#EOS Why are the haters so angry? Why are they full of jealousy? Why are they full of resentment? Why? 🎃

Because they are jealous of the rapid development of EOS RAM!

Because they did not get on the EOS RAM bus!

Because they got on the EOS RAM bus. They did not get off halfway!

👀Root cause: Because of their jealousy and resentment, they lost their blessings and fortune.

🖕Believe in haters → Stay away from the real blockchain and go astray.

👍Embrace EOS RAM → Come to the real blockchain and take you to fly!

This article is only for those who are destined to use EOS RAM

👋EOS RAM makes EOS great again!

✊EOS's new token economics model makes EOS great again!

❤️Shequ members, true believers, make EOS great again!

$ETH $SOL #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓
