Once due to the wrong operation of the project party, the pre-sale token SLERF was burned.

The project party actively remedied and returned almost all the SOL of the pre-sale users.

But the price of SLERF did not take off again😂,

After the launch, it once rose to 1.5u, and recently it can only fluctuate around 0.3.

Although it has not returned to zero, the possibility of going out of the circle again is very low.

I bought at 0.4 and sold at 0.8, which is also a small participation.

Originally, I wanted to get 10 times and then sell it, but I gave up rationally in the end.

The pattern of the end has no good results😂

What tokens do you have that are diamond hands, but they return to zero in the end, or no longer have waves?

#slerf #sol