Many people in the currency circle will tell you not to chase highs or sell at a loss. However, it is useless. As mentioned above, the initiative is in the hands of the dealer. You don't know when the bottom will be, and there is no bottom at all. In other words, the so-called bottom is not a specific value but a ratio of how many retail investors can't hold on. When this ratio is reached, there is no need to smash it again.

So you say, since this is the case, if others are selling, I won't sell, okay? The problem is that you don't know whether others have sold or not. The dealer knows much more than you, and you can't accurately predict the behavior of other retail investors. You think it is already very low, almost the bottom, hold on, maybe other retail investors think so too? When the dealer sees this situation, he will naturally smash it again. It's the same when it rises. It has doubled, should you sell it? If you sell it, the dealer dares to pull it up to 10 times, and you regret it? Buy it back, and the market starts to smash again.

So, if you don't want to be played by the dealer, there is only one way, but this method is absolutely impossible for most retail investors to follow. This method is-don't do the band, buy it regardless of the loss or profit, and leave it. Only applicable to Bitcoin, stocks or other altcoins, if left alone, they may last forever or return to zero.

#币安用户数突破2亿 #BTC走势分析

In the team I formed, I will share strategies every day!

The currency circle is a magical place full of opportunities.

I don’t know how fast others can turn over their positions.

I can only share the profits I know with everyone! ​

If you are interested and want to witness my strength, you can take the initiative to find me!

I can’t guarantee how much I can make for you, but at least I can help you avoid detours!

No threshold
