Cryptocurrency Trading with Artificial Intelligence: How Did It Earn $1,000 a Day?

Is it possible to earn $1,000 a day in cryptocurrencies with artificial intelligence ChatGPT?

Cryptocurrency phenomenon and investor Rekt Fencer explained in his post on Twitter how he made over 71 thousand dollars in profit from cryptocurrencies thanks to the strategy he created with artificial intelligence.

How did he do it?

According to the videos shared by Rekt Fencer, he first integrated Bollinger Bands on the chart. Stating that it seems simple, the researcher stated that the results are quite good. Rekt, who copied the source topic in TradingView data and gave it a name, states that he chose the strategy easily.

The investor proceeds with a very simple method and focuses on opening a long position when the price is above the Bollinger band and a short position when it is below. After these processes, Rekt converted and saved the source code to v5 via TradingViev and then moved towards artificial intelligence.

The stages are stated as follows:

convert the code to v5:

➢ Click on “More”

➢ Select “Convert code…”

➢ Click “Apply”

Repeat 2 times to upgrade from v3 to v5.

Rekt entered the strategy conditions by writing the source code to ChatGPT and asked the artificial intelligence to produce a strategy according to his wishes. The investor then took the given code, pasted it into TradingView and saved it, and solved the errors again with the help of artificial intelligence.

The investor announced that he made a profit of one thousand dollars a day in this way, and with 35 transactions, he earned a total of 71 thousand dollars with a huge rate of 7.151%:

Sharing is for informational purposes only and is not investment advice.

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