It has been 4 days since the market rose to the middle track of the BOLL track on April 23, reminding us that it would fluctuate and pull back when it encountered pressure.

The market experienced a brief correction in these four days, but because of this correction, the market is again discussing a sharp drop in the market.

Is this really the case? Today we will analyze Bitcoin and Ethereum at the same time.

First, let’s look at the daily chart of Bitcoin.

This "slightly downward sloping parallel channel" was drawn a long time ago.

We can see that the callback a while ago hit the parallel channel and then went up, which shows that the parallel channel is established.

Parallel channels are used to observe support and pressure. The market will not always run in it, and will eventually choose a direction to break through. Which direction it will break through depends on us judging the strength of the bulls and bears, which side is stronger, and which direction the opportunity will break through.

If you don’t understand this pattern, and see that the highs and lows of the market are constantly decreasing, you will think that the market will go down and that this is a downward trend. This is precisely the confusing point of the “slightly downward sloping parallel channel”.

From the channel we can see that although the price is constantly breaking the previous low, the volume of each round of decline is gradually shrinking, indicating that the short-selling force is actually weakening.

The amplitude of each break below the previous low is actually not large, which also shows that the short-selling force is not strong.

From the above clues, we can conclude that the short-selling force in the parallel channel has been weakening, so weak that the downward volume is almost invisible, and the long forces have not yet exerted their strength.

There is actually not much to say about Ethereum's daily chart, because we have talked too much about it in the past few days. If you want to see the details, you can read the articles in the past few days.

Ethereum's daily decline in recent times has been gradually shrinking, and it has not broken new lows. The highs and lows are rising. These clues indicate that the short-selling force is exhausted and the bulls are starting to take action.

Whether it is Bitcoin or Ethereum, the daily chart shows clearly that the short-selling force is weakening or even failing.

But in comparison between Ethereum and Bitcoin, it is obvious that Ethereum’s air force is weaker and its bulls are stronger. This clue is very critical and makes the direction of our layout clearer.

The market analysis is done. It is actually that simple, because the market will not rise or fall every day. Most of the time it is in a state of oscillation and accumulation of energy.

What we need to master is how to judge whether the market will continue to fall or start to rise after the shock ends.

Through my studies at our district office, I analyzed the clues of the oscillation range and it is very clear whether the next breakthrough will be upward or downward. I have also listed the clues for everyone.

If you want to make big money and get big gains, you need to make judgments in advance before the market changes direction, and make arrangements in advance when you see opportunities. Only in this way can you make profits from the entire market.

Recently, many people see that the market is falling again and are worried about a big drop. They have no idea when is the right time to buy. They are worried about being trapped if they buy and the price falls, and they are also worried about missing out if they don’t buy.

Most people missed the opportunity because of this hesitation and gathering.

But if you master the method and can understand the future trend of the market, can you seize many opportunities? When others are confused, you already know how to layout, and when others are chasing the rise, you are already making money, and you only need to wait for the sell signal.

If you want to earn what others dare not even think about in this industry and change your destiny, then you need to grasp the entire market situation. If you want to grasp the entire market situation, you need to understand the market situation.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before you start learning and following the professional development. Why not learn before the opportunity is fully opened? If you wait until the bull market breaks out, you will miss a lot.

I am Qiqi. If you want to delve deeper into the cryptocurrency circle and can’t find a clue, and want to quickly get started, please consult me.#BOME #Meme代币 #DOGEUSDT $SOL $PEPE