There is definitely no expectation of a big rebound in the short and medium term. Maintaining high-level fluctuations will give Ethereum and copycats opportunities, so the focus in the short and medium term is not on Bitcoin.

Ethereum will see its performance after the HK spot ETF is listed tomorrow. If it continues to strengthen, the overall weakness of the short-term market will be eased. At present, the focus of the market has indeed shifted to the Ethereum series. The rebound height does not meet the bull market expectations and the current ultra-low gas has become the reason for many people to choose to enter the market. It went down to the previous low position of 3100 points. It is conservative to see whether it will break the support in the short term. 3100 points-3200 points have become the recent heavy chip area. Even if it goes down, there will not be many spot traders who will cut their losses.

No. 2 interest rate decision. No. 3 non-agricultural. Pay close attention. The volatility will be very large. In terms of trend, the market currently does not have a huge short-term explosive negative problem, unless the United States raises interest rates again. The mid-line etc will be halved in June. If it falls again in the near future, you can start to deploy in batches. There are also fan tokens. Fan tokens have not been pulled much this year. Covering positions at low levels.

I made a mistake today. I took 10,000u and vowed to find a gold dog. In the end, I only had 4,000u left. I will continue to test the water with the remaining 4,000u.

Don't be too pessimistic. The darkness before dawn