From the overall trend of the day, the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum is still in a volatile downward trend, and the price continues to fall under pressure from the top

The short-term pressure of Bitcoin is still around 61800 mentioned in the morning. If it can stabilize here, then there is no problem in participating in the short-term long position to get 500-800 points. If it cannot stabilize upward, then short orders can also be entered. There is no problem looking down at 500-800

From the trend of Ethereum, the key pressure above is 3020, which is the long-short replacement point in recent times. Today, the highest price of Ethereum is also under pressure to fall here. The short-term pressure is near the four-hour MA7 daily moving average of 2990, and the bottom short-term support is 2970 and the four-hour lower track 2930 support

Overall, the price is still under pressure at a high level. If it cannot break through the key replacement point above the stabilization at night, then there is still a possibility of exploring the bottom again!