Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In our previous topic, we discussed that the halving process is over and what will happen next. Now, I warn you about Telegram groups. Do not trust those who want to include you in their groups with money. If these people were truly successful, they wouldn't feel the need to ask for money. Remember, they are trying to compensate for their own losses and failures through you.

Please be careful. They may show pictures or past trades of their success for advertising purposes, but they are hiding unsuccessful investments from you. Never send money to anyone, I strongly warn you about this. These people may impress you, but they cannot account for their losses behind them.

Follow us. We will set up our own Telegram group as soon as possible and it will be completely free. Everything will be transparent; We will move forward with our losses and profits. For now, just wait and don't forget to follow and like us.#Bitcoin $BTC