
Market Analysis and Predictions
With Bitcoin’s price hovering around $52,000, analysts and traders are closely monitoring key levels and indicators to gauge its future movements. Increased buying pressure could propel Bitcoin towards the $55,000 range, with further bullish momentum potentially driving it to $60,000. However, traders remain cautious, mindful of the potential for profit-taking and market corrections. In the event of a downturn, Bitcoin may find support levels around $44,300 to $46,760, presenting buying opportunities for discerning investors.
Top Gainers in the Crypto Market
Aside from Bitcoin, several altcoins have experienced notable gains, with VeChain (VET) emerging as the top performer with a remarkable surge of 23%. Other cryptocurrencies such as Arweave (AR), Ronin (RON), Sei (SEI), and Bitget Token (BGB) have also witnessed substantial price increases, reflecting the dynamic nature of the crypto market.
As Bitcoin maintains its position at $52,000 and VET experiences significant gains, the cryptocurrency market continues to capture the attention of investors and observers worldwide. The acknowledgment from Senator Elizabeth Warren and the ongoing price fluctuations underscore the evolving dynamics within the crypto space. Whether Bitcoin’s price will continue its upward trajectory or encounter resistance remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the world of cryptocurrencies remains as dynamic and unpredictable as ever.
In conclusion, the crypto price landscape offers a fascinating glimpse into the future of finance, with Bitcoin and altcoins shaping the narrative of a rapidly evolving digital economy. As investors navigate the complexities of this market, staying informed and adaptable will be key to capitalizing on emerging opportunities and trends.
#bitcion #BTC #Bitcoin‬
10 Best Crypto Trading BotsMaximize your profits with these top 10 Crypto Trading Bots for 2024 Crypto trading bots are software programs that automate the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies, based on predefined rules, strategies, and signals. Crypto trading bots can offer various advantages, such as: However, not all crypto trading bots are equally reliable or effective. Some crypto trading bots are more user-friendly, versatile, and secure than others, and can offer more features and functions, such as backtesting, paper trading, social trading, and more. Here are some of the best crypto trading bots that you may want to try in 2024, based on their content, reviews, and ratings: 3Commas:  3Commas is a popular and powerful crypto trading bot that supports over 20 exchanges, such as Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and more. 3Commas offers various trading tools and strategies, such as smart trade, DCA bots, grid bots, and portfolio rebalancing. 3Commas also provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface, a comprehensive and transparent dashboard, and responsive and helpful customer support. Cryptohopper:  Cryptohopper is a cloud-based and easy-to-use crypto trading bot that supports over 10 exchanges, such as Bitfinex, Bittrex, Poloniex, and more. Cryptohopper offers various trading features and options, such as market-making, arbitrage, trailing stop-loss, and exchange arbitrage. Cryptohopper also provides a flexible and customizable platform, a rich and diverse marketplace, and a vibrant and active community. Pionex:  Pionex is a unique and innovative crypto trading bot that is integrated with a licensed and regulated exchange, which offers low fees and high liquidity. Pionex offers various trading bots and strategies, such as grid trading bot, leveraged grid bot, reverse grid bot, and TWAP bot. Pionex also provides a simple and elegant interface, a secure and reliable system, and free and unlimited access. Shrimpy: Shrimpy is a comprehensive and sophisticated crypto trading bot that supports over 15 exchanges, such as Binance, Huobi, KuCoin, and more. Shrimpy offers various trading solutions and services, such as portfolio management, rebalancing, indexing, and automation. Shrimpy also provides a robust and scalable platform, detailed and insightful analytics, and a professional and dedicated team. HaasOnline:  HaasOnline is a veteran and reputable crypto trading bot that supports over 20 exchanges, such as BitMEX, Bitstamp, Gemini, and more. HaasOnline offers various trading modules and indicators, such as technical analysis, market-making, arbitrage, and scalping. HaasOnline also provides a powerful and flexible platform, historical and real-time data, and premium and quality support. TradeSanta:  TradeSanta is a cloud-based and beginner-friendly crypto trading bot that supports over 10 exchanges, such as Binance, HitBTC, OKEx, and more. TradeSanta offers various trading modes and settings, such as long and short strategies, extra orders, and martingales. TradeSanta also provides a fast and simple setup, a clear and convenient dashboard, and a friendly and supportive chat. Zignaly: Zignaly is a cloud-based and social crypto trading bot that supports over 5 exchanges, such as Binance, Bitfinex, KuCoin, and more. Zignaly offers various trading features and options, such as copy trading, signal providers, trading terminals, and trailing stop-loss. Zignaly also provides a transparent and collaborative platform, a dynamic and profitable marketplace, and a loyal and satisfied customer base. Kryll: Kryll is a cloud-based and advanced crypto trading bot that supports over 10 exchanges, such as Binance, Bitfinex, Kraken, and more. Kryll offers various trading tools and strategies, such as drag and drop editor, Wysiwyt (What You See Is What You Trade), and smart trading. Kryll also provides a user-friendly and interactive interface, comprehensive and accurate backtesting, and competitive and affordable pricing. Bitsgap:  Bitsgap is a cloud-based and multi-functional crypto trading bot that supports over 25 exchanges, such as Binance, Bitfinex, Coinbase, and more. Bitsgap offers various trading features and options, such as arbitrage, signals, shadow trading, and demo trading. Bitsgap also provides a sleek and modern interface, a reliable and secure system, and a free and unlimited trial. Quadency:  Quadency is a cloud-based and professional crypto trading bot that supports over 10 exchanges, such as Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and more. Quadency offers various trading features and options, such as portfolio management, trading automation, performance analytics, and risk management. Quadency also provides a robust and elegant platform, a rich and diverse library, and knowledgeable and responsive support. #Trading #tradingbots #TradingBot

10 Best Crypto Trading Bots

Maximize your profits with these top 10 Crypto Trading Bots for 2024
Crypto trading bots are software programs that automate the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies, based on predefined rules, strategies, and signals. Crypto trading bots can offer various advantages, such as:
However, not all crypto trading bots are equally reliable or effective. Some crypto trading bots are more user-friendly, versatile, and secure than others, and can offer more features and functions, such as backtesting, paper trading, social trading, and more. Here are some of the best crypto trading bots that you may want to try in 2024, based on their content, reviews, and ratings:
 3Commas is a popular and powerful crypto trading bot that supports over 20 exchanges, such as Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and more. 3Commas offers various trading tools and strategies, such as smart trade, DCA bots, grid bots, and portfolio rebalancing. 3Commas also provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface, a comprehensive and transparent dashboard, and responsive and helpful customer support.
 Cryptohopper is a cloud-based and easy-to-use crypto trading bot that supports over 10 exchanges, such as Bitfinex, Bittrex, Poloniex, and more. Cryptohopper offers various trading features and options, such as market-making, arbitrage, trailing stop-loss, and exchange arbitrage. Cryptohopper also provides a flexible and customizable platform, a rich and diverse marketplace, and a vibrant and active community.
 Pionex is a unique and innovative crypto trading bot that is integrated with a licensed and regulated exchange, which offers low fees and high liquidity. Pionex offers various trading bots and strategies, such as grid trading bot, leveraged grid bot, reverse grid bot, and TWAP bot. Pionex also provides a simple and elegant interface, a secure and reliable system, and free and unlimited access.
Shrimpy is a comprehensive and sophisticated crypto trading bot that supports over 15 exchanges, such as Binance, Huobi, KuCoin, and more. Shrimpy offers various trading solutions and services, such as portfolio management, rebalancing, indexing, and automation. Shrimpy also provides a robust and scalable platform, detailed and insightful analytics, and a professional and dedicated team.
 HaasOnline is a veteran and reputable crypto trading bot that supports over 20 exchanges, such as BitMEX, Bitstamp, Gemini, and more. HaasOnline offers various trading modules and indicators, such as technical analysis, market-making, arbitrage, and scalping. HaasOnline also provides a powerful and flexible platform, historical and real-time data, and premium and quality support.
 TradeSanta is a cloud-based and beginner-friendly crypto trading bot that supports over 10 exchanges, such as Binance, HitBTC, OKEx, and more. TradeSanta offers various trading modes and settings, such as long and short strategies, extra orders, and martingales. TradeSanta also provides a fast and simple setup, a clear and convenient dashboard, and a friendly and supportive chat.
Zignaly is a cloud-based and social crypto trading bot that supports over 5 exchanges, such as Binance, Bitfinex, KuCoin, and more. Zignaly offers various trading features and options, such as copy trading, signal providers, trading terminals, and trailing stop-loss. Zignaly also provides a transparent and collaborative platform, a dynamic and profitable marketplace, and a loyal and satisfied customer base.
Kryll is a cloud-based and advanced crypto trading bot that supports over 10 exchanges, such as Binance, Bitfinex, Kraken, and more. Kryll offers various trading tools and strategies, such as drag and drop editor, Wysiwyt (What You See Is What You Trade), and smart trading. Kryll also provides a user-friendly and interactive interface, comprehensive and accurate backtesting, and competitive and affordable pricing.
 Bitsgap is a cloud-based and multi-functional crypto trading bot that supports over 25 exchanges, such as Binance, Bitfinex, Coinbase, and more. Bitsgap offers various trading features and options, such as arbitrage, signals, shadow trading, and demo trading. Bitsgap also provides a sleek and modern interface, a reliable and secure system, and a free and unlimited trial.
 Quadency is a cloud-based and professional crypto trading bot that supports over 10 exchanges, such as Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and more. Quadency offers various trading features and options, such as portfolio management, trading automation, performance analytics, and risk management. Quadency also provides a robust and elegant platform, a rich and diverse library, and knowledgeable and responsive support.
#Trading #tradingbots #TradingBot
How Crypto Hedge Funds Invest and Trade in Digital Assets?Revealing the techniques: The methods by which crypto hedge funds make and sell digital assets A new asset class known as cryptocurrencies has surfaced, presenting investors with both special potential and difficulties. More institutional and individual investors are looking for direct or indirect exposure to digital assets as the cryptocurrency industry expands and develops. Crypto hedge funds, which are specialized financial entities that trade and manage crypto portfolios, are one method to get into the cryptocurrency market. What are Crypto Hedge Funds? Hedge funds that concentrate on digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other tokens are known as crypto hedge funds. Hedge funds are private investment funds that combine capital from several investors and use a variety of techniques, including leverage and derivatives, to produce profits. Generally speaking, hedge funds are less regulated than traditional funds like mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and they also impose management and performance fees. Traditional hedge funds and cryptocurrency hedge funds function similarly but with some significant distinctions. Firstly, as crypto hedge funds are focused on managing crypto funds, they possess the knowledge and resources necessary to handle the intricacies and hazards associated with the crypto space, including volatility, security, custody, and legality. Second, crypto hedge funds use a range of tactics, including venture capital, arbitrage, quantitative, and discretionary, to trade and invest in digital assets. Third, contingent upon the location and portfolio composition, cryptocurrency hedge funds may be subject to disparate legal and regulatory frameworks. How Do Crypto Hedge Funds Work and Make Money? The way crypto hedge funds operate is by pooling investor capital, collecting fees, and making money via expertly managing and trading diverse cryptocurrency portfolios. Different requirements, such as minimum investment amounts, accreditation status, or lock-up periods, may apply to investors in cryptocurrency hedge funds. Depending on its approach and intended audience, cryptocurrency hedge funds may potentially have varying risk profiles and return goals. Applying their technique to the cryptocurrency market and producing returns greater than their costs and fees is how cryptocurrency hedge funds generate money. To trade and invest in digital assets, crypto hedge funds may employ a variety of instruments and strategies, including spot trading, derivatives trading, algorithmic trading, arbitrage trading, and fundamental analysis. Crypto hedge funds have the option to diversify their holdings by holding a variety of crypto assets, industries, or platforms, including DAOs, NFTs, and DeFi. What are the Benefits and Challenges of Crypto Hedge Funds? Investors looking to enter the cryptocurrency space might use crypto hedge funds as a bridge. They provide exposure to different strategies, diverse portfolios, and expert management. These funds struggle with issues including high fees, market volatility, complexity, and security hazards, but they also offer better returns and alpha production. It takes skill and awareness to navigate this changing terrain. How to Choose a Crypto Hedge Fund? A crypto hedge fund investment might be a difficult choice to make since there are a lot of factors to consider and contrast between the various funds. The fund’s track record and performance, which demonstrate how well it has generated returns over time, its strategy and portfolio, which show how it trades and invests in the cryptocurrency market and how diversified its assets are, its team and reputation, which demonstrate the level of expertise, experience, and credibility of its staff in the crypto industry, and the fees and terms of the fund, which determine how much investors must pay and how easily they can access their money, are some of the important factors that investors should look for. Additionally, before investing in any cryptocurrency hedge fund, investors should conduct their due diligence and research and consult with their financial and legal professionals for assistance. A developing and expanding sector of the cryptocurrency market, crypto hedge funds provide investors with an avenue to enter and profit from the crypto world. Crypto hedge funds need to be carefully considered and chosen because they have pros and cons of their own. While they might not be a good fit for everyone, crypto hedge funds might be a great choice for investors looking for better returns, alpha production, diverse and well-optimized crypto portfolios, and expert crypto fund management. #crypto #CryptoHedgeFunds

How Crypto Hedge Funds Invest and Trade in Digital Assets?

Revealing the techniques: The methods by which crypto hedge funds make and sell digital assets
A new asset class known as cryptocurrencies has surfaced, presenting investors with both special potential and difficulties. More institutional and individual investors are looking for direct or indirect exposure to digital assets as the cryptocurrency industry expands and develops. Crypto hedge funds, which are specialized financial entities that trade and manage crypto portfolios, are one method to get into the cryptocurrency market.
What are Crypto Hedge Funds?
Hedge funds that concentrate on digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other tokens are known as crypto hedge funds. Hedge funds are private investment funds that combine capital from several investors and use a variety of techniques, including leverage and derivatives, to produce profits. Generally speaking, hedge funds are less regulated than traditional funds like mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and they also impose management and performance fees.
Traditional hedge funds and cryptocurrency hedge funds function similarly but with some significant distinctions. Firstly, as crypto hedge funds are focused on managing crypto funds, they possess the knowledge and resources necessary to handle the intricacies and hazards associated with the crypto space, including volatility, security, custody, and legality. Second, crypto hedge funds use a range of tactics, including venture capital, arbitrage, quantitative, and discretionary, to trade and invest in digital assets. Third, contingent upon the location and portfolio composition, cryptocurrency hedge funds may be subject to disparate legal and regulatory frameworks.
How Do Crypto Hedge Funds Work and Make Money?
The way crypto hedge funds operate is by pooling investor capital, collecting fees, and making money via expertly managing and trading diverse cryptocurrency portfolios. Different requirements, such as minimum investment amounts, accreditation status, or lock-up periods, may apply to investors in cryptocurrency hedge funds. Depending on its approach and intended audience, cryptocurrency hedge funds may potentially have varying risk profiles and return goals.
Applying their technique to the cryptocurrency market and producing returns greater than their costs and fees is how cryptocurrency hedge funds generate money. To trade and invest in digital assets, crypto hedge funds may employ a variety of instruments and strategies, including spot trading, derivatives trading, algorithmic trading, arbitrage trading, and fundamental analysis. Crypto hedge funds have the option to diversify their holdings by holding a variety of crypto assets, industries, or platforms, including DAOs, NFTs, and DeFi.
What are the Benefits and Challenges of Crypto Hedge Funds?
Investors looking to enter the cryptocurrency space might use crypto hedge funds as a bridge. They provide exposure to different strategies, diverse portfolios, and expert management. These funds struggle with issues including high fees, market volatility, complexity, and security hazards, but they also offer better returns and alpha production. It takes skill and awareness to navigate this changing terrain.
How to Choose a Crypto Hedge Fund?
A crypto hedge fund investment might be a difficult choice to make since there are a lot of factors to consider and contrast between the various funds. The fund’s track record and performance, which demonstrate how well it has generated returns over time, its strategy and portfolio, which show how it trades and invests in the cryptocurrency market and how diversified its assets are, its team and reputation, which demonstrate the level of expertise, experience, and credibility of its staff in the crypto industry, and the fees and terms of the fund, which determine how much investors must pay and how easily they can access their money, are some of the important factors that investors should look for.
Additionally, before investing in any cryptocurrency hedge fund, investors should conduct their due diligence and research and consult with their financial and legal professionals for assistance.
A developing and expanding sector of the cryptocurrency market, crypto hedge funds provide investors with an avenue to enter and profit from the crypto world. Crypto hedge funds need to be carefully considered and chosen because they have pros and cons of their own. While they might not be a good fit for everyone, crypto hedge funds might be a great choice for investors looking for better returns, alpha production, diverse and well-optimized crypto portfolios, and expert crypto fund management.
#crypto #CryptoHedgeFunds
Crypto Market Update: Bitcoin Soars Above $46,200, Ethereum (ETH) Eyes $2,500The cryptocurrency market is experiencing an influx of new capital as Bitcoin price broke above $46,200 on Friday morning. Ethereum (ETH) is also performing well, with the bulls aiming for another retest of the $2,500 barrier. In addition, altcoins like DYM, TAO and BEAM are also surging, depicting an across-the-board uptrend in the market.  The breakout, which was mentioned in the last article is now gaining momentum. The institutional demand for Bitcoin remains elevated with the MicroStrategy purchasing $37 million worth of BTC earlier this week. At the same time, the excitement about the Bitcoin halving is also increasing. However, the biggest gainer among the top 100 coins in the past 24 hours has been Dymension (DYM), with a 29% surge. Bittensor (TAO) and BEAM follow with 15.4% and 14.5% gains. The positive BTC price action has boosted the investor sentiment around riskier altcoins, causing a 1.04% uptick in the Total 3 market capitalization. BTC Price Outlook On the 4H BTc/USD chart, the inverse head and shoulders pattern that I mentioned yesterday shows a clear breakout. The price is also trading well above the range highs of $44,500. This clearly indicates that the bulls are in complete control at the moment. If the current levels hold without a significant pullback, a move toward $48,000 might come any time. However, the volatility may decrease over the weekend due to low trading volume. Dymension (DYM) Is Up 29% The newly launched token DYM is feasting on the ongoing bullish sentiment in the markets. The native asset of Dymension ecosystem has soared 29% in the last 24 hours, hitting a record high of $8.36 on Thursday. Considering the very little price history of the DYM/USD pair, the next target could be the psychological barrier of $10. However, this price target will only come into play if Bitcoin remains stable. In case of a pullback from current levels, the next support could be around $6.34 level, which was previously acting as a resistance. Bittensor (TAO) Rises 15.5% With a market capitalization of more than $3 billion and a trading volume of $27 million, Bittensor has emerged as the second-best performer in the top 100 digital assets since yesterday. TAO surged past $500 on Friday morning but had settled at $496 at press time. If bulls hold the current levels, $535 could be the next target. BEAM Hits A Major Resistance In its sixth consecutive green day, BEAM/USD is leading the pack among the GameFi assets. After a 9.42% surge today, the price has hit the current range highs around $0.0208. There is a strong possibility of increased selling pressure around these levels. However, a breakout will be very bullish. #Bitcoin #Ethereum

Crypto Market Update: Bitcoin Soars Above $46,200, Ethereum (ETH) Eyes $2,500

The cryptocurrency market is experiencing an influx of new capital as Bitcoin price broke above $46,200 on Friday morning. Ethereum (ETH) is also performing well, with the bulls aiming for another retest of the $2,500 barrier. In addition, altcoins like DYM, TAO and BEAM are also surging, depicting an across-the-board uptrend in the market.
 The breakout, which was mentioned in the last article is now gaining momentum. The institutional demand for Bitcoin remains elevated with the MicroStrategy purchasing $37 million worth of BTC earlier this week. At the same time, the excitement about the Bitcoin halving is also increasing.
However, the biggest gainer among the top 100 coins in the past 24 hours has been Dymension (DYM), with a 29% surge. Bittensor (TAO) and BEAM follow with 15.4% and 14.5% gains. The positive BTC price action has boosted the investor sentiment around riskier altcoins, causing a 1.04% uptick in the Total 3 market capitalization.
BTC Price Outlook
On the 4H BTc/USD chart, the inverse head and shoulders pattern that I mentioned yesterday shows a clear breakout. The price is also trading well above the range highs of $44,500. This clearly indicates that the bulls are in complete control at the moment.
If the current levels hold without a significant pullback, a move toward $48,000 might come any time. However, the volatility may decrease over the weekend due to low trading volume.

Dymension (DYM) Is Up 29%
The newly launched token DYM is feasting on the ongoing bullish sentiment in the markets. The native asset of Dymension ecosystem has soared 29% in the last 24 hours, hitting a record high of $8.36 on Thursday.
Considering the very little price history of the DYM/USD pair, the next target could be the psychological barrier of $10. However, this price target will only come into play if Bitcoin remains stable. In case of a pullback from current levels, the next support could be around $6.34 level, which was previously acting as a resistance.

Bittensor (TAO) Rises 15.5%
With a market capitalization of more than $3 billion and a trading volume of $27 million, Bittensor has emerged as the second-best performer in the top 100 digital assets since yesterday. TAO surged past $500 on Friday morning but had settled at $496 at press time. If bulls hold the current levels, $535 could be the next target.

BEAM Hits A Major Resistance
In its sixth consecutive green day, BEAM/USD is leading the pack among the GameFi assets. After a 9.42% surge today, the price has hit the current range highs around $0.0208. There is a strong possibility of increased selling pressure around these levels. However, a breakout will be very bullish.
#Bitcoin #Ethereum
Bitcoin Price Rises above $46,000 – Key levels to Watch for BTCThe Bitcoin price rose by 4.6% from $44,332 on Feb. 8 to hit a four-week high of $46,374 on Jan. 9, according to data from CoinMarketCap. This resulted in $95.82 million worth of short positions being liquidated across the crypto market. Before the rise, many traders expected BTC to drop to $40,000 as they waited for the volatility that would push the price upward, but that was obviously not the case. According to data from futures trading and information platform Coinglass, short-position liquidations for Bitcoin topped $34.71 million on Feb. 8 against $4.5 million in long liquidations. Bitcoin liquidations chart. Source: Coinglass With the substantial liquidations, it’s important to analyse where the big crypto could be headed over the next few days. Independent analyst Ali spotted the SuperTrend indicator sending a buy signal on the BTC monthly chart. The SuperTrend indicator is a “tool known for its precision in predicting $BTC bull markets.” This has made the analyst more bullish on Bitcoin as he added to his holdings. If the buying continues, more investors could decide to get onto the bandwagon, adding to the hindwinds. What are the key levels to watch from here? Bitcoin price analysis BTC fell from 20-month highs above $49,000 reached on Jan. 12 to set a swing low around $38,542 on Jan. 23. This downturn saw the price lose a key support level at $41,890, embraced by the 50-day exponential moving average (EMA). At the time of writing BTC had regained most of the lost ground as it retraced its path upward. The 78.6% Fibonacci retracement level at $46,735 and the psychological level at $48,000 are key levels to watch on the upside. Above that, the $49,000 swing high could provide the last line of resistance for the flagship cryptocurrency before hitting the coveted level of $50,000. Such a move would bring the total gains to 8%. BTC/USD daily chart. Source: TradingView Important levels to watch on the downside are the 61.80% Fibonacci retracement level at $44,980, the $44,000 major resistance level and the 38.2% retracement level at $42,500. Lower than that, Bitcoin may drop toward the 23.20% retracement level around $41,000 and later to $40,000. Breaking this barrier would signal a sustained downtrend for Bitcoin with the next logical move being a decline toward the $38,000 demand zone. #Bitcoin #BTC #BTCAlert

Bitcoin Price Rises above $46,000 – Key levels to Watch for BTC

The Bitcoin price rose by 4.6% from $44,332 on Feb. 8 to hit a four-week high of $46,374 on Jan. 9, according to data from CoinMarketCap. This resulted in $95.82 million worth of short positions being liquidated across the crypto market.
Before the rise, many traders expected BTC to drop to $40,000 as they waited for the volatility that would push the price upward, but that was obviously not the case.
According to data from futures trading and information platform Coinglass, short-position liquidations for Bitcoin topped $34.71 million on Feb. 8 against $4.5 million in long liquidations.

Bitcoin liquidations chart. Source: Coinglass
With the substantial liquidations, it’s important to analyse where the big crypto could be headed over the next few days.
Independent analyst Ali spotted the SuperTrend indicator sending a buy signal on the BTC monthly chart. The SuperTrend indicator is a “tool known for its precision in predicting $BTC bull markets.” This has made the analyst more bullish on Bitcoin as he added to his holdings.

If the buying continues, more investors could decide to get onto the bandwagon, adding to the hindwinds. What are the key levels to watch from here?
Bitcoin price analysis
BTC fell from 20-month highs above $49,000 reached on Jan. 12 to set a swing low around $38,542 on Jan. 23.
This downturn saw the price lose a key support level at $41,890, embraced by the 50-day exponential moving average (EMA). At the time of writing BTC had regained most of the lost ground as it retraced its path upward.
The 78.6% Fibonacci retracement level at $46,735 and the psychological level at $48,000 are key levels to watch on the upside. Above that, the $49,000 swing high could provide the last line of resistance for the flagship cryptocurrency before hitting the coveted level of $50,000. Such a move would bring the total gains to 8%.

BTC/USD daily chart. Source: TradingView
Important levels to watch on the downside are the 61.80% Fibonacci retracement level at $44,980, the $44,000 major resistance level and the 38.2% retracement level at $42,500.
Lower than that, Bitcoin may drop toward the 23.20% retracement level around $41,000 and later to $40,000. Breaking this barrier would signal a sustained downtrend for Bitcoin with the next logical move being a decline toward the $38,000 demand zone.
#Bitcoin #BTC #BTCAlert
3 Reasons Why Ether continues to gain Momentum against Bitcoin this WeekEthereum experienced a 2.36% gain against Bitcoin over the last few days. However, Bitcoin still leads the market with 51.31% dominance over the total market cap. BTC’s dominance has seen ETH lose against Bitcoin over the last few days but a number of technical and fundamental factors appear to back Ether’s move above $2,400 on Feb. 7. ETH/BTC daily chart. Source: TradingView ETH price rises above a key support zone The first interim bullish outlook for Ether is in a key area at $2,400, which was flipped from resistance to support on Feb. 7. Ether’s price action over the last few days also saw it rise above the 50-day exponential moving average (EMA), which is currently at $2,317. According to data from IntoTheBlock, this level is within the $2,278 and $2,349 price range, where 6.1 million ETH were previously bought by approximately 2.59 million addresses. If ETH holds above this level, there’s a clear path ahead with minimal resistance, offering the potential for upward movement. ETH IOMAP chart. Source: IntoTheBlock As such, a daily candlestick close above $2,400 would see a change in Ethereum’s trend that could see the price explore the $2,500 to $2,700 zone. ETH/USD daily chart. Source: TradingView Supporting this positive outlook for Ethereum was the upward-facing moving average convergence divergence (MACD) indicator. Note that this trend-following oscillating indicator had sent a call to buy Ethereum on the daily chart which occurred on Feb. 6 when the 12-day EMA crossed above the 26-day EMA. Ethereum’s DApp and NFT market activity surges When analysing networks focused on DApp execution, the number of active users should be a top priority. Therefore, one should begin by quantifying the addresses involved with smart contracts, which serve as a proxy for the number of users. Data from DappRadar shows that there has been a 5% spike in the number of unique active wallets (UAW) on the Ethereum network. DApp activity on top chains, 7-days. Source: DappRadar Notice that the increase in activity was consistent across all sectors, including transaction volume and NFT marketplaces, decentralized finance, collectibles, social and gaming. Furthermore, the increase in the number of Ethereum’s active addresses engaging with DApps exceeded those of the Binance chain in the same period, which decreased by 14%. Ethereum continues to stamp its authority in the NFT market due to its reliability and efficiency. NFT sales per blockchain, 7-days. Source: CryptoSlam Data from CryptoSlam shows that the Solana network surpassed Bitcoin and Polygon in NFT sales, accumulating $621.51 million in value. Ether traders have positive expectations Market participants are showing optimistic perspectives in regard to Ether’s shorter and medium-term price performance. While looking at ecosystem-related factors driving Ether’s price movement, X user Larry Spins said, “Ethereum continues to prove its potential as a leading platform for decentralized applications and smart contracts.” According to Spins, this makes ETH “a promising investment for those looking to participate in the future of blockchain technology.” On the other hand, independent trader and analyst Ty Digital  highlighted the upward potential for Ethereum by pointing to bullish technical setup saying ETH could hit “$3,000 in due time.” Investors’ appetite for Ethereum could continue to rise if the recovery in the broader crypto market continues. The slowing down of GBTC-linked selling of BTC at Coinbase could continue to positively impact the whole market. Moreover, the eventual increase in the use of Ethereum-based protocols, the potential of a spot Ether ETF and the upcoming DenCun upgrade may prove to be a long-term catalyst for price growth. #ethereum #Ether

3 Reasons Why Ether continues to gain Momentum against Bitcoin this Week

Ethereum experienced a 2.36% gain against Bitcoin over the last few days. However, Bitcoin still leads the market with 51.31% dominance over the total market cap. BTC’s dominance has seen ETH lose against Bitcoin over the last few days but a number of technical and fundamental factors appear to back Ether’s move above $2,400 on Feb. 7.

ETH/BTC daily chart. Source: TradingView
ETH price rises above a key support zone
The first interim bullish outlook for Ether is in a key area at $2,400, which was flipped from resistance to support on Feb. 7.
Ether’s price action over the last few days also saw it rise above the 50-day exponential moving average (EMA), which is currently at $2,317.
According to data from IntoTheBlock, this level is within the $2,278 and $2,349 price range, where 6.1 million ETH were previously bought by approximately 2.59 million addresses.
If ETH holds above this level, there’s a clear path ahead with minimal resistance, offering the potential for upward movement.

ETH IOMAP chart. Source: IntoTheBlock
As such, a daily candlestick close above $2,400 would see a change in Ethereum’s trend that could see the price explore the $2,500 to $2,700 zone.

ETH/USD daily chart. Source: TradingView
Supporting this positive outlook for Ethereum was the upward-facing moving average convergence divergence (MACD) indicator. Note that this trend-following oscillating indicator had sent a call to buy Ethereum on the daily chart which occurred on Feb. 6 when the 12-day EMA crossed above the 26-day EMA.
Ethereum’s DApp and NFT market activity surges
When analysing networks focused on DApp execution, the number of active users should be a top priority. Therefore, one should begin by quantifying the addresses involved with smart contracts, which serve as a proxy for the number of users.
Data from DappRadar shows that there has been a 5% spike in the number of unique active wallets (UAW) on the Ethereum network.

DApp activity on top chains, 7-days. Source: DappRadar
Notice that the increase in activity was consistent across all sectors, including transaction volume and NFT marketplaces, decentralized finance, collectibles, social and gaming.
Furthermore, the increase in the number of Ethereum’s active addresses engaging with DApps exceeded those of the Binance chain in the same period, which decreased by 14%.
Ethereum continues to stamp its authority in the NFT market due to its reliability and efficiency.

NFT sales per blockchain, 7-days. Source: CryptoSlam
Data from CryptoSlam shows that the Solana network surpassed Bitcoin and Polygon in NFT sales, accumulating $621.51 million in value.
Ether traders have positive expectations
Market participants are showing optimistic perspectives in regard to Ether’s shorter and medium-term price performance. While looking at ecosystem-related factors driving Ether’s price movement, X user Larry Spins said, “Ethereum continues to prove its potential as a leading platform for decentralized applications and smart contracts.”
According to Spins, this makes ETH “a promising investment for those looking to participate in the future of blockchain technology.”
On the other hand, independent trader and analyst Ty Digital  highlighted the upward potential for Ethereum by pointing to bullish technical setup saying ETH could hit “$3,000 in due time.”
Investors’ appetite for Ethereum could continue to rise if the recovery in the broader crypto market continues. The slowing down of GBTC-linked selling of BTC at Coinbase could continue to positively impact the whole market.
Moreover, the eventual increase in the use of Ethereum-based protocols, the potential of a spot Ether ETF and the upcoming DenCun upgrade may prove to be a long-term catalyst for price growth.
#ethereum #Ether
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