The first pinned content is this video. You can see that the time span of the strategy recorded in the video is from March 12 to April, and the lowest point of this round of plunge was directly predicted on March 12. During the recording process, we kept switching from the software chat interface to the Binance chart to explain our strategy. There was no cutting in the switching. It is impossible to make a screen recording of a long order with this time span and switch to Binance to see the trend at that time.

This is the video link, click it to play: Shorting at the highest point of the bull market, making a profit of tens of millions, and successfully buying back at the lowest point, video, click here

The analysis we provide to everyone for free is too accurate, making some unscrupulous bloggers jealous and maliciously smearing us. Then, some Baidu Ares took advantage of the fact that we have attracted everyone's attention and their traffic has skyrocketed. Many people don't know or trust us yet, but we have huge traffic and took advantage of this turmoil to gain traffic by smearing us. So recently there have been some malicious articles smearing us. I have read the articles and they all say some nonsense. For example, our market analysis is too accurate and it is fake, or we make too much money and it is fake. These are all unfounded and unsubstantiated smears based on rumors and evidence. You can take a closer look at these articles. They are all speculations and rumors. None of them has real evidence, nor is there any logic. There is no smear on our trading profitability. They are all ridiculous smears. Anyone who knows me a little better can understand

Let's take a look at this set of comparison pictures. This is an article I randomly selected from my articles. You can see that if the article is modified, a modification sign will appear next to the article's sending time. As shown in the figure below, if the article is modified, a modification sign will appear next to the publishing time, and the publishing time will be automatically corrected to the latest modified time.

The following pictures are the orders we publicly released to tens of thousands of fans. There is no sign of article modification. I only modify non-market analysis articles, such as showing profits this time and interacting with fans. I may modify these articles, but I know that there will be villains who deliberately discredit me for modifying market analysis articles. Therefore, all my market analysis articles will never be modified even if I find typos. You can go and see all my articles that analyze the market and give points and order operations. There are no modifications to the time points of the icons, and they are all pre-emptive shots released before the market comes out‼ ️

This was the biggest and last long order at the end of our bull market. At that time, Bitcoin hit a record high of 69,000 and immediately plummeted by 10,000 points. 400,000 people in the entire network were liquidated. After the drop, the entire network was stunned. We immediately issued a statement to react that this was a violent wash, so that everyone could enter the market with long orders.

This is the long order we made before the big crash, and then we turned from a long in a bull market to a short position that successfully escaped the top at the highest point. This is the amazing thing‼ ️We are not blindly shouting shorts, but decisively escaping the top from a long in a bull market to a short position. This is the real technical analysis, not just shouting long or short‼ ️

In the first picture below, you can go and have a look at the trend chart. When the market was at its highest point on March 13, we publicly shouted that the moment of strangulation of bulls was coming‼ ️And we accurately predicted the intention of the dog dealer behind it. The article not only tells everyone that it will fall, but also the specific trend of the decline is divided into 3 to 4 waves of decline, layer by layer of gradient to lure bulls into the market and then harvest. It is clearly stated, and in the second picture below, this analysis was repeated on March 14 and 15 before the official big drop began‼ ️I would like to ask, if he is not an old trader and old trader with accurate analysis ability of the market, he would at most mention the fall in one article, and our articles from the highest point of the bull market onwards have been repeating this point of view‼ ️Not only did we predict all the single articles correctly, but all our articles read in succession for two months. All the logic and views on the prediction of the market are completely consistent‼ ️

This is the strongest of the first wave. Under the bull market's surging trend, when all the shorts were wiped out, we publicly called for short selling, and directly shorted at the highest point, without any mistake. The article and internal strategy were completely synchronized. We shorted at the highest point at the top of the bull market, and after shorting once to stop profit, we were very sure to take it back the second time to continue shorting‼ ️

This is the second wave of short orders after our first wave of short orders made a profit of 170,000 yuan.

This is the long order we put in the plummeting trend after the second round of plummeting. The exact date was directly stated in advance. This is the time on the article published on the 20th, which clearly stated that the market would usher in a big surge on the 21st, which is one day later‼ ️Then it directly surged by 10% on the 21st, and our article also predicted a decline on the 23rd and directly predicted that the top of the decline after the rise would be in the 3460 to 3600 area. The subsequent surge highest point was in the 3580 area, which was also publicly predicted by us completely accurately. Later, we also strictly followed the analysis sent to everyone in our article to enter the short order in the real market‼ ️We anticipated all the market conditions 5 days in advance, and did not talk nonsense. We did all the market analysis sent to everyone‼ ️

I have just said that after we predicted the surge on the 21st, we also predicted that the top of the surge would be between 3460 and 3600. We also simultaneously sent you an article and made a short order at this position. Not only did we successfully predict the surge, we also successfully predicted where the top of the surge would be and confidently entered the market with a real short order. This is the true unity of knowledge and action‼ ️If you are not a top technical trader and you have not done your own analysis very carefully, would you dare to make orders for your own articles like this⁉️

After this perfect long and short double kill, we stopped publishing profits for two days‼ ️At that time, there was a wave of rise, which fell to 3258 in the above picture and then rose to 3680. We gave up this wave of long orders because of continuous profit taking and did not make orders frequently, so there is no profit chart for this round of rise in our article. If I am a fake technical permanent profit blogger and all the previous articles are fake, why don’t I make a hypothesis during this wave of rise that I also took this wave of market⁉️

The profits of all our articles are predicted and analyzed with points in the public publication, and we will show you the profit chart only if we have made profits from holding positions. What we want to do is to be the top conscience in the industry, and it must be absolutely true‼ ️

We did not make any long orders for this wave of rise, but we published a public article predicting that the top would be in the 3680 area. This article directly quoted our judgment 7 days ago that the long position trapped area of ​​3680 was a pressure point, and the idea of ​​the article in half a month was consistent and could not be faked‼ ️The highest point of this wave was publicly predicted to be 3680, and after the market surged, it also hit the highest point of 3683 without any error, and it hit 3681 twice in a row. We also published a public article predicting this wave of short orders, and the highest point was accurate to the single digit, and we took in all the market without any deviation‼ ️

The above is all our predictions for the whole month of March that we successfully escaped the top of the bull market and made tens of millions of profits by shorting. The next article will give you an update on April. The picture below is our public prediction of the plunge on April 4. Similarly, the public article gave the highest pressure point for shorting, around 3420 to 3460, and the highest pin was 3450. It was also an accurate prediction of the highest point of the plunge to enter the short position in advance, and it echoed all the articles in the previous month and cannot be falsified‼ ️Our strength does not allow any smearing or questioning‼ ️

This is the summary for March. I will update you in April in the next article‼ ️

The summary of the profit articles in April has been written, so I will not write it in this article to avoid the article being too long and affecting everyone's thinking logic so that everyone can read it logically.

#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #GameStop带动Meme板块 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿