Odaily Planet Daily News WisdomTree today released monthly indicators for May 2024, including assets under management (AUM) and flow data by asset class. The key points are as follows: 1. WisdomTree achieved net inflows of US$577 million in May, of which 6 of the 8 major product categories achieved positive inflows, and the fund fees for general inflows were higher than the overall mixed fees; 2. WisdomTree's US-listed ETFs and offshore UCITS ETF portfolios generated a total of US$953 million in net inflows this month, and nearly US$3.8 billion in net inflows so far in 2024; 3. WisdomTree's tactical products, European commodities and currencies, and leveraged and inverse product suites had net outflows of approximately US$360 million, which tend to have more volatile flow characteristics; 4. With the launch in Washington State and New Hampshire, WisdomTree Prime® now covers more than 78% of the US population. (Businesswire)