Bullies, do you dare to bully rich people?

I heard from a second-generation that he was blackmailed by gangsters in high school. He wanted to cheat a few thousand, but he gave 80,000 yuan. The gangsters were very happy. The money was taken away before they could even warm up. It was suspected that the funds were too large...

After the first-generation rich knew that it was his son who set the trap, he used many connections to get the second-generation rich to withdraw the accusation in the name of a joke, making the parents of the gangsters so grateful that they wanted to kneel down on the spot.

The second-generation rich was still not convinced, saying that he was blackmailed and threatened by the gangsters in public and was slapped in the face, and he wanted to take revenge.

His father told the rich second generation that it is all right to use means to do things. If he slaps you and you ask someone to break his hand, I won't say anything. But you are harming three generations of his family. This is too much. Don't go too far if you don't have a big grudge. Otherwise, you may get chopped on the street.#BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #StartInvestingInCrypto #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? $USDC $PEOPLE $NOT