At this stage, except for BTC which is in a bull market, the others are like a bear market, stagnant, and the PVP phenomenon in the market is serious.

New coins emerge in an endless stream, but lack a bull market engine like the last round of UNI DOT. It was not easy to come up with ORDI. From current observations, it is still unknown whether Guozhuang is a one-off or can produce sustained output. Most of the others reached their peak as soon as they debuted, and then they were continuously unlocked and distributed, making the already illiquid market even worse.

For those who have held Bitcoin at a cost of 15,000 to 30,000 from 2022 to 2023, and have configured their positions in altcoins in a relatively high position and have held them until now, I think it goes without saying that there is no need to panic. The bull market is still there, and after a round of small climaxes, I think it is easy to distinguish which altcoins are gold and which are gravel. It is also easy to tell which are the leaders of each track and which coin the funds prefer. What the coin hoarders can do is to optimize their holding ratios and optimize the altcoins they hold.

I don't think it's necessary to be too anxious for those who entered the market at the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 with a holding cost of 40,000-50,000. In this market, you can't just think about making money and not think about retracement. You can't have both. Even the market makers are not that good, let alone us little leeks. You have to bear what you should bear in order to reap what you should reap. You need to optimize your holdings and configure them according to your psychological tolerance.

Those who chase high prices for Bitcoin, or who do not have Bitcoin at all and have a lot of copycats, I think these people have not only not made any money from October 2004 to now, but have also lost money. This is the so-called bear market where everyone loses money together, and in the bull market I lose more. I think Bitcoin has risen more than 4 times from the bottom, and I am still losing money. I should reflect more on what is wrong with my investment strategy, whether there are any flaws in my character, and then list out the operations that lost me money one by one, and then do the opposite of the listed operations. I think in the future, at least I won't lose money.

Let me list a few for you:

1. They don’t even know what level of contract they are doing, but they just go for the high-multiple contract, thinking, fuck it, I’ll just die (quit gambling);

2. This copycat has already increased 10 times. Fuck it, this is just the beginning. Go all in. It can increase 10 times (stop being greedy).

3. Kill in the last wave of panic, it’s over, it’s a waterfall, the pie is going to be zero, the copycat is even more finished, it’s empty (stop being afraid);

4. You can summarize the rest by yourself and write it down below...

Finally, the current trend will most likely prolong the bull market. The more it falls, the more promising the future will be. Don’t give up, keep going!