People who will get rich sooner or later:

1. Those who show off their cars and houses in their circle of friends,

No need to look at their faces, they generally won't achieve great things.

As Lu Yao° said:

Common sense of physics tells us that

drying will lose moisture,

and refrigeration is the best way to keep fresh.

So, don't show it,

it will only make your happiness,

deplete too quickly!

2. People who can achieve great things:

Don't show off your intelligence, don't show off your talents, and don't pass on your skills.

As Wang Zhiwen° said in this classic line:

People should learn to hide two things, one is your thoughts, and the other is your skills. <

Thoughts should be hidden in your heart,

Once you say it,

it will become a story in other people's mouths.

If you don't guard your heart,

it will be hurt sooner or later.

You should also hide your skills.

Skills are like sharp edges, a kind of thorn,

which can easily hurt others.

People are jealous,

and would rather accept the success of strangers,

but it is difficult to tolerate the excellence of those around them.

If you don't know how to hide,

you will definitely attract countless open and hidden arrows.

3. With a little cleverness, you can make a little money. Only the wise ones can make a fortune quietly. Have you discovered such a fact, <

Awesome people basically do great things quietly.

The awesome people around you,


suddenly announced their marriage, suddenly appreciated in value,

suddenly bought a new house, suddenly became rich,

and then made everyone drop their jaws!

As the saying goes: Things succeed with secrecy, and fail with disclosure.

So before you decide to do something,

don't tell anyone,

even the gods,

do it quietly, and talk about it after you succeed.

This is not metaphysics,

but the inevitable law of the development of things.

4. Only small streams can make a gurgling sound,

and big rivers are silent and rushing for thousands of miles. The great rivers are silent, but they rush for thousands of miles.


Smart people know how to do things in a low-key manner.

As the saying goes:

Corn always bows its head, and the wise are always gentle.

When walking in the world, it is not wrong to be low-key.

Many times,

the more arrogant you are, the easier it is to fall.

Only by lowering your posture and bending down at the right time can you resist the wind and rain of life, and the road ahead will become wider and wider.

Smart people know how to keep a low profile,

hide their edge and do things in a low-key manner,

so that they can avoid the open and secret arrows of those villains,

and also let themselves calm down and do things well,


Before destruction comes pride; before honor comes humility