#Megadrop #新币挖矿 #美国4月CPI数据回落

When a person has survived the most difficult time, he will become very silent, give up all his fantasies, and it is also the time when he is truly reborn.

When many people are at their lowest point, they hope that someone can help them or comfort them at first, but in the end they find that even their biological parents can't do it.

You can try to live with your parents at home for a while when you can't find a job. It only takes two months and you will know that even the closest relatives can't survive in terms of "sharing adversity".

It may be verbal humiliation at first, and then it develops to a look that can make you understand what kind of waste you are in their eyes. After relatives learn about your situation, they comfort you on the surface that it's okay, but in fact they have mocked you hundreds of times in their hearts.

No matter how you climb out, you must remember that you can only rely on yourself, don't think about relying on anyone.

Asking for help is like swallowing a three-foot sword, relying on others is like going to the ninth heaven.

Climb out, and you will find that the essence of life is to experience surprise from cruelty and to be reborn from despair, so you must cherish the trough. Because at this time, everything around you is real, and you will see a lot of people and things in an instant. The real trough is a desert of humanity.

So many people will become more and more silent and more difficult to open their hearts after climbing out, because although it becomes stronger, it often becomes more broken.

In the history of philosophy, there is a paradox called the Ship of Theseus.

It means that if a ship sails on the sea and replaces it with new wood when it does not encounter damage to the hull, then until all the wood is not the original wood, is the ship still the original ship?

When people are in the trough period, they are like ships sailing on the sea, and they will encounter all kinds of damage, so that they have to replace the wood.

The distance between friends will make you replace the wood of loyalty,

The indifference of classmates will make you lose the wood of friendship,

The reproach of family members will make you replace the wood of dependence,

The gossip of relatives and friends will make you lose the wood of enthusiasm,

When you get out of the trough and sail to the other side of the sea, you can say that you have replaced everything that can be replaced, just like the ship of Theseus. Then is he still the same person at this time during the trough?It becomes more powerful, with stronger abilities and resources, and at the same time it becomes more broken, so it becomes particularly silent and no longer has any illusions about this world.