Hey, friend! Imagine that you, an ordinary person, accidentally broke into the mysterious and exciting cryptocurrency circle.

It's like you walked into a crazy amusement park, with roller coaster-like price fluctuations everywhere. So how can you improve yourself?

First of all, you have to turn yourself into a knowledgeable "cryptocurrency scholar". Don't bump around like a headless fly, you have to chew those thick blockchain and digital currency books, just like chewing a super hamburger, although it's a bit hard to chew, but knowledge is nutrition!

Then, you have to have a pair of "policy clairvoyance". Always keep an eye on the domestic and foreign policies on digital currency. Once the policy changes, it's like the weather in the amusement park suddenly changes. You have to find a place to hide from the rain or find a new fun place.

Controlling risks is like playing in an amusement park. The money in your pocket is your game currency. Don't spend it all at once. You have to spend it sparingly, otherwise you have to go home and cry before you have enough fun.

Mentality, hehe, this is too important! When the price goes up, don't be happy as if you won the lottery, and when the price goes down, don't cry as if you lost your favorite toy. Be like a calm hero, watching the changing situation with a smile.

Finally, find a reliable "coin friend" to play with. But be careful not to be led astray by those guys who talk nonsense, and learn to distinguish the secrets of real and fake "heroes".

There is a like-minded partner in the youth circle of Junyang, welcome everyone! #Lista #PEPEUSDT #TRBUSDT $SOL $ETH