Many friends who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle, even old enthusiasts, should have the experience of speculating in cryptocurrency based on news.

Can you make money by speculating in the cryptocurrency circle based on the news? The answer is yes, you can make money. I believe many people have had the experience of making money. If there is no experience of making money, then there will not be the result of many people losing a lot of money later. The cryptocurrency circle is not short of massive and explosive news every day, but do we really see through the essence behind these news?

The cryptocurrency world is very sensitive. Even international emergencies will be linked to the market, interest rate hikes, interest rate cuts, geopolitical conflicts, US stocks, exchanges, policies, etc., which are countless. Not to mention the fluctuations in the fundamentals, capital, and technology of the currency. Why do you say that you can make money by listening to news and speculating in the cryptocurrency world? You don’t need technology, cognition, strategy, correct investment thinking and concepts, etc. It’s because of probability.

This is why many people think it is easy to make money by short-term or contract trading, because it is all about probability. Opportunities are always there, even if you don’t know anything, because you can get a few right by guessing. And just because you can make money by guessing, do I still need to learn? Do I even need to pay to learn? Even if you make yourself so hard, you may not make as much as I do.

Mistaking what you earn by luck for your own strength is the real reason why many people lose money, or even lose a lot of money. It is good that some people can wake up in time after losing money, find the reason for their own loss, improve their ability and change their shortcomings through learning. These people can continue to survive in the currency circle and catch up with opportunities. There is a high probability that they can make a comeback. The most frightening thing is that they have lost money but have not realized their own problems, do not look for reasons from themselves, and attribute all the responsibilities to this or that, blaming this community, blaming that person who leads the order, blaming the market, etc. The results brought by these two groups will definitely be very different. Listening to news is based on one's ability to distinguish the authenticity of news, the ability to refine and summarize the good and bad news, the ability to operate and think independently, and the ability to make adjustments according to one's own situation, etc.

Before we have these abilities, listening to news will only make us follow the crowd and become the target of the main force to cut leeks and become cannon fodder in the market. Finally, whether you can be in a high-quality, positive, powerful and responsible circle is also crucial. If you can follow the people who always get results in the currency circle, 👀 Near q1un + Wei: BTC88107, then will the news you hear be more valuable and practical? Being a qualified investor is the premise for us to make long-term, stable and continuous profits in the currency circle. #第55期新币挖矿IO #山寨季何时到来? #比特币符文总市值创新高