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Recursive Inscription Trendy NFT 1200 ретельно відібраних компонентів, 500 з яких викарбувано в мережі. Вибрані з послідовності 4 трильйонів комбінацій, з’являються 10 000 унікальних частин, кожна з яких глибоко пов’язана з вами — подібно до дива народження життя, пов’язаного найтіснішими узами.#AMB#AMBBi#BRC#BRC20#BRC69#Ordinals#Btc#Ordi#Sats#Rats#69Frog#NodeMonkes#BitcoinFrogs#Bitmap#recursive#inscription
Recursive Inscription Trendy NFT 1200 ретельно відібраних компонентів, 500 з яких викарбувано в мережі. Вибрані з послідовності 4 трильйонів комбінацій, з’являються 10 000 унікальних частин, кожна з яких глибоко пов’язана з вами — подібно до дива народження життя, пов’язаного найтіснішими узами.#AMB#AMBBi#BRC#BRC20#BRC69#Ordinals#Btc#Ordi#Sats#Rats#69Frog#NodeMonkes#BitcoinFrogs#Bitmap#recursive#inscription
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Художня концепція AMBBi: Андрогінна гармонія, людська подвійність, наполовину ангел і наполовину демон, суперечлива сутність, яка співіснує з невинністю та лиходійством, співчуттям і жадібністю. Воно часто викликає різноманітні зловмисні бажання, але постійно стримує себе, втілюючи парадокс одночасно болю та задоволення! На перший погляд невинний може плекати злі думки, а на перший погляд злий може бути справді доброзичливим. Відображаючи інтригуючий світ подвійності людської природи, він використовує естетичні образи конфлікту, гармонійні та різноманітні за темами, виражаючи філософське мистецтво людських бажань і стриманості.#AMB#AMBBi#BRC#BRC20#BRC69#Ordinals#Btc#Ordi#Sats#Rats#69Frog#NodeMonkes#BitcoinFrogs#Bitmap#recursive#inscription
Художня концепція AMBBi: Андрогінна гармонія, людська подвійність, наполовину ангел і наполовину демон, суперечлива сутність, яка співіснує з невинністю та лиходійством, співчуттям і жадібністю. Воно часто викликає різноманітні зловмисні бажання, але постійно стримує себе, втілюючи парадокс одночасно болю та задоволення!
На перший погляд невинний може плекати злі думки, а на перший погляд злий може бути справді доброзичливим. Відображаючи інтригуючий світ подвійності людської природи, він використовує естетичні образи конфлікту, гармонійні та різноманітні за темами, виражаючи філософське мистецтво людських бажань і стриманості.#AMB#AMBBi#BRC#BRC20#BRC69#Ordinals#Btc#Ordi#Sats#Rats#69Frog#NodeMonkes#BitcoinFrogs#Bitmap#recursive#inscription
Recursive Inscription Trendy NFT 1200 carefully selected components, with 500 being minted on-chain. Chosen from a sequence of 4 trillion combinations, 10,000 unique pieces emerge, each intricately tied to you in a profound way—akin to the miracle of life's birth, bound by the closest of bonds. #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
Recursive Inscription Trendy NFT 1200 carefully selected components, with 500 being minted on-chain. Chosen from a sequence of 4 trillion combinations, 10,000 unique pieces emerge, each intricately tied to you in a profound way—akin to the miracle of life's birth, bound by the closest of bonds.
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
AMBBI's NFTs are crafted by masterful artistic designers using pure manual modeling, creating a distinct contrast compared to images generated by some other AI tools. The discerning eyes of the cryptocurrency community can distinguish genuine quality, and strength speaks for itself. With such capabilities, AMBBI is poised to make waves beyond Asia and venture into the global scene. Let's eagerly await the exciting journey ahead! #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
AMBBI's NFTs are crafted by masterful artistic designers using pure manual modeling, creating a distinct contrast compared to images generated by some other AI tools. The discerning eyes of the cryptocurrency community can distinguish genuine quality, and strength speaks for itself. With such capabilities, AMBBI is poised to make waves beyond Asia and venture into the global scene. Let's eagerly await the exciting journey ahead!
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
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🌟 AMB BRC Inscription 2.0 🌟 Ярмаркова автономія спільноти з понад 4000 власниками 🌟 Подвійний напис, що поєднує зображення NFT і токенів 🌟 За підтримки модних художників 🌟 #BRC20, єдина модна IP-адреса Web3 🌟 Розпочнеться комплексний маркетинг Думав, ти зрозумів гру, поки не пропустив $ORDI $SATS $RATS, а потім зрозумів: коли з’являється новий гравець AMB, базова навичка Web3-кочівника — це спершу приєднатися до неї, перш ніж досліджувати! Настав тренд NFT 💎#AMB#AMBBi#BRC#BRC20#BRC69#Ordinals#Btc#Ordi#Sats#Rats#69Frog#NodeMonkes#BitcoinFrogs#Bitmap#recursive#inscription
🌟 AMB BRC Inscription 2.0
🌟 Ярмаркова автономія спільноти з понад 4000 власниками
🌟 Подвійний напис, що поєднує зображення NFT і токенів
🌟 За підтримки модних художників
🌟 #BRC20, єдина модна IP-адреса Web3
🌟 Розпочнеться комплексний маркетинг
Думав, ти зрозумів гру, поки не пропустив $ORDI $SATS $RATS, а потім зрозумів: коли з’являється новий гравець AMB, базова навичка Web3-кочівника — це спершу приєднатися до неї, перш ніж досліджувати! Настав тренд NFT 💎#AMB#AMBBi#BRC#BRC20#BRC69#Ordinals#Btc#Ordi#Sats#Rats#69Frog#NodeMonkes#BitcoinFrogs#Bitmap#recursive#inscription
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Засновник Chain Capital і віце-президент ABGA Саймон Лі взяв участь у круглому столі на тему «Дослідження майбутнього ігор Web3: цифрові активи та інновації економічної моделі». На «Конференції підприємців Web3.0 у Гонконзі», організованій Web3Labs, ABGA, Satoshi Lab, ICC Camp і AIFocus, а також Techub News, iPollo і MetaEra, Саймон Лі, засновник Chain Capital і ABGA віце-президент, був модератором круглого столу. У дискусії взяли участь такі учасники, як головний операційний директор і співзасновник DeGame Мін, керівник Yuliverse BD Ентон Чен і фінансовий директор Planet Hares Джейк Лю. Теми включали поточні тенденції розвитку #Web3 ігор, роль цифрових активів Web3 gaming у розробці ігор, можливості поєднання Web3 ігор із ринком #inscription та інновації в економічних моделях ринку ігор Web3 у 2024 році.
Засновник Chain Capital і віце-президент ABGA Саймон Лі взяв участь у круглому столі на тему «Дослідження майбутнього ігор Web3: цифрові активи та інновації економічної моделі».

На «Конференції підприємців Web3.0 у Гонконзі», організованій Web3Labs, ABGA, Satoshi Lab, ICC Camp і AIFocus, а також Techub News, iPollo і MetaEra, Саймон Лі, засновник Chain Capital і ABGA віце-президент, був модератором круглого столу. У дискусії взяли участь такі учасники, як головний операційний директор і співзасновник DeGame Мін, керівник Yuliverse BD Ентон Чен і фінансовий директор Planet Hares Джейк Лю. Теми включали поточні тенденції розвитку #Web3 ігор, роль цифрових активів Web3 gaming у розробці ігор, можливості поєднання Web3 ігор із ринком #inscription та інновації в економічних моделях ринку ігор Web3 у 2024 році.
AMB🥇 Thousand-member grassroots community: Gift of $20,000 🔥 BTC Ecosystem's First Trendy IP: Leading NFT Inscription 🥇 2024 $100 Billion Ecosystem: NFT valued at 0.5 BTC 🌟 Pioneering BRC Twin Inscriptions + Recursive Technology ahead of all NFTs (Inscription Token + NFT + Trendy Collectibles) 🏅 20% Winning Rate: Lottery for the first 10,000 addresses in terms of transactions, hold until 10,000 transactions, no amount restrictions #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
AMB🥇 Thousand-member grassroots community: Gift of $20,000
🔥 BTC Ecosystem's First Trendy IP: Leading NFT Inscription
🥇 2024 $100 Billion Ecosystem: NFT valued at 0.5 BTC
🌟 Pioneering BRC Twin Inscriptions + Recursive Technology ahead of all NFTs (Inscription Token + NFT + Trendy Collectibles)
🏅 20% Winning Rate: Lottery for the first 10,000 addresses in terms of transactions, hold until 10,000 transactions, no amount restrictions
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
Artistic Concept of AMBBi: Androgynous Harmony, Human Duality, half angel and half demon, a contradictory entity coexisting with innocence and mischief, compassion and greed. It often sparks various malicious desires but continually restrains itself, embodying a paradox of both pain and pleasure! The seemingly innocent might harbor evil thoughts, and the seemingly wicked could be truly benevolent. Reflecting the intriguing world of dualities within human nature, it employs aesthetic images of conflict that are harmonious and diverse in theme, expressing the philosophical art of human desires and restraint. #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
Artistic Concept of AMBBi: Androgynous Harmony, Human Duality, half angel and half demon, a contradictory entity coexisting with innocence and mischief, compassion and greed. It often sparks various malicious desires but continually restrains itself, embodying a paradox of both pain and pleasure!
The seemingly innocent might harbor evil thoughts, and the seemingly wicked could be truly benevolent. Reflecting the intriguing world of dualities within human nature, it employs aesthetic images of conflict that are harmonious and diverse in theme, expressing the philosophical art of human desires and restraint.
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
When you are beneficial to others, human nature tends to be kind. When you become useless to others, human nature can turn selfish. Touching upon others' interests may reveal the malicious side of human nature. AMBBI, with its dual attributes of angel and demon under the BRC69 protocol, emerges as a trendy NFT, embodying these intricate aspects of human nature. #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
When you are beneficial to others, human nature tends to be kind. When you become useless to others, human nature can turn selfish. Touching upon others' interests may reveal the malicious side of human nature. AMBBI, with its dual attributes of angel and demon under the BRC69 protocol, emerges as a trendy NFT, embodying these intricate aspects of human nature.
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
Ambbi (Amb) pioneers the concept of twin inscriptions, utilizing recursive inscriptions for NFTs on BTC, offering greater store of value compared to NFTs on Ethereum. Ambbi is not just the next ORDI and SATS but also the next Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) and Azuki, combining value retention and aesthetics. The Ambbi community is leveraging BTC-based leverage in this bull market, setting sail for a journey of a thousandfold increase! #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
Ambbi (Amb) pioneers the concept of twin inscriptions, utilizing recursive inscriptions for NFTs on BTC, offering greater store of value compared to NFTs on Ethereum. Ambbi is not just the next ORDI and SATS but also the next Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) and Azuki, combining value retention and aesthetics. The Ambbi community is leveraging BTC-based leverage in this bull market, setting sail for a journey of a thousandfold increase!
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
Five-star recommendation Leading potential project: AMB Pioneering BRC twin-inscription concept (Inscription Token + NFT) Fair and open minting of 210,000 pieces, no whales, no institutions BTC's first trendy IP benchmarking Bored Ape Yacht Club BRC69 protocol with recursive inscription technology, angel and demon twin IP, blue-chip level Total supply of 2.1 billion, minting cost of $2 million, current market value of $2.6 million Joint promotion by numerous communities, both online and offline, unlimited potential #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
Five-star recommendation Leading potential project: AMB
Pioneering BRC twin-inscription concept (Inscription Token + NFT) Fair and open minting of 210,000 pieces, no whales, no institutions
BTC's first trendy IP benchmarking Bored Ape Yacht Club BRC69 protocol with recursive inscription technology, angel and demon twin IP, blue-chip level
Total supply of 2.1 billion, minting cost of $2 million, current market value of $2.6 million Joint promotion by numerous communities, both online and offline, unlimited potential
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
#AMB The first trendy inscription on Bitcoin The world's first innovative model for twin inscriptions Building the strongest Chinese community consensus in 3 months Physical trendy collectibles / Metaverse / Recursive inscriptions / BRC69 #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
The first trendy inscription on Bitcoin
The world's first innovative model for twin inscriptions
Building the strongest Chinese community consensus in 3 months
Physical trendy collectibles / Metaverse / Recursive inscriptions / BRC69

#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
AMB🥇 Thousand-member grassroots community: Gift of $20,000 🔥 BTC Ecosystem's First Trendy IP: Leading NFT Inscription 🥇 2024 $100 Billion Ecosystem: NFT valued at 0.5 BTC 🌟 Pioneering BRC Twin Inscriptions + Recursive Technology ahead of all NFTs (Inscription Token + NFT + Trendy Collectibles) 🏅 20% Winning Rate: Lottery for the first 10,000 addresses in terms of transactions, hold until 10,000 transactions, no amount restrictions #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
AMB🥇 Thousand-member grassroots community: Gift of $20,000
🔥 BTC Ecosystem's First Trendy IP: Leading NFT Inscription
🥇 2024 $100 Billion Ecosystem: NFT valued at 0.5 BTC
🌟 Pioneering BRC Twin Inscriptions + Recursive Technology ahead of all NFTs (Inscription Token + NFT + Trendy Collectibles)
🏅 20% Winning Rate: Lottery for the first 10,000 addresses in terms of transactions, hold until 10,000 transactions, no amount restrictions
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
AMB has the potential to lead in the BRC20 inscription track, the recursive inscription track, or the Web3 trend IP track. Regardless of which track gains momentum or goes viral, it can bring strong liquidity and a breakout effect to the unique twin inscription model of AMB. Whether it succeeds in development or ignites a trend, it would be a groundbreaking achievement in the industry. Moreover, the replication barrier is high, requiring powerful artistic and design aesthetics as well as industry resources, making it extremely challenging to replicate. #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
AMB has the potential to lead in the BRC20 inscription track, the recursive inscription track, or the Web3 trend IP track. Regardless of which track gains momentum or goes viral, it can bring strong liquidity and a breakout effect to the unique twin inscription model of AMB. Whether it succeeds in development or ignites a trend, it would be a groundbreaking achievement in the industry. Moreover, the replication barrier is high, requiring powerful artistic and design aesthetics as well as industry resources, making it extremely challenging to replicate.
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
Dreaming in the Crypto Trend – BRC20 AMB is not just a crypto; it's the flame in the hearts of the youth, igniting your unique presence in the world of Bitcoin. Here, every swipe and click blends with your creativity and personality, infusing soul into your digital footprint. BRC20 AMB is the stage for your brave dreams, capturing the trajectory of your aspirations with every transaction. AMB Trendy Inscription, let's dream together as crypto asset dreamers. #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
Dreaming in the Crypto Trend – BRC20 AMB is not just a crypto; it's the flame in the hearts of the youth, igniting your unique presence in the world of Bitcoin. Here, every swipe and click blends with your creativity and personality, infusing soul into your digital footprint. BRC20 AMB is the stage for your brave dreams, capturing the trajectory of your aspirations with every transaction. AMB Trendy Inscription, let's dream together as crypto asset dreamers.
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
The rising star in trendy NFTs, #AMBBi, under the #Recursive69 protocol, has made its debut! Do you want the chance to meet and greet with the models? Do you dream of one coin, one young model? Are you aiming to achieve your A9 goals this year? Hurry up and invest in AMB! Otherwise, when the bull market arrives, you might regret not seizing this opportunity for wealth and success! #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
The rising star in trendy NFTs, #AMBBi, under the #Recursive69 protocol, has made its debut! Do you want the chance to meet and greet with the models? Do you dream of one coin, one young model? Are you aiming to achieve your A9 goals this year? Hurry up and invest in AMB! Otherwise, when the bull market arrives, you might regret not seizing this opportunity for wealth and success!
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
A day can bring about many exciting events, but an individual's energy and financial resources are limited. In 2024, I hope you won't be as indecisive as you were in 2023. Stay focused, create a solid inscription, earn your first pot of gold, and then consider venturing into higher goals like A8 and A9. Keep a clear mind and avoid impulsive investments. Where does the money come from? Walk the path of virtue, whether it leads you north or south. Where does one belong? Like water's benevolence and virtue carrying things, hope that AMBBI (AMB) truly unites and conquers together! Let your actions be virtuous and accumulate blessings. Embrace the future! #AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
A day can bring about many exciting events,
but an individual's energy and financial resources are limited.
In 2024, I hope you won't be as indecisive as you were in 2023.
Stay focused, create a solid inscription, earn your first pot of gold, and then consider venturing into higher goals like A8 and A9.
Keep a clear mind and avoid impulsive investments.
Where does the money come from?
Walk the path of virtue, whether it leads you north or south.
Where does one belong?
Like water's benevolence and virtue carrying things, hope that AMBBI (AMB) truly unites and conquers together!
Let your actions be virtuous and accumulate blessings.
Embrace the future!
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes #BitcoinFrogs #Bitmap #recursive #inscription
一个筋斗云什么十万八千里的孙悟空,偏要跟着一步一个脚印的唐僧,才能取经成佛。非常喜欢这一则隐喻,通俗点来说,我们的心走的是云路,一个念头都能上天入地,而我们的行动走的是本路,一路上妖魔鬼怪、千难万险,寒来暑往、岁月漫长。这就是为什么迅猛的心必须靠缓慢的脚步来领导,而寸进的脚也得靠远大的心去护持。如果说,我们总是望不见真理,到不了极乐,无非是因为心和脚没有凝成一股绳,心在鄙视脚,脚在怨恨心。 为了完成取经求佛的使命,我们的思维和行动之间必须统一:思维可以遨游天际,但行动却必须脚踏实地。正如我们BRC20铭文"Slor"所做那样,我们将思维和行动凝聚成一体,一步一个脚印,踏实向前,将见证持币地址从500,1000,2000, 2500,3000,6000,12000,到24000...不忘初心始能走向真理、走向极乐之道! 因为路在脚下,唯有用踏实的步伐去开创未来,才能最终到达心灵和真知的彼岸。 所以各位,敢问路在何方?路在脚下!路在脚下!路在脚下! #slor #BRC20 #BTCB#inscription
#slor #BRC20 #BTCB#inscription
🚀 Newly Launched Project Analysis!🌟 #Bitcoin #GameFi x Marketplace Project Trex20 (TX20) 📈🎮🌟 Discovering Trex20: GameFi and NFTFi on the Bitcoin Protocol 🌟🎮 🚀 Let's dive into key features and potential of #TX20 in this captivating thread! 🧵👇 1️⃣ Introduction and Overview: Trex20 is a significant leap in blockchain gaming, combining GameFi and NFTFi elements on the Bitcoin Protocol. It aims to create a comprehensive ecosystem akin to game consoles like PlayStation or GameBoy. Users can enjoy multiple games, participate in a dynamic NFT marketplace, and benefit from a progressive lotto system. 2️⃣ Technology and Feature: Trex20 offers a plethora of features, including multiple games, an NFTFi Marketplace for borrowing, lending, and trading NFTs, alongside a progressive lotto, all seamlessly integrated into a single ecosystem. It debuts with three captivating games in its inaugural season, promising an immersive gaming experience within a PlayStation/Gameboy-like ecosystem on the BRC20 blockchain. 3️⃣ Whitepaper Analysis: Trex20 is the first permissionless protocol for cross-chain inscriptions. It simplifies the deployment, minting, and bridging of inscriptions. Trex20 pioneers permissionless inscription markets on BRC20. It enables easy customization and one-click bridging to ERC20 or any EVM for enhanced liquidity. As the first cross-chain inscription market maker, Trex20 requires no code or technical knowledge. 4️⃣ Use Case: The $TX20 token is the native token in the Trex20 ecosystem offering key utilities. $TX20 token holders can engage in Inscriptions trading across multiple chains without the need to bridge their funds. Holders of the $TX20 token will receive revenue generated from cross-chain fees on the Trex20 Platform. 5️⃣ Team and Leadership: The executives behind Trex20 are a blend of all seasoned blockchain professionals in their own field; angel investors, traders, marketing specialists, top-class developers, and skilled crypto entrepreneurs with decades of experience in the industry all together. 6️⃣ Partnerships: Trex20 has secured partnerships with venture capital firms such as Marshland, Moonrock Capital, Oddiyana Ventures, Triple Gem Capital, Nxgen, X21, Nabais Capital, and Fundland Capital. 7️⃣ Security and Audits: While specific details about security audits for Trex20 are not available, the website mentions that it’s audited. This typically involves a rigorous risk assessment, design, and implementation of control activities to mitigate risks. 8️⃣ Tokenomics: The total supply of Trex20 tokens is 100 million. The current supply of the Trex20 token is 30 million token. 9️⃣ Exchanges: TX20 tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges. The popular exchanges to buy and trade Trex20 are, MEXC, Pancakeswap V3 and BingX. 🔟 Recent Developments: Trex20 recently get listed on top tier exchanges, marking a significant milestone for the project and enhancing its liquidity and accessibility for users. 1️⃣1️⃣ Conclusion: In conclusion, Trex20 stands as a pioneering project at the intersection of GameFi and NFTFi on the Bitcoin Protocol. With its unique approach to gaming, an NFT marketplace, and a community-centric revenue model, Trex20 offers an exciting opportunity for players and investors. 🌟 If You find this thread useful Repost it & Follow us for More Latest Crypto Analysis, News, Updates & Crypto Insights @crypto_fossa 🙏🏻 #bitcoin #inscription #gamefi #NFT #BRC20 $BTC $BNB $ETH

🚀 Newly Launched Project Analysis!🌟 #Bitcoin #GameFi x Marketplace Project Trex20 (TX20) 📈

🎮🌟 Discovering Trex20: GameFi and NFTFi on the Bitcoin Protocol 🌟🎮
🚀 Let's dive into key features and potential of #TX20 in this captivating thread! 🧵👇
1️⃣ Introduction and Overview: Trex20 is a significant leap in blockchain gaming, combining GameFi and NFTFi elements on the Bitcoin Protocol. It aims to create a comprehensive ecosystem akin to game consoles like PlayStation or GameBoy. Users can enjoy multiple games, participate in a dynamic NFT marketplace, and benefit from a progressive lotto system.
2️⃣ Technology and Feature: Trex20 offers a plethora of features, including multiple games, an NFTFi Marketplace for borrowing, lending, and trading NFTs, alongside a progressive lotto, all seamlessly integrated into a single ecosystem. It debuts with three captivating games in its inaugural season, promising an immersive gaming experience within a PlayStation/Gameboy-like ecosystem on the BRC20 blockchain.
3️⃣ Whitepaper Analysis: Trex20 is the first permissionless protocol for cross-chain inscriptions. It simplifies the deployment, minting, and bridging of inscriptions. Trex20 pioneers permissionless inscription markets on BRC20. It enables easy customization and one-click bridging to ERC20 or any EVM for enhanced liquidity. As the first cross-chain inscription market maker, Trex20 requires no code or technical knowledge.
4️⃣ Use Case: The $TX20 token is the native token in the Trex20 ecosystem offering key utilities. $TX20 token holders can engage in Inscriptions trading across multiple chains without the need to bridge their funds. Holders of the $TX20 token will receive revenue generated from cross-chain fees on the Trex20 Platform.
5️⃣ Team and Leadership: The executives behind Trex20 are a blend of all seasoned blockchain professionals in their own field; angel investors, traders, marketing specialists, top-class developers, and skilled crypto entrepreneurs with decades of experience in the industry all together.
6️⃣ Partnerships: Trex20 has secured partnerships with venture capital firms such as Marshland, Moonrock Capital, Oddiyana Ventures, Triple Gem Capital, Nxgen, X21, Nabais Capital, and Fundland Capital.
7️⃣ Security and Audits: While specific details about security audits for Trex20 are not available, the website mentions that it’s audited. This typically involves a rigorous risk assessment, design, and implementation of control activities to mitigate risks.
8️⃣ Tokenomics: The total supply of Trex20 tokens is 100 million. The current supply of the Trex20 token is 30 million token.
9️⃣ Exchanges: TX20 tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges. The popular exchanges to buy and trade Trex20 are, MEXC, Pancakeswap V3 and BingX.
🔟 Recent Developments: Trex20 recently get listed on top tier exchanges, marking a significant milestone for the project and enhancing its liquidity and accessibility for users.
1️⃣1️⃣ Conclusion: In conclusion, Trex20 stands as a pioneering project at the intersection of GameFi and NFTFi on the Bitcoin Protocol. With its unique approach to gaming, an NFT marketplace, and a community-centric revenue model, Trex20 offers an exciting opportunity for players and investors.
🌟 If You find this thread useful Repost it & Follow us for More Latest Crypto Analysis, News, Updates & Crypto Insights @Crypto Simbha 🙏🏻
#bitcoin #inscription #gamefi #NFT #BRC20 $BTC $BNB $ETH
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