Binance Square
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@KingsMen повідомлення нашій #Kingsmen квадратній спільноті & її підписникам! Любов та повага один до одного & допомога спільноті підніматися разом ✨ Дякуємо всім підписникам з серцем & вашою вдячністю ❤️ Якщо ви ще не підписані, просто підпишіться на наш квадрат☀️ #BinanceSquareFamily #risetogether #BuildTogether
@KINGS MEN повідомлення нашій #Kingsmen квадратній спільноті & її підписникам! Любов та повага один до одного & допомога спільноті підніматися разом ✨
Дякуємо всім підписникам з серцем & вашою вдячністю ❤️

Якщо ви ще не підписані, просто підпишіться на наш квадрат☀️

#BinanceSquareFamily #risetogether #BuildTogether
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Порада для початківців Що таке Binance Launchpad: у вас буде можливість купити токен за ціною передпродажу, перш ніж Binance внесе цю монету в список!! #BNB #Binance #Launchpad #buildtogether
Порада для початківців

Що таке Binance Launchpad: у вас буде можливість купити токен за ціною передпродажу, перш ніж Binance внесе цю монету в список!!

#BNB #Binance #Launchpad #buildtogether
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CBDC можна модифікувати з «обмеженням» для покупки біткойнівЦифрові валюти центрального банку (CBDC) можна запрограмувати з обмеженнями🔒 для купівлі біткойнів. Цифрова валюта Центрального банку (CBDC) — це цифрова форма фіатної валюти, яка випускається, регулюється та підтримується Центральним банком країни. Це цифрове представлення фізичної валюти країни, яке можна використовувати для платежів, транзакцій та іншої фінансової діяльності. На відміну від криптовалют, CBDC підтримується урядом і має той самий правовий статус, що й фізична валюта. Цілком можливо, що людям буде дозволено купувати біткойни за допомогою цифрової валюти Центрального банку (CBDC), але це залежатиме від конкретного дизайну та реалізації CBDC, про який йдеться.

CBDC можна модифікувати з «обмеженням» для покупки біткойнів

Цифрові валюти центрального банку (CBDC) можна запрограмувати з обмеженнями🔒 для купівлі біткойнів.

Цифрова валюта Центрального банку (CBDC) — це цифрова форма фіатної валюти, яка випускається, регулюється та підтримується Центральним банком країни. Це цифрове представлення фізичної валюти країни, яке можна використовувати для платежів, транзакцій та іншої фінансової діяльності.

На відміну від криптовалют, CBDC підтримується урядом і має той самий правовий статус, що й фізична валюта.

Цілком можливо, що людям буде дозволено купувати біткойни за допомогою цифрової валюти Центрального банку (CBDC), але це залежатиме від конкретного дизайну та реалізації CBDC, про який йдеться.
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Монети 1-7 USD # Ціна монети 24 години% 1 BTC $20 047,08 0,6% 2 ETH $1427,57 1,5% 3 USDT 1,01 $ 0,7% 4 USDC $0,891 -10,9% 5 BNB $274,04 1,1% 6 XRP 0,364 $ -1,2% 7 HEX $0,0639 19,6% #cryptoInfinity_community #buildtogether
Монети 1-7 USD
# Ціна монети 24 години%
1 BTC $20 047,08 0,6%
2 ETH $1427,57 1,5%
3 USDT 1,01 $ 0,7%
4 USDC $0,891 -10,9%
5 BNB $274,04 1,1%
6 XRP 0,364 $ -1,2%
7 HEX $0,0639 19,6%
#cryptoInfinity_community #buildtogether
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Я вперше потрапив у світ криптовалюти близько 1,5 років тому. Раніше я думав, що криптовалюта просто так торгує. Виявилося, що криптографія широка, є багато речей, які можна зробити з криптовалютою, особливо з її технологією, а саме блокчейном. #buildtogether #crypto2023
Я вперше потрапив у світ криптовалюти близько 1,5 років тому.
Раніше я думав, що криптовалюта просто так торгує.
Виявилося, що криптографія широка, є багато речей, які можна зробити з криптовалютою, особливо з її технологією, а саме блокчейном.
#buildtogether #crypto2023
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7-річна подорож жінок у криптовалюті Сьогодні День Богині, ексклюзивний день для мене та мільйонів богинь криптовалют. Я хотів би поділитися своїм більш ніж 7-річним досвідом роботи в індустрії криптовалют, сподіваючись підбадьорити вас разом. Коли я вперше приїхав, відстань між мною (вами) і двадцятьма мільйонами (1) Чого я пропустив, коли вперше увійшов у валютне коло Я прийшов у валютне коло на початку 2016 року. Це була епоха, коли цвіло сто квітів, і кожен, хто був сміливим і хоч трішки розуму, міг зловити золото. У такий гарний час я прийшов, сповнений очікувань. Я познайомився з багатьма знаменитостями до 1994 року, і деякі з них, можливо, і зараз відомі, як Лао Мао, але всі вони виїхали за кордон.Можливо, вони надто жорстко ріжуть цибулю-порей і бояться повернути кола Audi.

7-річна подорож жінок у криптовалюті

Сьогодні День Богині, ексклюзивний день для мене та мільйонів богинь криптовалют. Я хотів би поділитися своїм більш ніж 7-річним досвідом роботи в індустрії криптовалют, сподіваючись підбадьорити вас разом.

Коли я вперше приїхав, відстань між мною (вами) і двадцятьма мільйонами

(1) Чого я пропустив, коли вперше увійшов у валютне коло

Я прийшов у валютне коло на початку 2016 року. Це була епоха, коли цвіло сто квітів, і кожен, хто був сміливим і хоч трішки розуму, міг зловити золото. У такий гарний час я прийшов, сповнений очікувань. Я познайомився з багатьма знаменитостями до 1994 року, і деякі з них, можливо, і зараз відомі, як Лао Мао, але всі вони виїхали за кордон.Можливо, вони надто жорстко ріжуть цибулю-порей і бояться повернути кола Audi.
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Біткойн проти DXY ... зворотна кореляціяBTC проти DXY... DXY (індекс долара США) є мірою вартості долара США відносно кошика іноземних валют. Біткойн — це децентралізована цифрова валюта, яка працює незалежно від центральних банків. Коли DXY (індекс долара США) зростає, це зазвичай означає, що вартість долара США зростає відносно інших основних валют. Загалом, зростання вартості долара США може призвести до зниження ціни криптовалют, включаючи біткойн та інші альткоїни.

Біткойн проти DXY ... зворотна кореляція

BTC проти DXY...

DXY (індекс долара США) є мірою вартості долара США відносно кошика іноземних валют. Біткойн — це децентралізована цифрова валюта, яка працює незалежно від центральних банків.

Коли DXY (індекс долара США) зростає, це зазвичай означає, що вартість долара США зростає відносно інших основних валют. Загалом, зростання вартості долара США може призвести до зниження ціни криптовалют, включаючи біткойн та інші альткоїни.
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Розробники Ethereum готуються до випуску оновлення Shapella в тестовій мережі Goerli, останнього кроку перед запуском основної мережі. Оновлення запрацює в епоху 162304 на Goerli, орієнтовно сьогодні о 18:25 EST. #ethereumshanghaiupgrade #buildtogether
Розробники Ethereum готуються до випуску оновлення Shapella в тестовій мережі Goerli, останнього кроку перед запуском основної мережі.
Оновлення запрацює в епоху 162304 на Goerli, орієнтовно сьогодні о 18:25 EST.
#ethereumshanghaiupgrade #buildtogether
Shiba Inu lead developer Shy Kusama urged community members to ignore any information that causes fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) about the Shiba Inu project. #buildtogether #SHIB
Shiba Inu lead developer Shy Kusama urged community members to ignore any information that causes fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) about the Shiba Inu project.
#buildtogether #SHIB
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How to Mine Dogecoin: The Ultimate Guide to Mining DogecoinFew cryptos have attracted more controversy, hype and humor than (Elon Musk’s beloved) Dogecoin (DOGE). Yet, against the backdrop of jokes, memes and skepticism, Dogecoin has not so quietly risen to the top ten cryptocurrencies by market cap. Importantly for crypto miners or those considering this trade, Dogecoin is among the most profitable coins to mine. Dogecoin was launched in December 2013 as a fork of Luckycoin, and boasts both Bitcoin and Litecoin in its lineage. The coin is the only mineable cryptocurrency among the top ten cryptos, aside from the leading duo — Bitcoin and Ethereum. Dogecoin is considerably faster and easier to mine than Bitcoin. It also has a lower mining difficulty — as measured by the hash power required to solve a new block — than Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash or just about any other mineable cryptocurrency in the top 100 by market cap. In short, knowing how to mine Dogecoin might be the safest route to profitability for a crypto miner in 2022. How Does Dogecoin Mining Work? The Dogecoin mining process is quite similar to that of Bitcoin or other proof of work (PoW) blockchains. Miners try to solve a computational puzzle by using the hashing power of their computers in the race to add a new block of transactions to the chain. The miner’s reward for each solved block is 10,000 DOGE (about $700 as of the time of writing). Unlike Bitcoin mining, Dogecoin doesn’t use reward-halving in its current mining mechanism. However, halving did apply in the early years of the coin’s operation. Before January 2015, the miner’s reward was halved quite frequently — once every 100,000 blocks, which worked out to about once every 69 days. The last reward halving occurred in January 2015. The coin’s governance rules specified that there would be no more halving after that date. How Long Does It Take to Mine One Dogecoin? The Dogecoin chain is configured to produce one new block of transactions per minute. This is ten times faster than Bitcoin’s block time of around 10 minutes. In practical terms, this means more frequent rewards from Dogecoin mining, a nice feature for those who like frequent — even if small — wins. At the rate of one block per minute, the Dogecoin network adds 1,440 new blocks per day, producing 14.4 million DOGE (around $1 million) in miner rewards on a daily basis. Given that there’s no more reward halving scheduled for the future, this daily amount of DOGE will continue to be steadily added to the coin’s total supply, which currently stands at around 132 billion DOGE. The coin also doesn’t have any supply capping, meaning that the 14.4 million daily DOGE will be available to mining enthusiasts for the life of the coin. How Difficult Is It to Mine Dogecoin? The difficulty score is the standard measure used to estimate the computational requirements for mining a coin. It specifies the number of hashes a machine needs to produce in order to solve a new block. Dogecoin currently features the lowest difficulty score out of all the leading mineable cryptocurrencies. This means that mining a new Dogecoin block will require less computational power than mining a block on any other reasonably well-known chain. The table below shows the current difficulty scores, in ascending order, for all the mineable coins in the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market cap. Data Source: WhatToMine The mining difficulty scores as of June 27, 2022, for the top 50 coins (Data Source: WhatToMine) While the difficulty scores may fluctuate over time, as of now, in mid-2022, the results in the table clearly indicate that Dogecoin is by far the easiest notable coin to mine. How to Mine Dogecoin There are three main ways to mine Dogecoin: 1. Solo mining 2. Joining a mining pool 3. Using a cloud mining provider Each of these options has its own merits, although solo mining without a very powerful mining rig has become impractical due to the increased competition on the chain. 1. Solo Mining To perform solo Dogecoin mining, you join the Dogecoin network as an individual node and use your mining rig to solve transaction blocks. If you do manage to add a new block to the chain, you’ll receive the 10,000 DOGE mining reward without having to share it with anyone else. This is the main advantage of mining solo. The key disadvantage of mining Dogecoin individually is the infrequency and inconsistency of rewards. Solo miners compete with mining pools, entities that combine the computing resources of a large number of miners to solve new blocks on the network. The combined hash power enjoyed by the mining pools puts solo miners at a disadvantage. As a solo miner, if you don’t have a powerful machine, you might end up never getting a block reward. Even with a powerful mining rig, you would likely have to wait for weeks or months on average between your block rewards. 2. Dogecoin Mining Pools Dogecoin mining pools represent a convenient and flexible alternative to mining solo. They pool resources from multiple miners to increase the chance of solving a block of transactions. When a member of the pool manages to mine a block, the 10,000 DOGE reward is split between all the pool participants. Each member receives a share of the reward proportional to the hash power contributed. Thus, as is the case with solo mining, it pays to have as powerful a rig as possible when joining a pool. Mining pools retain a small percentage of the reward, typically anything between 0.5% and 4%, for providing their services. For miners without powerful rigs, mining pools might be the only realistic option for earning rewards. Naturally, rigs without significant hash power are likely to earn very little in any mining pool. However, you’ll at least have some funds flowing in on a consistent basis. In contrast, mining solo without a high-end rig will likely lead to no rewards earned at all. For miners with powerful machines, pool mining may be a good option for earning rewards in a more stable way. Such miners can still be successful, on occasions, via solo mining. However, mining pools represent a way to earn rewards with a much higher frequency, even if in smaller bits. Let’s say a miner with a high-spec rig manages to earn a full block reward of 10,000 DOGE once a month on average. By joining a pool, they can earn that amount consistently in smaller chunks on a daily basis over the same period. In other words, joining a pool might not increase the overall profitability of your mining activity over a long-term period, but it will definitely allow you to earn a more consistent income. As a rule, the larger the pool you join, the more frequent and consistent your rewards. Largest Dogecoin Pools There are dozens of large or medium-sized pools mining Dogecoin. However, just a few large pools typically solve the majority of the blocks on the network. Currently, the two largest ones among them are ViaBTC and Source: MiningPoolStats he German-based ViaBTC is the current leader on the network by the number of recently mined blocks. If you’re looking for the most consistent reward schedule, this pool could be a great option. The pool offers merged mining of Dogecoin coupled with Litecoin mining. With merged mining, your rig’s hash power is used to mine two cryptocurrencies at the same time. By mining Dogecoin and Litecoin in this way, you increase your earnings without having to contribute any additional hash power. Currently, the second-largest pool on the Dogecoin chain by the number of blocks mined is, another good option for miners looking for high reward consistency. As its name suggests, this pool is largely dedicated to mining Litecoin. Dogecoin mining is offered in the merged mining format, together with Litecoin. A big advantage of is the absence of any fees. Among the leading Dogecoin pools, is the only one with zero fees. 3. Dogecoin Cloud Mining The third option for mining Dogecoin is using a cloud mining provider. Under the cloud mining model, you simply pay a monthly or yearly fee to a service provider that “rents” you computing hash power. The cloud provider mines cryptocurrency for you in exchange for the fee, and gives you a share of the mining profit commensurate with your rented hash power. Cloud mining doesn’t require you to own any mining equipment, a big advantage compared to solo mining or pool mining. In essence, you simply pay a fee with the expectation of positive returns from the cloud provider. Naturally, your earnings might fluctuate, depending on the network activity and mining difficulty on the Dogecoin chain. While the fee you pay to the cloud mining provider is usually fixed, your returns are normally variable. The major drawback of Dogecoin cloud mining is the scant choice of reliable service providers. Many cloud mining providers don’t support Dogecoin mining, and prefer to concentrate on Bitcoin or Ethereum mining. Among the more well-known companies that offer Dogecoin cloud mining are NiceHash and Genesis Mining. Dogecoin mining is supported on these platforms in the merged mining format together with Litecoin. Things You Need to Mine Dogecoin Dogecoin Mining Hardware With regard to the hardware required for Dogecoin mining, you have, in theory, three main options: 1. Using your computer’s processor, or central processing unit (CPU) 2. Using your computer’s graphics card, or graphicsal processing unit (GPU) 3. Using a dedicated application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) machine, a computer specifically designed for mining cryptocurrency Mining Dogecoin using CPU — The most basic way to mine Dogecoin is by using your computer’s CPU. However, in 2022, mining Dogecoin with a CPU, even a powerful one, is likely to be an arduous chore with little chance of success. Although Dogecoin’s mining difficulty is much lower than that of other leading PoW coins, competition among miners on the chain has intensified over the last couple of years. Theoretically, you can still use your CPU for Dogecoin mining. However, most miners are interested in knowing how to mine Dogecoin profitably. Unfortunately, no CPU is going to be up to that task. Dogecoin Mining via GPU — Your chances of success are much higher with a machine fitted with a powerful GPU. However, the intense competition among miners has already made profitable GPU mining quite difficult as well. For example, one of the most powerful mining GPUs on the market, the AMD Radeon VII, will only allow you to break even — that is, to earn zero profit per day with the current estimates of Dogecoin mining profitability. Mining Dogecoin via ASIC — Using an ASIC machine gives you the best chance to derive profit from Dogecoin mining. ASIC machines are powerful computing systems built solely for the purpose of crypto mining. They’ve been popular in Bitcoin mining for many years. Unfortunately, if you own a Bitcoin ASIC rig, you won’t be able to use it for Dogecoin mining. This is because Bitcoin and Dogecoin use different hashing algorithms. Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 algorithm, while Dogecoin (similar to Litecoin) is based on Scrypt hashing. ASIC machines used for Litecoin mining are compatible with Dogecoin. In fact, as you might have already noticed, Dogecoin is typically mined in a merged format with Litecoin. Key Factors When Choosing Dogecoin Mining Hardware There are two hardware specifications that will affect your mining rig’s profitability – its hash rate and its power consumption. The hash rate refers to the number of hashes the machine is capable of generating per second when mining a specific coin, in this case DOGE. The power consumption is the amount of electricity the machine is estimated to use in watts per hour. ASIC machines feature vastly higher hash rates than even the most advanced GPUs. At the same time, they naturally consume much more power. ASICs also cost significantly more than computers with high-spec GPUs. All of these factors, along with estimates of profitability, need to be taken into account when choosing suitable hardware. A number of online calculators can help you estimate current Dogecoin mining profitability by entering the estimated hash rate and power consumption of the machine you’re considering. One such popular calculator is WhatToMine. In addition to the hash rate and power, it lets you specify your current electricity costs and a number of other parameters for granular profitability estimates. According to this calculator, a high-spec ASIC machine, such as Bitmain Antminer L7 9500Mh/s, may generate a profit of around $10 a day from Dogecoin mining. This estimate assumes electricity costs of around $0.15 per kilowatt-hour (KWh). Naturally, depending on your location, electricity costs might be lower or higher than this figure, which will have an effect on profitability estimates. Another key determinant, of course, is the current market price of DOGE. While these estimates may fluctuate significantly on a daily and even hourly basis, they do provide some general guidance with regard to the specific piece of hardware to choose for your Dogecoin mining activities. Dogecoin Mining Software After setting up your mining hardware, you’ll need to download and use specific software to mine Dogecoin. There are many software packages that work well for Dogecoin mining. However, not all packages support all three hardware types — CPU, GPU and ASIC. If you still cling to the increasingly obsolete idea of Dogecoin mining with a CPU, CPU Miner is one of the most commonly used software packages for this purpose. Another popular software, EasyMiner, supports both CPU-based and GPU-based Dogecoin mining. Other popular Dogecoin mining software packages are CGMiner, MultiMiner and Cudo Miner. Until recently, CGMiner supported both GPU and ASIC mining. The latest version has now removed support for GPUs and only works for ASIC machines. MultiMiner works for GPU and ASIC mining, while Cudo Miner supports all three hardware types — CPU, GPU and ASIC. Dogecoin Wallet Besides the requisite hardware and software, you ‘ll also need a Dogecoin wallet, used to receive and store your rewards. If you prefer to use a software wallet, Dogecoin offers its original wallets — MultiDoge and Dogecoin Core. Other popular choices include MetaMask, Trust Wallet and Atomic Wallet. For those who prefer the security of a cold wallet, the two leading hardware wallet manufacturers, Trezor and Ledger, both support Dogecoin. Is Dogecoin Mining Profitable? Mining profitability estimates are always going to fluctuate wildly. Ultimately, the market price of DOGE, mining difficulty and the specifications of your rig will be the key determinants. As of mid-2022, Dogecoin mining can still be profitable if you use a powerful ASIC machine. Joining a large mining pool is also advisable if you want to improve the consistency and stability of your rewards. The profitability of Dogecoin mining is further improved by the merged mining model, in which your machine’s hash power is used both for Dogecoin and Litecoin mining. If you have a powerful hardware setup, mine away while the adorable canine remains one of the very few potentially profitable coins to mine. #buildtogether #Binance #crypto2023 #BTC #BNB

How to Mine Dogecoin: The Ultimate Guide to Mining Dogecoin

Few cryptos have attracted more controversy, hype and humor than (Elon Musk’s beloved) Dogecoin (DOGE). Yet, against the backdrop of jokes, memes and skepticism, Dogecoin has not so quietly risen to the top ten cryptocurrencies by market cap. Importantly for crypto miners or those considering this trade, Dogecoin is among the most profitable coins to mine.

Dogecoin was launched in December 2013 as a fork of Luckycoin, and boasts both Bitcoin and Litecoin in its lineage.

The coin is the only mineable cryptocurrency among the top ten cryptos, aside from the leading duo — Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Dogecoin is considerably faster and easier to mine than Bitcoin. It also has a lower mining difficulty — as measured by the hash power required to solve a new block — than Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash or just about any other mineable cryptocurrency in the top 100 by market cap. In short, knowing how to mine Dogecoin might be the safest route to profitability for a crypto miner in 2022.

How Does Dogecoin Mining Work?

The Dogecoin mining process is quite similar to that of Bitcoin or other proof of work (PoW) blockchains. Miners try to solve a computational puzzle by using the hashing power of their computers in the race to add a new block of transactions to the chain.

The miner’s reward for each solved block is 10,000 DOGE (about $700 as of the time of writing). Unlike Bitcoin mining, Dogecoin doesn’t use reward-halving in its current mining mechanism. However, halving did apply in the early years of the coin’s operation. Before January 2015, the miner’s reward was halved quite frequently — once every 100,000 blocks, which worked out to about once every 69 days.

The last reward halving occurred in January 2015. The coin’s governance rules specified that there would be no more halving after that date.

How Long Does It Take to Mine One Dogecoin?

The Dogecoin chain is configured to produce one new block of transactions per minute. This is ten times faster than Bitcoin’s block time of around 10 minutes. In practical terms, this means more frequent rewards from Dogecoin mining, a nice feature for those who like frequent — even if small — wins.

At the rate of one block per minute, the Dogecoin network adds 1,440 new blocks per day, producing 14.4 million DOGE (around $1 million) in miner rewards on a daily basis. Given that there’s no more reward halving scheduled for the future, this daily amount of DOGE will continue to be steadily added to the coin’s total supply, which currently stands at around 132 billion DOGE.

The coin also doesn’t have any supply capping, meaning that the 14.4 million daily DOGE will be available to mining enthusiasts for the life of the coin.

How Difficult Is It to Mine Dogecoin?

The difficulty score is the standard measure used to estimate the computational requirements for mining a coin. It specifies the number of hashes a machine needs to produce in order to solve a new block. Dogecoin currently features the lowest difficulty score out of all the leading mineable cryptocurrencies. This means that mining a new Dogecoin block will require less computational power than mining a block on any other reasonably well-known chain.

The table below shows the current difficulty scores, in ascending order, for all the mineable coins in the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market cap.

Data Source: WhatToMine

The mining difficulty scores as of June 27, 2022, for the top 50 coins (Data Source: WhatToMine)

While the difficulty scores may fluctuate over time, as of now, in mid-2022, the results in the table clearly indicate that Dogecoin is by far the easiest notable coin to mine.

How to Mine Dogecoin

There are three main ways to mine Dogecoin:

1. Solo mining

2. Joining a mining pool

3. Using a cloud mining provider

Each of these options has its own merits, although solo mining without a very powerful mining rig has become impractical due to the increased competition on the chain.

1. Solo Mining

To perform solo Dogecoin mining, you join the Dogecoin network as an individual node and use your mining rig to solve transaction blocks. If you do manage to add a new block to the chain, you’ll receive the 10,000 DOGE mining reward without having to share it with anyone else. This is the main advantage of mining solo.

The key disadvantage of mining Dogecoin individually is the infrequency and inconsistency of rewards. Solo miners compete with mining pools, entities that combine the computing resources of a large number of miners to solve new blocks on the network. The combined hash power enjoyed by the mining pools puts solo miners at a disadvantage.

As a solo miner, if you don’t have a powerful machine, you might end up never getting a block reward. Even with a powerful mining rig, you would likely have to wait for weeks or months on average between your block rewards.

2. Dogecoin Mining Pools

Dogecoin mining pools represent a convenient and flexible alternative to mining solo. They pool resources from multiple miners to increase the chance of solving a block of transactions. When a member of the pool manages to mine a block, the 10,000 DOGE reward is split between all the pool participants.

Each member receives a share of the reward proportional to the hash power contributed. Thus, as is the case with solo mining, it pays to have as powerful a rig as possible when joining a pool. Mining pools retain a small percentage of the reward, typically anything between 0.5% and 4%, for providing their services.

For miners without powerful rigs, mining pools might be the only realistic option for earning rewards. Naturally, rigs without significant hash power are likely to earn very little in any mining pool. However, you’ll at least have some funds flowing in on a consistent basis. In contrast, mining solo without a high-end rig will likely lead to no rewards earned at all.

For miners with powerful machines, pool mining may be a good option for earning rewards in a more stable way. Such miners can still be successful, on occasions, via solo mining. However, mining pools represent a way to earn rewards with a much higher frequency, even if in smaller bits.

Let’s say a miner with a high-spec rig manages to earn a full block reward of 10,000 DOGE once a month on average. By joining a pool, they can earn that amount consistently in smaller chunks on a daily basis over the same period.

In other words, joining a pool might not increase the overall profitability of your mining activity over a long-term period, but it will definitely allow you to earn a more consistent income.

As a rule, the larger the pool you join, the more frequent and consistent your rewards.

Largest Dogecoin Pools

There are dozens of large or medium-sized pools mining Dogecoin. However, just a few large pools typically solve the majority of the blocks on the network. Currently, the two largest ones among them are ViaBTC and

Source: MiningPoolStats

he German-based ViaBTC is the current leader on the network by the number of recently mined blocks. If you’re looking for the most consistent reward schedule, this pool could be a great option. The pool offers merged mining of Dogecoin coupled with Litecoin mining. With merged mining, your rig’s hash power is used to mine two cryptocurrencies at the same time. By mining Dogecoin and Litecoin in this way, you increase your earnings without having to contribute any additional hash power.

Currently, the second-largest pool on the Dogecoin chain by the number of blocks mined is, another good option for miners looking for high reward consistency.

As its name suggests, this pool is largely dedicated to mining Litecoin. Dogecoin mining is offered in the merged mining format, together with Litecoin.

A big advantage of is the absence of any fees. Among the leading Dogecoin pools, is the only one with zero fees.

3. Dogecoin Cloud Mining

The third option for mining Dogecoin is using a cloud mining provider. Under the cloud mining model, you simply pay a monthly or yearly fee to a service provider that “rents” you computing hash power.

The cloud provider mines cryptocurrency for you in exchange for the fee, and gives you a share of the mining profit commensurate with your rented hash power.

Cloud mining doesn’t require you to own any mining equipment, a big advantage compared to solo mining or pool mining. In essence, you simply pay a fee with the expectation of positive returns from the cloud provider.

Naturally, your earnings might fluctuate, depending on the network activity and mining difficulty on the Dogecoin chain. While the fee you pay to the cloud mining provider is usually fixed, your returns are normally variable.

The major drawback of Dogecoin cloud mining is the scant choice of reliable service providers. Many cloud mining providers don’t support Dogecoin mining, and prefer to concentrate on Bitcoin or Ethereum mining.

Among the more well-known companies that offer Dogecoin cloud mining are NiceHash and Genesis Mining. Dogecoin mining is supported on these platforms in the merged mining format together with Litecoin.

Things You Need to Mine Dogecoin

Dogecoin Mining Hardware

With regard to the hardware required for Dogecoin mining, you have, in theory, three main options:

1. Using your computer’s processor, or central processing unit (CPU)

2. Using your computer’s graphics card, or graphicsal processing unit (GPU)

3. Using a dedicated application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) machine, a computer specifically designed for mining cryptocurrency

Mining Dogecoin using CPU — The most basic way to mine Dogecoin is by using your computer’s CPU. However, in 2022, mining Dogecoin with a CPU, even a powerful one, is likely to be an arduous chore with little chance of success. Although Dogecoin’s mining difficulty is much lower than that of other leading PoW coins, competition among miners on the chain has intensified over the last couple of years.

Theoretically, you can still use your CPU for Dogecoin mining. However, most miners are interested in knowing how to mine Dogecoin profitably. Unfortunately, no CPU is going to be up to that task.

Dogecoin Mining via GPU — Your chances of success are much higher with a machine fitted with a powerful GPU. However, the intense competition among miners has already made profitable GPU mining quite difficult as well. For example, one of the most powerful mining GPUs on the market, the AMD Radeon VII, will only allow you to break even — that is, to earn zero profit per day with the current estimates of Dogecoin mining profitability.

Mining Dogecoin via ASIC — Using an ASIC machine gives you the best chance to derive profit from Dogecoin mining. ASIC machines are powerful computing systems built solely for the purpose of crypto mining. They’ve been popular in Bitcoin mining for many years.

Unfortunately, if you own a Bitcoin ASIC rig, you won’t be able to use it for Dogecoin mining. This is because Bitcoin and Dogecoin use different hashing algorithms. Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 algorithm, while Dogecoin (similar to Litecoin) is based on Scrypt hashing.

ASIC machines used for Litecoin mining are compatible with Dogecoin. In fact, as you might have already noticed, Dogecoin is typically mined in a merged format with Litecoin.

Key Factors When Choosing Dogecoin Mining Hardware

There are two hardware specifications that will affect your mining rig’s profitability – its hash rate and its power consumption. The hash rate refers to the number of hashes the machine is capable of generating per second when mining a specific coin, in this case DOGE. The power consumption is the amount of electricity the machine is estimated to use in watts per hour.

ASIC machines feature vastly higher hash rates than even the most advanced GPUs. At the same time, they naturally consume much more power. ASICs also cost significantly more than computers with high-spec GPUs. All of these factors, along with estimates of profitability, need to be taken into account when choosing suitable hardware.

A number of online calculators can help you estimate current Dogecoin mining profitability by entering the estimated hash rate and power consumption of the machine you’re considering. One such popular calculator is WhatToMine. In addition to the hash rate and power, it lets you specify your current electricity costs and a number of other parameters for granular profitability estimates.

According to this calculator, a high-spec ASIC machine, such as Bitmain Antminer L7 9500Mh/s, may generate a profit of around $10 a day from Dogecoin mining. This estimate assumes electricity costs of around $0.15 per kilowatt-hour (KWh).

Naturally, depending on your location, electricity costs might be lower or higher than this figure, which will have an effect on profitability estimates. Another key determinant, of course, is the current market price of DOGE.

While these estimates may fluctuate significantly on a daily and even hourly basis, they do provide some general guidance with regard to the specific piece of hardware to choose for your Dogecoin mining activities.

Dogecoin Mining Software

After setting up your mining hardware, you’ll need to download and use specific software to mine Dogecoin. There are many software packages that work well for Dogecoin mining. However, not all packages support all three hardware types — CPU, GPU and ASIC.

If you still cling to the increasingly obsolete idea of Dogecoin mining with a CPU, CPU Miner is one of the most commonly used software packages for this purpose. Another popular software, EasyMiner, supports both CPU-based and GPU-based Dogecoin mining.

Other popular Dogecoin mining software packages are CGMiner, MultiMiner and Cudo Miner. Until recently, CGMiner supported both GPU and ASIC mining. The latest version has now removed support for GPUs and only works for ASIC machines. MultiMiner works for GPU and ASIC mining, while Cudo Miner supports all three hardware types — CPU, GPU and ASIC.

Dogecoin Wallet

Besides the requisite hardware and software, you ‘ll also need a Dogecoin wallet, used to receive and store your rewards.

If you prefer to use a software wallet, Dogecoin offers its original wallets — MultiDoge and Dogecoin Core. Other popular choices include MetaMask, Trust Wallet and Atomic Wallet. For those who prefer the security of a cold wallet, the two leading hardware wallet manufacturers, Trezor and Ledger, both support Dogecoin.

Is Dogecoin Mining Profitable?

Mining profitability estimates are always going to fluctuate wildly. Ultimately, the market price of DOGE, mining difficulty and the specifications of your rig will be the key determinants.

As of mid-2022, Dogecoin mining can still be profitable if you use a powerful ASIC machine. Joining a large mining pool is also advisable if you want to improve the consistency and stability of your rewards. The profitability of Dogecoin mining is further improved by the merged mining model, in which your machine’s hash power is used both for Dogecoin and Litecoin mining.

If you have a powerful hardware setup, mine away while the adorable canine remains one of the very few potentially profitable coins to mine.

#buildtogether #Binance #crypto2023 #BTC #BNB
Long vs Short BTC 1d Binance ██████████▏ 50.79% OKX ██████████ 50.26% Deribit █████████▉ 49.83% Bitfinex ██████████▌ 52.65% Bitget ██████████ 50.39% CoinEx ██████████ 50.04% dYdX █████████▊ 49.01% #cryptoInfinity_community #buildtogether #BTC
Long vs Short BTC 1d
██████████▏ 50.79%
██████████ 50.26%
█████████▉ 49.83%
██████████▌ 52.65%
██████████ 50.39%
██████████ 50.04%
█████████▊ 49.01%
#cryptoInfinity_community #buildtogether #BTC
Crypto Firms Take a Hit as SVB Collapses While venture capital firms and tech startups were most severely affected by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, some major crypto companies have also revealed exposure to the bank. #cryptoInfinity_community #Binance #buildtogether
Crypto Firms Take a Hit as SVB Collapses
While venture capital firms and tech startups were most severely affected by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, some major crypto companies have also revealed exposure to the bank. #cryptoInfinity_community #Binance #buildtogether
Stablecoin regulation draft bill published... The measure would require stablecoin issuers to have reserves that back the digital assets on an “at least one-to-one basis. HFSC The House Financial Services Committee published a draft bill on stablecoin regulation Saturday, its first major piece of crypto-related legislation in 2023. The bill, which does not yet have a number, would require stablecoin issuers to have reserves that back the digital assets on an “at least one-to-one basis.” Those reserves could be composed of U.S. coins or currency, Treasury bills with a maturity of 90 days or less, central bank reserve deposits, and repurchase agreements with a maturity of seven days or less that are backed by Treasury bills with a maturity of 90 days or less.  The bill would give the Federal Reserve (FED) power over nonbank stablecoin issuers like Tether and Circle, which issue USDT and USDC, respectively. Stablecoins issued by insured depository institutions would fall under the regulators of that bank. It would also impose a two-year moratorium on crypto-backed stablecoins and commission a study on a central bank digital currency; and it would impose harsh penalties on those stablecoin issuers who fail to register their offerings: illegal issuers could face up to five years in prison and a $1 million fine. Stablecoins are a type of digital currency designed to be pegged to a fiat money, therefore offering investors more price stability than cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. USDT and USD Coin, for example, are pegged to the U.S. dollar and both worth $1. Lawmakers published the draft ahead of a Wednesday hearing. Top 5 Stablecoins The proposed legislation would regulate stablecoin issuers such as Circle and Tether through the Federal Reserve Bank. Banks and credit unions that want to issue their own stablecoins would need approval from their respective regulatory bodies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). Registration would be mandatory for any issuer looking to conduct business in the US, regardless of their headquarters. Another provision in the bill would prohibit uncollateralized stablecoins for two years. This would make over-collateralized, decentralized stablecoins illegal in the US, dealing a major blow to the DeFi industry if the bill is passed in its current form. Stablecoins like MakerDAO's DAI, which existed before the bill was proposed, would be excluded from the proposal under a grandfather clause. However, the US Department of the Treasury should still monitor the sector closely. Please share your thoughts💭 in the comments, Thanks for following❤️‍🍀 #BTC #Stablecoins #Binance #buildtogether

Stablecoin regulation draft bill published...

The measure would require stablecoin issuers to have reserves that back the digital assets on an “at least one-to-one basis.


The House Financial Services Committee published a draft bill on stablecoin regulation Saturday, its first major piece of crypto-related legislation in 2023.

The bill, which does not yet have a number, would require stablecoin issuers to have reserves that back the digital assets on an “at least one-to-one basis.”

Those reserves could be composed of U.S. coins or currency, Treasury bills with a maturity of 90 days or less, central bank reserve deposits, and repurchase agreements with a maturity of seven days or less that are backed by Treasury bills with a maturity of 90 days or less. 

The bill would give the Federal Reserve (FED) power over nonbank stablecoin issuers like Tether and Circle, which issue USDT and USDC, respectively. Stablecoins issued by insured depository institutions would fall under the regulators of that bank.

It would also impose a two-year moratorium on crypto-backed stablecoins and commission a study on a central bank digital currency; and it would impose harsh penalties on those stablecoin issuers who fail to register their offerings: illegal issuers could face up to five years in prison and a $1 million fine.

Stablecoins are a type of digital currency designed to be pegged to a fiat money, therefore offering investors more price stability than cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. USDT and USD Coin, for example, are pegged to the U.S. dollar and both worth $1.

Lawmakers published the draft ahead of a Wednesday hearing.

Top 5 Stablecoins

The proposed legislation would regulate stablecoin issuers such as Circle and Tether through the Federal Reserve Bank. Banks and credit unions that want to issue their own stablecoins would need approval from their respective regulatory bodies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). Registration would be mandatory for any issuer looking to conduct business in the US, regardless of their headquarters.

Another provision in the bill would prohibit uncollateralized stablecoins for two years. This would make over-collateralized, decentralized stablecoins illegal in the US, dealing a major blow to the DeFi industry if the bill is passed in its current form. Stablecoins like MakerDAO's DAI, which existed before the bill was proposed, would be excluded from the proposal under a grandfather clause. However, the US Department of the Treasury should still monitor the sector closely.

Please share your thoughts💭 in the comments,

Thanks for following❤️‍🍀

#BTC #Stablecoins #Binance #buildtogether

硅谷银行暴雷|大饼ETH暴跌爆拉 爆仓达3.8亿美金硅谷银行暴雷倒闭 eth一夜跌至1380 大饼跌到了19521 都说币圈一天 人间一年 在这短短两天平平无奇的周末,币圈像经历了春夏秋冬。 从三箭暴雷 luna暴跌几乎99% 再到上一年底的ftx svb(硅谷银行)倒闭已经是第四次暴雷 从投资机构货币交易所再到银行 无一幸免 包括这两天火腿(HT)的疯了一般的直接爆了大户的仓 美股第一共和银行盘前跌超60% 这两天可以说是十分精彩的 这次硅谷银行的倒闭也可以说是这两天的热点新闻了 而距离上一次第一大倒闭银行 还是在08年次贷危机的华盛顿互惠银行 硅谷银行这次的暴雷诱因要从2020下半年疫情减弱说起。 当时大批资金流入硅谷银行 2020.6-2021.12 硅谷银行从760亿美元增长到超过1900亿美元 增幅接近2倍 这个时候 美联储还没有开始加息 硅谷银行不想把钱存在美联储准备金账户 因为年化利息只有0.1% 所以他买了大量国债和按揭支持证券(MBS) 等于说他把总资产一半配置放在了MBS上。 既然美联储利率是0 那就都买全世界最安全的资产 短期美债 还可以吃点利润赚点小钱 而硅谷银行手头现金和现金等价物增长不明显。他在激进配置长期资产的时候 没有为应对存款流出预留足够现金储备  银行一般购买的固定收益产品有两种: 1 可供出售AFS 2 持有至到期 HTM  所以SVB硅谷银行也是 在他持有的160亿美元美债基本都是采用AFS  而在他持有1K亿M BS中主要用HTM计量。他的好处是资产市值波动并不会反映在损益上 可以转回 缺点是被迫出售AFS HTM 需要当期确认一笔损益。 而这个时候 在21年底 美国通胀开始大幅飙升 导致了美债2022年暴跌是200多年有史以来之最。 硅谷银行血亏 老百姓也开始取出了存款。 加息也开始了 在低息时增持MBS和美债看起来很明智 可高息时候他的风险也是巨大的。 而SVB之前的投资实在没有提高利率的时候进行的  所以在2022年 他的存款大量流失  他要应对用户存款 就必须有一些损失  所以他终于支撑不住 也就发生了这次的暴雷事件 而美联储加息也是一个最直接的原因 直接吧银行给干倒闭了 而这个事件的发生 也可能是阻止美联储加息的突破口 他后期加息决定也会跟加谨慎 这两天大饼和eth更是两天经历了春夏秋冬 3.10这个宁静的夜晚 多君还在梦中酣睡 跌幅直接达到1380附近 我就是那个在凌晨四点就在那看着他拉的那个夜猫 心里想着这玩意可真狗啊天天凌晨偷偷摸摸的给你拉 甚至能想到多军一觉醒来后得震惊 我仓呢  3.10号晚八点爆仓数达到了3.8亿 而在这个所有人都在看空的时候 这个玩意又开始给你作妖了 3.13凌晨从1452拉到1549  早上八点又拉到1623 丝毫不给空军喘息的机会 脸上写了四个大字:别想解套 现在的非农数据影响不是太大 就看明晚 3.14晚上八点CPI的数据 也是决定加息的关键。 不过估计现在美联储再也不敢加息了 银行都给加没了 也有消息称预计下周加息可能性不到14个基点 将在年底前降息50个基点 #buildtogether #BTC #ETH #硅谷银行

硅谷银行暴雷|大饼ETH暴跌爆拉 爆仓达3.8亿美金

硅谷银行暴雷倒闭 eth一夜跌至1380 大饼跌到了19521 都说币圈一天 人间一年 在这短短两天平平无奇的周末,币圈像经历了春夏秋冬。

从三箭暴雷 luna暴跌几乎99% 再到上一年底的ftx svb(硅谷银行)倒闭已经是第四次暴雷 从投资机构货币交易所再到银行 无一幸免


美股第一共和银行盘前跌超60% 这两天可以说是十分精彩的

这次硅谷银行的倒闭也可以说是这两天的热点新闻了 而距离上一次第一大倒闭银行 还是在08年次贷危机的华盛顿互惠银行


当时大批资金流入硅谷银行 2020.6-2021.12 硅谷银行从760亿美元增长到超过1900亿美元 增幅接近2倍

这个时候 美联储还没有开始加息 硅谷银行不想把钱存在美联储准备金账户 因为年化利息只有0.1% 所以他买了大量国债和按揭支持证券(MBS)


既然美联储利率是0 那就都买全世界最安全的资产 短期美债 还可以吃点利润赚点小钱

而硅谷银行手头现金和现金等价物增长不明显。他在激进配置长期资产的时候 没有为应对存款流出预留足够现金储备 


1 可供出售AFS

2 持有至到期 HTM

 所以SVB硅谷银行也是 在他持有的160亿美元美债基本都是采用AFS 

而在他持有1K亿M BS中主要用HTM计量。他的好处是资产市值波动并不会反映在损益上 可以转回 缺点是被迫出售AFS HTM 需要当期确认一笔损益。

而这个时候 在21年底 美国通胀开始大幅飙升 导致了美债2022年暴跌是200多年有史以来之最。

硅谷银行血亏 老百姓也开始取出了存款。


在低息时增持MBS和美债看起来很明智 可高息时候他的风险也是巨大的。


所以在2022年 他的存款大量流失 

他要应对用户存款 就必须有一些损失 

所以他终于支撑不住 也就发生了这次的暴雷事件 而美联储加息也是一个最直接的原因 直接吧银行给干倒闭了

而这个事件的发生 也可能是阻止美联储加息的突破口 他后期加息决定也会跟加谨慎


3.10这个宁静的夜晚 多君还在梦中酣睡 跌幅直接达到1380附近 我就是那个在凌晨四点就在那看着他拉的那个夜猫 心里想着这玩意可真狗啊天天凌晨偷偷摸摸的给你拉 甚至能想到多军一觉醒来后得震惊 我仓呢 


而在这个所有人都在看空的时候 这个玩意又开始给你作妖了





现在的非农数据影响不是太大 就看明晚

3.14晚上八点CPI的数据 也是决定加息的关键。

不过估计现在美联储再也不敢加息了 银行都给加没了 也有消息称预计下周加息可能性不到14个基点 将在年底前降息50个基点

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