Goodmorning everybody

Everything is set up and we are ready for the flight

I don't have time to convince you we are not here for the sheep! I'm here to wake up the Lion's!

For us it will be one of our greatest time of our history our great adventure from the beggining when we deployed our contract at 29/04/24 because we started with only 60$ LP all the members worked for the success of the project and the results was unbelievable perfect better that we expected

well that's the gifts when in a community are joining diamond hands, when I posted for the first time here we where at 55k to 65k we did a good pump at almost 200k and now we stand at 140k to 170k well that for us as a community driven project it's a great work and from all of that we have achieved just yesterday we signed our first 2 Central Exchange's and everything is started from now from that moment that I'm writing this to you..

I was telling you to join us in Core chain cause we are about to gain a lot of fame by conquering the space of memes and you all gonna see this happening maybe today maybe tomorrow maybe after tomorrow .... BE focus !!!

Lot of you are going to lose the flight as always but some of you are going to benefit by reading this...It's always like this bro.. no worries we are here to stay so you can join us in a more expensive price than now but again youl have the opportunity to taste our next upgrades and have fun...

A fast roadmap it will be anounce this week for the upcoming events that coming and if there's out there some whales and diamond hands you need to know that you are going to lose the 1st flight

I will continue to update you and you all gonna realize soon the new worldwide movement of the frogs families!

#pepe⚡ #LORDKEK #doge⚡ #shiba⚡ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥