In a groundbreaking move, #Islamiccoin has just announced a revolutionary partnership with Mara Foundation, a trailblazing organization making waves in Africa through the innovative use of blockchain technology to reduce inequalities and empower local talent. This collaboration is set to transform the social, economic, and environmental landscape of Africa in remarkable ways.
Mara Foundation, in conjunction with partners like Circle, is on a mission to assemble a coalition of visionaries committed to driving positive change. They're not merely talking the talk but walking the walk by nurturing technical skills with tailor-made programs specifically designed for the region. These programs cover vital areas such as finance, natural capital protection, asset tokenization, and climate change mitigation.
A significant highlight of this partnership is the plan to establish up to 10 Innovation Labs across Nigeria. These labs will be dedicated to providing localized training and educational programs tailored to entrepreneurship, youth employability, and cutting-edge digital technologies. This aligns seamlessly with the ongoing initiatives in the region, including the government of Nigeria's efforts through missions like 3MTT, aimed at developing technical talent through partnerships with training providers and placement organizations.
#IslamicCoin is deeply committed to empowering the next generation by offering education on critical financial topics and technology. This includes providing young people with the skills and tech equipment necessary to create solutions they might not otherwise have had access to.
Moreover, Islamic Coin will donate a significant amount of #ISLM tokens and offer technical expertise to support the establishment and operation of the Innovation Labs. On the other hand, Mara Foundation will coordinate the establishment and operation of these labs, identify qualified incubation/acceleration partners and suitable geographic locations, and oversee various aspects related to content and operations.
This partnership underscores Islamic Coin's genuine and growing interest in Africa, with a firm dedication to nurturing talent in the region. The numbers speak volumes, with African blockchain venture funding skyrocketing by 429% in 2022, outpacing global blockchain funding.
To bolster early-stage protocols, a $40 million Ecosystem Fund has been set up. Additionally, the launch of HaqgPad, a platform for ethical projects and startups, aims to uplift early-stage Web3 projects across various sectors. Islamic Coin doesn't intend to leave mere digital footprints; their goal is to have a tangible impact on the ground, fostering innovation and supporting local talent through initiatives like hackathons. This partnership is a game-changer in the quest for a brighter future for Africa.