Telegram's 'Tap-To-Earn' Gaming Trend Could Be Crypto's Next Big Thing

According to Bloomberg, the latest gaming trend on the messaging platform Telegram, known as 'tap-to-earn', is gaining significant attention within the crypto community. Many believe this trend could be the defining feature of the current bull market, similar to the attention garnered by Axie Infinity. The concept involves a game where players can progress from a 'shaved hamster' to the 'grandmaster CEO of a tier-1 crypto exchange'.

The idea of a messaging app serving as a platform for other applications, including games and ecommerce, is not new. It's a strategy that has been successfully implemented by Tencent's 'super app'. However, these games on Telegram could have a significant impact on the crypto market as several either have or will soon have their own tokens based on the TON blockchain.

The search for the 'killer app' in the crypto world has been filled with challenges and criticism. Axie Infinity, a game that falls into the 'play-to-earn' category, has faced its share of controversies. Despite these setbacks, industry insiders remain optimistic that some of the millions of people playing these games might become crypto enthusiasts. However, it remains uncertain how many will make the transition or how long it will take. Regardless, the games are finally providing some fun for players.