【2024.5.3 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis】

Today, the big cake is still going up as usual. After reaching the first pressure level of 59441 last night, everyone was asked to reduce their long positions and continue to hold the remaining positions. The current market has broken the first pressure level and is still moving up. Today's rebound target/pressure level will first look at the two positions of 60725-62500. When the long positions are near the second pressure level, you can continue to reduce your positions. There will be non-agricultural data at 8:30 tonight, so keep an eye on it! #大盘走势

This wave of rebound BTC will only start to rise if it stands above 62500 for 4 hours. Otherwise, it will only be a 4-hour rebound market, and it cannot be regarded as the end of this wave of decline!

If the price does not break the two positions of 59030-58400 today, it will continue to rebound in the 4 hours, and there will be opportunities to get on board with multiple orders. If it falls below 58400, the 4-hour rebound will fail and the market will turn bearish. Pay attention to the support levels below 57530-56730-55790! #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Ether is also like Bitcoin, with a small-scale rise and rebound in 4 hours. Today's rebound target/pressure level is around 3036-3120. This rebound will only start to rise after standing above 3120 for 4 hours, otherwise it is just a 4-hour rebound and cannot be regarded as the end of this wave of decline!

If it does not fall below 2988-2958 today, it will continue to rebound in 4 hours, and there will be multiple orders. If it falls below 2958, the 4-hour rebound will fail and the market will turn bearish. Pay attention to the support level below 2931-2891-2842! #ETH