Five principles of naked K

First principle

The length of the shadow, whether it is the upper shadow or the lower shadow, has always been the primary factor we pay attention to, because they can immediately show the strength, weakness, and hesitation of the subsequent market, and more importantly, they can show the market sentiment.

Second principle

If no shadow is formed, then this indicates that the market sentiment in the direction of the closing price is strong

Third principle

Low real body indicates weak market sentiment. High real body indicates strong market sentiment.

Fourth principle

The same type of candlestick chart may have completely different meanings. This depends on its position in a period of price. We need to often consider the position of a candlestick chart in a longer trend, or consider a candlestick chart in a consolidation phase.

Fifth principle

Volume verifies price. Look at the candlestick chart first, and then look at the volume bar chart to see whether the volume confirms the price change or is abnormal.

The three main candlesticks at key positions Shooting star Hammer line Doji