Prom Testnet Stats

yo fellow Prom frens, have a great Sunday all!

We keep talking about the Prom testnet, but what about the stats?

Here with some interesting numbers.

Let’s dive into metrics together 🧵👇

Unique Wallets:

The Prom Testnet has attracted over 646,000 unique wallets, showcasing the diversity and resilience of Prom’s network. Each wallet contributes to the strength and growth of Prom’s ecosystem. Exciting to see such vibrant participation!

Total Transactions Amount:

The Prom Testnet has processed an impressive total of over 2.5 million transactions, showcasing the active usage and engagement within the ecosystem. Each transaction represents real-world interactions and demonstrates the growing adoption of Prom’s technology. Exciting times ahead for Prom’s community!

Daily Stats:

On average, the Prom Testnet processes 62,540 transactions daily, demonstrating consistent engagement and activity within Prom’s ecosystem. This steady flow reflects the ongoing interest and usage of Prom’s technology.

Daily Peak Transaction Power:

Prom’s testnet’s highest daily transaction peak reached 201,600, showcasing the scalability and robustness of Prom’s network. This milestone is a testament to the platform’s capability to handle increasing demand.

Building Blocks of Strength:

The Prom Testnet has forged over 530,000 blocks, showcasing the depth and resilience of Prom’s blockchain. Each block represents a milestone in our journey, highlighting the continuous progress and capacity of Prom’s ecosystem.

Total Gas Units Utilized:

The Prom Testnet has efficiently utilized a substantial 288.66 billion gas units, highlighting the dynamic activity and efficiency of Prom’s network.

This impressive figure underscores the robustness and resilience of Prom’s ecosystem.

PROM Gas Consumption:

Prom’s testnet has seen 13,843.57 PROM spent on gas, revealing the economic dynamics and operational efficiency within Prom’s ecosystem.

This expenditure highlights the value and activity of Prom’s network.