A well-known Twitter account claiming to be for amusement, The Digital Asset Investor, shared a message by Ryan Selkis, the founder and CEO of the market information platform #Messari in which he argued that the US needed to "limit or prohibit" #crypto seizure. The Digital Asset Investor said that if a "tyrannical government" chose to confiscate crypto, it will develop tactics to either make the investors part with it or make the asset "not worth possessing".
Importantly, on March 19, the Digital Asset Investor tweeted that the "Endgame question" always concerns the likelihood of either maintaining the assets or even receiving compensation:
In a tweet on March 18, Selkis reiterated his previous assertion that "private property seizures are impossible," adding:
Gordon Gekko, the principal architect of the meta governance protocol PowerPool, responded to Selkis' tweet by saying that the right to "freely manage digital assets on decentralized public ledgers" should be added to the Bill of Rights and that the Congress should never enact legislation that would restrict this right.
Notably, on March 16, Selkis tweeted about some issues, including the limitations on ownership of cryptocurrency assets as well as the development and security of digital assets, that Congress should take into account:
Astonishingly, the CEO of Messari emphasized that Congress should vehemently reject any measures made to criminalize the holding of cryptocurrencies, adding that all "efforts to unfairly target or hamper the development, accessibility, and security" of digital assets should be under its supervision.
Astonishingly, the CEO of Messari emphasized that Congress should vehemently reject any measures made to criminalize the holding of cryptocurrencies, adding that all "efforts to unfairly target or hamper the development, accessibility, and security" of digital assets should be under its supervision.
The US crypto aspirants aggressively replied as the Digital Asset Investor reposted Selkis' material, highlighting Congress' responsibility to help the crypto business. Many tweeters made the suggestion that finding other countries is preferable if the US is hostile to cryptocurrencies.