According to Odaily, several industry experts have raised concerns about the lack of substantial foundations in many crypto AI projects. Mirza Uddin, the Business Development Lead at DeFi platform Injective, highlighted that most AI projects in the crypto space lack genuine artificial intelligence production. He pointed out that many so-called 'AI applications' are merely basic ChatGPT wrappers or sophisticated whitepapers without real AI capabilities.

Basel Ismail, CEO of Blockcircle Analytics, echoed these sentiments, stating that many crypto AI projects misuse terminology for economic gain. He noted that fields like machine learning and data science are often rebranded as 'AI' to attract investment and attention. This misuse of terms, according to Ismail, undermines the credibility of genuine AI advancements within the crypto industry.

Tegan Kline, CEO of Edge and Node, emphasized that projects with solid infrastructure and a clear vision are more likely to see long-term benefits beyond the current AI hype. Kline believes that while the AI bubble may attract short-term interest, only those projects with a strong foundation will sustain and thrive in the long run.