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Binance P2P Advertisements Posting Requirements

Binance P2P Advertisements Posting Requirements

2022-07-12 08:18
To optimize the P2P trading experience, Binance has added new requirements for users posting advertisements on Binance P2P.
To post P2P buy ads, you must fulfill the below requirements:
User Type
P2P Merchants
Must be verified by the Binance P2P team
General Users (Non-Merchants)
Must meet ALL of the following requirements:
  • Your account must be registered ≥ 30 days;
  • You must complete Identity Verification and enable at least one Two-factor Authentication (2FA), such as Google Authenticator;
  • Number of completed P2P orders ≥ 20;
  • 30-day P2P order completion rate ≥ 80%; and
  • Number of unique trading counterparties ≥ 10.
  • Only verified merchants are allowed to post ads in the CNY market;
  • The new requirements are only applicable to posting P2P buy ads in the [Sell] zone;
  • “Completed P2P orders” refers to P2P orders whose status shows as “Completed”;
  • 30-day P2P order completion rate = 1 - Total number of canceled purchase orders in the last 30 days / Total number of completed orders in the last 30 days;
  • If your 30-day order completion rate drops below 80%, you may not be able to post any new ads. However, the ads you created before will remain visible.
For more information, please refer to:
Disclaimer: Your use of the Binance P2P services and all information and other content (including that of third parties) included in or accessible from the Binance P2P services is at your sole risk. Our only responsibility is to handle your payment transaction. All payments are final upon completion unless otherwise required by law. Binance P2P platform has neither the rights nor the obligations to resolve any disputes arising from completed payment. Neither the Binance P2P platform nor the merchants shall be responsible for your loss in a completed payment.