The economic giant ship has started. How will the social wealth be swept away after the release of water?

Ren Zeping, a famous economist, recently said: "There is no other way except to release water." Once this statement came out, it was like throwing a stone to stir up waves, triggering heated discussions in the market. The subsequent release of one trillion ultra-long-term special treasury bonds by the government kicked off this "water release war". So, under this huge wave, how will we ordinary people deal with it?

Asset carnival, who will be the master of the ups and downs?

The asset market will usher in a carnival, and real estate, stocks, financial products and precious metals will usher in a wave of price increases. The crazy rise of gold is a lesson learned from the past, but many people can only sigh and miss the opportunity.

Inflation is coming, and people's livelihood is under pressure

With the implementation of the "water release" policy, prices will inevitably begin to rise. Daily consumer goods, water, electricity, oil and gas and other basic livelihood products will be affected, and the cost of living of ordinary people will rise sharply.

Wealth redistribution, the rich will get richer

In this "water release" feast, the rich will once again become the biggest winners. The assets in their hands will rise with the prosperity of the market, and the gap between the rich and the poor will be further widened.

Real estate recovery, just-in-time entry

The real estate market is expected to recover under the stimulation of the "water release" policy. This may be a good opportunity for just-in-time home buyers. But it should also be noted that the risks brought by high housing prices cannot be ignored.

The poor remain, and the predicament is difficult to change

However, for the bottom groups of society, the "water release" policy may not bring much change. They already lack sufficient assets to participate in this wealth feast, and the life pressure brought by inflation will only make them more difficult.

In this economic wave caused by "water release", some people are happy and some are worried. But in any case, we should keep a clear head, look at market changes rationally, and do our own asset allocation and risk management.

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