Author: Alfred, Duoduo

1. What is Intention?

Since Paradigm explained the concept of intent in "Intent-Based Architectures and Their Risks" published on June 1, 2023, "Intent-Centric" has become an important concept and development direction of Web3.

1. Definition of Intent

In Paradigm's definition, "Intent is a set of signed declarative constraints that allow users to outsource transaction creation to a third party without giving up full control over the transaction parties." Simply put, intent is goal-oriented, weakening or ignoring the implementation process. For example, I want D and am willing to pay A as a cost, without the need to perform the A-B-C-D process operation, and outsourcing the intermediate links to a third party. In abstract terms, the declarative paradigm is centered on intent, while Web3's previous transactions or operations were mostly imperative paradigms.

2. Intent-centric significance: Web3’s “1995 moment”

The early development of computers began in the era of the imperative paradigm, which required users to interact and operate through command lines, placing high professional requirements on the use of computers and limiting the development of large-scale applications and technology. However, with the release of Windows 95, graphical user interfaces and browsers were introduced to computer operating systems, greatly lowering the user threshold and increasing the number of computer users from less than 50,000 to hundreds of millions. This moment of change is called the "1995 moment" of the Internet, which marked a fundamental change in the user interface, allowing ordinary people to easily access and use the Internet.

Similarly, as Web2 matures, many intent-centric products have become commonplace for users. For example, when taking a Didi taxi, the user's intention is to "get from point A to point B", and how to match drivers, optimize routes, settle fees, and provide information for both parties are all implemented by the platform. However, in the current Web3, users still face complexity in interactive operations, such as the series of steps involved in purchasing an NFT. If you have an intent-centric product, user operations will be greatly simplified.

In the world of Web3, by introducing more intuitive, user-friendly interfaces and operating processes, we can expect a breakthrough similar to the "Internet 1995 Moment", which will enable hundreds of millions of new users to easily access and use Web3, further promoting large-scale technology adoption and industry development. This change will greatly promote the popularization and development of the Web3 ecosystem, making blockchain technology closer to the daily use of ordinary users, thereby achieving widespread acceptance and application of technology.

3. Key points to achieve your intention

1Focus on results rather than process

Intent items should allow users to clearly state their intentions for transactions and operations through declarations rather than specific execution steps.

(2) Execution of the entrustment

The Intent Project provides a mechanism that allows users to delegate the execution of intent to the system, smart contracts, or third-party service providers. Whether it is automatic or manual execution, the execution process should be consistent with the user's original intention and be able to provide sufficient flexibility and optimization space where appropriate.

(3) The results are verifiable

In the blockchain world, intent projects ensure that the results of transactions or operations are verifiable and traceable so that users and relevant parties can clearly understand and verify the execution of intent, ensuring that the final result meets the user's expectations.

2. Overview of dappOS fundamentals

1. Introduction to dappOS

dappOS is an intent execution network that creates a two-sided market to turn intent into on-chain results: on the supply side, service providers pledge collateral and choose to run one or more execution services. On the demand side, it enables developers to find solutions to meet user intent.

2. DappOS underlying mechanism: Optimistic Minimum Stake (OMS)

In terms of the underlying mechanism of the network, dappOS has introduced Optimistic Minimum Staking (OMS). OMS requires each task to be associated with a predefined value and potential compensation in the event of failure, allowing tasks to be executed before the results are verified. If a task fails, the network penalizes the responsible service provider through a consensus process, ensuring that either the task submitted by the user is successfully executed or the user receives a pre-specified compensation, which significantly improves the efficiency and versatility of the network.

The OMS of dappOS and the AVS of EigenLayer have certain similarities in technical structure. The Service provider of dappOS is similar to the Operator in Eigenlayer. The main difference is that Eigenlayer focuses on general scenarios, such as DA, oracle, ZK processor, etc.; dappOS is more oriented to intent-centric task-related scenarios, and stipulates that each intent has a certain liquidation value, so that as long as the stake exceeds the liquidation value, the system is safe and efficient.

3. Application scenarios of dappOS

At present, dappOS has many application scenarios, for example:

(1) Unified Account

dappOS has a unified account compatible with the intention execution network. Similar to centralized exchanges, the assets therein can be used in any dApp on the integrated chain, and fees can be paid with most mainstream tokens, that is, when the user's assets are distributed on various blockchains, the user can still achieve simultaneous control of accounts on different chains by signing.

At the same time, the dappOS unified account realizes a flexible external interaction method. Any application that can interact with an externally owned account (EOA) can also interact through the unified account using a highly scalable execution interface and custom service logic.

(2) Intent Assets

The intent assets launched by dappOS will enable seamless use of different forms of assets in different scenarios. For example, dappOS will issue intentUSD as an intent asset for the US dollar stablecoin, which can be used as USDT when the user needs to use USDT, and as USDC when USDC is needed, and automatically earns income when it is idle in the account. This type of asset solves the biggest scenario problem of stablecoins and LSD assets, and makes it unnecessary for new users to understand the difference between homogeneous assets such as USDC/USDT. In short,

Simply put, the intentional assets of dappOS can become the "Yu'ebao" in Web3. It uses the intentional execution network of dappOS to handle the complex details behind it, which will further improve the efficiency of digital asset use and lower the threshold for use.

(3) Real-time dApp contract interaction

​​DappOS's intention execution network provides an excellent execution framework for real-time interaction with dApps. The framework allows users to achieve seamless transition from the initial state to the final state with a simple signature. The traditional implementation process of many intentions includes many on-chain operations such as cross-chain, asset conversion, and authorization contracts. These operations are essentially means rather than the user's purpose; the real-time interactive execution framework of dappOS allows users to not care about these intermediate operations, and can directly achieve their goals with one signature, thereby optimizing the user experience.

In addition, through the design of mechanisms such as OMS, the real-time dapp interaction provided by dappOS can also ensure that all operations in the entire process meet the decentralization and security standards of the blockchain, while also ensuring the efficiency and low cost of operations. This method of simplifying complex blockchain operations based on user intentions not only greatly improves user convenience, but also promotes the application and development of a wider range of blockchain technologies.

3. Advantages of dappOS

(1) Innovative underlying mechanism design

As the infrastructure of the intent track, the underlying mechanism OMS of dappOS is specially designed for the intent scenario. This mechanism greatly improves the execution efficiency of intent tasks while ensuring user security. It can be said that the importance of dappOS's OMS to the intent track is equivalent to the importance of Eigenlayer's AVS to the Restaking track. Such an underlying mechanism enables dappOS to occupy the core ecological position of the intent track infrastructure.

(2) Rich application scenarios and first-mover advantage

The intention execution network of dappOS currently has many application scenarios, including unified accounts, intention assets, real-time dApp interaction, etc., which are rare in the intention track that is still in the potential explosion period. Compared with many other infrastructure projects in the intention track that are still in the concept and development stage, these application scenarios enable dappOS to cooperate with many current Web3 projects, expand its own ecological network and iterate one step ahead, form a first-mover advantage, and become the leader in the infrastructure of the intention track.

3. dappOS Ecosystem Development

Since the second half of 2023, the dappOS ecosystem has begun to accelerate its development. Since intent-centric interactions are easier for users to use, integrating dappos intent infrastructure can often bring considerable growth to projects. Therefore, many leading projects and emerging projects have cooperated with dappOS, such as Manta, GMX, BENQI, KiloEx, etc.

For example, after KiloEx integrated dappOS on April 16, 2024, its trading volume increased by 217% and DAU increased by 3,000% in one week.

4. Financing Information

dappOS has an excellent financing lineup and has received support from first-tier investment institutions including Polychain, Binance Labs, Sequoia, IDG, Hashkey, etc. Polychain, the lead investor in the A round, has performed strongly in this round of investment, investing in the re-staking leader EigenLayer and the modular leader Celestia. Dappos is a project that it intends to lay out in the track.

V. Conclusion

With the development of blockchain underlying technology and the gradual maturity of various projects, future development will shift from infrastructure-oriented to application and user-friendly, and intention-centered projects will become the focus of the entire industry. dappOS has solid underlying technology, excellent investment institutions such as Polychain and Binance Labs, and resource support, as well as expanding head projects (such as GMX) joining the ecosystem. In the future, Dappos may become the next leader in the intention track, opening the moment of introducing large-scale applications and traffic.