If you want to turn things around, retail investors should act like this.

You will thank me in less than two months


Discovering memes with celebrity aura or that can trigger collective resonance may bring thousands of times of returns and change your destiny. Most of the currencies in the exchange are taken over by institutional project parties, and it is difficult for retail investors to make a profit. Contracts are even more of a zero-sum game. It is recommended to expand the scope of information reception and use a variety of tools to monitor chain, Twitter, financial apps and social information. Actively interact with valuable Twitter owners, pretend to provide value to get into the inside, learn and communicate. Make friends with wealthy people and increase your chances of making a fortune. Remember, vision and action are equally important!


Be cautious when buying coins, and be sure to think about the logic of the currency you buy. It is not the way to buy coins without expectations of rising prices, because there is no shortage of such currencies in the market. The current market rise is mostly due to Musk's acquisition of Twitter, so the logic of buying coins should be related to this. When buying currencies such as mina, mask or doge, it should be clear that you are buying strong expectations of rising prices and high cost-effectiveness, not other things. Don't act rashly, most losses are due to being too casual. Be sure to choose carefully to make a stable investment.


Don't buy blindly after selling. Be patient, control your hands, and wait for the best opportunity. Then shoot like a dragon, hit the target with one shot, and improve your winning rate. Opportunities will not be available all the time, nor will they be available every day, allowing you to make a huge profit. Generally, the next one will not appear immediately to make you a huge profit. Even if you feel that it has appeared, it is likely to be a trap.

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