Today, Binance Web3 launched a new task of UXlink. I started this project a month ago. I have been doing it for a month. I have earned a lot of UXUY from multiple accounts. Basically, each account has synthesized NFT. I didn't expect that UXUY will be launched on Binance Web3 today. You can claim 25 every day, and you can get 224 in 7 consecutive days. Hurry up and get it, but the amount of this is too different from UXlink's 2049 task. Now the 2049 event has not ended. If you complete the task in 10 minutes, you can get more than 1,000 UXUY. So this event on Binance is just a drop in the bucket compared to its official 2049 event. Portal: The task is very simple. Follow, link wallet, and forward content. That's all. Hurry up and take action. Good fortune is coming.