Today, a brother in the community asked me: There are 1 million in the cryptocurrency circle, and a big bull market is expected in 24 and 25 years. How can I make 10 times and get 10 million?

This is probably a question that many people think about. How to layout now, all in, and make a fortune in the next round. It can be seen that many people in the market are impetuous and lack sufficient respect for the market and the real world:

1. The market is reflexive, so it is difficult to predict. For example, if everyone expects a bull market in 24 and 25 years, there may not be a bull market, so you have to plan whether there is a bull market or not;

2. It is not difficult to make 10 times. The cycle is 7 years, and there is a chance to make 10 times the house, not to mention the more flexible currency. The difficulty lies in how to make millions or tens of millions under the premise of controllable risks and not losing much capital. There are several paths:

a. If you are willing to take risks, just gamble, find a coin to take, or bet on a trend to go all in. Many people in the coin circle also make money this way. You can get rich quickly, but you have to bear the risk of buying the wrong thing, betting on the wrong thing, and psychological pressure.

b. Realization of ability and resources:

If you are a second-level big player, you can win by gambling.

If you have the ability to mine alpha, you can bet on high-odds projects, first-level and airdrops. There are many examples of such people. There is a high probability that there will be new ways of playing in the future, and you must be able to seize them;

If you have a quick mind, you can quickly study the rules and see the essence, plus a certain amount of technology

You have resources and make every effort;

If you have a strong background and experience, you can go to VC and project parties;

If you have nothing to worry about and are bold, you can do the dishes yourself and take the money away;

In short, your income is a reflection of your ability. Of course, luck and courage are also part of your ability, and nothing comes in vain. However, it is still recommended not to pin your income on good luck. The reality and the market are cruel, so practice more internal skills.

Making money is not a goal that you can achieve by setting it, but a natural accessory after you have achieved your ability. Less fantasy of getting rich easily, more steadfastness and hard work, the goal may be closer to you.