Regarding People’s current operating opportunities, we can see that it has experienced a significant rise from 0.1 to 1.33. However, the market is always full of uncertainty, and to judge whether it can continue to rise, we need to consider a number of factors.

First of all, the Elliott model provides us with a theoretical framework, but market trends are often affected by a variety of factors, including macroeconomic environment, policy changes, market sentiment, etc. Bitcoin serves as the vane of the entire cryptocurrency market, and its impact on cryptocurrencies such as People cannot be ignored.

Currently, Bitcoin has started to move upwards, which may have a positive impact on People’s movement. However, we also need to be alert to the risk of a possible correction in the market. In this case, taking half the profit appropriately is a reasonable strategy, which can not only protect part of the profit, but also retain part of the position to observe the subsequent market trend.

If People is able to stabilize and rise again on the pullback to around 0.11, this could be a new entry point. However, we also need to remain cautious and avoid blindly chasing highs. During the operation, we need to pay close attention to market trends and Bitcoin trends in order to adjust strategies in a timely manner.

We need to remain cautious and flexible when it comes to People's operating opportunities. On the basis of fully analyzing market trends and risk factors, formulate reasonable trading strategies to achieve steady returns.

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Finally, the currency friends who saw my article, please pay attention and leave comments: Become popular all the way! You will definitely be able to turn a corner in June.